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Terror attack in Brussels

Churchill in our times

Flashback: New York Times mocked Trump for saying “there is something bad going on” in Brussels

Asked by the Fox Business Network anchor Maria Bartiromo about the feasibility of his proposal to bar foreign Muslims from entering the United States, Mr. Trump argued that Belgium and France had been blighted by the failure of Muslims in these countries to integrate.

“There is something going on, Maria,” he said. “Go to Brussels. Go to Paris. Go to different places. There is something going on and it’s not good, where they want Shariah law, where they want this, where they want things that — you know, there has to be some assimilation. There is no assimilation. There is something bad going on.”…

For Belgians, already reeling from recent terrorist plots and a chronically dysfunctional government, Mr. Trump’s words were enough to induce a fit of pique worthy, in some cases, of Mr. Trump himself.

Our idiot ******* president was referring to the fact that ISIS is losing ground in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere. As is the case. That terrorist cells operate around the world, and will continue to do so, is also a fact. The two are not neccessarily connected. Think of the sleeper cells that pulled off 9-11, or the Paris attacks, or these most recent ones in Brussels. International terrorism has been a part of our lives since the 1970's. It's not going to change any time soon. Sometimes it's as little as 2-3 people planning, and carrying out an attack.

But go right ahead and dismiss the job our military is doing in containing the situation in the ME because some local, Belgian born & raised terrorists carried out an attack in the heart of Europe.

ISIS 'is not sustainable' — here's the latest sign the group is losing
seems to me they're not exactly "losing ground" but taking their bullshit on new and exciting adventures.
seems to me they're not exactly "losing ground" but taking their bullshit on new and exciting adventures.

Or stated differently, like-minded and affiliated ''home grown'' terrorist cells continue to carry out attacks in the name of jihad.
Went to the Fall Out Boy concert last night- Pete Wentz addressed the bombing. You could see the confusion on the crowd's faces....so many millenials and kids who had NO ******* CLUE what happened in Brussels yesterday. Made me sick. How could you NOT at least have seen SOMETHING on one of the various social media channels?
Went to the Fall Out Boy concert last night- Pete Wentz addressed the bombing. You could see the confusion on the crowd's faces....so many millenials and kids who had NO ******* CLUE what happened in Brussels yesterday. Made me sick. How could you NOT at least have seen SOMETHING on one of the various social media channels?

cant interrupt Minecraft for something that can wait later.
Indeed, having the Donald in the White House is really gonna improve everything. LOL

Donald Trump Featured In New Terrorist Recruitment Video

Presidential candidate Donald Trump is featured in a new recruitment video from the terrorist group Al-Shabab, according to numerous experts. Evan Kohlmann, analyst with NBC News and Chief R&D Officer for the private intelligence firm FlashPoint was one of the first to identify the new video:

A new video from al-Shabab in Somalia shows Donald Trump calling for a ban on Muslims and warns "basic human rights do not apply" in the US.

— Evan Kohlmann (@IntelTweet) January 1, 2016

Al-Shabab is an “an al-Qaeda-linked militant group based in Somalia.” It is best known for its deadly attack on a mall in Kenya in September 2003. Kohlmann, however, says Trump appearance in the video signifies his larger utility for the broader jihadist movement.

The new Shabab video featuring @realDonaldTrump appears clear evidence jihadists hope to use him to specifically solicit American recruits.

— Evan Kohlmann (@IntelTweet) January 1, 2016

That's a plus for him.

The opposite is true.


Part of the rationale, so I've read, is that Europe's birthrate has been below the replacement rate for decades especially in Germany, and the leadership is looking down the road at a worker shortage. Of course I would argue that if your economies were better and it didn't cost so friggen much to live there, people might have more kids. That doesn't stop the Muzzies however. I read a long time ago that at present birth rates France will be a Muslim majority country by 2050. The average European married couple has a bit more than once child per family while the Muzzie average is eight.

