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The Dem **** Show starts tonight,

So this is the next new garbage thread?


I'll just dump this **** here



In Defeat, Pelosi Agrees to Pass Senate Border Bill Without House Conditions

WASHINGTON — Speaker Nancy Pelosi agreed on Thursday to clear the Senate’s version of emergency humanitarian aid package for strapped federal agencies dealing with a migrant crisis, jettisoning the House’s strict controls on the $4.6 billion in a stinging defeat that was ensured by Democratic disunity.

The change was a striking display of disarray and an unusual setback for Ms. Pelosi, who has been adept at navigating the political complexities of a caucus riven with powerful progressive and moderate factions that often work at cross purposes. On Thursday, their priorities clashed in spectacular fashion, and the speaker — who had put her reputation on the line, calling herself a “lioness” out to protect children as she held out for stronger protections in migrant facilities that house them — had to accept defeat.

“In order to get resources to the children fastest, we will reluctantly pass the Senate bill,” Ms. Pelosi said in a letter to Democratic lawmakers

Nice to see Democrats actually doing something about Russia's full borne attack against our sovereign elections. Now let's see what McConnell and the GOP Senate does with this. Keep your eyes wide open.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">BREAKING: The House just voted to safeguard our elections. The SAFE Act will:<br> <br>��️Replace outdated & vulnerable voting equipment<br>��Mandate paper ballot voting & post-election audits<br>��Create strict cybersecurity requirements for voting systems<br> <br>2020 is coming. Let’s be prepared.</p>— Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) <a href="https://twitter.com/RepAdamSchiff/status/1144354680983687169?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 27, 2019</a></blockquote>
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I have zero problem with protecting electronic voting, and requiring paper ballots. None.

I also have zero problem with insuring that those voting in our elections should be voting in our elections.

California, Oregon, Colorado, Washington, Nevada, New Mexico, and a slew of other states have "motor-voter" laws. That means, get a license, get registered to vote (if you want). It's how I registered in Arizona.

Wanna know the problem?? Illegal aliens now get licenses in California, Oregon, Nevada, Washington, Illinois, New Mexico, Colorado.

Hey, look at that, New Mexico, Nevada and Colorado. States decided in 2016 by 71,700 votes (Colorado), 26,500 votes (Nevada) and 65,000 votes (New Mexico). A total of 20 electoral votes decided by 163,00 votes out of 137,125,484 cast - or .12% of the vote cast.

You think illegals did not vote in those three states? "Oh, yeah, a few, but I mean not enough ..." Really, how do you know? You think tens of thousands - millions - of driver's licenses issued to illegals resulted in no illegal voter registration? Really, that's what you believe?

But you think Russian Fakebook ads could turn an election.

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I’m not sure I’m going to watch tonight. I have a Yellowstone in the well. It’s too much retardation in 24 hours.
I need you to understand this Tibs.

I have been a democrat my entire life. I didn't even vote for Reagan in 4th grade. I voted for Jimmy ******* Carter! (True it was in the 4th grade, but in OUR class election I voted for ******* Jimmy!)

I was outraged when Gore lost the "hanging chad" election in Florida. Thought it was BS.

I was frustrated when Ohio went for Bush instead of Kerry. (You know Kerry won the POPULAR vote!) Turns out that didn't matter for ****. As it shouldnt'.

I voted for O in the first election. (I hoped for change).

Then I watched as America became more and more polarized under O's watch. I saw more and more riots. More and more attacks on both sides. I saw people dropping ******* cinder-blocks from overpasses down on police officers. I saw a guy walk IN TO a police station and start killing police officers and he was hailed by the media and the administration as a victim of misunderstanding and long-time oppression.

I watched as the republicans party put moron after moron up against Obama. How was Obama going to lose to Cain and ******* "I can see Russia from my HOUSE!" lady? Seriously? That's a ******* slam dunk after a 3 on 1. And then Mitt Romney? Really? That's the BEST the republicans got? Damn me all the hell, I voted for Obama again. And what does he do? More of the same. The economy begins to falter. HIs progress in jobs creation and unemployment declines, his healthcare program cripples EVERYONE in the country. Through his incompetence and inaction he gets our foreign diplomats killed, he doubles down on the notion that police officers are people to be disrespected and marginalized.

