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Target Down 5 Billion Since Embracing Trans Bathroom Policy

Tim made this comparison earlier. Why is it OK when libs get all "Rick Santorum?"

"If we allow permit to carry laws, it will be the wild west all over in communities throughout the USA!"

That's perfectly understandable though, huh?

You're both mostly preaching to the choir here.

I forget which Libertarian said it, it might have been the guy from Penn & Teller "If we could just convince the gun guys and the marijuana guys and the gays that they aren't all that different in what they want..."
YOU keep saying that. YOU. No one of any consequence or multitude is calling for that.

When the only voice telling you something terrible is going to happen is the one in your head, THAT is paranoia.

(1) So answer the question. What is their next battle, because there will be another battle. That's all the protesters do, it's all they are.
(2) One nation investigated allowing 12-year olds to determine their sexual identity and have life-altering surgery, over the protest of their parents:


Took me 2 seconds to find on Google.

It's not paranoia; it is simply the way the protest crowd operates They will NEVER be mollified. If you think otherwise, you are not paranoid, you are delusional.
You're both mostly preaching to the choir here.

I forget which Libertarian said it, it might have been the guy from Penn & Teller "If we could just convince the gun guys and the marijuana guys and the gays that they aren't all that different in what they want..."

or if we convince the hard core Dems that removing rights from some does not ensure a free society, we'd be on a better track.
(1) So answer the question. What is their next battle, because there will be another battle. That's all the protesters do, it's all they are.
(2) One nation investigated allowing 12-year olds to determine their sexual identity and have life-altering surgery, over the protest of their parents:


(1) I don't ponder over such odd hypotheticals.

(2) You're all over the globe and stretching. Go look at a map of age of consent by state and notice how most with the lowest age are red states and then reflect on your hysteria and paranoia.
(1) I don't ponder over such odd hypotheticals.

....AAAaannnddd...Steel wins....
He was right, 10 years ago, you could not envision the civil rights uproar happening today over where men and women pee'd. You couldn't forsee 20 years ago that the Federal Government would violate the constitution, usurp states rights, and declare gay marriage legal. The battle has been raging for more than 50 years and it is never ending. He made the point, you can't refute it.

And there will be a "what's next?" chapter to this. He's asked you to name it, you can't. You can't refute that it won't come, so you sling around the word "hysteria" over and over (forgetting your party's never ending hysteria on a plethora of moronic issues).

The best part is none of it is hypothetical. There will be another battle following this one. It's as sure as the sun rising tomorrow. These battles are already forming, and it's around gender and pronouns. That's my bet.

But they are hypotheticals to you because you either
a) want to ignore 50 years of battles because it doesn't fit your position. So it's easier to ignore Dirty Dr. Money mutilating and sexually abusing young men, to ignore men wearing wigs and beating up girls in Target dressing rooms, and pretend these battles haven't been waged (no man ever landed on the moon, you're crazy!)
b) you simply can't admit that Steel and the rest of sane America is right...this is just another step down the proverbial slippery slope and all that's left is to figure out what the next chapter is about.

So you go on with your fingers in your ears singing "lalalalalalala" and inappropriately throwing out words that don't apply and watch as the trains continue to wreck.

The sad part of all of this is watching people like you believe you're witnessing progress. I don't view those boys who killed themselves under Dr. Money's care as a case of progress. I don't view the fact that you can potentially be fined $250K in NYC for using the wrong pronoun as progress. I don't view opening doors to female restrooms and locker rooms and little girls restrooms and showers to a man (not just a transgender - any man) as progress.

Sadly, you do. Welcome to "The Upside Down" (yes, a Stranger Things reference)
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"Sane America" lol!

Worrying about someone who is willing to commit a major felony only because there is no threat of a misdemeanor.
(1) I don't ponder over such odd hypotheticals.

Worthless coward.

It is not odd, nor a hypothetical. If you think the protest crowd will ever stop - ever - then you are dumb, crazy, ignorant, or all of the above.
I'm pretty sure I said "**** Target" earlier in this saga. Just in case...**** Target!!!
Must be nice to have $20 million laying around to fix this issue.

Wouldn't that have been better spent giving all their employees a .50 cent raise or something? Isn't that what the liberals want? Fix income inequality?

Now they have to chase boogeymen issues that they brought on themselves by just letting men use a woman's bathroom.

The important thing is to me is that conservatives attack this issue over WOMEN'S rights. Not religious reasons. Conservative Christian values are the death knell of political fights right now. You paint yourself into a corner quoting Jesus and the Bible and you won't win anything in the court of public opinion except in bumfuck, Mississippi.

This is a woman issue. Women's bathrooms were created for THEM. As a (very liberal term) safe space from men. This new interpretation of gender takes that away. Conservatives need to get more women to speak. Take the case to mothers and daughters.

If they try to turn this issue into another religious dilemma or debate, they will lose. And if they try to pass laws that cite religious beliefs or religious freedoms (based on the Bill of Rights clause), they will lose. And in fact be harming the country because those same religious freedom laws will be used by Muslims to be much more conservative, backward and discriminatory that any Christian conservative.
Must be nice to have $20 million laying around to fix this issue.

Wouldn't that have been better spent giving all their employees a .50 cent raise or something? Isn't that what the liberals want? Fix income inequality?

Now they have to chase boogeymen issues that they brought on themselves by just letting men use a woman's bathroom.

The important thing is to me is that conservatives attack this issue over WOMEN'S rights. Not religious reasons. Conservative Christian values are the death knell of political fights right now. You paint yourself into a corner quoting Jesus and the Bible and you won't win anything in the court of public opinion except in bumfuck, Mississippi.

This is a woman issue. Women's bathrooms were created for THEM. As a (very liberal term) safe space from men. This new interpretation of gender takes that away. Conservatives need to get more women to speak. Take the case to mothers and daughters.

