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The " F " the media thread

People are running from this event in droves. Fight on Fibs, fight on.

I'm not 'fighting on' in any sense, just expressing my opinion. That's what boards like this are for, are they not?
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That's racist. Are Hungarians considered brown people?
The infatuation with my ethnicity and cultural heritage speaks volumes about the deep-rooted bigotry displayed by a handful of the Alt Right base on this board. It is always on your minds, it's the elephant in the room. To be consistent, you should be calling out posters with Italian heritage, or Polish or German ancestry, as well as Asians, Latinos and African Americans on here. Since it's on the tip of your tongue constantly, you never fail to mention it. Every other post attacking my political views makes reference to the fact my family's roots are Hungarian. Rather odd collection of bigots on this board. At least you wear it on your sleeves. And do so proudly, evidently.

Anyway, you can **** off, you bigoted *******.
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I still say what they did was wrong and represents what I see as an unleashing of bigotry, bullying and racism


I agree, Those black Israelite wack job adults were certainly guilty of that, and there is ample video evidence, unlike the claims against the 16 year old kids. Why is nobody raising hell about that?
And what is really the height of hypocrisy is the Hollywood and Washington elites calling out the privilege of these kids, when their own privilege dwarfs what these Kentucky kids have. I am really starting to hate Hollywood. The media, so desperate to gain some sort of moral high ground, are again exposed as the propaganda mouths for the far left.

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I'm not 'fighting on' in any sense, just expressing my opinion. That's what boards like this are for, are they not?

Ah yes...you're one of those that think "just expressing my opinion" gives you immunity from being a message board a-hole.

So disingenuous you are.
You fight on in every sense. You exemplify the Trump hating media and their kneejerk reporting hoping the next bombshell story doesn't turn out to be another dud.

You are so disingenuous that you refuse take into account the glaring evidence that the liberal mainstream media are "all in" in their quest to bring Trump down and to assure he is never re-elected.

You are so disingenuous you only look toward left wing sources for your info...afraid you may find the truth elsewhere.

Keep fighting on Tibby.
The infatuation with my ethnicity and cultural heritage speaks volumes about the deep-rooted bigotry displayed by a handful of the Alt Right base on this board. It is always on your minds, it's the elephant in the room. To be consistent, you should be calling out posters with Italian heritage, or Polish or German ancestry, as well as Asians, Latinos and African Americans on here. Since it's on the tip of your tongue constantly, you never fail to mention it. Every other post attacking my political views makes reference to the fact my family's roots are Hungarian. Rather odd collection of bigots on this board. At least you wear it on your sleeves. And do so proudly, evidently.

Anyway, you can **** off, you bigoted *******.

Let me say that I don't agree with denigrating somebody based on their heritage, But are you really trying to sell people that the Right is the party obsessed with race? Come on now. Race is a business and an entire party platform to the Left.
So disingenuous you are.

Let's see how easy this is.

You fight on in every sense. You exemplify the Trump apologist media and their kneejerk reporting hoping the next bombshell story is ignored and bend over backwards to distract and decieve, ignoring known facts and developments.

You are so disingenuous that you refuse take into account the glaring evidence that the right wing media and their pundis are "all in" in their quest to sugarcoat Trump's misdeeds and do anything they can to ensure he stays in power and doesn't get impeached or face criminal prosecution.

You are so disingenuous you only look toward right wing sources for your info...afraid you may find the truth elsewhere.

Keep fighting on Stewey.
There is no truth anymore. Only what a person wants to believe.
You are so disingenuous that you refuse take into account the glaring evidence that the right wing media and their pundis are "all in" in their quest to sugarcoat Trump's misdeeds

How about a list of these misdeeds? You are simply an unhinged libtard parrot of fake news. And a douchey putz.
The infatuation with my ethnicity and cultural heritage speaks volumes about the deep-rooted bigotry displayed by a handful of the Alt Right base on this board. It is always on your minds, it's the elephant in the room. To be consistent, you should be calling out posters with Italian heritage, or Polish or German ancestry, as well as Asians, Latinos and African Americans on here. Since it's on the tip of your tongue constantly, you never fail to mention it. Every other post attacking my political views makes reference to the fact my family's roots are Hungarian. Rather odd collection of bigots on this board. At least you wear it on your sleeves. And do so proudly, evidently.

