**** all those politicians to high hellI heard 2020 was fine. Safe. Honest.
It is the 2022 midterms we have to worry about
**** all those politicians to high hellI heard 2020 was fine. Safe. Honest.
It is the 2022 midterms we have to worry about
Having controlled emotion does seem rare. You and I do have gym access to physically channel that. I can cool off if I’m feeling frustrated by going to the garage and lifting/cardio. That is true.
I could never figure out why some let the petty stuff get to them. I know it’s an annoyance but there is a point where one has to just build up a mental fortitude and move forward. If **** were to hit the fan, I’d want mentally and emotionally stable people in group. People who can logically rationalize and put aside petty differences to collectively build up a stable group/community. Sounds robotic by nature but that’s how things get done.
I’m more worried about supplies for the country than I am the culture aspect of it.
There is too many ego’s and people wanting to be right. In the heat of the moment, their ego makes the moment seem bigger than it is.That's just having a good EQ or emotional intelligence. Improvise, adapt, and overcome. That was the standard back in our day I thought but in this crazy new world we live in, it's like Flogged making a rational point or FibsaLot criticizing ShitsHisPants.
Same here.
Nothing to see here, move along. The 2020 elections were 110% clean.
True The Vote releases first video of Illegal Ballot Trafficking in Georgia
AS CFP reported a few weeks ago, True the Vote has compiled evidence of organized ballot trafficking in six states. In Georgia, they allege there were 242 traffickers who made a total of 5,662 trips to ballot drop boxes between the early morning hours of 12AM and 5AM, potentially unloading hundreds of thousands of illegally harvested ballots over the course of several weeks.
On Friday, VoterGA’s David Cross shared the first example of True the Vote’s surveillance footage from Gwinnett County. Video appears to show illegal ballot harvester in Gwinnett County on Oct 12, 2020. He fans out ballots, takes a photo, and places them in the dropbox. It’s been reported that illegal ballot harvesters were paid $10 per ballot and had to show proof.
Life is too short to stress over stupid stuff. I feel this is why mental health and suicide are rising. We’re stressing over stupid stuff that has no impact on our lives other than to stroke our ego and make us feel good for the day
Couldn't agree more and speaking of that:
A beautiful, successful woman who apparently was so infatuated with what anonymous trolls & society thought of her that she took her own life. Who knows went on behind closed doors and what demons she may have been fighting, but geez, this infatuation with image in the social media age is out of control. Unreal.
I think John Candy and Chris Farley were registered voters in 2020.Yeah but but every vote counts no matter what or who it is. Legal or not. Real or not. It's democracy man. Just keep counting.
The ghost of Joseph Stalin.
It’s funny when you step back and see how most of our personal problems are easily corrected and just how small some of our daily problems actually are.
Life is too short to stress over stupid stuff. I feel this is why mental health and suicide are rising. We’re stressing over stupid stuff that has no impact on our lives other than to stroke our ego and make us feel good for the day
21. Dumb.It's "Vladimir" numbnuts. If you're going to try to dunk on someone, at least know how to spell their name correctly.
You guys seem so easy to hoodwink by Vladamir Steeltime the fake news russian troll. The incident reported in the beginning was later suspended and they are allowing these same ballot boxes in the next election. They were using them in the first place as a way of reducing Covid spread. It isn't fraudulent to vote in a manner that has been authorized and you understand to be legal. If they notified these voters before voting that putting them in a ballot box wouldn't count, these voters would have just voted another way, most likely by mail.
You guys seem so easy to hoodwink by Vladamir Steeltime the fake news russian troll.
The incident reported in the beginning was later suspended and they are allowing these same ballot boxes in the next election. They were using them in the first place as a way of reducing Covid spread.
It isn't fraudulent to vote in a manner that has been authorized and you understand to be legal. If they notified these voters before voting that putting them in a ballot box wouldn't count, these voters would have just voted another way, most likely by mail.
I not русский, uhh, I mean Russkiy, I mean Russian. Russian troll? Are you really that stupid?
"Why yes I am."
- 21IQ
My post accurately stated that a Wisconsin trial court ruled that the ballot dropboxes violated Wisconsin law, which mandates that voters can vote one of TWO ways: in person at a certified voting location or by mail under the state's absentee ballot laws. Wisconsin law does not allow droboxes or ballot harvesting, both of which were common in the 2020 election. My link CITED THE ACTUAL ******* LAW.
Meanwhile, you apparently FAILED TO READ your own link. The Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled only that the patently illegal dropboxes and rampant, illegal ballot harvesting that goes with it will remain for the primaries solely because the trial court's ruling was made too close in time to the February 15 voting.
