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The enthusiasm for Sleepy Sloppy Joe is overwhelming


They killed Kenny!
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
The nearest Steelers bar.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Dozens of Trump supporters were loudly chanting a mix of “Four more years,” “Trump” and “USA” throughout the event, growing louder anytime <a href="https://twitter.com/JoeBiden?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@JoeBiden</a> mentioned the president. <a href="https://t.co/7M0iZWdmRf">pic.twitter.com/7M0iZWdmRf</a></p>— Marianna Sotomayor (@MariannaNBCNews) <a href="https://twitter.com/MariannaNBCNews/status/1315716928128913411?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">October 12, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

More Trump supporters than Biden supporters AT A BIDEN "RALLY" in Toledo.

And Arizona? Hoo-boy, the Biden rally in Phoenix was freaking AWE-INSPIRING.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Biden and Harris hold a campaign event in Arizona and the local news can’t believe that not one supporter showed up! <a href="https://t.co/JKj0fPi6Jj">pic.twitter.com/JKj0fPi6Jj</a></p>— David Croom - (ツ) (@dailycallout) <a href="https://twitter.com/dailycallout/status/1315269061610074112?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">October 11, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

I was going to text Zona to see if he could find a way around that massive crowd, then realized he is probably still in his beautiful northern abode. Gorgeous country up there - deer, antelope, hills, greenery. And with Mr. and Mrs. Zona, more people than there were at the Biden Phoenix shindig.
I was going to text Zona to see if he could find a way around that massive crowd, then realized he is probably still in his beautiful northern abode. Gorgeous country up there - deer, antelope, hills, greenery. And with Mr. and Mrs. Zona, more people than there were at the Biden Phoenix shindig.

Dead voters tend to be quiet and save their energy for election day when they turn out strong.
There isn’t enthusiasm for Biden for sure. The thing that I wonder about is the enthusiasm to remove Trump. Hard to tell just how large that is when nobody in the news media can tell the truth.
There isn’t enthusiasm for Biden for sure. The thing that I wonder about is the enthusiasm to remove Trump. Hard to tell just how large that is when nobody in the news media can tell the truth.

Yeah, I hear 'ya, but I have never known of a candidate - one - who prevailed because voters simply hated the other guy more. The closest I can come to is Jimmy Carter 1976, but Carter made dozens of public appearances, campaigned vigorously, was good in the debates, in his prime, had a good resume.

Joe Biden 2020 makes Carter look like Jack Kennedy. I just do not believe that the same group of voters too lazy to vote for Crooked Hillary in 2016 is now suddenly fired up to get to the polls.

Which explains the overt efforts by the (D)ims to control ballots and encourage voter fraud with mass-mail ballots, sent out like ******* Subway coupons.
Interesting news, when asked who your friends or newbies will be voting for the answer was 56% for Trump. The suggestion is Trump support is far higher than a poll says, people just don't want to be be called racists for voting for him, or lose their liberal sensitive friends on facebook.

Sadly, I think Biden if he does nothing from no w to election day wins, but such a poll result give me hope.

Around 138 million people voted in 2016, good for 61.3% of the voting eligible population. If the turn out is the same number or less, Trump might win by an even bigger margin. Biden is uninspiring, old and wrong on many democratic like polices.

I have zero doubt Tump will have more votes cast for him in person. Then we have to count the mail in ballots where fraud is an issue.
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or lose their liberal sensitive friends on facebook.
Pffft, like I have any left.

Sadly, I think Biden if he does nothing from now to election day wins, but such a poll result give me hope.
Anybody else notice that the Dems are letting Sen. Harris out to speak even less than Biden?
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Dozens of Trump supporters were loudly chanting a mix of “Four more years,” “Trump” and “USA” throughout the event, growing louder anytime <a href="https://twitter.com/JoeBiden?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@JoeBiden</a> mentioned the president. <a href="https://t.co/7M0iZWdmRf">pic.twitter.com/7M0iZWdmRf</a></p>— Marianna Sotomayor (@MariannaNBCNews) <a href="https://twitter.com/MariannaNBCNews/status/1315716928128913411?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">October 12, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

More Trump supporters than Biden supporters AT A BIDEN "RALLY" in Toledo.

And Arizona? Hoo-boy, the Biden rally in Phoenix was freaking AWE-INSPIRING.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Biden and Harris hold a campaign event in Arizona and the local news can’t believe that not one supporter showed up! <a href="https://t.co/JKj0fPi6Jj">pic.twitter.com/JKj0fPi6Jj</a></p>— David Croom - (ツ) (@dailycallout) <a href="https://twitter.com/dailycallout/status/1315269061610074112?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">October 11, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

I was going to text Zona to see if he could find a way around that massive crowd, then realized he is probably still in his beautiful northern abode. Gorgeous country up there - deer, antelope, hills, greenery. And with Mr. and Mrs. Zona, more people than there were at the Biden Phoenix shindig.

Saw that channel 10 report and laughed my *** off. It needs to go viral.
Yes, still on the mountain top with clean air and like minded people. Once the snow reaches 4 feet, I'll think about heading back to the masses in the valley of smog.
They had major lines at the polls in Georgia yesterday on the first day of voting, so voters are enthusiastic for something. We could be seeing one of the highest vote counts in recent history.
My prediction is Trump will get more votes than he did in 2016, but lose in a landslide because so many more people voted. A lot of people are getting fed up with GOP tactics to suppress their vote.
My prediction is Trump will get more votes than he did in 2016, but lose in a landslide because so many more people voted. A lot of people are getting fed up with GOP tactics to suppress their vote.

What tactics? I am so sick to death of the left playing victim over everything. Please, lay it out. I sincerely want to see what you have to say.
What tactics? I am so sick to death of the left playing victim over everything. Please, lay it out. I sincerely want to see what you have to say.

I would like to hear them too! Lets ignore the voter fraud that has been caught in NJ and PA already, though.
What tactics? I am so sick to death of the left playing victim over everything. Please, lay it out. I sincerely want to see what you have to say.

There will be no response, Sarge, because there is no response.
They had major lines at the polls in Georgia yesterday on the first day of voting, so voters are enthusiastic for something. We could be seeing one of the highest vote counts in recent history.

Are you insinuating that the enthusiasm is for Biden?
Are you basing that on his massive rallies...lol
My prediction is Trump will get more votes than he did in 2016, but lose in a landslide because so many more people voted. A lot of people are getting fed up with GOP tactics to suppress their vote.

Can you identify a single person who was denied the right to vote? ONE?

I know facts don't matter to leftists, but those working at the poll literally CANNOT deny a person the vote. If the voter fails to present ID or is not on the registrar, the pollsters still take what is called a "provisional ballot" and the vote is examined if it matters, i.e., if the vote is close.

"Suppressing the vote" is a lie foisted by (D)ims and believed only by idiots.

So I'm guessing you believe the lie.
Can you identify a single person who was denied the right to vote? ONE?

I know facts don't matter to leftists, but those working at the poll literally CANNOT deny a person the vote. If the voter fails to present ID or is not on the registrar, the pollsters still take what is called a "provisional ballot" and the vote is examined if it matters, i.e., if the vote is close.

"Suppressing the vote" is a lie foisted by (D)ims and believed only by idiots.

So I'm guessing you believe the lie.

I also have never met anyone who was actually denied the right to vote. Just another boogey man in politics. Roughly 129 million people voted for president in 2016. Pretty sure they weren't all white, straight, Christian males.
Politicians serve donors, not voters.