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The Dem **** Show starts tonight,

You can chalk up my dick for all I give a ****.
Thanks, I’ll pass. Not sure they sell such tiny packets of chalk for a task like that, maybe Indy or Tim can help you out.
I demand entertainment

wig explains here: (seriously, it sounds just like you)

Oh My God! He absolutely NAILS it! The liberals have made any thought that isn't in lockstep with their agenda some evil, horrible, filthy sickness. And people are ******* TIRED of it! Every ******* democrat on the PLANET should watch this. It may be the only hope for the party. I don't agree that Trump is the devil. Certainly he is rough, even a bit obnoxious, but you can't ultimately argue with his results. Truly you can't.
I'm still amazed at the utter stupidity that was on display last night. Here are the three unbelievable stances that they all admitted to the world:

1. They ALL want open borders.
2. They ALL want universal healthcare for criminal illegal aliens.
2. They ALL want unrestricted, unlimited killing of babies.

Trump is going to have so much fun with this.
It’s no secret why I get attacked constantly by the far right faction on this board, I expose your lies and deceptions. I know that chaps your hide, nobody likes being exposed. I guess you’ll just have to deal with it. Or go running back to your overlords at drudge/breitbart/4chan and get advice on what you can do faced with a precarious situation like this. Good luck!

There is no "far right faction" on this board. There's only right and wrong, and you've been wrong on almost everything.

You imagining that you expose "our lies and deception" when it's been the opposite is a glaring indication of projection.
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here's your ******* swamp rat heroes, Tibsy

Ha ha ha, lmao!!!!!

•Posted byu/News_Release_Bot
5 hours ago
I am in Japan at the G-20, representing our Country well, but I heard it was not a good day for Sleepy Joe or Crazy Bernie. One is exhausted, the other is nuts - so what’s the big deal?
steelcity, I don't recall calling you far-right. There are several distinguished members here who fit the description, imo. They know who they are. They probably wear it proudly, like a badge of honor. As the saying goes, if the shoe fits, wear it. If it doesn't, don't.

There is NO one on this board that is far Right. No one. Liberals play a dangerous game with these labels.

You post memes and compare AntiFA to D-Day heroes. You call creepy porn lawyers American Patriots. Those are extreme and far from center, as your comments invariably are. IMHO, it makes you an idiot and a fool, but it doesn't make you James Hodgkinson.

Likewise, someone touting nationalism and supporting Trump is not AltRight.

You're just another dangerous Liberal that dangerously and ignorantly throws around labels because you cant debate civilly or factually.

I'm still amazed at the utter stupidity that was on display last night. Here are the three unbelievable stances that they all admitted to the world:

1. They ALL want open borders.
2. They ALL want universal healthcare for criminal illegal aliens.
2. They ALL want unrestricted, unlimited killing of babies.

Trump is going to have so much fun with this.

Reality being - according to you and Drudge and the right-wing troll farms - that Tulsi Gabbard and Andrew Yang just won these two debates?


No, reality being that Trump is going to get re-elected in a landslide, similar to Reagan's second win.
I brought up how there's a targeted disinformation campaign being undertaken by the far right (vis a vis what the Russian hackers were doing in 2016)
Tibs, I don't need russian facebook accounts to tell me that Hillary Clinton is among the most awful people on the planet. Did you WATCH that fellow's rant above? He hits it absolutely out of the park. The trend in society right now is to label anyone who doesn't think just like the liberal left as a horrible, terrible person.

Consider, Trump did take a mean shot at Hillary last election. He called her a "Nasty Woman". That's his opinion. I tend to agree. It certainly isn't polite to call her out on something like that. But what did Hillary and her campaign do? They targeted ALL the folks who may be interested in supporting Trump or even considering him as "Deplorables". They shamed an entire voter base.

Just for your edification:


adjective: deplorable
deserving strong condemnation.
"the deplorable conditions in which most prisoners are held"
synonyms: disgraceful, shameful, dishonorable, disreputable, discreditable, unworthy, shabby, inexcusable, unpardonable, unforgivable; More
antonyms: admirable
shockingly bad in quality.
"her spelling was deplorable"
synonyms: lamentable, regrettable, grievous, unfortunate, wretched, dire, atrocious, abysmal, very bad, awful, terrible, dreadful, diabolical; More

This is what Hillary Clinton and her campaign labeled just about 1/2 the country. They made it a crime to publicly support an opinion that was not their own. They made you 'deplorable' if you weren't part of the blue wave. They made white middle aged men into horrible monsters responsible for every ill in society. (Forgetting of course that the country is significantly populated by middle aged white males and the women who love them.) But rather than try to appeal to this tremendous voter base, they deride, attack, accuse and belittle white men. And guess what? White guys like me who don't have any frickin' idea what they're talking about eventually get pissed off.