Merkel's party just lost big in the midterms and I'd say her chances of getting reelected are between slim and none and Slim just left town.

I've seen video of a muzzie bullying a native in England(?) iirc, where the 'sloid says exactly that. He's in the guys face telling him how they will out-breed the honkey Christians and in fact will breed with the honkey Christians daughters and their daughters daughters.

So many here simply can't ascertain the difference between the Muslim faith, ie Muslims in general, and Islamic fundamentalist terrorists/terrorism such is Al Quada/ISIS. In your warped world, these two are one and the same. No sane person, liberal or conservative would ever support Islamic terrorists/terrorism. Again, it's like hating all blond people because a blond person robbed your home. Muslims around the world face the perils of the fanatics on their fringes, as much as anyone else. In fact, even more so.

"In cases where the religious affiliation of terrorism casualties could be determined, Muslims suffered between 82 and 97% of terrorism-related fatalities over the past five years."


No ****? So you're saying then that the ones that aren't radical ******** are ******* that won't fight for their OWN countries? Yeah, let's bring 'em in.

According to the article I posted it seems if you follow the Koran as written you should be violent. It is only through interpretation that it becomes a "peaceful" religion.

That's "mis" interpretation.

Exact same thing can be said about the Bible. It's all about interpretation. Fanatical muslims take the more omnious parts of the Koran literally. Thank God a similar group hasn't surfaced that did the same with some of the passages in the Bible.

*sigh*.......so played

I have never acted as if radical Islam is not a problem. Check anything I've ever posted here, I've always been opposed to Islamist terrorism and want them destroyed.

That sounds great, but that's not what Trump is preaching. He is specifically lumping together all Muslims, not just focusing on the radicals. I'm 100% for going after radical muslims in every which way. Unfortunately, that's not what Trump is calling for.

He's saying sort them out.......and until then, no entrada.

I agree. On that same note, let's round up all caucasian, Christian Americans until we can weed out which ones are KKK members ready to murder, lunatic far-righters on the verge of shooting up a school or a church, or crazed fanatics ready to blow up an abortion clinic. Otherwise, how can you go about going after the radical ones? Ask them for a show of hands?

Important point. One group are U.S. citizens protected by the Constitution against unlawful S&S. The others are not.

Maybe you could put a muslim patch on their clothes to identify them:

View attachment 2219

And I'm sure that some Germans had 'reasons' for suspecting some Jews of being enemies of state - so they decided to round them all up and start exterminating them regardless of any guilt.

And that's exactly what's being proposed. Border ovens.

What do you mean by 'freely'? We have visa and immigration laws. We're not allowing anyone in 'freely'. Have you read the processing refugees go through? Do you think if you show up at the airport from a foreign country, you can just waltz right in? Where do you guys come up with this stuff? Stop listening to Donald Trump, it's melting your mind.

Why It Takes Two Years for Syrian Refugees to Enter the U.S.

Syrians must pass many layers of security checks before being admitted to the United States, a process that can take two years or longer. In most cases, the refugees do not enter the United States until the very end. They are also subject to an additional layer of checks beyond those for refugees of other nationalities; after the Paris attacks, the House voted to further tighten screening procedures. Since 2011, the United States has admitted fewer than 2,000 Syrian refugees.

1. Registration with the United Nations.

2. Interview with the United Nations.

3. Refugee status granted by the United Nations.

4. Referral for resettlement in the United States.

The United Nations decides if the person fits the definition of a refugee and whether to refer the person to a country for resettlement. Only the most vulnerable are referred, accounting for fewer than 1 percent of refugees worldwide. Some people spend years waiting in refugee camps.

5. Interview with State Department contractors.

6. First background check.

7. Higher-level background check for some.

8. Another background check.

The refugee’s name is run through law enforcement and intelligence databases for terrorist or criminal history. Some go through a higher-level clearance before they can continue. A third background check was introduced in 2008 for Iraqis but has since been expanded to all refugees ages 14 to 65.