If they try to turn this issue into another religious dilemma or debate, they will lose. And if they try to pass laws that cite religious beliefs or religious freedoms (based on the Bill of Rights clause), they will lose. And in fact be harming the country because those same religious freedom laws will be used by Muslims to be much more conservative, backward and discriminatory that any Christian conservative.

Del, I agree with much of what you say. However, where I bulk is a few times you have made mention of Christian conservatives having to change or whatever. Why? Why always them? The left can come up with this ****** up bathroom thing, but nobody is telling them to change their position. But the Christians, they have to put their beliefs aside or hide them in order to make any argument.
Worthless coward.

It is not odd, nor a hypothetical. If you think the protest crowd will ever stop - ever - then you are dumb, crazy, ignorant, or all of the above.

I truly believe the Protest Crowd does not care about the "cause" they care about having a cause and will look for anything just to give themselves something to protest and ***** about to give importance to their sad dull lives.
They are desperate. Absolutely desperate.

Target's 10 Percent Discount a 'Desperate' Move Amid Worst Sales in 2 Years, Says AFA


The American Family Association called Target's nationwide 10 percent discount on everything in its stores a "desperate" promotion as the retail giant faces a continued boycott over its bathroom policies amid declining sales.

"Desperate! Target is discounting everything to win shoppers back amid #BoycottTarget. Don't be fooled, their dangerous policy still allows men into the same facilities as little girls. Help keep the boycott going strong," AFA wrote in a Facebook message, referring to its petition, signed by over 1.4 million people, that pledges to boycott Target until the company reverses its policies that allows individuals who are born male to use women's facilities, and vice versa.

Business Insider noted that the #TargetRunDay discount on Sunday came in the midst of financial troubles, with the chain store giant reporting its first quarterly traffic decline in more than two years last week.

"Target's same-store transactions, which is how traffic is measured, fell 2.2 percent in the second quarter. Overall, sales fell 7.2 percent to $16.2 billion," the article noted.
I truly believe the Protest Crowd does not care about the "cause" they care about having a cause and will look for anything just to give themselves something to protest and ***** about to give importance to their sad dull lives.

Whoa. I haven't purchased anything at a Target since months before the issue. They were already on my **** list. I may not be your type of person but my life is anything but sad and dull.
It seems odd to me that people will avoid going to Target due to transgender support, yet drive down the street to go to Wal-Mart, who only employs only 5 full time employees (management), and pricing undercuts the ability for small businesses to compete locally.
It seems odd to me that people will avoid going to Target due to transgender support, yet drive down the street to go to Wal-Mart, who only employs only 5 full time employees (management), and pricing undercuts the ability for small businesses to compete locally.

I avoid Target now. Refuse to shop there because of this policy. To be honest, I'd probably hit that joint 1 or 2 times a year only anyway. But I'm not leaving Target to go to Walmart. You make it sound like an either/or scenario. Plenty of other options.
A local guy's gun shop & range. http://timsshootingacademy.com/store

I try to keep everything local or mom & pop shops, no matter what city I'm in. No chain restaurants or big box stores. I have to admit that I buy a lot from Amazon though. Bezos is an ******* but Amazon is too easy.

I would love to do my grocery shopping at mom and pop stores. Unfortunately I don't have $400 to spend on $200 worth of groceries. Christ I go to the local grocery store and get 3 things that would cost about $10 at Walmart and it's over $20. I can't afford that ****.
I would love to do my grocery shopping at mom and pop stores. Unfortunately I don't have $400 to spend on $200 worth of groceries. Christ I go to the local grocery store and get 3 things that would cost about $10 at Walmart and it's over $20. I can't afford that ****.

I get that, but you might be surprised. The butcher shop that I go to is pretty competitive. He buys his meat and seafood fresh and direct. It doesn't trickle down the ladder and take weeks to get there like the "meat" that's filled with so much preservative that it stays a glowing unnatural red with expiration dates a month out. Plus he doesn't have all the corporate red tape and overhead of ****** big corporate stores. Just for example his bacon comes from a local farm here and it's about 30% less than Wright's brand at Kroger, and it's better. Same with his 90/10 ground sirloin. Some of his fish is pretty expensive because it's flown in fresh and never frozen. I don't buy a ton of it but when I want good seafood that's where I get it.

I would love to do my grocery shopping at mom and pop stores. Unfortunately I don't have $400 to spend on $200 worth of groceries. Christ I go to the local grocery store and get 3 things that would cost about $10 at Walmart and it's over $20. I can't afford that ****.

Yeah, I can't figure out why people at Farmers Markets (who should have lower overhead) charge more. I guess, because they can and people pay it? If you get a guy selling them out of his truck, they are, usually, cheaper than a grocery store.

Aldi's is, usually, the best price around here.
I would love to do my grocery shopping at mom and pop stores. Unfortunately I don't have $400 to spend on $200 worth of groceries. Christ I go to the local grocery store and get 3 things that would cost about $10 at Walmart and it's over $20. I can't afford that ****.

I've always said that it's expensive to eat healthy and inexpensive to eat poorly.
I've always said that it's expensive to eat healthy and inexpensive to eat poorly.

That's half the reason every diet the wife and I try goes by the wayside after 3 months. We can't freaking afford it.
That's half the reason every diet the wife and I try goes by the wayside after 3 months. We can't freaking afford it.

It's been forced on me since I developed The Beetus six months ago. Of course I avoid sugary things, I did anyway, but the main thing is that I count my carbs. Look at the ingredient labels on everything and see how many grams of carbs a serving has. I'm pretty active with work and lifting weights and such and the doctor tells me to keep it to 150-160 grams of carbs a day. More normal less active people around 100 grams a day. I lost 20 pounds.