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The " F " the media thread

For the record I absolutely and unequivocally reject and denounce any type of threat made against these kids, the parents, the teachers or the school. Two wrongs don't make a right.
Don’t equate their silence with complicity or that they’re acknowledging right wing talking points. They may just be tired of discussing this issue, which has been fleshed out from all angles.

The fact you show up here after the ***** slapping you've taken in this thread is impressive. I view the type of beating you've taken as humiliating.

You offered up fake news.
You spread false facts.
You got nearly every angle of your preaching wrong beyond spreading false facts.
And like Lyn said...because this is what Liberals do...you can't say "I got it wrong."

Activist Phillips did NOT serve in Vietnam. He is a funded tool of the Leftists. He did NOT just amble into these teens as I showed you with images. The memes you posted were factually incorrect. He's an actor in violent police films.

For once it would be the honorable thing for you to say yep, "I retratct this or that" or "I was wrong."

Not possible. Liberals are vermin. Lyn nailed it. When wrong, they don't say it. They don't try to correct it. They shut their mouths and pretend it never happened and wait for the next piece of fake news they can rage about.
Sue the **** out of them all!

“This Is Libel!” – Attorney Robert Barnes Puts Democrat Ilhan Omar on Notice For Spreading Lies About Covington Teens

Newly elected Muslim Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) attacked the Covington teens Tuesday night and defended the black supremacists who taunted the Kentucky teens with racial slurs.

The Covington Catholic teens have been exonerated after the full video showing what really happened at the Lincoln Memorial this weekend surfaced.

The media lies have been debunked.

The Black Supremacists shouted homophobic and racist slurs at the Covington teens after the March for Life rally in Washington DC.


For the record I absolutely and unequivocally reject and denounce any type of threat made against these kids, the parents, the teachers or the school. Two wrongs don't make a right.

"Nobody got hurt, no harm, no foul, no big deal."

-- Tibs

It was all not a big deal a day ago to you when you were made aware that death threats were being made against these kids and their families, that your party was offering up bounties like blow jobs and autographs to the first person that would punch the kid, reporters have been fired for asking for violence against them.

I mean, in the same damned thread Tibs you do a 180 degrees and it doesn't even phase you.

But say what you want these kids spent their day fighting abortion rights,

Protesting. There is quite a difference. Standing up for the unborn. For the tens of millions of lives MURDERED annually. Fighting???

mocking women, Native Americans,

We've thrashed you up and down the block on the Activist Indian looking for a fight. Can you show proof of them mocking women? Not the video you showed of the woman harassing them.

being loud, unruly and boisterous on a trip to the nation's capital.

You quite literally know NOTHING about their behavior that day outside of a 30 second clip you originally watched. Let me ask you, were they this kind of unruly???


Cram this white hating FAKE NEWS down their ******* throats

Covington Catholic kids to meet with President Trump at White House

The Covington Catholic students threatened by the leftist internet mob will be meeting with @realDonaldTrump at the White House as early as tomorrow. @iTunes @PodcastOne

abortion is not a "right"...it is a shamefully legal act. While I am not against abortion when it is a medical necessity, abortion as a form of birth control is morally wrong. I am not saying abortion should be totally illegal, but it should be restricted.

No where does the Constitution give you the "right" to kill a child

The boys were expressing their rights to march for what they believe in and were targeted by racist ******** because of their skin color and the hats they wore. Hats that support the President of the United States. An act that used to be acceptable in the country until the libs lost their mind when their queen lost the election.

The Native American gentleman marched into their area and started the confrontation. The young man had no obligation to yield to him, he again expressed his right and just stood there. Now he is demonized for smiling while the old man banged a drum and chanted in his face. It is now apparent that the old man lied about his military service and has a history of these type of situations.

Journalism is ******* dead. The media mob destroyed the kids without even attempting to find the facts to the situation. Page clicks and being first mean more than finding the truth and reporting it accurately.
abortion is not a "right"...it is a shamefully legal act.

