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The Enemy of the People Thread

Government lies about origins of Covid, the safety of the vax, the need for those under 30 to get the vax, the danger of Covid to those under 50, the need for shutdowns and closures, the efficacy of shutdowns and closures, need for school shutdowns, the damage in school closures, the benefits of school re-opening, the war in Vietnam, the war in Iraq, the war in Afghanistan, the Afghanistan withdrawal, the deficit, the debt, real inflation, real GDP slowdown, the state of the dollar, the border, the effect of an open border on public schools, "climate change," the effect of CO2 on climate, the actual CO2 emissions by the United States, the trustworthiness of mail-in ballots, the mental health of the President, the President's incessant lying about his past - and the media go along with every lie like anxious lapdogs looking for a treat.

Floggy: "tHe DoMinYiOn SuiT! HahHa, ThAtZ sO EmPoRtEnT!"
It was the Doors songwriter, Jim Morrison who said “Whoever controls the media controls the mind”, and now he's dead. Coincidence, I think not! Putin and XI control the media in Russia and China, whereas, in the West, it’s corporations ($$$$$$$) and the DNC. Like it or not, your opinions are being influenced.
It was the Doors songwriter, Jim Morrison who said “Whoever controls the media controls the mind”, and now he's dead. Coincidence, I think not! Putin and XI control the media in Russia and China, whereas, in the West, it’s corporations ($$$$$$$) and the DNC. Like it or not, your opinions are being influenced.
You should consider carefully what you just wrote. Because YOU have an opinion, and you've already identified that it's being influenced.

You see we get so busy pointing fingers at one side to the other that we fail to notice and they're ALL pieces of s***!
You should consider carefully what you just wrote. Because YOU have an opinion, and you've already identified that it's being influenced.

You see we get so busy pointing fingers at one side to the other that we fail to notice and they're ALL pieces of s***!
Thats true, but at least his opinion derives from fact. There is a lot of fact in his statement, whereas opinions on the left originate from lies and misinformation.
Hell, opinions on the left are reported as fact. That is dangerous. There are countless examples of that.
Thats true, but at least his opinion derives from fact. There is a lot of fact in his statement, whereas opinions on the left originate from lies and misinformation.
Hell, opinions on the left are reported as fact. That is dangerous. There are countless examples of that.

Propaganda. It's the commie way.
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This is a great example of how dishonest and loathsome major media (a.k.a., DNC shills) are. The Washington Compost was writing a hit piece on Dave Portnoy, who is centrist on a ton of things but does not believe women can be men or men can be women and therefore should be destroyed. Portnoy hosts something called Pizzafest, which raises money for small pizza restaurants. He has raised and donated some $50 million over the years for this purpose.

The WaPo liar/scum/quisling/queef/shill/shitbag sent out an e-mail to one of the Pizzafest sponsors, asking how they feel about being involved with Portnoy, who "has said misogynistic things and engaged in other questionable behavior in the past." In other words, the clowns accuse Portnoy of **** before ever talking to him.

Portnoy learns of this and calls the slimebag, worthless, garbage, quisling WaPo reporter. Here is the conversation:

The scumbag first denies saying negative things about Portnoy, finally admits it when confronted with her own e-mail, says "Oh, that was a one-off" (sure, liar, sure), and then says the following (verbatim): "Sometimes you have to say something like this is like, you know, it's sort of a reporting tactic when you want someone to respond you kind of have to indicate that there might be something negative and then you get them to engage."

First, how brilliantly articulate. Shakespeare and Dickens are cowed by her mastery of the Queen's English. Second, no, you don't badmouth a person to get a third party to "engage," particularly where you claim to be a journalist.

These scum pretend Joe Biden is competent and not suffering advanced dementia, ignore a $33 trillion debt, ignore millions flooding into our country, ignore the failing war in Ukraine, ignore Ukrainian corruption, ignore the fact a Ukrainian spokesweirdo (a guy dressed like a girl) threatened a United States Senator, but can spew garbage hit pieces about Dave Portnoy. Major media ... burn it down. To the ground.
Thats true, but at least his opinion derives from fact. There is a lot of fact in his statement, whereas opinions on the left originate from lies and misinformation.
Hell, opinions on the left are reported as fact. That is dangerous. There are countless examples of that.
Look, I'm as conservative as the next guy, but opinions are opinions. Anyone can find evidence, even "facts" to help them believe their opinion is supported.

Getting bent out of shape about what someone else's opinion is... Waste of time.
Two warlord walk into the Whitehouse.

Look, I'm as conservative as the next guy, but opinions are opinions. Anyone can find evidence, even "facts" to help them believe their opinion is supported.

Getting bent out of shape about what someone else's opinion is... Waste of time.
Thats true but I didn't know we were talking about getting bent out of shape over opinions.

This board is full of opinions. A message board exists for the purpose of stating opinions and thoughts from the topics /articles posted.

I was just pointing out the absurdity at the lefts way of forming opinions in many cases without facts or even evidence.

