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The Democratic mock draft for President. ( funny )

Biden said he was proud to be an "Obama-Biden Democrat"

He's going to run with the older establishment crowd and get ALL the media hype as "the mainstream" guy, and build up a huge early percentage lead, u watch

Google.... Hunter Biden and Ukraine.
Crazy Uncle Joe is toast.
Google.... Hunter Biden and Ukraine.
Crazy Uncle Joe is toast.


Fight Bernie Bots fight!

Pete Buttigieg compares Bernie supporters and Trump fans

Democratic candidate Pete Buttigieg compared Bernie Sanders’ supporters with fans of President Trump — claiming that both camps include disaffected citizens who seek to change the status quo.



Bernie co-chair Ro Khanna just called Pete Buttigieg "intellectually dishonest"

Come on ⁦@PeteButtigieg⁩. It is intellectually dishonest to compare Bernie to Trump. Bernie is for giving people healthcare, education, childcare, & more pay. He wants to blow up credentialed elitism — those who reject tuition free college for all.

Leftists on parade

Harris promises swift executive action if Congress doesn't pass gun control legislation

Sen. Kamala Harris pledged that, if elected President, she would take executive action enacting sweeping gun control measures if Congress fails to send comprehensive legislation to her desk in her first 100 days.

"Upon being elected I will give the United States Congress 100 days to get their act together and have the courage to pass reasonable gun safety laws," she said. "And if they fail to do it, then I will take executive action."


Biden abandons plan to launch 2020 bid in Charlottesville

Former Vice President Joe Biden has canceled plans to launch his 2020 bid for the White House in Charlottesville, Va., where a woman protesting a white nationalist rally was murdered when a car was driven into a crowd of activists in 2017.

The last-minute change of plan could be an indication of disorganization in the Biden campaign organization, despite the many months it has had to prepare as the former 36-year senator from Delaware procrastinated over his announcement.

Biden spokesman Bill Russo confirmed to the Washington Examiner that Biden would not announce in Charlottesville, Va.

Instead, he is expected to declare his candidacy in Pittsburgh before flying to Philadelphia for a second event. Biden, 76, was born in Scranton, Pa., which is located more than 120 miles north of Philadelphia.

Instead, he is expected to declare his candidacy in Pittsburgh before flying to Philadelphia for a second event.
Good times.
A few of this morning's headlines:

If elected, ***** Kamala would use Executive Order for gun control if congress doesn't act on it in the first 100 days.

Pocahantas calls for wealth tax to pay for universal childcare and free college tuition for all.

Crazy Bernie says felons, including the Boston Marathon bomber, should have the right to vote.

Pelosi tells the TDSers to keep digging for reasons to impeach. There was no collusion and no obstruction! WTF!?

These people are ******* nuts. The Dims are off the rails irrational.
OK, he's back

Biden set to announce presidential run Thursday in a video

Former Vice President Joe Biden will announce his presidential bid Thursday morning with an online video, two sources close to Biden with direct knowledge of the planning confirmed to NBC News.

Biden will then appear in Pittsburgh on Monday for an event at a local union hall, NBC News has learned. Biden will then embark on a tour of the four early voting states — Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada — in the following week

So, he couldnt find enough people to fill a union hall in Scranton


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Crazy Bernie says felons, including the Boston Marathon bomber, should have the right to vote.

******* terrorists? Am I in the Twilight Zone?


Biden abandons plan to launch 2020 bid in Charlottesville

Former Vice President Joe Biden has canceled plans to launch his 2020 bid for the White House in Charlottesville, Va., where a woman protesting a white nationalist rally was murdered when a car was driven into a crowd of activists in 2017.

The last-minute change of plan could be an indication of disorganization in the Biden campaign organization, despite the many months it has had to prepare as the former 36-year senator from Delaware procrastinated over his announcement.

Biden spokesman Bill Russo confirmed to the Washington Examiner that Biden would not announce in Charlottesville, Va.

Instead, he is expected to declare his candidacy in Pittsburgh before flying to Philadelphia for a second event. Biden, 76, was born in Scranton, Pa., which is located more than 120 miles north of Philadelphia.


Glad he did not go to Charlottesville and open up old wounds, but it would have been interesting to see him and Gov Ralph on the same stage. He might not have come for lack of support because Charlottesville is so far left, a majority is for Bernie anyways. That would have been interesting seeing them doing their thing while he was making his announcement.

So he didn't make it to Pittsburgh either. I'm guessing they are rethinking their message...What could it be? FREE EVERYTHING!!
A few of this morning's headlines:

If elected, ***** Kamala would use Executive Order for gun control if congress doesn't act on it in the first 100 days.

Pocahantas calls for wealth tax to pay for universal childcare and free college tuition for all.

Crazy Bernie says felons, including the Boston Marathon bomber, should have the right to vote.

