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The Democratic mock draft for President. ( funny )

None of his record matters, he's not hated like Hillary and he's not a raving hard core lefty, that will put PA, Wisconsin and Michigan back on the table, maybe Florida too.

If he doesn't implode on his own first of course

Let the battles begin for the Bernie Bros!

Fight Bernie Fight!
He will choose Kamaltoe as his running mate, that will pull in all the women and blacks....if hes smart

Kamala is amazingly well-suited for the incredibly meaningless job of Vice-President. Can stay awake for the State of the Union speech? Check. Can get on and off an airplane? Check. Is an empty-headed nobody who has created no jobs in her entire professional career and who has suckled on the government teat her entire life? Check.

She was born for the job, described by John Adams, someone who actually held a real job and was a genius, as "the most insignificant office that ever the invention of man contrived or his imagination conceived."
She was born for the job, described by John Adams, someone who actually held a real job and was a genius, as "the most insignificant office that ever the invention of man contrived or his imagination conceived."

Joe doesn't complete a one term presidency and due to failing health hands over the job of President to Kamala, oh yes, they have it all figured out.
Here come his character references! lol

Sleezeballs for Biden!

Former Stormy Daniels attorney Michael Avenatti backs Biden: 'He has my enthusiastic support'

Michael Avenatti, the former lawyer for porn star Stormy Daniels who is facing a 36-count federal indictment, threw his support behind former Vice President Joe Biden in the 2020 Democratic primary.

Mr. Avenatti on Thursday tweeted his “enthusiastic support” for Mr. Biden several hours after the former vice president formally announced his third bid for the presidency.

Former Stormy Daniels attorney Michael Avenatti backs Biden: 'He has my enthusiastic support'

If Biden wins the Democrat nomination many Democrat voter will stay home on election day. He's old, white and creepy. Democrats (communists) want a colored person, a woman, or both. That party is so split they don't have a majority that can agree on anything except hating Trump.
Hating Trump is what theyre counting on to be enough.

Joe will appeal to the McCain wing of RHINO anti-Trumpers everywhere..none of the hardcore lefties will care about the ravings of Bernie and Grey Beaver when they fall to single digits in the polls. The Dem corporate fundraisers dont give a **** about what the millennials want.

They want the white middle class men and women back, bigger numbers in the battleground states.
Just like I perdicted


Warren and Sanders pounce as Biden enters the race

(CNN)Joe Biden is in -- and the knives are out.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts welcomed the former vice president to the 2020 Democratic primary on Thursday by reminding voters of their old clashes over the nation's bankruptcy laws.

"I got in that fight because (families) just didn't have anyone and Joe Biden was on the side of the credit card companies," Warren said after being asked about the issue following a rally in Iowa. "It's all a matter of public record."

Warren was joined by her Senate colleague Bernie Sanders in jabbing Biden, who is poised to head up the moderate Democratic opposition to President Donald Trump in a year when progressive primary candidates have been dominating the headlines. Both of the New England senators view Biden as an ideological foe that, despite his strong early polling, could ultimately provide a useful political foil. Sanders' campaign sent a pair of fundraising emails on Thursday, both with Biden's name in the subject line, pushing supporters to meet the challenge ahead.



Go Bernie bots! lol
It will be easy for Trump to make it a clear choice against Biden. Trumps' massive job creation and economy expansion vs. the Obama/Biden admin claiming that magic wand would be needed to grow the economy. They didn't just fail at it, they came out and said it was impossible. Then you have the Russian problem. It was the Obama/Biden admin who knew about their meddling and decided not to do anything about it, and it was Obama who whispered to Medvedev that things would get easier after he was elected.
The media will drive the narrative, Joe is the "safe" choice

Biden leads Trump by 6 pts in first post announcement poll

Biden 43% - Trump 37%

The media will drive the narrative, Joe is the "safe" choice

Biden leads Trump by 6 pts in first post announcement poll

Biden 43% - Trump 37%


Joe will not be the last man standing.
Too much baggage.
But his ego has driven his decision. I hear he tanked on The View today.
Let the circular firing squad begin

Go Bernie bots go!


Within a few hours of Joe Biden’s official presidential announcement, the Justice Democrats, the progressive group behind Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s rise to power, brought out the flamethrower. “The old guard of the Democratic Party failed to stop Trump, and they can’t be counted on to lead the fight against his divide-and-conquer politics today,” began executive director Alexandra Rojas, accusing Biden of standing “in near complete opposition to where the center of energy is in the Democratic Party today.”

Incredibly, the rebuke from Justice Democrats was among the more anodyne responses on the far left, where Biden—Amtrak Joe, defender of the middle class, Scranton native son—is being treated like Darth Vader. Or, worse, the second coming of Hillary Clinton. “If you hear from a candidate that we’re just going to go back to 2016, it’s not satisfying,” one progressive grassroots organizer told me.

The left’s animosity toward Biden derives in part from a feeling that the Democratic Party is at a crossroads, that the answer to Donald Trump isn’t a restoration of the old order but a brash, new, left-wing politics. In fact, about half of registered Democrats identify as moderate or conservative, suggesting that Biden, far from being out of step with the party’s base, is actually its best representative.

But groups like Justice Democrats, the Working Families Party, Data for Progress, and others, are hoping to seize the moment to change the conversation, either by supporting candidates like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, or pushing the centrists further to the left. Hence the all-out, shock-and-awe style blitzkrieg.

“Whoever you will support, if it is not Biden, Biden is an existential threat to your candidate. So you have to **** him up, and he’s just the most vulnerable to attack for the most ****** stuff, ” said progressive activist Sean McElwee, a co-founder of Data for Progress. “It’s going to be a guerrilla war of placing the shittiest issues and getting the oppo out there.”

They want the white middle class men and women back, bigger numbers in the battleground states.

They can't do that without alienating the New Base though. Unless you tout new union jobs oiling windmills, but even Labor isn't going to believe that.
aye, there's the rub, I din't say it was a perfect plan lol

I'm more curious than ever over what the Dims plan for the future actually is.


Congresswoman Ilhan Omar went on TV and insulted President Trump's advisor on illegal immigration, Stephen Miller, calling him a White Nationalist.

Is this a great country or what? Where else in the world but in America can a Muslim call a Jew a Nazi and it not be meant as a compliment.

and the first debates are months away, 16 qualify for a spot on stage

gonna be a hoot
I think the Republicans should pay for a weekly television show for the noted American-hater, Ilhan Omar. Just let that ignorant, stupid ***** talk for 30 minutes and I guarantee she will say something that shows the noxious, corrupt truth about the current (D)umbass party.



This is just beginning and already the Dim field has the Country in turmoil, I can't imagine the direction we will see them take next.


One thing we can rest assure that it will be ugly and contentious....it's what they do best.


Not to mention the typical Dim stalwart is demanding results this time around after all their wasted dedicated devotion to the party image last election.

good job, you drove me out of another thread for good, **** this ****