They don't hate Trump because they believe he's white supremacist and a racist.
They accuse him of being a white supremacist and racist because they hate him.
He got in Hillarys way. He disrupted the succession of communist rule in the country. For that he is being punished.
The tweet and comments I posted above - you know why I said, "Burn it down"? Because this:

Portnoy called the WaPo scumbag lying shill and confronted the ***** about her dishonesty. HE agreed to a full interview the next day at 10:00 a.m., and WaPo CANCELS the interview. The ***** reporter claims she tried to reschedule, but the lying ***** in reality tried to call Portnoy ONE MINUTE before publishing the article so the lying scum could claim the usual bullshit, "We reached out to David Portnoy but he was not available."

Liars. Scum. Vermin. The world would be better off if these lying grifters were dead.
The tweet and comments I posted above - you know why I said, "Burn it down"? Because this:

Portnoy called the WaPo scumbag lying shill and confronted the ***** about her dishonesty. HE agreed to a full interview the next day at 10:00 a.m., and WaPo CANCELS the interview. The ***** reporter claims she tried to reschedule, but the lying ***** in reality tried to call Portnoy ONE MINUTE before publishing the article so the lying scum could claim the usual bullshit, "We reached out to David Portnoy but he was not available."

Liars. Scum. Vermin. The world would be better off if these lying grifters were dead.

I was wondering if that interview would actually happen.
And while we're all distracted the WEF is at work...

It was the Doors songwriter, Jim Morrison who said “Whoever controls the media controls the mind”, and now he's dead. Coincidence, I think not! Putin and XI control the media in Russia and China, whereas, in the West, it’s corporations ($$$$$$$) and the DNC. Like it or not, your opinions are being influenced.
No doubt
This was posted earlier in this thread but needs to be repeated, time and again, until all of us get it. The media are shills, lying shills, spewing talking points given to them by our incompetent, lying, malevolent government:

This is ACTUALLY dangerous to our Republic.*

* We don't live in a democracy.
Glenn Greenwald, an actual journalist, took apart today's spineless quisling media in this Twitter thread:

"Government officials said" or "anonymous sources warned" = spoon-fed government propaganda, basically guaranteed to be lies spewed by the government to prop up the lying government and dutifully parroted by their lackeys in the media.

Leftist Reporter Leaves OUT Key Details On California High School Teacher FIRED For Alleged Anti-Semitic Lectures And Nazi Salutes​

Written By BlabberBuzz | Friday, 06 October 2023 09:20


A high school teacher in the California Bay Area has been fired following an investigation into his alleged anti-Semitic lectures, which reportedly included performing Nazi salutes in class.

The teacher, Henry Bens, who is black, was terminated by the school district after being placed on administrative leave earlier this year for distributing copies of an alleged anti-Semitic hoax document called "The Hidden Tyranny" to his 10th-grade class. The document claims that Jews are manipulating US foreign policy in an attempt to achieve world domination.

Bens, who is also a pastor of a congregation in Alameda and self-described as a Black Israelite, has been accused by his students of making the "Heil Hitler" salute in class on multiple occasions. Students claim that Bens justified the salute by stating that he was revealing the truth about the evil Jews and helping them "remove the blindfold."

Additionally, Bens instructed his students to annotate the text and underline passages that discuss how Jews influence and subvert social hierarchies.

The allegations against Bens came to light when students began compiling evidence against him, leading to his placement on administrative leave in February. After an external investigation found that Bens had violated state law by using anti-Semitic texts in his classroom, the Hayward Unified School District Board of Education unanimously voted to terminate his employment.

The district cited California Education Code Section 51500, which prohibits instruction or activities that promote discriminatory bias based on race, ethnicity, gender, religion, disability, nationality, or sexual orientation.

The firing of Bens has raised concerns about the rise of anti-Semitism, with some publications attributing the incidents to white supremacist groups. However, it is important to note that Bens himself is a black immigrant from Somalia.

A leftist reporter, Emily Schrader, wrote an article titled "Under attack: White supremacists lead antisemitic charge in U.S.," in which she failed to mention Bens' race. Schrader later clarified that the examples in her article were not primarily related to white supremacy but rather to radical left ideologies, ethnic studies curricula, and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives that exclude Jews.

While the firing of Bens highlights the seriousness of the allegations against him, it also raises questions about the school district's response. Teachers and students have criticized the district for taking too long to terminate Bens, as he had reportedly been open about his anti-Semitic beliefs and had even supplemented the district-mandated Holocaust curriculum with an anti-Semitic book.

The Hayward Unified School District (HUSD) stated that it conducted a fair and thorough investigation into the allegations against Bens. Zev Kvitky, a spokesman for HUSD, emphasized the district's commitment to creating safe and inclusive schools for all students while ensuring due process and fair treatment for educators.
We don't get any real reporting any more. Organizations take money to NOT report certain things. Other stories....catch and kill. We are not informed.
Saw an article the other day that said the immigration folks are cracking down on Venezuelans and getting them out of the country.

Would that be because Venezuelans ain't gonna vote for more socialism crap no matter how amazeballs you try to make it look?
Lots of Venezuelans around here.

I'm watching a documentary on Watergate, and Richard Nixon is discussing how biased the press is and how one side of their reporting. He points out that the press is the most powerful institution in the United States, not the presidency, not department of Justice, not congress... the press. And he says the press is not out to serve you but to control you.

And it occurs to me that two things can be true at the same time. Richard Nixon could have been (and was) involved in illegal activities. And the press could have been even then, an insidious, invasive, corrupt and destructive force.