Anyway, you can **** off, you bigoted *******.

You are still a piece of **** and a huge hypocrite to be calling someone else a " bigoted ******* " while performing to those standards yourself. No one is more close minded and bigoted than you...calling some else an *******, yeah that's the pot calling the kettle black all right.

You are so disingenuous you only look toward right wing sources for your info...afraid you may find the truth elsewhere.

Wait...what ??


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Tibs LOVES to act like this is some abnormal act by teenagers. It's not.

Do I question the decision of a school to choose a right-to-life rally day to visit Washington D.C.? Yes. But it's a private Catholic school that is obviously right-leaning on this issue so to me (as much as I disagree with their position on this), visit on. Your choice.

Do I question the school to allow the kids to wear MAGA hats? Not really. It's a rally day. I'm sure they were GIVING the hats away that day and some of the kids picked them up on their travels. I doubt many brought them along.

Why was that girl videoing the boys in the first place? Something tells me she was their to counter protest, probably had some choice words for the boys wearing MAGA hats, conveniently "started" videotaping as she walked away and recorded their responses. Again, if Tibs thinks those counter protesters weren't acting the fools as well and trying to instigate responses from teenage boys (who are easily instigated), then wants to blame those same teenage boys when they DO respond, well... that's for him to live with. I forgive them a bit on that because I can imagine the kind of language being spewed both ways from groups at a pro-life rally (I doubt the language from the counter protesters was pleasant and polite).

There was clearly a ramping up of impoliteness and ugliness happening all day at this rally. That happens when neither side respects the others space, when counter protesters show up at legal rallies they disagree with and use these same tactics over and over again (let's video everything on our phone and hope to play "gotcha" on someone). Both sides are now doing it.

I'm just surprised Tibs fell for it so hook, line and sinker. Something tells me Tibs hasn't been to a march or rally in the U.S. in some time.

Again, not blaming him the most. The media is at fault. Tibs is just slow coming to the party and realizing the media in this country right now is really, really corrupt and agenda-driven.
I'm already tried of discussing this, as with everything else in this country, one sees one thing, the other sees something different and there's no discussing without insults and name calling. I don't think the kid in question deserves the **** storm he is getting. Maybe his classmates were acting wild, but the kid that's front and center of this is getting tarred and feathered for his school and classmates. Second of all, they are kids. Call them entitled, privileged, brats, disrespectful punks, but they are in high school. They were having fun and correct me if I'm wrong, but were not there to be on every news outlet.
The media ran with a story because they knew it would get outrage if told from their perspective and WHAM!, it did. It got the exact reaction they wanted from one half of the aisle. When the whole story came out, they backed off because they screwed up pinning this on a young boy with the red hat. Were they angels, probably not, but again, they are on a trip, in DC and were having fun. It looked like harmless fun and esp from what has been told from the mighty press. Many are making them out to be these despicable kids and it's a shame where we are. You can't tell me they disrespected the Native American that walked into their school cheer and stood two inches from that kid's space. To make it more interesting, the NA is known to call foul on previous occasions. He's a known **** stirrer, but that got lost. Again, this is a mountain out of a molehill and if those kids were not wearing those pesky red hats, the other half of the aisle would go back to complaining about the hat's creator. When you are attacking high school kids to wet your hateful appetite, it's time to re-evaluate your life and find peace.
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Tibs - put yourself in that kid's situation.
You're waiting on the bus to pick you up and minding your own damn business. Some black dudes across from you are hurling profanities at your group and making racist remarks. The group you're in does one of those hawaiian/samoan war chants because... well, y'all are kids and kids are ********. Then some old dude comes walking around banging a war drum all while the black dudes are screaming that you're an incest baby and telling the black kid there that all the white kids are going to harvest his organs. Then the old indian dude banging the drum isolates YOU and is banging his drum mere inches from your face. For one minute. Then another. still banging that drum inches from your face. The mallet banging banging banging the drum right next to your face.

any other kid would have likely waved the old man away or attempted to shield his face from the drumming and the mallet itself.

this dude just stood there. didnt move, didnt back down. just stood there.

and snowflakes melted.

i'd also like to point out that the Black Israelites were 100% given a pass from their role of instigation in this.

wonder why?

