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Target Down 5 Billion Since Embracing Trans Bathroom Policy

Have I accurately summarized the recent discussion? I believe I have.

And that does not speak well of your analysis.

My analysis is one of liberty and perspective. Tim's is one of hysteria.

The speed limit used to be 55 mph. They raised it. I like that liberty, road trips don't take as long now.

Tim could post article after article about how people have been killed since they raised the speed limit (which happens a hell of a lot more often than transgendered bathroom assaults). I'm still going to be in favor of the higher speed limit.
My analysis is one of liberty and perspective. Tim's is one of hysteria.

The speed limit used to be 55 mph. They raised it. I like that liberty, road trips don't take as long now.

Tim could post article after article about how people have been killed since they raised the speed limit (which happens a hell of a lot more often than transgendered bathroom assaults). I'm still going to be in favor of the higher speed limit.

How very stupidly Liberal of you. My viewpoint is one of hysteria? Not a viewpoint regarding the safety of women and girls? Not a viewpoint that respects a woman's right to choose to keep her privates, well...private.

Yes, it's hysteria. SMDH.

Liberals will tell you they believe in a woman's right to choose, except, well, when it doesn't suit their platform.

Liberals will tell you they believe in women's rights, period, and are the party for women, except when those rights go against the platform.

In this case of transgender bathrooms, Liberals don't care at all about women's rights. None. They've been tossed out the window.

And using your logic with the speed limit, allow me to remind you of that the next time a Liberal cries about gun control after some random nut job shoots someone. You can post article after article about how people have been killed, and I'm still going to be in favor of the right to carry.

See how easy that was?
Speaking of being in support of "Liberties," as I was reading up on Target, I came across this person, who I was not aware of. Interesting indeed. Were you all aware that Dr. John Money, a child molester himself, created the ideas of gender theory and transgender? Why? To cover for his own pedophilia. Lauded by the left, as Kinsey was, as a revolutionary, the man was a criminal who created these notions to cover for his own perversions.

Liberty, indeed.

John William Money


A Modern Day Horror Story On The Origin Of The Transgender Movement

Exposing the Ugly History of Gender

Today David Reimer would be 50 years old. He would be at the peak of his career, perhaps with a couple of teenage kids, whom he could look forward to sending off to begin their own lives, and could look forward to retirement, becoming a grandfather, and enjoying the life he built for himself. Only David Reimer is dead, because of an evil sexual experiment that was performed on him years ago.

Crime 1: Male Genital Mutilation

David (originally named Bruce) and his twin brother Brian were born in 1965 in Winnipeg, Canada. His parents, two farm kids barely out of their teens, were concerned about how the boys were urinating, and they were referred for circumcision at 7 months.

The twins were misdiagnosed with phimosis, a failure of the foreskin to fully retract. However, this is perfectly normal for infants, and the foreskin often does not fully retract until age 10. The doctor performing the male genital mutilation experienced a malfunction in his equipment, and David’s penis was almost completely burned off. They left the hospital. David’s brother Brian was not circumcised, and his phimosis naturally resolved itself.

Crime 2: Sexual Experimentation

The parents, deeply concerned about the trauma and pain this would cause David, traveled to Western medicine’s premiere institution: Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland, where they met with Dr. John Money, a pediatrician and psychologist (I would also credit him as having one of the largest effects in the field of linguistics of anyone in the last century).

Dr. Money had begun working at Johns Hopkins in 1951 and opened a groundbreaking clinic there—the Johns Hopkins Gender Identity Clinic, in 1965, around the time of David’s birth. The parents had seen Money on TV talking about new treatments for people with sexual disorders.

Money had a quite extreme suggestion for David’s parents. He told them they should surgically remove what remained of David’s penis and raise him as if he were a girl. Money theorized that sexuality was primarily caused by social learning from early childhood, and that it would be in David’s best interest to simply be raised as a woman, since penile surgery at the time was very limited.

Money was an expert in hermaphrodites (now called intersex), people born with multiple or mismatched sexual organs, and it was far easier to create a vagina for them than a penis, so this is what he recommended for David.

A Brief Bio Of Dr. John Money...

He is almost fully responsible for modern day usage of the word “gender” to refer to sexuality. He focused on abnormally developed sex organs and had a special interest in hermaphrodites. He theorized that gender was a learned trait, of which having a penis or vagina was only one of many factors. In addition to the typical factors of chromosomes, type of genitalia, presence of sex hormones, etc., Money theorized there was an additional factor that decided one’s sex: “Gender role and orientation as male or female, established while growing up.”

