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The Democratic mock draft for President. ( funny )

And we still have polar bears. And he needs to be kicked in the head for being a manbearpigdouche.
Let them run wild

Gov. Inslee Calls for Climate Change-Only Democratic Debate

Gov. Jay Inslee (D-WA), whose presidential campaign has been built on prioritizing climate change above all issues, is calling on the Democratic National Committee to host a presidential candidate debate solely on that one topic.

“This can’t be a one-off question where candidates get to give a soundbite and move on: Climate change is at the heart of every issue that matters to voters, and voters deserve to hear what 2020 presidential candidates plan to do about it,” Inslee wrote in an email to supporters, with an accompanying petition directed at the DNC. “Each 2020 nominee needs to have a concrete plan to address climate change - and we deserve to hear those plans.”

He accepts the New Green Deal as inspiration but thinks “the adults” need to be in charge. That won’t sit well with the far left wing of the party and especially the millennials who have been brainwashed to the point that AOC said the world would end in 12 years anyway as she introduced her manifesto.


We really do need a public debate, and it needs to include someone who will call bullshit on the whole thing. It can't be someone who feels like they have to allow part of the charade to continue.
Hopefully Mayor Butt stays relevant long enough to get a nickname from Trump. Just think of all the possibilities... Backdoor Pete would be a good one.

hopefully mayor buttplug stays relevant long enough to get a nickname from trump. Just think of all the possibilities...


Hopefully Mayor Buttplug stays relevant long enough to get a nickname from Trump. Just think of all the possibilities...

Or, the freekin obvious. Obviously.

None of that **** matters, nobody cares who you **** anymore

I don't care

What is important is the RED WAVE needs to keep Bernie in the hunt!


Bernie Sanders Supporters Ultimately Voted For Trump

Fully 12 percent of people who voted for Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., in the 2016 Democratic presidential primaries voted for President Trump in the general election. That is according to the data from the Cooperative Congressional Election Study — a massive election survey of around 50,000 people



That's where the money is

Dems are begging to go on fox now, LOL!

Forcing their supporters to watch Fox News!!!!



More Democrats are in talks with Fox News as Bernie Sanders town hall posts huge ratings



Sen. Amy Klobuchar to do Fox News town hall

The Minnesota senator, who’s seeking the Democratic presidential nomination, will be guest of honor at the Fox News broadcast from Milwaukee on May 8.



I don't watch any cable news unless there's a big disaster, so it don't bother me

Trump has been invited to various networks as well, but declines. I think any news group should cover both sides regardless.
His critics are chiefly motivated by a fear that nominating an avowed socialist would all but ensure Trump a second term.

Wait a second.....which of the current Democrat candidates are NOT avowed Socialists?
as I was saying


ha ha

Bernie's supporters appear to be incredibly loyal.... to Bernie.

21% of Bernie's supporters say that they would rather vote for President Trump than Pete Buttigieg, if given the choice.

26% of current Bernie Sanders supporters said that they would rather vote for President Donald Trump over Senator Elizabeth Warren, if that were the eventual 2020 matchup.

While 100% of Buttigieg’s supporters said they would support Bernie against Trump (if that were the General Election matchup), only 79% of Bernie’s supporters said they would vote for Buttigieg over Trump in a General Election.

It's ON!

Hide your wives and daughters, Creepy Uncle Joe is coming to town!

Joe Biden to launch campaign in Charlottesville, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia

The former vice president will announce his candidacy for president Wednesday in Charlottesville, Va.

Biden would then fly to Pittsburgh for a campaign rally in the afternoon and then on to Philadelphia, where he will hold a rally at the Museum of Art, though the sources stressed that the plans have been shifting in recent days, and could change again.

Biden has called for a return to a more decent, civil politics, warning that the country’s character is under assault by Trump.



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It's ON!

Hide your wives and daughters, Creepy Uncle Joe is coming to town!

Joe Biden to launch campaign in Charlottesville, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia

The former vice president will announce his candidacy for president Wednesday in Charlottesville, Va.

Biden would then fly to Pittsburgh for a campaign rally in the afternoon and then on to Philadelphia, where he will hold a rally at the Museum of Art, though the sources stressed that the plans have been shifting in recent days, and could change again.

Biden has called for a return to a more decent, civil politics, warning that the country’s character is under assault by Trump.




Great...so if they are starting off in Charlottesville likely their campaign will be that they are leading the fight against white supremacy.. Little do people know that the whole thing was cooked up by Dem operatives, a willing city council filled with ultra liberals, then Gov McAuliffe and his State Police Chief, the VA Dept of Homeland Security Chief and buses of paid political activists trucked in from all over with the intention of painting a bad light on conservatives and Republicans on the doorstep of the VA election for Gov. An election that Northram barely won and he ran a commercial showing a pickup truck with the Confederate flag flying, chasing down immigrant kids. On the bumper was a Gillespie for Governor sticker....it was pulled after Gillespie's campaign raised hell but it no doubt hurt him as far as the low information voter was concerned.
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Joe Biden will push all the fringe pretenders down several notches, Bernie has his next "centrist" target.