New York just passed a bill allowing babies to be killed right up to the moment just before birth. Which is the same as killing babies at birth. And anyone can do it. You don't even need a doctor. Liberals are pure evil.


And they celebrated killing babies by lighting up the World Trade Center in pink lights. Look how happy they are, smiling about killing babies...


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Quick! Quick! before they bury this story completely now

How We Destroy Lives Today

Will the Covington Catholic High School fiasco change social media?

For those of you vacationing on Mars this past weekend, a video went viral showing a group of boys, many of them in MAGA hats, surrounding an older Native American man who was banging a drum.

The man, Nathan Phillips, told two different versions of what happened. He told The Washington Post that he was singing a traditional song when the teenagers swarmed around him, some chanting, “Build that wall, build that wall.” He decided the right thing to do was to get away. “I’ve got to find myself an exit out of this situation.”

He told The Detroit Free Press that the incident started when the boys started attacking four African-Americans. So he decided to intervene. “There was that moment when I realized I’ve put myself between beast and prey. These young men were beastly and these old black individuals was their prey.”

Many news organizations ran one of these accounts. Before you judge the reporters too harshly, it’s important to remember that these days the social media tail wags the mainstream media dog. If you want your story to be well placed and if you want to be professionally rewarded, you have to generate page views — you have to incite social media. The way to do that is to reinforce the prejudices of your readers.

In this one episode, you had a gentle, 64-year-old Native American man being swarmed by white (boo!), male (boo!), preppy (double boo!) Trump supporters (infinite boo!). If you are trying to rub the pleasure centers of a liberal audience, this is truly a story too good to check.

Saturday was a day of liberal vindication. See! This is what those people do! This is who they really are. Reza Aslan, the religious scholar, tweeted a photo of the main Covington boy and asked, “Have you ever seen a more punchable face than this kid’s?” The filmmaker Michael Green showed the same image and tweeted: “A face like that never changes. This image will define his life. No one need ever forgive him.”

The institutions in charge of serving the boys did what institutions always do in the face of a social media mob. They cratered. The school and archdiocese apologized. The mayor of Covington denounced them.

On Sunday several longer videos emerged showing that most of what Phillips had told the media was inaccurate. The incident actually started when members of the hate cult — the Black Hebrew Israelites — started hurling racist and homophobic slurs at the boys.

The Covington boys eventually asked their chaperone if they could do their school cheers. As they were doing that Phillips walked into the middle of their circle and banged his drum in the face of one of the boys. Everybody was suddenly confused. Students shouted, “What is going on?” Then there was confusion and discomfort, smirking and verbal jousting.

Everybody involved in the incident was operating in an emotional and moral context that has been set by the viciousness of the Black Hebrew Israelites. Of the major players, the boys’ behavior is probably the least egregious.

So Sunday was a day of conservative vindication. See? This is what those liberals do! They rush to judgment, dehumanize and seek to expunge us from national life. The main boy wrote a public letter that was consistent with the visual evidence and that was actually quite humane.

In this case the facts happened to support the right-wing tribe. But that’s not the point. The crucial thing is that the nation’s culture is now enmeshed in a new technology that we don’t yet know how to control.

In this technology, stereotype is more salient than persons. In this technology, a single moment is more important than a life story. In this technology, a main activity is proving to the world that your type is morally superior to the other type.



On noes! Another FAKE NEWS FIASCO!

They didn't even mention the REAL reason this was a STORY

Once they saw the HAT the kid was wearing, no other fact mattered.
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More libtard insanity...

Actor Michael Rapaport went on a vulgar tirade against the Covington Catholic High School students, calling them “MAGA hat-wearing sh*t stains.”
“You see the video of these Catholic school teenage fuckboys? Handjobs. Harassing, getting in the face of these Native American people,” Michael Rapaport said in a video.

Kentucky Catholic School Co*kSuckers!#MAGA #CovingtonCatholicHigh @iamrapaport is live:https://t.co/LdWlEF8R8i pic.twitter.com/kDoSGXXpJU

— MichaelRapaport (@MichaelRapaport) January 19, 2019

He continued to attack the minor students, saying, “You little shitstain, you got no ******’ life. Go play some video games. Go try to bird dog some chicks, you ******’ little creeps. Shorty shitstain. Handjob. Catholic school cuck. Fuckboy…Where’s these people’s parents? You little ******’ scumbag.”