But, I survived it. Democrat Baby! But when the democrats rolled out Hillary ******* Clinton - Are you ******* kidding me? Are you seriously ******* kidding me? That's like asking somebody to vouch for the neighbor they watched push their own child out into traffic to die. Hillary Clinton is ALL THAT IS BAD in American Politics distilled into one horrible little person. She makes Henry Kissinger look like the guy we should consider for the next ******* Pope!

So, you suck it up. You vote AGAINST Hillary Clinton. Yep. That's what you do!

And what happens then? The liberals freak the **** out. I mean they freak out like the WORLD ******* ENDED! How they failed to see that Hillary Clinton NEVER could have won that election is beyond me. What kind of a crazy America-hating ************ would VOTE for that chick? Seriously. Who in their RIGHT ******* MIND would vote for Hillary Clinton?

The media begins the "retribution tour". 24/7/52 attacks on Trump. Every conceivable thing they can come up with to attack - they attack. Every person in Trump's administration - Attack! Trump's wife, daughter and son? Attack! And through it all, Trump begins quietly doing all the things he said he'd do.

He improved the unemployment rate by incentivizing the economy and bringing back American manufacturing jobs.
He proposed a tax solution that ultimately "cut taxes" but still made more money in tax revenue than during Obama's reign.
He put it to congress to come up with better immigration reform but they refused, causing the mess at the border right now.
He caused North Korea for the first time, literally EVER to talk with us and even consider de-escalating their weapons programs.
He's applied more sanctions to those 'evil Russians' than any President has ever done since the cold war started.

All while being constantly besieged on every side by a ravenous media and democratic party that will stop at NOTHING to discredit (literally) his every single move.

And now what are the democrats responding with? One weak candidate (Biden) and a slew of frickin' nut jobs that want to give EVERYONE who votes for them free EVERYTHING! And if they ever did get elected they'd instantly blame Trump and the evil republican congress and senate for thwarting their noble plans. Oh well, so sorry. Vote again next time!

wig explains here: (seriously, it sounds just like you)

Holy **** wig, there were some serious truth bombs thrown down in that little stream of consciousness. Bravo sir.

Off the rails tonight already.

Sleepy Joe & Crazy Bernie? Won't watch this one either. I'll get the gist from y'all or tomorrow.
Swalwell for President, good God, how low did we go?
Loved how Harris said America doesn't want to see a food fight when they all were talking over each other, then continued to talk herself.
Loved how Harris said America doesn't want to see a food fight when they all were talking over each other, then continued to talk herself.

These clowns may be bigger dumbasses than last night....all talking at once...yapping like a litter of pomeranian pups. It's not a debate, it's a commie rally.

Bernie just keeps raising his hand. He has to go pee but the mods keep lobbing softballs underhand.
Wow, I laughed out loud when Trump said he was a young vibrant man but compared to Biden tonight he actually is.

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden joked about hugging any rivals who attack him during the second Democratic presidential debate in Miami Thursday.

Biden said he planned to “Hug ’em!” if debate opponents went on the offensive as reporters peppered him with questions after his debate walkthrough Wednesday afternoon, reported WPLG Local 10’s Glenna Milberg.
Here we go, the main event!

Cameltoe just slapped down the race card on Joe, he looks shaken, Sleepy Joe is not up for Primetime, being shredded!

Oh my, there goes that Biden/Harris ticket! LOL

Libs wont like what he just said about guns either, go after the manufacturer, not the NRA! Uh oh, big gaffe, they all hate the NRA
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Kirsten Gillebrand seems like she's on crack or something.
Biden pretty much got destroyed... He was in the middle of a response and was like "my time is up" no one does that..I think he totally lost his train of thought. I think he will slip big big time in the next polls.
According to Fox News, Kamala destroyed everyone and was far and away the winner over both nights. Ugh...I don't doubt it. She has the personality of a pit bull. One of the most hateful women on the planet.
DeBlasio and Gabbard seemed to make the most sense, so the left will hate them lol
Gabbard Was Most Searched Democratic Candidate After Debate
Thank you for voting! TULSI GABBARD 45.31% (51,866 votes) How can one person be so wrong about so many things? Unreal...
You may need some extra lotion, Tibs: Yeah, but that is from the right-leaning Goolag. Never mind. Good news - CVS has your lotion on sale.

It is clear many here at SN have no idea what is happening in the online political arena. Namely the residual effect Russian hacking and spamming has had since the 2016 election, the tactics adopted and propagated by the far right. It is pretty amazing to watch it play out, in real time.