Also, news alert, genius, though the Wisconsin Supreme Court held the trial court's decision in abeyance, temporarily and solely for logistic reasons, that certainly does not mean they are correct. You know, like how the US Supreme Court found that the "separate but equal doctrine" did not offend the 14th Amendment. Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 U.S. 537, 16 S.Ct. 1138, 41 L.Ed. 256 (1896). Or where the US Supreme Court ruled that slaves, even freed slaves, were not citizens under the constitution and therefore had no standing to sue in Federal Court, despite the plain language of the 5th amendment, "No person shall be ... deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law." Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1856).
I guess you think those decisions were correct.
Yeah, sure, you bet. "Preventing Covid." Gotcha.
So that's why the wonderful Wisconsin (D)imbos enacted the photocopied ballot measures. So what about 2022? The ******* Covid porn fear is dead, idiot. People don't even give a **** about the Chinese flu any more. So why are these stupid measures still in effect? [Hint: nothing about Covid was ever about "safety," you moron.]
Hey, genius, I know a Nigerian millionaire prince who needs your bank account number to cure Covid. Act now!!
Notified voters? You mean by something like a law?
Like that, you mean?
Oh, I forgot, ******* idiots think "ignorance of the law" is a valid defense. And if the dunce cap fits, 21IQ ...
Don’t forget Dmitri and Yani. Why does Vlad get all the fun?It's "Vladimir" numbnuts. If you're going to try to dunk on someone, at least know how to spell their name correctly.
I'm thinking that 21 may be dumber than Trog.I not русский, uhh, I mean Russkiy, I mean Russian. Russian troll? Are you really that stupid?
"Why yes I am."
- 21IQ
My post accurately stated that a Wisconsin trial court ruled that the ballot dropboxes violated Wisconsin law, which mandates that voters can vote one of TWO ways: in person at a certified voting location or by mail under the state's absentee ballot laws. Wisconsin law does not allow droboxes or ballot harvesting, both of which were common in the 2020 election. My link CITED THE ACTUAL ******* LAW.
Meanwhile, you apparently FAILED TO READ your own link. The Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled only that the patently illegal dropboxes and rampant, illegal ballot harvesting that goes with it will remain for the primaries solely because the trial court's ruling was made too close in time to the February 15 voting.
Also, news alert, genius, though the Wisconsin Supreme Court held the trial court's decision in abeyance, temporarily and solely for logistic reasons, that certainly does not mean they are correct. You know, like how the US Supreme Court found that the "separate but equal doctrine" did not offend the 14th Amendment. Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 U.S. 537, 16 S.Ct. 1138, 41 L.Ed. 256 (1896). Or where the US Supreme Court ruled that slaves, even freed slaves, were not citizens under the constitution and therefore had no standing to sue in Federal Court, despite the plain language of the 5th amendment, "No person shall be ... deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law." Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1856).
I guess you think those decisions were correct.
Yeah, sure, you bet. "Preventing Covid." Gotcha.
So that's why the wonderful Wisconsin (D)imbos enacted the photocopied ballot measures. So what about 2022? The ******* Covid porn fear is dead, idiot. People don't even give a **** about the Chinese flu any more. So why are these stupid measures still in effect? [Hint: nothing about Covid was ever about "safety," you moron.]
Hey, genius, I know a Nigerian millionaire prince who needs your bank account number to cure Covid. Act now!!
Notified voters? You mean by something like a law?
Like that, you mean?
Oh, I forgot, ******* idiots think "ignorance of the law" is a valid defense. And if the dunce cap fits, 21IQ ...
Its a different kind of slower, less reactive sorta dumb.I'm thinking that 21 may be dumber than Trog.
I'm thinking that 21 may be dumber than Trog.
Its a different kind of slower, less reactive sorta dumb.
I'm thinking that 21 may be dumber than Trog.
That would be a close race:
That's FibsaLot trailing but only because of too much goulash and palinka.
Not gonna lie. They’d be an upgrade over Green on the OlineThat would be a close race:
That's FibsaLot trailing but only because of too much goulash and palinka.
The joke's on her...I'm going to put this right here, without comment.
Memphis BLM Founder Sentenced to 6 Years for Illegally Voting
The founder of the Memphis "Black Lives Matter" chapter has just been sentenced to six years behind bars for illegally voting.waynedupree.com
Okay, ONE comment:
SHE didn't register. She just happens to be a person that is listed as a human being that either IS or HAS BEEN alive in the last 30 years and who has at some point, lived in Tennessee. Auto-registration and voting happened.Pamela Moses, the 44-year-old activist, was ordered to spend six years and one day behind bars Monday for registering to vote despite felony convictions in 2015 that made her ineligible to do so, Shelby County District Attorney General. Amy Weirich said.