Makes perfect sense. He's an example of fighting/standing up to the opposition. What non-Democrat is going to fight election fraud after this?But Rudy is out about $147 million?
Doesn't make sense?
How long are the jail sentences?Wisconsin Judge Rules 2020 Election Officials Broke the Law
Editorial Staff
January 18, 2022
A judge has handed down a bombshell ruling in the key political battleground state of Wisconsin.
The elections commission in the state is accused of openly violating state law to give Joe Biden an edge during the 2020 presidential election.
The agency allegedly authorized a significant increase in the use of ballot drop boxes, despite lacking the appropriate authority to do so.
Waukesha County Circuit Court Judge Michael Bohren dropped the hammer on election officials for breaking the law.
Biden only defeated President Trump in Wisconsin by approximately 20,000 votes.
During the upcoming midterm elections, Judge Bohren ruled that ballot drop boxes and ballot harvesting violate state law and cannot be used.
More from The Federalist:
Yes its very obvious...and quite frankly--- I am surprised at the lack of a proper response by the good citizens and patriots of the United States..This report from 2014 investigates the number of non-citizens voting in US elections, specifically the 2008 and 2010 elections. The estimate is based on surveys of voters in both the 2008 and 2010 elections and shows that approximately 6.8% of non-citizens, including most notably illegals, vote in elections.
Peer-reviewed study about non-citizens voting in US elections
That vote swings the results in Arizona, New Mexico, and Nevada every four years. So no surprise Dementia Joe loves open borders.
Things aren’t bad enough yet. The pain of inaction doesn’t outweigh the pain of action yet. Basically until we are missing meals, the lights aren’t on and roving gangs of “protesters” are looting and burning nothing will change.Yes its very obvious...and quite frankly--- I am surprised at the lack of a proper response by the good citizens and patriots of the United States..
I’m fearful we will see that, if and when trump win in November., especially the last item you mentioned..Things aren’t bad enough yet. The pain of inaction doesn’t outweigh the pain of action yet. Basically until we are missing meals, the lights aren’t on and roving gangs of “protesters” are looting and burning nothing will change.
I’m fearful we will see that, if and when trump win in November., especially the last item you mentioned..
This report from 2014 investigates the number of non-citizens voting in US elections, specifically the 2008 and 2010 elections. The estimate is based on surveys of voters in both the 2008 and 2010 elections and shows that approximately 6.8% of non-citizens, including most notably illegals, vote in elections.
Peer-reviewed study about non-citizens voting in US elections
That vote swings the results in Arizona, New Mexico, and Nevada every four years. So no surprise Dementia Joe loves open borders.
I’m gonna disagree. Things will never get bad enough. In my opinion, Americans will lay down and capitulate long before they stand up and fight. Can’t sacrifice that job, boat and truck.Things aren’t bad enough yet. The pain of inaction doesn’t outweigh the pain of action yet. Basically until we are missing meals, the lights aren’t on and roving gangs of “protesters” are looting and burning nothing will change.
I’m gonna disagree. Things will never get bad enough. In my opinion, Americans will lay down and capitulate long before they stand up and fight. Can’t sacrifice that job, boat and truck.
A two cent tax on tea was enough to birth a nation, but trillions in taxes, a stolen election and a government sponsored invasion apparently aren’t enough to want to save it.
Waiting until it actually gets bad enough will be far too late.
THEN they will create an incredible fear about some new contagious disease, create massive division and societal disfunction, then create a magical cure.Oh yeah? Just you wait until the Fed abuses its power, suppresses free speech, arrests political opponents, prompts protests, plants agents among the protesters, pushes protesters to go into the Capital, opens the doors to the Capital to propagate that event, arrests protesters who walk inside the open doors, jails them for months and years without trial and treats them worse than some Turkish jail!!
Wait to see what happens THEN!!
I'm told that when they come for guns, THAT will be the last straw. Whatever. It's over. We had a great run.Oh yeah? Just you wait until the Fed abuses its power, suppresses free speech, arrests political opponents, prompts protests, plants agents among the protesters, pushes protesters to go into the Capital, opens the doors to the Capital to propagate that event, arrests protesters who walk inside the open doors, jails them for months and years without trial and treats them worse than some Turkish jail!!
Wait to see what happens THEN!!
Or make you take an experimental shot in order to keep your job. That'll be the.... waitI'm told that when they come for guns, THAT will be the last straw. Whatever. It's over. We had a great run.
The entire country has allowed itself to become programmed into a pissing contest where my party can do no harm and their party can do no good.Yep. Round and round we go. Democrats create a crisis to sow a little chaos. Republicans get all indignant and act like they’re really gonna do something, get to the bottom of it and hold someone accountable. There’s a hearing or two, then poof!!! Nothing happens. Until the next crisis. Rinse repeat.
The game has become so transparent that only fools or idiots believe any of the politicians in Washington have any interest in doing anything meaningful for the country and it’s citizens.
Geez, there is no possible mechanism that can verify transactions like that, is there?If we're going to continue to use mail-in ballots, then each ballot should have a unique serial number paired with a social security number and a driver's license or voter ID number so that the ballot itself can be verified, and that the voter can be verified as a US citizen. Until that happens cheating will continue. Each voter should get a receipt for their vote so that they can see if it's been changed after the fact.
148,000 mail-in ballots not signature verified - contrary to the requirements for such votes under Georgia law - in Fulton County (Dimbo stronghold) and in a state decided by 11,799 votes?
148,000 mail-in ballots not signature verified - contrary to the requirements for such votes under Georgia law - in Fulton County (Dimbo stronghold) and in a state decided by 11,799 votes?