At the time, the word gender was not used to refer to human sexuality...

For Dr. Money, gender included not only a man-woman decision, but also one’s behavior and attitude that went beyond biology. No longer was a boy who picked up a doll just being curious, expressing interest in the human body, or merely picking up a toy he didn’t understand the sexual and social ramifications of.

No, according to Money, this boy was expressing his feminine side. The John Hopkins Gender Identity Clinic was the first attempt at considering that sex was something that humans had control over.

Dr. Money has altered the American language more than perhaps anyone else in the latter half of the 20th century. Among his successes:

- Advocating the “nurture” in the nature versus nurture argument regarding sexuality
- Creating the word “gender” and making it something fluid and controllable
- Changing “sexual perversions” to ‘sexual paraphilias”
- Changing “sexual preference” to ‘sexual orientation”
- Stated there were two kinds of pedophilia – one based on love and another on harm
- Suggested the name “fuckology” for the scientific study of having sex
- Published Gay, Straight, and In-Between: The Sexology of Erotic Orientation
- Changed the discussion on intersex, trans-sex, and sexual psychology from helping those facing horrible problems such as workplace accidents, genetic defects, and deformities to a discussion on how to help narcissists like Bruce Jenner fulfill their dream of becoming a princess...

The Treatment

Dr. Money saw a great opportunity to test out his theories on the infant David. Not only would Money have a perfect experiment, an infant not even at his first birthday who had not developed any sexuality yet, but his twin brother provided the perfect control subject. Money insisted that he would personally oversee David’s treatment and counsel and monitor him.

At age 22 months, David’s remnant of a penis was surgically castrated, and he was given the name Brenda, and regularly saw Dr. Money, often along with his twin brother Brian, for around 10 years. Keep in mind at all times during treatment the children were prepubescent. Some of the treatment involved David getting on the ground on all fours while his twin brother Brian placed his crotch up against David’s *** and simulated ******* him by making thrusting motions.

Money would also force David to lay down and spread his legs while Brian climbed on top of him. He would make the two twins take off all their clothes and inspect each others genitals, and Money photographed them naked. He showed David graphic photographs of a seven year old girl giving birth.

Money proclaimed his theory was proven correctly, that Brenda acted and behaved as a girl, and that behavior could indeed overcome biology and determine sex. He reported on the case (anonymously, to protect David’s secret) as a success, and said “the child’s behavior is so clearly that of an active little girl and so different from the boyish ways of her twin brother.”

Money’s writings on gender, his new vocabulary, and his theories on nature vs. nurture were celebrated and adopted. He received national awards and honorary degrees, was featured in Time magazine, and included a chapter on the Reimer twins in one of his textbooks.

But the truth was a completely different story. As Money started pressuring the parents around age 10 to have an operation to surgically create a vagina, the parents balked and slowly the truth emerged.

The Reality: You Can’t Alter Sex
David (living as Brenda) was terrified of the visits to Dr. Money. As early as a few months after the initial operation, at age 2, Brenda would angrily tear off her dress, refused to play with dolls, would beat up her twin brother and steal his toy cars and guns. She complained to her teachers and parents that she felt like a boy. She loved running and climbing and fighting and hated playing with dolls. She had no friends, and was constantly teased and ridiculed by classmates for her masculine looks and interests.

Both twins complained they were sexually abused during their treatment sessions with Money. Brenda had to pee through a small hole surgeons had created in her abdomen. She was taking female hormones, but they only caused some physical changes and did not make her feel female.

The mother, overcome with guilt and the pain of hiding this secret, attempted suicide. The father became a serious alcoholic and rarely spoke. Twin brother Brian began using drugs and stealing things. At age 13, Brenda was experiencing suicidal depression, and said she would commit suicide if forced to return to Dr. Money’s office again.

At age 14, a local psychiatrist convinced the parents they had to tell Brenda the truth. That he was really a man. He decided to take the name David. David later recounted: “Suddenly it all made sense why I felt the way I did. I wasn’t some sort of weirdo. I wasn’t crazy.”

It was a long and difficult road to reclaim his masculinity. David had a double mastectomy to remove his breasts grown by the estrogen. He took regular testosterone injections, and had multiple operations to create an artificial penis. David was relieved to hear the truth, but incredibly hurt and damaged by years of experimentation, and depression at the thought that he would never find a woman. He attempted suicide twice in his early 20s.

The Aftermath
Unbelievably, Dr Money was still taking credit for the experiment as a success. Money’s ideas were just what feminists were looking for–proof that there is no biological reason for boys to be better at math, more productive, or earn more than a woman, and that nurture, not nature, determines whether we feel masculine or feminine.