Some of you seem to be very much in the know, spreading falsehoods knowingly.

Not surprising to see Spike, Indy and others post far-right propaganda and disinformation. Straight from 4chan/drudge to the SN political board. It's been going on for years. Nothing wrong with it, I guess. It's a free country, just not sure everyone here understands the ramifications.

I think it's cute, to see these pro-Trump trolls fall over themselves trying to be cunning and cutting edge, to serve as influencers here at SN and elsewhere. I just hope they don't think they're fooling anyone.

Trolls target online polls following first Democratic presidential debate

Users from pro-Trump communities on 4chan and Reddit implored fellow members to vote for lower-polling candidates, specifically Tulsi Gabbard and Bill de Blasio.

Users from pro-Trump communities on 4chan and Reddit implored fellow members to vote for lower-polling candidates in online polls, specifically Tulsi Gabbard and Bill de Blasio, in the hours after Wednesday’s Democratic debate — a sign that digital manipulation efforts related to U.S. politics and elections remain very much alive.

Users on 4chan’s anonymous far-right /pol/message board repeatedly posted links to polls across the web, encouraging one another to “blow the polls out” for Gabbard, the congresswoman from Hawaii who has developed a substantial support base among many of its users.

The posts pointed users toward polls on national news websites like the Drudge Report, The Washington Examiner, and Heavy.com, but also polls from local news providers like NJ.com, which posts from several newspapers in the state.

“GIVE HER YOUR POWER,” read one 4chan post from 1 a.m. Thursday, pointing to a screenshot of the still-active Drudge poll showing Gabbard leading.

The efforts from 4chan’s /pol/ board and Reddit’s pro-Trump subreddit mirror the notorious troll communities’ strategy from 2016, when they bombarded polls in an effort to drive more visibility and confidence to their candidate of choice, and hoped news websites and candidates lent credibility to the results later on.

Traditional polls, such as those run by researchers, polling companies and universities are not susceptible to such manipulations. Pollsters usually call a diverse set of citizens from various levels of political engagement, and those polled are not allowed to vote several times or through automation, unlike many online polls.

The results from the poll on the Drudge Report, where Gabbard netted almost 40 percent of the vote, despite previously polling at less than 2 percent in national polls, created coverage in itself. The politics blog The Hill and The Daily Mail wrote about Gabbard’s performance in the poll, with The Daily Mail calling Gabbard the “shock winner” in the “first poll” after the debate. As more mainstream outlets pick up the methodologically questionable polls, the likelihood that they will be covered by more prominent news media and political figures increases.
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Moving on to bigger and better things, glad to have these first two rounds of debates over and done with. It gave us a snapshot of the candidates, allowed them to parse some of their policy ideas, and gave viewers a sense of who they are as people.

In my view, based on these two debates, the candidates who represented themselves well are, in loose order:

- Warren
- Harris
- Buttigieg
- Castro

Did okay, to a much lesser extent:

- Booker
- Klobuchar
- Gilibrand
- Bennet
- Sanders

Fell surprisingly flat:

- Biden

Should fold-up the tent and find a different path forward, be it running for mayor, governor, House, Senate, etc:

- Hickenlooper
- DeBlasio
- Delaney
- Gabbard
- Inslee
- Beto
- Ryan
- Swalwell

Wtf 'how did we get this far?' :

- Yang
- Marianne Williams
And there you have it, we've come full circle. Putin is the unofficial, spiritual leader of the right around the world. Something - at least some of us - have known and understood for years. No wonder the Trump base is so thankful for his support in 2016 and eager to see more of the same in 2020.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Exclusive FT interview: Vladimir Putin says liberalism has ‘become obsolete’, champions national populism sweeping Europe, and assails mindless multiculturalism and sexual diversity <a href="https://t.co/zVbKkyCe6H">https://t.co/zVbKkyCe6H</a></p>— Lionel Barber (@lionelbarber) <a href="https://twitter.com/lionelbarber/status/1144308297861931009?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 27, 2019</a></blockquote>
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I mean, I was irritated when Ken Starr did everything in his ******* power to crucify Bill Clinton for banging Monica Lewinski. I mean, Clinton was the ******* president. If he wants to bang a ******* intern - bang away. It MAY not have been the best idea to do it in his office, but whatever.
It MAY not have been the best idea?
I didn't watch but let me guess - climate change, the economy is bad even though the economy is good, and abortion.