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Stained Again: More unhappy endings


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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The plaintiff alleges she was approached at a Houston bar by Watson's representatives, which requested her phone number for the quarterback. Doe says she was "flattered" by Watson's approach and gave the representative her phone number; soon after, she and Watson began "texting intermittently" for "several months." Doe subsequently declined an invitation to a Houston Galleria event but claims she invited Watson to have dinner at her apartment.

The lawsuit claims Watson agreed to meet at her apartment, but on the night of Oct. 10, 2020, allegedly called Doe's cellphone "aggressively yelling and screaming" about being unable to find the apartment telling Doe he doesn't "have time for this."

When Watson finally arrived, Doe claims she was not ready as she "had not finished putting on her makeup." She says Watson was invited to sit in the living room as she attempted to make conversation. Hearing nothing in return, Doe says she thought Watson might have left, so she left the bathroom and allegedly "found him completely naked on her bed, lying face down on his stomach."

Doe then claims Watson "turned his head and aggressively insisted that she massage him, gesturing to his buttocks." She describes her reaction as having been "terrified" claiming she "tried to appease Watson by rubbing his back, rather than his buttocks." Watson allegedly "turned over, revealing an erection" then "continued to demand that Jane Doe massage him, gesturing from his knees to his groin."

The plaintiff claims to have told Watson she wasn't a masseuse, to which Watson "asked her what she wanted to do instead." The lawsuit then lists in specific and graphic detail what allegedly occurred next:

Editor's note: The below passage, taken directly from the lawsuit, contains graphic descriptions of alleged sexual assault.

"Before Jane Doe could answer, Watson grabbed Jane Doe's leg and positioned her so that she was lying down. Watson then partially disrobed Jane Doe and penetrated her vagina without consent, implied or explicit. Jane Doe felt paralyzed, unsure if she should risk her safety by trying to stop Watson or endure his assault. Watson roughly sexually assaulted Jane Doe for several minutes in a 'missionary position' before grabbing her and flipping her over. Watson continued to assault Jane Doe from behind. Jane Doe finally gathered the courage and strength to escape Watson. Jane Doe quickly ran to dresser to grab a heavy piece of décor for self-defense, and yelled at Watson [to] get out of her apartment. Enraged, Watson stormed out of Jane Doe's apartment.

Where is the police report?
I wonder if the browns will try to use this to get out of the contract. They knew about past allegations when they signed him. What if they had some sort of clause that said they could cut him if any new allegations arise?
I wonder if the browns will try to use this to get out of the contract. They knew about past allegations when they signed him. What if they had some sort of clause that said they could cut him if any new allegations arise?
I don’t think they will do in season. But with his mediocre play they could angle toward that in the offseason.
I wonder if the browns will try to use this to get out of the contract. They knew about past allegations when they signed him. What if they had some sort of clause that said they could cut him if any new allegations arise?

The Clowns probably paid her to come up with this story, lol.
This wasnt a new event, just a prior one to him signing the deal... its not going to be easy to use it to void the deal

Even if they did, they may get out of the 46 million per season in 25 and 26 (92 total) and might have a shot at the prorated 18 million in signing bonus for the next two seasons, but there is 90 million from the last two years tgey pushed out that would hit them asap they cant recover because its contract restructure stuff for years already played... they couldnt cut him this season without violating the cap and would have to gut the team next year to do it
See when Deshawn McRubitout was in hot water the last time... there were 66 allegations vs him, and he settled most... but there was a person who held out and this could be the one... it was said her allegations were worse than the rest...

If this was already a known thing, then its not going to be grounds for contract dismissal
Ever heard of one guy targeted by this many different women?
Big Ben was in a similar situation. False accusations happen especially with rich celebrities. You know how to tell if an accusation is false? There is no police report and the accusation is made on social media or in a civil proceeding. Stop whiteknighting just because the guy is on a team you don’t like.
Big Ben was in a similar situation. False accusations happen especially with rich celebrities. You know how to tell if an accusation is false? There is no police report and the accusation is made on social media or in a civil proceeding. Stop whiteknighting just because the guy is on a team you don’t like.
He was referencing the sheer amount of accusations. Which was a crazy amount. Big Ben had two accusations highly questionable as they reports indicated. These reports didn’t come with those same question marks.

I disagree with the whiteknighting assessment.
So that is what "flatters" women today? To be approached by representatives? My wife says I am about as romantic as a rock, but even I approached her. Of course, I don't have representatives.

I have a representative, diver. Of course it's my wife and I might feel a bit hesitant about asking her to approach another woman so there's that.
Meh this could go in a bunch of different directions

It could be false... i mean why hold out till now, after all the stuff was in the news so long... it seems odd... women do sometimes not report sexual assult at first, but do later... but when a guy is getting hannered in the news, it usually brings all the accusations out

It could be one of the earlier unnamed accusations that were known about but not publicly disclosed

It could be a new one but considered part of the past events he was already punished for

It could be viewed as a new and more severe case

It could be something unprovable in either direction, and totally ambiguous hanging over him..
He was referencing the sheer amount of accusations. Which was a crazy amount. Big Ben had two accusations highly questionable as they reports indicated. These reports didn’t come with those same question marks.

I disagree with the whiteknighting assessment.
You can disagree if you want but you are wrong. It’s simping/white knighting for a female that would throw you under the bus just as quick.
You can disagree if you want but you are wrong. It’s simping/white knighting for a female that would throw you under the bus just as quick.
You are entitled to your opinion I just don’t share it.👏
If my daughter ever invited a stranger to her apartment, knowing nothing of the man, I'd kick her *** for being so stupid. This reeks of a ho who wanted to be his boo and ended up as nothing but a canvas for his splooge art.
If my daughter ever invited a stranger to her apartment, knowing nothing of the man, I'd kick her *** for being so stupid. This reeks of a ho who wanted to be his boo and ended up as nothing but a canvas for his splooge art.
Essentially she’s angry that he pumped and dumped her.
Big Ben was in a similar situation. False accusations happen especially with rich celebrities. You know how to tell if an accusation is false? There is no police report and the accusation is made on social media or in a civil proceeding. Stop whiteknighting just because the guy is on a team you don’t like.
BB was not in a similar situation at all; he had two accusers from different distinct points with very short term sequences combined with he said/she said -- and no legal action. Was he shaken down? Maybe.
I do not think he was "guilty" like the NFL and media judged him, but he took that harsh penalty.

Watson is clearly in a very different situation, with many (over 25?) Women claiming some level of sexual misconduct AND one lawyer chasing him for years. At the same time, he signed the richest contract in NFL history....structured to avoid income loss to him.....so he has not suffered much at all, except for the publicity.

We are just fans, not aware of the actual realities in either situation, but the only two data points in alignment ( NFL QBs and allegations of sexual misconduct) quickly get set apart by situation, reactions, scale and reports. Note the reaction of Watson's former employer the Texans, who clearly understood much of what really happened.