David’s brother Brian, traumatized by this lie and the sick things he was forced to do to his twin brother, became extremely angry, began using drugs, developed schizophrenia, had two failed marriages and died of an overdose of antidepressants in 2002 at the age of 36.

David, around the age of 30, met Dr. Milton Diamond, a psychologist and critic of Money’s who had followed the case closely in journals until Money mysteriously stopped publishing updates when Brenda became David. Dr. Diamond revealed everything to David, including how Money used the supposed success of David’s operation to legitimize widespread infant sex changes in cases of genital injury. David was horrified and outraged.

In 1997 Dr. Diamond wrote a paper shattering Money’s false story which received national attention, and David was interviewed for Rolling Stone, and the reporter later published a biography of his life “As Nature Made Him.”

David found work as a janitor in a slaughterhouse, married a woman at age 25 and became stepfather to her three children, but was chronically depressed, unemployed, angry, filled with thoughts of his brother’s death, and obsessed with his inability to be a real husband and father. Marital problems spiraled, his wife discussed separating, and two days later David took his shotgun, sawed off the barrel in the garage, drove to the parking lot of a nearby grocery store, and blew his brains out at age 38.

In 1979 the Hopkins clinic closed. It had focused mainly on transsexuals, and this was not the direction Johns Hopkins wanted to go. Dr. Money worked the rest of his career at John’s Hopkins, and died peacefully one day before his 85th birthday in 2006.

He continued to receive international awards for many years, most recently in 2003 when New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark opened a John Money Wing at an art gallery.

It is important to know the history behind feminism, gender, and sexual fluidity. It would be nice to just think that Bruce Jenner is an obscure rare nutball, that feminism is mostly about being nice to women, and that old societal rules and norms, especially concerning sexuality, promiscuity, and marriage, are just outdated bad ideas like slavery, leeching, and believing in a flat earth.

But the truth is, the history behind many of these changes is sickeningly evil. I am personally opposed to male genital mutilation, regardless of horrible tragedies like this. If you are not, I encourage you to think really hard about who advocates for continuing it and why. The history of gender fluidity, third wave feminism, nurture overcoming nature sexually, and pedophilia can be traced back to a horrible story about two twin boys, both of whom died after leading miserable, short lives.

Not all the news is bad. Dr. Paul McHugh, former psychiatrist in chief at Johns Hopkins, and its current Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry, exclaimed earlier this year that “transgenderism is a mental disorder that merits treatment, and that sex change is biologically impossible.”

He referenced studies that the suicide rate among transgendered surgical patients is 20 times higher than normal people, as well as studies that of children who expressed transgendered feelings, 70% to 80% spontaneously lost those feelings. We should echo and amplify such truths, and support brave men like Dr. McHugh who have the courage to speak up.

The next time you hear someone use the word gender, think of Dr. Money, who is directly responsible for its usage. And think of David Reimer.


RIP David, poor, tortured soul

Go here to watch the documentary that talks about John William Money, the pedophile, and the family he destroyed:


And this was just too good not to post. Troggie, you're all about "Liberties." (I'm still laughing about that one). What about this woman's liberties, and millions of women like her - "Men should not get to be in our bathrooms or lockers!"?

I know...700,000 possible transgendered peoples' feelings usurp those of 180Million American women.

Liberty. Got it.

My analysis is one of liberty and perspective. Tim's is one of hysteria.

The speed limit used to be 55 mph. They raised it. I like that liberty, road trips don't take as long now.

Tim could post article after article about how people have been killed since they raised the speed limit (which happens a hell of a lot more often than transgendered bathroom assaults). I'm still going to be in favor of the higher speed limit.

The crucial, extraordinary difference between your speed limit analogy and the "transgender" (still don't know that the hell that is) issue is that driving faster has a specific, direct benefit to the drivers and society as a whole. Specifically, travelers reach their destinations more quickly, the roads wind up with less traffic as a result, goods reach market more quickly, and products are on store shelves and citizens doing something productive with greater efficiency and using less time. The higher speed limit gives significant benefit.

The "transgender" (whatever that is) policy provides no benefit, at all, apart from to a tiny fraction of a small segment of society, who feel better about which bathroom to use. That is such a negligible benefit that it basically equals zero. Since there is basically zero benefit to the "transgender" (whatever the hell that is) bathroom issue, then basically any cost means that the "use whatever bathroom you want" theory is a net negative and does not better society.

