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"Some of them are rapists"

There are Vietnamese and Africans plus other nationalities that go to work in places like Kuwait and get looked down upon and sometimes treated like crap, but money is money.

Just because people need to get to a better place to survive doesn't mean there aren't ******** in that place.

I bet they fill out papers before they go. If they don't they are illegal there too.
elfie banned again.
each and every account shall be, too, until banishment is lifted.
elfie banned again.
each and every account shall be, too, until banishment is lifted.

Shocker that it was Elftard. I. Am. Shocked.
Why do that?

if not, this place becomes almost an echo chamber with only Tibs, Flogomanbundyte, Sask and Rollers the voice of the insane left.
Speaking of insane, has katsung47 checked back in yet?
He’s attending his late wife’s funeral.
He’s attending his late wife’s funeral.

Well, he was, until the deep state powers generated a monsoon in the Philippines, causing the cancellation of his flight, so that Donald Trump could personally plant drugs in katsung's house, leading to his pending arrest for illegal quantities of laxatives.
He’s attending his late wife’s funeral.

That's kinda like finding your suicide note on Hildebeast's computer before you're dead.
if not, this place becomes almost an echo chamber with only Tibs, Flogomanbundyte, Sask and Rollers the voice of the insane left.

Oh, this place is an echo chamber, much like Deadspin’s Sinclair Media video.
Oh, this place is an echo chamber, much like Deadspin’s Sinclair Media video.

The best part of that whole debacle, was the reply by Dan Rather. Dan ******* Rather, Mr. Fake News himself. The irony is palpable.
Oh, this place is an echo chamber, much like Deadspin’s Sinclair Media video.

It's amazing to me that you leftists say **** like this. Anytime I have ever posted a contrary opinion on a left-wing forum I received a permanent ban by the moderators. You express opinions that are different here all the time and have not been banned, so how is this an echo chamber? Moreover Elfie has registered different accounts to post numerous times while band which is supposed to be an offense that gets you permanently kicked out, yet they keep allowing him back. So I ask you how is this an echo chamber? Or do you simply call it that because people are allowed to challenge your left-wing ideology?
All I can say is find more liberal Steelers fans and get them to join. I read everyone's posts. I don't have anyone here blacked out (even Elfie).

The truth is we have some damn good right-wing debaters here that aren't afraid to call out bullshit and prove it with some solid research and links. And the more I listen to liberals the more their whole ideology is based on a very flimsy house of cards that mostly has to do with "feelings and emotions". Intelligent liberals are liberals because it makes them feel good about themselves. They have convinced themselves they are the "nice" party when in reality they are being led by ideologies that threaten our bill of rights much more so than anything on the right. They are embarrassed to even logical debate or consider anything not of the "group think" mentality right now. Anything non political correct. Anything against the progressive, global, world ideology. Anything against the John Lennon "Imagine" song is almost treated as sacrilege and shunned and ridiculed among themselves.

Believe me, I know. I am the only conservative in my entire group right now. Most of my immediate family are liberals now. And they don't even disagree among themselves anymore. They are all afraid to even say anything negative about anything progressive or globalist. Any thought of being "America First", they are afraid to come out and support publicly among themselves for fear or repercussion. No one talks politics anymore because they don't want to "offend" anyone.

The closest a group of liberals actually "discuss" politics is only to ridicule Trump and the right (which you'll notice is only what Tibs does now). There is no substance to anything in the leftist ideology. Their policies don't make sense, only that they are "against" Trump.

Border walls are racist! Even though we have a complete border wall along California (700+ miles). Even though previous democrats have supported border walls. Even though the opposite logic of "open borders" doesn't make any sense. They really can't explain logically, under scrutiny, of what they "want". Only that they recognize what they "don't want". Only that they recognize what they consider "un-American", like they magically know that definition now.

I don't think it will get them far. I really don't. Trump has changed the game for at least the next 20-25 years. Even if he "loses", his positions on immigration, trade, the media, the distrust of of the CIA/FBI will ripple through this country for a generation. And it was about time because those institutions were BROKEN.
I enjoy the banter on here, left and right. The board has been skewered heavily to the right for as long as I remember. I have no problem with it. It does cause someone like me, a dreaded liberal, to be more of a contrarian than usual. I feel like I'm walking into the lion's den posting here. And sure, I go over the top on occasion with posting funny (to me) memes and pic's. I do so hoping to lighten the mood a little, or just engage in some old fashioned locker room banter.

What I have a hard time accepting, which will always be the case, are posters aligned opposite from me politically who attack me and slander me personally, saying I'm paid by Soros, constantly whining about me living abroad, slandering me as a communist / terrorist appeaser, things along those lines. These extreme responses are tough to swallow, for anyone, I’d reckon. I've never - even for a second - denied who I am and what my political leanings are. Most everyone knows I live and work abroad. Why that has to be constantly regurgitated and shoved back in my face – post after post - I'll never understand. It just proves that many here do not care to discuss the issues, or even have simple conversation. Instead they let their true colors shine, perfect examples of intolerance and some weird form of xenophobia, by attempting to label me an 'outsider.'

Overall I think there are many, many posters here who are intelligent and have strong, well-formed opinions on politics and world affairs. I enjoy reading the board and engaging in posts when I can.

For delzjc's sake I'll limit the pic's and the memes and I'll try to post when I can add my viewpoints in earnest. Cheers, Tibs
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What I have a hard time accepting, which will always be the case, are posters aligned opposite from me politically who attack me and slander me personally, saying I'm paid by Soros, constantly whining about me living abroad, slandering me as a communist / terrorist appeaser, things along those lines. These extreme responses are tough to swallow, for anyone, I’d reckon. I've never - even for a second - denied who I am and what my political leanings are. Most everyone knows I live abroad. Why that has to be constantly regurgitated and shoved back in my face – post after post - I'll never understand. It just proves that many here do not care to discuss the issues, or even have simple conversation. Instead they let their true colors shine, perfect examples of intolerance and some weird form of xenophobia, who try to label me an 'outsider.'

