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The Death of Free Speech

I've gotta stop responding to you, as you don't deserve a seat at the grownups' table where people have rational conversation. The original article mentioned 'minor scuffles' and 'chanting protestors.' Nothing about the violent attacks outlined in the second article. You simply can't be this dense. Actually, I take that back.

You asked, "What violence?" Your words (you seem to have this ability to forget what you've typed).

Violence: Noun
Behaviour involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something.

Counter protesters later showed up at Alamo Square Park to protest the canceled news conference. Minor scuffles broke out between them and police officers,

scuf·fle noun
short, confused fight or struggle at close quarters.

You make this so damned easy. A scuffle is violence. And in your ever-obtuse way, you overlooked it. Dismissed it.

I guess this is like saying AntiFA is a peaceful organization. You Libs are always trying to redefine things - gender, marriage, violence.
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You should be embarrassed by that response Tim, but of course you won't be. That is the biggest stretch I have seen on this board, and that's saying a lot. Keep grasping at straws in your incessant drive to outwit others. In the end, you're exposing yourself to being a fool. It doesn't have to be like this. There is better way forward, where you don't swing wildly at every pitch.

'Gone With the Wind' screenings pulled from Memphis theater for racially 'insensitive' content

A historic Memphis, Tennessee, theater, which has shown "Gone With the Wind" screenings for 34 years, has decided to remove the classic film from its schedule due to its racially "insensitive" content.



Next for the neo-facist socialists, book burnings


'Gone With the Wind' screenings pulled from Memphis theater for racially 'insensitive' content

A historic Memphis, Tennessee, theater, which has shown "Gone With the Wind" screenings for 34 years, has decided to remove the classic film from its schedule due to its racially "insensitive" content.



Next for the neo-facist socialists, book burnings


This is BEYOND outrageous.
Isn't the old expression "If we don't learn from history, we're doomed to repeat our mistakes?" ....... or something of that nature?
Well we certainly can't learn from history if people insist on trying to erase it!
Please stop the madness.
It's like the retardedness of trying to remove the word nigger from Huck Finn ( yeah, both retardedness AND nigger in the same sentence....TWICE ).
Grow up and exercise some common sense.
If people are so easily triggered they shouldn't leave the house.
We are raising a generation of social and intellectual cripples. They are going to be helpless. And the culprit is PC everything.

'Gone With the Wind' screenings pulled from Memphis theater for racially 'insensitive' content

A historic Memphis, Tennessee, theater, which has shown "Gone With the Wind" screenings for 34 years, has decided to remove the classic film from its schedule due to its racially "insensitive" content.



Next for the neo-facist socialists, book burnings


That's just mind blowing.
Im starting a free speech safe business... for just the low price of $30 you get a soundproof room for one hour where you can say anything you want without fear of reprimand... that way you can remember the good old days when you could do that in public

God bless that man in the red shirt for ensuring that poor soul on the ground didn't get beat to death. I tried to find the video of the beginning of the beating but can't, but there were large objects getting hurled at him repeatedly. Those scum should be in prison.
You should be embarrassed by that response Tim, but of course you won't be. That is the biggest stretch I have seen on this board, and that's saying a lot. Keep grasping at straws in your incessant drive to outwit others. In the end, you're exposing yourself to being a fool. It doesn't have to be like this. There is better way forward, where you don't swing wildly at every pitch.

Once again...like three times in one day? :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:

The article clearly stated there was a scuffle between AntiFA and the police. A scuffle is violence. By it's base definition.


Now, for your next trick, please back pedal and explain...again...to us all how AntifA is a group of peaceful Patriots.

We wait...with bated breath.

Morning Joe finally wakes up.

When the five AntiFA beat the one Trump supporter brutally....that was really Patriotism. That isn't violence. It's really peace, and you guys just can't see it. That Trump supporter's beliefs are a threat to society. Beating him really was a way to bring peace to this world. If we could just quell those beliefs, the world will be a better place.

I can't believe the rest of you don't see this as a peaceful demonstration.
I can't wait till people have had enough of this **** and someone or two open fire and mow down 20-30 of these antifucks. Then someone else can mow down 20-30 of the the Klan supremacists. America will be that much better less 40-60 worthless *****.