The real issues, as far as I can tell, is that gays are protected from discrimination under Federal law and most state laws, and can get married. Gay rights are here, and the fight is not a hot topic any more. So the protesters/challengers need a new fight. The "transgender" issue is it. But the problem is that, once again, the issue involves so few people and such an insignificant debate about "rights" (based on as far as I can tell bathroom usage) that the moral jihad on this issue is a joke. Seriously, the great civil rights struggle today is whether or not somebody can use a bathroom based on what gender the person "feels like"??

What a joke.

And the fight may be worthwhile if only because I legitimately fear the next fight these "protesters" take on once they feel this silly "transgender" issue is won. What, bestiality? Sex with minors? What? Tell me what great fight these agitators will pursue next, because believe me, agitators NEVER stop fighting. It's all they are and all they do.
a tiny fraction of a small segment of society


So it's not the size of the problem, it's the NATURE of the problem that has you and Tim losing sleep at night.

That's what I'm getting at when I say no perspective, all hysteria.
This is what I'm getting at when I say people have too much time on their hands.

So wait... protesting the fight for 'transgenders using whatever bathroom feels right' is having too much time on their hands,
but supporting the fight for 'transgenders using whatever bathroom feels right' is not?
So wait... protesting the fight for 'transgenders using whatever bathroom feels right' is having too much time on their hands,
but supporting the fight for 'transgenders using whatever bathroom feels right' is not?

It's no skin off my *** either way, I just think people getting hysterical and paranoid over the issue is silly.

Remember this all started with an uninforcable State law Making it illegal for people to use the bathroom that didn't match their birth gender, NOT the other way around.
It's no skin off my *** either way, I just think people getting hysterical and paranoid over the issue is silly.

Why don't you point out my hysteria paranoia in this thread.

Go ahead, that should be easy.

So it's not the size of the problem, it's the NATURE of the problem that has you and Tim losing sleep at night.

That's what I'm getting at when I say no perspective, all hysteria.

no - the problem is we're bending over backwards to appease such a small segment of society when we have larger issues to deal with.
Why don't you point out my hysteria paranoia in this thread.

Go ahead, that should be easy.

You went all Rick Santorum:

"I legitimately fear the next fight these "protesters" take on once they feel this silly "transgender" issue is won. What, bestiality? Sex with minors?"
no - the problem is we're bending over backwards to appease such a small segment of society when we have larger issues to deal with.

Include the LBGT sympathizer and its not so small... and they spend money. I suspect it was a PR move by Target that may have backfired. Disney, on the other hand, capitalized by being gay-friendly.

And again, it wasn't a law to allow it, it was a law to prevent it that started this fire. NC decided to confront a small segment of society.
I just think people getting hysterical and paranoid over the issue is silly.

You're not a female. I doubt there's a man here who would give a **** if a woman came into the men's. Hell in college it happened all the time. We generally don't give a **** if a woman sees our junk.

The reverse is a different situation.

Women don't sneak into men's rooms and try to sneak pictures of men with cell phones and cameras. Women don't rape men (ok - you'll find the 2 instances where it has happened). Women are more vulnerable than men and more likely to be preyed upon. We've provided evidence that men (straight men - not transgender men) are taking advantages of the open bathroom approach.

Our "societal norm" - separate bathrooms - helped to protect the fairer gender.

You have nothing to worry about. They however, do.

We get it. You don't give a ****, nor do any Liberals crying out that there is a war on women. That was obvious on page 1. I'm glad I do. I'm glad I'm helping to bring down Target by withholding my funds. I'll continue to cry out about a bad policy aimed at appeasing 700,000 people at the expense of 180Million women and girls.

Liberals: Fixing one problem, only to create larger problems (evidence - Target now spending $20Million just to put in bathrooms trying to save their corporation)
And again, it wasn't a law to allow it, it was a law to prevent it that started this fire. NC decided to confront a small segment of society.

You keep going back to NC. Myopic today aren't you? And Obama and this administration escalated it to all of our daughters across the nation in public schools. And Universities. And...


Feds issue guidance on transgender access to school bathrooms

The Obama administration issued guidance Friday directing public schools to allow transgender students to use bathrooms matching their gender identity.

A joint letter from the Departments of Education and Justice went to schools Friday with guidelines to ensure that "transgender students enjoy a supportive and nondiscriminatory school environment," the Obama administration said.
Herein lies some more of the issues. More of the same.