Pelosi tells the TDSers to keep digging for reasons to impeach. There was no collusion and no obstruction! WTF!?

These people are ******* nuts. The Dims are off the rails irrational.

Pocahantas is so interested in the Donald's tax returns.

Maybe she should release her application to Harvard Law School. Did she claim to be Native American to get entry? I bet she did.

Meanwhile, a legit debate question for Kamala Harris: "What does Willie Brown's **** taste like?"
Best Election Ever, II

Bernie has a rough time at She the People conference

Bernie Sanders was asked by a woman of color in the audience what he would do about the rise of white supremacist violence as President.

Instead he started talking about minimum wage and Medicare For All.

The audience claps when the moderator clocks him.

After getting called out for dodging specific questions about minorities, Bernie reminds the audience he "marched with MLK".

Audible groans/boos.

He wags his finger at them.

So he didn't make it to Pittsburgh either. I'm guessing they are rethinking their message...What could it be? FREE EVERYTHING!!

No, that's Bernie.

Biden will run as the Obama/Hillary coalition, the "conservative" wing of the Dem party - trying to get the white working class vote from Michigan, PA and the rest of the rust belt

there's just one problem, the OLD WHITE GUY is Creepy Uncle Joe! ha ha

Ha ha ha!!!

Welcome to the race Sleepy Joe. I only hope you have the intelligence, long in doubt, to wage a successful primary campaign. It will be nasty – you will be dealing with people who truly have some very sick & demented ideas. But if you make it, I will see you at the Starting Gate!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 25, 2019
Ha ha ha!!!

Welcome to the race Sleepy Joe. I only hope you have the intelligence, long in doubt, to wage a successful primary campaign. It will be nasty – you will be dealing with people who truly have some very sick & demented ideas. But if you make it, I will see you at the Starting Gate!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 25, 2019

I found his announcement video to be completely condescending and fear mongering. Why's he running? Because someone has to stop Trump from another 4 years. I didn't get anything else out of his announcement.
Do the Democrats really think that 4 years of stonewalling and investigating Trump is the best strategy to win voters?
That's all they can do. They don't have a candidate with any solid ideas. Raising taxes won't excite many voters.
I found his announcement video to be completely condescending and fear mongering. Why's he running? Because someone has to stop Trump from another 4 years. I didn't get anything else out of his announcement.
Do the Democrats really think that 4 years of stonewalling and investigating Trump is the best strategy to win voters?

The thought that he is going to win back the red state working class is pretty ridiculous too. Trump won them over because the Obama/Biden administration hammered them. Now they're thriving under Trump. It's a lost cause for the Dims.
That's all they can do. They don't have a candidate with any solid ideas. Raising taxes won't excite many voters.

He will choose Kamaltoe as his running mate, that will pull in all the women and blacks....if hes smart
Joe already has it wrapped up if the screaming radical lefties are already shooting off their mouths, lol

Ocasio-Cortez-aligned group attacks Biden, says he’s ‘out-of-touch’ with Democratic Party

A progressive political group that boosted New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's bid for Congress last year vowed to oppose former Vice President Joe Biden in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary, blasting him as part of the “old guard” and accusing him of standing in opposition to the “center of energy” in the Democratic Party.

“While we're going to support the Democratic nominee, we can't let a so-called 'centrist' like Joe Biden divide the Democratic Party and turn it into the party of 'No, we can’t,’” the group Justice Democrats said Thursday.


Every (D)umbass candidate runs on a shocking series of patent lies that would make Goebbels shudder:

  • The rich don't pay taxes ... other than basically all income tax.
  • We can afford universal health care ... except that it would bankrupt the nation in a few years.
  • Medicare is an enviable model ... except that it is bankrupt by 2026 without the usual tax increases.
  • Free college makes sense ... for the colleges and lesbian dance theory majors.
  • Illegal immigrants are a financial benefit ... to Mexico and school lunch employees. To the United States? Yeah, not so much.
  • The United States needs to solve climate change ... except that the US' production of CO2 has declined for many years, and China and India are not going to abandon coal plants, and bankrupting the United States to stop climate change will not stop climate change.
  • Cow farts are a significant threat to the environment. Seriously, they believe this. The truth is that Hillary emits more noxious gas than a cow.
  • Uncle Joe did not engage in conduct that would preclude him from running ... except that if he were a (R), the (D)ims would be flipping out about the allegations against him.
  • The (D)ims have the right ideas on the economy ... except that Trump's economy >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bammy's economy.
  • The tax cuts benefitted only the top 1% ... except that is just not true, and the tax changes actually hurt the millionaires in California and New York.
  • The Republicans are the party of racists ... except for a few blackface guys, and (D)ims wearing hoods, and Biden talking favorably about segregation based on race. Other than that, I mean.