Then in a perfect world the jury will return a not guilty verdict
99% of America doesn't agree with either of these ******* groups. I wonder who is making these clowns such a big deal? How are they dominating the "national dialogue"?
99% of America doesn't agree with either of these ******* groups. I wonder who is making these clowns such a big deal? How are they dominating the "national dialogue"?

The political left along with their shills in the MSM are using this as a tactic to drum up their base. The thing is they are framing everyone that disagrees with them politically as a Nazi/White Supremacist. And the leftists like Tibs are perfectly fine with it because they tell themselves they are morally justified because they "care" about people. They will keep escalating until they get shut down or open Balkan style civil war breaks out.
The political right along with their shills at FoxNews and Breitbart are using this as a tactic to drum up their base. The thing is they are framing everyone that disagrees with them politically as violent AntiFa/ BLM anarchists. And the rightists like Spike, Indy, Tim, DBS1970 are perfectly fine with it because they tell themselves they are morally justified because they "care" about people. They will keep escalating until they get shut down or open Balkan style civil war breaks out.
We as a society shouldn't tolerate it. But we never ever jail for it or make it illegal. Otherwise, say bye bye to Free Speech, which is far more important.

Saw an article this past weekend that California (AGAIN) wants to jail people for using the wrong gender pronoun. JAIL THEM.
The political right along with their shills at FoxNews and Breitbart are using this as a tactic to drum up their base. The thing is they are framing everyone that disagrees with them politically as violent AntiFa/ BLM anarchists. And the rightists like Spike, Indy, Tim, DBS1970 are perfectly fine with it because they tell themselves they are morally justified because they "care" about people. They will keep escalating until they get shut down or open Balkan style civil war breaks out.

Laughable and demonstrably false.

All of us have openly condemned the white supremacists. You on the other hand attempted to justify the actions of the Bolshevik Brute Squads. There is a major difference in the to extreme camps though. The far right isn't initiating the violence. They Aryan Nation isn't showing up to DNC candidates rallies and rioting and assaulting people.
The far right isn't initiating the violence.

Laughable and demonstrably false.

Interesting to see the wide support and concern for the Far Right movement (see Nazis, KKK, White Supremacists, Militias) on this board. God forbid anybody shows up to raise their voice against these hate groups.
Laughable and demonstrably false.

Interesting to see the wide support and concern for the Far Right movement (see Nazis, KKK, White Supremacists, Militias) on this board. God forbid anybody shows up to raise their voice against these hate groups.


Nobody has supported them beyond saying they have a right to speak in the public square without being physically attacked just the same as your leftist darlings.
Liar. Nobody has supported them beyond saying they have a right to speak in the public square without being physically attacked just the same as your leftist darlings.
Yeah, sure, they have the right to free speech. That's it. Beyond that, anyone that shows support or concern for these scumbags is inherently supporting their cause. I see too many posts on here that toes the line on this issue. The uproar on the board over a few hundred AntiFa criminals far exceeds any type of push back against the sudden rise of Far Right nationalism in the country. That speaks for itself.
Yeah, sure, they have the right to free speech. That's it. Beyond that, anyone that shows support or concern for these scumbags is inherently supporting their cause. I see too many posts on here that toes the line on this issue. The uproar on the board over a few hundred AntiFa criminals far exceeds any type of push back against the sudden rise of Far Right nationalism in the country. That speaks for itself.

And there you have it folks. Supporting constitutionally limited government, The natural rights of all men, and patriotism is evil according to leftists like Mr Tibs.
Yeah, sure, they have the right to free speech. That's it. Beyond that, anyone that shows support or concern for these scumbags is inherently supporting their cause.

This seems to be the REAL issue.
You're conflating the support of the 1st amendment with support of what's actually being said.
It is possible to completely abhor what is being said, but support the fact that is allowed to be said.
They are two distinct things that you seem to want to lump together for no apparent reason.
99% of America doesn't agree with either of these ******* groups. I wonder who is making these clowns such a big deal? How are they dominating the "national dialogue"?

Well, you see the vast amount of democratic voters are split into the much older sure voters and the far left progressive youths.... bringing back the issues of the 1960's is a safe bet to appeal to the older crowd and maybe lure the youths away from whatever communist du jour is running next election

Won't work, but the dems should thank their lucky stars that the republican party is inept and crooked so they aren't getting buried totally at this point...