9. First fingerprint screening; photo taken.

10. Second fingerprint screening.

11. Third fingerprint screening.

The refugee’s fingerprints are screened against F.B.I. and Homeland Security databases, which contain watch list information and past immigration encounters, including if the refugee previously applied for a visa at a United States embassy. Fingerprints are also checked against those collected by the Defense Department during operations in Iraq.

12. Case reviewed at United States immigration headquarters.

13. Some cases referred for additional review.

Syrian applicants must undergo these two additional steps. Each is reviewed by a United States Citizenship and Immigration Services refugee specialist. Cases with “national security indicators” are given to the Homeland Security Department’s fraud detection unit.

14. Extensive, in-person interview with Homeland Security officer.

Most of the interviews with Syrians have been done in Jordan and Turkey.

15. Homeland Security approval is required.

If the House bill becomes law, the director of the F.B.I., the Homeland Security secretary and the director of national intelligence would be required to confirm that the applicant poses no threat.

16. Screening for contagious diseases.

17. Cultural orientation class.

18. Matched with an American resettlement agency.

19. Multi-agency security check before leaving for the United States.

Because of the long amount of time between the initial screening and departure, officials conduct a final check before the refugee leaves for the United States.

20. Final security check at an American airport.

Yes. The always reliable and responsible government can be counted on 100% to fast track vet 10,000 people coming from areas where, had any records been kept, they have already been destroyed. So besides that being a complete crap shoot, we will be "assisted" by the equally reliable and responsible UN....but you "presume" that none of these steps will be skipped, just done more quickly. Are you just doing this in the hope that the more we take in the safer you'll be over there?

Ronald Reagan sold weapons directly to Iran. He did this to fund the Contras in Nicaragua after Congress wouldn't approve the funding for them. He sold weapons directly to our sworn enemy in order to secretly provide money that Congress wouldn't approve, which I believe is unconstitutional. If Obama did that you guys would be losing your ******* minds, but Reagan was a republican and, more importantly, white.... so it's all good.

Ya got me. I just hate darkies.

Nice pick-up

Detonator in the gloved left hand?

You trained in Somalia too?

Dead man switch?

Good idea... And when it became known that there was a percentage ... albeit a small one but a percentage nonetheless ... of Catholic priests sexually abusing young children, every parent should have immediately yanked their kids out of Catholic school and immediately stopped going to church because hey.... how can you tell which ones are the monsters and which ones aren't... Its just common sense.

Again, you guys will go to any length to try to justify not scrutinizing people who have sworn to wipe YOU and yours off the face of the planet. Just mind boggling.

You are a moron to even suggest I'm a moron.
And what do you mean by 'you people'? Stop being so obtuse as to think you're the only sane poster who has ever made a comment on a message board and that you even understand the argument.

There is a clear method for dealing with those in the middle east, but it must be a concerted effort from a multinational group to make it work.

How does it benefit the US to block refugees from coming in from overseas if Mexico and Canada allow it to happen and they can then just steal across the border? Do you really think a giant wall across our southern border is even feasible -- functionally and financially? Sure, we can screen the refugees before they come into the country, but what do we do about the countless Muslims that are already here and are falling for the ISIS propaganda available on the internet? Is your plan then to round them all up and put them in internment camps like we did with the Japanese during WWII?

If the wall were "built" of our military ( brought home from the various shitholes around the world)I'd say it's completely feasible.


They are animals

Seven-year-old girl gang-raped at asylum centre in Germany

German police are investigating another horrific gang rape apparently involving a seven-year-old girl who had been living at an asylum centre.

The incident allegedly happened in Hamburg where the girl had been accepted at a first registration home in the city's quarter of Bahrenfeld.

Police were called in the early evening after a report that a seven-year-old girl was the victim of a gang rape at the centre on the Albert-Einstein-Ring road.