“You ******’ loser. You little Kentucky Catholic school cocksuckers,” the Hitch actor also said.

Despite the homophobic attack on minor students, the video is still up on Twitter.

The Hollywood hate campaign against the group of Kentucky teenagers is ongoing.

Daily Show host Trevor Noah remarked that “everyone that sees that smug look wants to punch that kid.”

Kathy Griffin also called for the students to be doxxed, saying, “Ps. The reply from the school was pathetic and impotent. Name these kids. I want NAMES. Shame them. If you think these ******* wouldn’t dox you in a heartbeat, think again.”

However, despite the social media campaign against the students, video footage proves that the Native American man, Nathan Phillips, approached them first and began loudly chanting and beating a drum in their faces. The students were also racially abused by an activist who told them “You white people go back to Europe where you came from! This is not your land!”
see, this stuff from the likes of Kathy Griffin crying how Trump destroyed her life because of the severed head incident will never get it. She will continue to shoot herself in the foot and BLAME. EVERYONE. ELSE. I have no pity on people like her that can't keep their mouth shut, but when gets trampled by the onslaught, I have no sympathy for, as they are begging for mercy. She should have just went away the first time she was humiliated. She wants seconds. . . many will hand it out to her.
y'know ...

put Michael Rapaport and his **** career, Trevor Noah and his condescension and the female Andy Dick in a ring vs James Woods, Kid Rock and Roseanne Barr.
fight to the death.

I'd put my 401k, total amount of income for the last 10 years and Ogre's peachy personality on the Trump supporters kicking the absolute **** out of the snowflakes.
Journalism is ******* dead. The media mob destroyed the kids without even attempting to find the facts to the situation. Page clicks and being first mean more than finding the truth and reporting it accurately.

I bet if they had called the kids “hired crisis actors” you really would have lost your ****!
so you believe it is okay to run with a narrative you have not checked out?

Yes, they don't give a ****. The left is a bunch of amoral communists that don't care about anything besides destroying the country and painting conservatives as right wing nuts. That's literally all they care about. Ends justify the means.
so you believe it is okay to run with a narrative you have not checked out?

I believe that not only was the narrative that the Parkland students were hired crisis actors not checked out, it was fabricated to illigitimize them.
I believe that not only was the narrative that the Parkland students were hired crisis actors not checked out, it was fabricated to illigitimize them.

and that has exactly what to do with this "news" story? I am bashing supposed "Journalists" for failing to do their jobs correctly.
I bet if they had called the kids “hired crisis actors” you really would have lost your ****!


Coolie's grasp on reality is as tight as yours is on your checkbook, you freeloading *******.
The left...don't care about anything besides...painting conservatives as right wing nuts.
Not a difficult task to accomplish, their deeds and words speak for themselves.

Coolie's grasp on reality is as tight as yours is on your checkbook, you freeloading *******.

Guy drives a big *** 20 cylinder gas guzzling seats-40 SUV of some sort too. Can't pay for a tank of gas here but can fill that behemoth up while destroying the climate.

OH WAIT!! Liberals CAN break the laws and rules and norms they want the rest of us to follow my bad.
Not a difficult task to accomplish, their deeds and words speak for themselves.

Except when their deeds and words show that you're just flat *** wrong about everything you saw, everything you posted, everything you wrote. As wrong as a person could be on a subject.

No apologies.
No admissions of guilt.
No admissions of being the incorrect arseling you were.

You march forward like a good little Liberal lemming waiting for the next thing that Joy Behar is outraged about so you can scream and cry and call people racist and other names - this time hoping you're right and and not proven to be and exposed as the horse's *** again.

Despicable. You are. But for the first time in a long time I commend you. Bruised, bloodied, humiliated as you are, you've not run and hidden under you bed.

A little spine looks good on you.