The young voters don't want another 70s something old white guy

Perfect! lol
Joe Biden will push all the fringe pretenders down several notches, Bernie has his next "centrist" target.

The young voters don't want another 70s something old white guy

Perfect! lol

Ideally, they won't show up to the polls. And the truly unhinged progressives might even vote 3rd party again or write in Bernie.

If Biden is the candidate, the liberal media will fawn over his ability to possibly swing back the rust belt states Trump won, but they will ignore the fact Trump could make gains in other swing states like Florida, North Carolina, Nevada, Arizona and Colorado as the young vote and minority vote don't turn out. In fact, I think those losses will more than counteract any small change in white, working class voter and Trump will probably keep what was Red in 2016.

I think its looking very promising for a 2020 re-election as of Draft Week 2019.

Politico Declares Beto O'Rourke a Has-Been, As Spotlight Shifts to Buttigieg

Live by the media hype, die by the media hype...for someone else. Such is the sad fate of poor Beto O'Rourke who just a few short weeks ago basked in the glow of mainstream media adulation.

Unfortunately for the Irish guy with the Mexican nickname, the media has switched its attention to another shiny object in the form of Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Indiana, now "burning with the velocity of a prairie fire on a gusty Indiana day."

On Wednesday, Politico chronicled Beto's tragic loss of his magic mojo in "Why the Media Dumped Beto for Mayor Pete."

Appropriately it was authored by Jack Shafer, who back in October begged the press to stop hyping Beto so vigorously in "Stop the Press Before It Profiles Beto O’Rourke Again."

Poor Bernie, wait till the Biden/Obama team gets their hands on him, he's gonna be shaking mad for a whole year again, LOL

Biden hires over a dozen senior advisors from Obama administration for 2020 campaign

Former Vice President Joe Biden and his team have hired over a dozen senior advisors from President Barack Obama’s administration for his upcoming 2020 campaign for president, CNBC has learned.

Since their time in the Obama White House, some of these aides have gone on to work on Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and later helped Democrats retake the U.S. House of Representatives during the 2018 congressional midterm elections, these people said.

Numerous former Obama White House advisors who have been brought on to work with Biden’s team, have yet to hear where the campaign will be headquartered. But they expect it will be either in Delaware or Pennsylvania. Biden was born in Scranton, Pennsylvania and as a Senator, represented the First State for over three decades.



Trump would beat Sanders in 2020 matchup, says Obama campaign manager

Jim Messina, campaign manager for former President Barack Obama's successful re-election campaign, predicted that Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., would be unable to counter President Trump's economic messaging and would therefore lose in a 2020 electoral matchup.

"Bernie Sanders is unlikely going to be able to stand up to the constant barrage that is Donald Trump on economic issues," Messina said during the Powerhouse Politics podcast this week.

Messina contended that swing voters were "incredibly focused on the economy" and that winners of the last five presidential elections were those candidates who were able to "win" the economic argument with swing voters.



Feel the Bern!

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Politico Declares Beto O'Rourke a Has-Been, As Spotlight Shifts to Buttigieg

Live by the media hype, die by the media hype...for someone else. Such is the sad fate of poor Beto O'Rourke who just a few short weeks ago basked in the glow of mainstream media adulation.

Unfortunately for the Irish guy with the Mexican nickname, the media has switched its attention to another shiny object in the form of Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Indiana, now "burning with the velocity of a prairie fire on a gusty Indiana day."

On Wednesday, Politico chronicled Beto's tragic loss of his magic mojo in "Why the Media Dumped Beto for Mayor Pete."

Appropriately it was authored by Jack Shafer, who back in October begged the press to stop hyping Beto so vigorously in "Stop the Press Before It Profiles Beto O’Rourke Again."


Can Oprah get her money back now?
Poor Bernie, wait till the Biden/Obama team gets their hands on him, he's gonna be shaking mad for a whole year again, LOL

Biden hires over a dozen senior advisors from Obama administration for 2020 campaign

Former Vice President Joe Biden and his team have hired over a dozen senior advisors from President Barack Obama’s administration for his upcoming 2020 campaign for president, CNBC has learned.

Since their time in the Obama White House, some of these aides have gone on to work on Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and later helped Democrats retake the U.S. House of Representatives during the 2018 congressional midterm elections, these people said.

Numerous former Obama White House advisors who have been brought on to work with Biden’s team, have yet to hear where the campaign will be headquartered. But they expect it will be either in Delaware or Pennsylvania. Biden was born in Scranton, Pennsylvania and as a Senator, represented the First State for over three decades.


These advisors have no chance unless they can turn Biden into a black man.
These advisors have no chance unless they can turn Biden into a black man.

Biden said he was proud to be an "Obama-Biden Democrat"

He's going to run with the older establishment crowd and get ALL the media hype as "the mainstream" guy, and build up a huge early percentage lead, u watch

Bernie will have to cover himself in the young radical voters, again.

Could be neck n neck - I see a great battle, great entertainment
Ideally, they won't show up to the polls. And the truly unhinged progressives might even vote 3rd party again or write in Bernie.

Bernie got more baggage this time, lol