The suspected attackers were named in German media as five Arabic men, although it is unclear if they were just visiting the asylum centre or whether they were actually registered and living there.


As a whole this segment of humanity seems to have taken the first available exit off the evolution highway.
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Yeah... Border ovens... THAT's what i was suggesting. :rolleyes:

Maybe, just maybe, I was pointing out that segregating a lone ethnicity or religious group is the first step on the road to their incarceration and persecution. Think that can't happen? Isn't that what ISIS is doing right now?
This still comes back to open borders and immigration policy.

Europe has always been liberally two-faced in their immigration policy. They gladly let them into their countries in droves, but the degree of segregation and racism they get because of this is much higher than here in America.

That's why Europe has these huge pocket communities of immigrants that their elected officials basically ignore. They are no-go zones for police. Hell, we saw what happens when a white news crew goes into one of the communities: they get rocks thrown at them. Europe (even the liberals) still define being "French" or "German" or "Belgian" as being white and historically rooted in that land. They accept immigrants into their midst, but they will never be "French" or "Belgian" or "German", just citizens (which is big difference ideologically as compared to America).

Even in the most segregated sections of our inner cities, that wouldn't happen here in America. And while we may want significant proof of your loyalty, we don't define "American" based on cultural history or skin color or religion. Once you "buy in" to our fundamental freedoms and acceptance and loyalty to our country, you're one of us.

I don't think that happens in Europe.

So when you combine 1) too high an immigrant rate 2) segregation and discrimination against immigrants and 3) harsh cultural differences between the groups

This is what you get. And there is nothing wrong with America as a country questioning or pondering how we can prevent those things from happening here.

The only thing government has control over is "immigrant rates". They can help try to avoid immigrant groups from "clustering" together, especially those that come from violent countries (because raised in violence think violence is the answer to everything).

But immigration policies have to come from Government control of the borders.

If Mexico was as violent a place and had religious/cultural differences as Northern Africa/Middle East is to Europe, we would be having the same issues. And this issue (like it is in Europe) wouldn't be apart of just this election cycle, but EVERY election cycle.

Fortunately, Mexico isn't Syria/Libya/Iraq/Algeria.

And we have every right as a country to question the merits of groups of people from different countries that want to live here how they can HELP this country. That has always been the policy of immigration. Not open borders. Not charity.

Tibs is right. This isn't a crisis because of Syria. This started LONG ago in Europe with their lack of population growth and stagnant economy that needed cheap labor and their policies to create the European Union and open borders and large-scale immigration of Muslims. They were also naive to think the assimilation of Muslims into European society and western culture would just "happen".

We can't fall into that same trap.

I'm in the minority, but I wish the media would minimize the coverage of terrorist acts, as well as random mass shootings. No headline, no non-stop "breaking news" coverage, just another story. It's exactly what the perpetrators want and only serves to perpetuate these acts. I don't give a **** who they were and where they came from.
Thank you to Teddy Kennedy for sponsoring legislation in the sixties to remove the requirement that refugees coming to America be like minded, freedom supporting peoples. Boy was a stain on this country. So unlike his brothers in my opinion.
When the left attacks the left - we all win

Ultimate Insult—Morning Joe Wonders: Why Can't Obama Be as Tough as French Prez?

From Scarborough to Mika Brzezinski to Nicolle Wallace, Rudy Giuliani to Michael Hayden, the condemnation of President Obama's weak, shades-wearing, wave-doing, grinning response to the Brussels outrage was relentless.

Most brutal and disturbing of all was the assessement of former CIA Director Michael Hayden, who said of Obama's response: "that wasn't a mistake, that wasn't weakness, that was policy, that going to the ballpark and spending less than a minute commenting on the attack. I believe in his heart of hearts the president's policy is that is not that big a deal. There are other things that are more important and that was what he was messaging."