Even in Liberal Communities, Transgender Bathroom Laws Worry Parents

Girls from a swim team in New York City’s Upper West Side are too scared to use the women’s locker room at a Parks Department swimming pool. In March, a sign appeared noting that everyone has the the right to use the restroom or locker room consistent with their “gender identity or gender expression.” Around the same time, the girls, who range in age from about seven to 18, became concerned after they saw a “bearded individual” in the women’s changing room.

They are now using the family changing room to change in and out of their swimsuits, but it is not big enough for all 18 girls.

They allude to what I've been saying...wow, women want a right to privacy and not have some bald man in their shower ogling them? Damn their rights Obama says.

In some locker rooms, girls who are exquisitely self-conscious about their bodies—and often uncomfortable about the opposite sex—are going to change before playing sports. Meeting the needs of those girls and of trans women in various stages of gender transition can pose logistical issues. And lastly, ensuring the rights of transgender people to claim their identity without having to prove it, while taking into consideration the sensitivities of young people can be extremely problematic.

Their hands are tied...

According to one mother of a swim team member, Ellen Vandevort, her daughter was just leaving the locker room in late April when a person who was bald, with heavy stubble and a towel at waist level, stepped out of the shower. Her daughter and the younger girls on the team, says Vandevort, grew alarmed and reported it to the swim coach who suggested that the girls change in the family shower room.

An employee at the center who spoke on condition of anonymity says the individual using the locker room appears to present as a man—wearing swim shorts or trunks to swim, with sideburns going down into a beard—which is partly what alarms the girls and their parents. Staff members have also been warned that asking individuals to prove their gender identity would be discriminatory. “Our hands are tied,” the worker said.”We can’t say anything about it.”

Which means what we've been saying is right. Any man...let me repeat...any man, regardless of appearance or intent may now enter a shower, a locker room or a restroom and employees are paralyzed. They can't say anything.

The sign posted outside the locker room in March that affirmed the right of anyone to use the facility that corresponds with their gender identity also noted that “individuals cannot be asked to show identification, medical documentation or any other form of proof or verification of gender” and that anybody “who abuses this policy to assault, harass, intimidate, or otherwise interfere with an individual’s rights” can be prosecuted.

And if said employees do try to confront an individual, they can be prosecuted.

At what point can these men be stopped that are breaking these "trusts" and rules? Only when the woman is naked and has been filmed? At that point? Or when the girl has been physically assaulted? Because no one can say anything prior under any circumstance.

BRILLIANT Liberal policies.
My analysis is one of liberty and perspective. Tim's is one of hysteria.

Calling your "opinion" an analysis doesn't make it so. If it is indeed an analysis, cite your sources.
"I legitimately fear the next fight these "protesters" take on once they feel this silly "transgender" issue is won. What, bestiality? Sex with minors?"

That is neither hysterical nor paranoid. Seriously, ten years ago, did you foresee that some bizarre "civil rights" claim would be made as to where men could go to the bathroom? You are a liar if you say yes.

So tell me, once the right to **** in a women's restroom is conquered, what next? Are you so ignorant of the last fifty years that you believe the usual suspects will say, "**** it. We got what we needed. Time to applaud America"?

So what's next? Let us know.

I say reducing the age of consent is the next "civil rights battle."
So tell me, once the right to **** in a women's restroom is conquered, what next?
I don't even **** in my wife's bathroom in my own house and she doesn't **** in mine.
Calling your "opinion" an analysis doesn't make it so. If it is indeed an analysis, cite your sources.

Steeltime referred to it as an analysis. You should have analyzed to what I was replying.
It's no skin off my *** either way, I just think people getting hysterical and paranoid over the issue is silly.

Remember this all started with an uninforcable State law Making it illegal for people to use the bathroom that didn't match their birth gender, NOT the other way around.

No it did not. That is an outright lie. It started before that. If it didn't, why then did NC feel the need to make a law? So you are saying, all of the sudden, out of nowhere, without any type of provocation, NC decided to make a bathroom law? Nobody was discussing anything with transgender, nobody thought about and NC brought it to the national conscience?
You went all Rick Santorum:

"I legitimately fear the next fight these "protesters" take on once they feel this silly "transgender" issue is won. What, bestiality? Sex with minors?"

Tim made this comparison earlier. Why is it OK when libs get all "Rick Santorum?"

"If we allow permit to carry laws, it will be the wild west all over in communities throughout the USA!"

That's perfectly understandable though, huh?
So what's next?

I say reducing the age of consent is the next "civil rights battle."

YOU keep saying that. YOU. No one of any consequence or multitude is calling for that.

When the only voice telling you something terrible is going to happen is the one in your head, THAT is paranoia.