White privilege? I don't even know what the **** you're talking about. I don't even know what that is. I'm up in Montana where, frankly we just don't have a large black population. I don't consider myself racist. If anything, I'm ignorant of the day to day issues black people face in the communities they live in. Far as I can tell black folks in Montana are pretty much the same as white folks... Generally cold all the time and waiting for our 5 weeks of "summer". But rather than try to open a dialogue, the left just vilifies me as being so tremendously benefitted by my white privilege that I don't even know what it is because I'm 'deplorable'. Well **** you then. I guess I don't need to have a dialogue. I guess I don't need to understand what the hell you're talking about. Just call me a horrible person and then act shocked and overwhelmed by disbelief when I vote once more for the other side.
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There is NO one on this board that is far Right. No one. Liberals play a dangerous game with these labels.

You post memes and compare AntiFA to D-Day heroes. You call creepy porn lawyers American Patriots. Those are extreme and far from center, as your comments invariably are. IMHO, it makes you an idiot and a fool, but it doesn't make you James Hodgkinson.

Likewise, someone touting nationalism and supporting Trump is not AltRight.

You're just another dangerous Liberal that dangerously and ignorantly throws around labels because you cant debate civilly or factually.

Labels. With Democrats, everyone gets a label. Life was better when we were all just Americans.
One of the best speeches I ever heard was given when natives were dedicating the earth-works memorial at Big Horn National Battlefield. There was a TON of good stuff, but the part that was really awesome was when the native speaker pointed out that the proper term for his people is "American Indians" and then he said, "And the first word is the most important!"

Why don't we have "American Africans" and "American Mexicans" and "American Asians"? Ultimately it's because divisive elements in society want us to believe on some fundamental level that being simply 'American' is well... deplorable.
Labels. With Democrats, everyone gets a label. Life was better when we were all just Americans.

The Left is no longer American. They hate everything about America. Nationalism is bad, Globalism is good. Capitalism is bad, Socialism is good. Hell, even America's Women's World Cup team hates America and protests our Anthem. **** them, I hope those lesbos get stomped by France today.
steelcity, I don't recall calling you far-right. There are several distinguished members here who fit the description, imo. They know who they are. They probably wear it proudly, like a badge of honor. As the saying goes, if the shoe fits, wear it. If it doesn't, don't.

Conservatives wear shoes; your kind wears leather diapers and ***** hats.
I remember all the hand wringing about Bidens poor record in race in the 2008 and 2012 elections and all through those years he was VP....Oh, wait. No one gave a ****, then.
Hell, even America's Women's World Cup team hates America and protests our Anthem. **** them, I hope those lesbos get stomped by France today.

Awesome win by Team USA! Megan Rapinoe is dominating the field, two goals again yesterday. She is a legend and an American icon.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Megan Rapinoe - Fighting Donald Trump during the week, and winning World Cup knock out games during the weekend. <a href="https://t.co/TXfs2ytLmT">pic.twitter.com/TXfs2ytLmT</a></p>— St_Hill (@St_Hill) <a href="https://twitter.com/St_Hill/status/1144797377850556416?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 29, 2019</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>


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Tibs....how can I respond to this statement in the nicest possible way? You are the Wile E. Coyote of the board. Every prediction you make and every statement designed to expose Trump or Republicans in general blows up extravagantly in your face almost without fail. Your sticks of TNT blow up on you and your rockets fly straight into the ground. You run into the side of mountains and fall over cliffs repeatedly.

I like you and I feel bad about saying it but I cannot understand how someone can have such a distorted view of reality. It's sad to see what the election of a President has done to you. I hope one day you can move past it and re calibrate things a little bit.

In other words Tibs is a troll....said in a more kinder, gentler way.
In other words Tibs is a troll....said in a more kinder, gentler way.

In other words Tibs' political views and opinions are 180 degrees opposite of those held by 98% of the board. For which he is constantly ridiculed, belittled and insulted. Notwithstanding, as a long time member and contributor and life-long Steelers fan, Tibs continues to visit the board and engage in political discourse, even faced with constant harassment and overwhelming opposition to his political views....said in a more kinder, gentler way.
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She is a great soccer player... Awesome performance yesterday...
Indeed. Only a pathetic, unpatriotic scumbag would attack her and turn against the US team over her political views. Thank God that's not happening here or elsewhere.
And how does that makes her political opinion superior to anyone else?
Who said her opinions are superior? She is being attacked for expressing her political opinions. To the gulags with her! String 'er up! How dare someone speak out against Herr Kommandant?!