Former Islamic Extremist Says This Is the First Thing U.S. Must Do — but Has Refused to Do Under Obama — to Defeat Radical Islam

If the United States and its allies want to defeat radical Islamic terror and stop its growing threat worldwide, one former Islamic extremist says the way to accomplish that is by challenging extremists both ideologically and militarily.

Speaking on Fox News’ “Fox and Friends” Wednesday morning, Maajid Nawaz — who lived with world-renowned Islamists and jihadis in Egypt from 2002-2006 — reminded the show’s hosts that Tuesday’s attack in Brussels was actually the eighth attack by radical Islamic terrorists in March.

“What we’re witnessing, actually on a global level, is something unprecedented. I call it the ‘global jihadist insurgency,’” Nawaz said. “And it’s, in fact, an ideological struggle as well as a military struggle.”

Nawaz explained that during his time in Egypt, he became “disillusioned” with the extremist ideology after his fellow Islamists celebrated the idea of enslaving people with the “resurrection” of a caliphate.

When asked what the solution to the problem of radical Islamic terror is, Nawaz explained that first the problem must be identified then it needs to be challenged both ideologically and then militarily. However, according to Nawaz, President Barack Obama’s policy against radical Islamic terrorist groups isn’t correctly addressing the problem.

“I fear that currently, with the president’s policy, that’s simply just not happening,” Naraz said.


Translation: President Obama is a ******* ***** with failed policies.
Brothers identified as bombers in airport and metro attacks

Brothers Khalid and Ibrahim el-Bakraoui have been named by the Belgian federal prosecutor, Frederic Van Leeuw, as the two suicide bombers who killed at least 31 people in Tuesday’s attacks. Ibrahim el-Bakraoui, who was identified from fingerprints, blew himself up at Zaventem airport. He was seen in the centre of CCTV footage released last night. Khalid el-Bakraoui, who is not thought to be on the airport CCTV, attacked the metro train at Maelbeek station.


The man on the right in the airport CCTV footage has been named by the Belgium media as Najim Laachraoui. He is still on the run after he was mistakenly reported to have been arrested in a police raid

Went to the Fall Out Boy concert last night- Pete Wentz addressed the bombing. You could see the confusion on the crowd's faces....so many millenials and kids who had NO ******* CLUE what happened in Brussels yesterday. Made me sick. How could you NOT at least have seen SOMETHING on one of the various social media channels?

Their little twitter and Facebook worlds are insulated from the real world.

That's how the terrorists are winning.
The terrorists didn't win. Obama went to a ballgame. We showed them.

Of course, you are right - Obama just called Islam the "greatest religion in the world" and schooled us how climate change is still our biggest threat.

Can Argentina just keep him?
do they not have people monitoring their cameras?
pretty much "do whatever you want...we'll name you later"
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Pull all our troops out of Europe and make NATO pay us for their protection..I'd say a trillion a year should cover it

France and Brussels are just jihadist infested neighborhoods like Syria now...Europe is weak and soft, Muslim appeasers are stupid and they are willing to live with blood splattered walls and close their eyes....that's socialism in action
I guess the Groucho Marx fake nose and glasses and being disguised as Humpty Hump the rapper didn't work as well as planned.

It's good enough for the Brussels coppers, he's still on the loose

New News


The airport CCTV image. The man on the left has not been identified and is believed to have died. Brahim el-Bakraoui is in the middle and was also killed. The man on the right has not been identified and is on the run


Brussels attacks: Two brothers behind Belgium bombings


Two of the suicide bombers who carried out attacks in Brussels on Tuesday have been named as brothers Khalid and Brahim el-Bakraoui, Belgian nationals.

The federal prosecutor said Brahim was part of the attack at Zaventem airport that killed 11 people. Khalid struck at Maelbeek metro, where 20 people died.

Two other attackers at the airport have not yet been identified. One of them died, another is on the run.



US State Dept just announced a travel warning alert for all of Europe
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