Again, the selective outrage. The double standards by which you persistently operate are beyond comical Tibs. You fully expect to be able to get away with behaviors that you don't want to allow your political opponents.

Might I suggest you'd be attacked FAR less if you didn't begin by labeling Conservatives as racist, by labeling all Trump followers White supremacists, by personally attacking members of this board, etc?

You label Conservatives with a broad brush frequently. You attack personally frequently.

So enough with that schtick above.

Personally, I'd treat you with respect if you operated by different rules. But you don't. You treat others through the very means you just complained about in this post.
I enjoy the banter on here, left and right. The board has been skewered heavily to the right for as long as I remember. I have no problem with it. It does cause someone like me, a dreaded liberal, to be more of a contrarian than usual. I feel like I'm walking into the lion's den posting here. And sure, I go over the top on occasion with posting funny (to me) memes and pic's. I do so hoping to lighten the mood a little, or just engage in some old fashioned locker room banter. For delzjc's sake I'll limit the pic's and the memes and I'll try to post when I can add my viewpoints in earnest. Cheers, Tibs

Serious question about the annual "migration train" from Central America, Tibs.

Do you believe that the United States should let 1,200 or 1,500 or in the case of Obama in 2014 2,500 illegal aliens into the country? Thousands who have limited job skills, don't speak English, have no support system in the United States, are destined to be dependent on public assistance for a long time??

And the juveniles on those trains - we house, clothe, feed and educate them, right? At a cost of millions and millions of dollars that otherwise would have been used on our citizens. Is that what you want?

Finally, you know those protests by teachers in Arizona and Oklahoma and wherever? Hey, guess what, teachers, if the United States was not forced to spend an incredible amount of money teaching English to illegal alien students, and feeding them twice per day, guess who would have millions of dollars available for salaries?

Yeah, time to go back to school, teachers, and buy a clue. The illegal influx is costing you money.
I enjoy the banter on here, left and right. The board has been skewered heavily to the right for as long as I remember. I have no problem with it. It does cause someone like me, a dreaded liberal, to be more of a contrarian than usual. I feel like I'm walking into the lion's den posting here. And sure, I go over the top on occasion with posting funny (to me) memes and pic's. I do so hoping to lighten the mood a little, or just engage in some old fashioned locker room banter.

What I have a hard time accepting, which will always be the case, are posters aligned opposite from me politically who attack me and slander me personally, saying I'm paid by Soros, constantly whining about me living abroad, slandering me as a communist / terrorist appeaser, things along those lines. These extreme responses are tough to swallow, for anyone, I’d reckon. I've never - even for a second - denied who I am and what my political leanings are. Most everyone knows I live and work abroad. Why that has to be constantly regurgitated and shoved back in my face – post after post - I'll never understand. It just proves that many here do not care to discuss the issues, or even have simple conversation. Instead they let their true colors shine, perfect examples of intolerance and some weird form of xenophobia, by attempting to label me an 'outsider.'

Overall I think there are many, many posters here who are intelligent and have strong, well-formed opinions on politics and world affairs. I enjoy reading the board and engaging in posts when I can.

For delzjc's sake I'll limit the pic's and the memes and I'll try to post when I can add my viewpoints in earnest. Cheers, Tibs

1. Locker room banter, or "locker room talk" has been prominently defined as disgusting, low-brow humor by the left and those who engage in it are mere cretins and mongoloids. I mean, we heard a couple years ago about some guy "grabbing them by the *****" and were told this was NOT locker room talk. But, it was and is. It's bullshit talk. Everyone knew it, except for the enlightened left. And they made it into something it wasn't. A mountain from an ant hill. You helped lead that charge on this very board.

2. I'd think we all believe you're not "paid by Soros," which makes it an on-going joke. Especially since you get so irritated and agitated by it.

3. The fact you live in a country that has little to no muslim migration, yet you want to scold us who have to accept muslim migration is ... rich. Hypocritical even. That you continue this modus operandi shows how little you can compare apples to apples.

4. You proved in the gun thread that you cannot and will not have an "open mind" to what you already firmly believe. You should revisit that thread. It's chock full of information that you could quite easily learn a lot from. You're not a dumb ****, but you are rather ignorant to guns and gun laws.
2. I'd think we all believe you're not "paid by Soros," which makes it an on-going joke. Especially since you get so irritated and agitated by it.

Wait...what ? Who says so ? Speak for yourself Supe bwahahahaha

They're still not sending their best...

Border Patrol agents in the Rio Grande Valley Sector reported the arrests of numerous previously deported criminal aliens. Those arrested after illegally crossing the border included convicted rapists, child molesters, and an MS-13 member. One has an outstanding warrant in Harris County, Texas (Houston).
The arrests occurred in six separate incidents along the Texas border with Mexico over a three-day span, according to information received from Border Patrol officials on Tuesday evening. The arrests occurred near the border communities of Hidalgo and La Joya.
A 72-year-old Guatemalan man in Maryland repeatedly raped and impregnated a young girl, allege court records obtained by ABC7 News from Montgomery County Police.
Ovidio De Jesus Perez, 72, was indicted by a Montgomery County grand jury on charges of sexual abuse against a minor and two counts of second-degree rape for crimes that took place over exactly a year.

The 12-year-old girl first reported the abuse around Thanksgiving when she was six months pregnant. She claimed that Perez would repeatedly take her to his apartment in Silver Spring, where he would physically force her down and force her silence as she screamed and attempted to break free.