Martin Luther King said:
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.
that's what people are forgetting, they are not college students. They are high school students. They acted how I would expect them to act together, on a trip. Wild, but controlled.
The brilliant Nathan Phillips -
These Are Indigenous Lands, We're Not Supposed to Have Walls,'
- Yeah when these were indigenous lands you didn't need walls because you killed invaders.

Idiotic lefties.

just so you know which side you're on
The brilliant Nathan Phillips - - Yeah when these were indigenous lands you didn't need walls because you killed invaders.

Idiotic lefties.

They are not Indigenous! That is such a fallacy, they were also immigrants to this continent and hemisphere. First people is more accurate if not a a little self aggrandizing.

They are not NATIVE or INDIGENOUS people really need to learn their history better.
Nah, I don't have an ounce of white guilt.

You absolutely do. You hate nearly everything white as well.

Now I'm a piece of ****, cause I see it differently than you do.

No, you're a zealot. That's the difference. Like a Pentecostal preacher on a corner in town, you insist on telling everyone "how it is." And any difference of opinion? You won't hear it.

Even after seeing multiple videos and reading multiple accounts of the story, I still say what they did was wrong

See above. And disturbing on so many levels. I FACTUALLY DESTROYED your theory that the Indian just bumped into these kids while there laying wreaths. CRICKETS. I can say in this instance the kids did absolutely nothing wrong despite being targeted by women, blacks, and an instigation-crazy Indian who makes a habit of it. Those were some cool, calm, collected kids considering they were being taunted and lured into controversy. They couldn't make them take the bait, so the media turned innocence into guilt.

And like a damned fool, you ate it up. You're a pathetic lemming.

Here are the same squeaky clean, Catholic kids making friends in DC that same day:

Like your trusted blackface photo from 2015 which was from 2011 and likely was just a fans' blackout day? Just stop spreading the fake **** here Tibs.

Oh, and Happy Martin Luther King Jr. day from yesterday. I must have missed the threads celebrating his life and vision for a more tolerant - and less bigoted - America.

Coming from the board's biggest racist after Elftard, that is indeed rich. I celebrated Martin Luther King day with an African American spending the night in my house. How did you spend yours?

Nobody got hurt, no harm, no foul, no big deal.

What the hell?? Wheeler Walker calls out a bounty on that innocent kid. What in the living hell is wrong with you man? Nobody got hurt? Someone's gonna. You're type of rhetoric led to Congressmen being shot. Rhetoric like this led to violence against conservatives last year, especially politicians. You literally just condoned falsely accusing kids, supporting celebrities calling for their heads, then you say no harm no foul?

You're disgusting.

But say what you want these kids spent their day fighting abortion rights, mocking women, Native Americans, being loud, unruly and boisterous on a trip to the nation's capital.
The fact that it was the other way around escapes you. They were targeted all day as were all of the protestors all day long.

Did the Women's March escape you? Did the riots after the election escape you? **** off with your assessment that these innocent kids were boisterous and unruly. They didn't turn over cars, burn public property and speak on TV for the world to hear that the White House should be bombed while wearing GENETALIA on their heads that kids across the world could see.

You have lost your damned unobjective mind.

I hope they - and their teachers and parents - all learn something from this, and realize their behavior crossed the line.

See above. It's clear you'll never be accepted on this board of rational people. You see all that is wrong as right - you support and praise AntiFA, celebrities calling for the assassination of a President, rioting, destruction of property, conservatives being physically beaten at rallies (none of which you've ever written against) but find these kids "out of line."

I'll repeat, you've got a dangerous mind.

I'm not 'fighting on' in any sense

That is QUITE LITERALLY what you do daily. Fight. You don't discuss. Discussion goes back and forth. See above, the Zealot post.

Do I question the school to allow the kids to wear MAGA hats? Not really. It's a rally day. I'm sure they were GIVING the hats away that day and some of the kids picked them up on their travels.

Funny is it not how the Left is up in arms over MAGA hats. One Congressman wants to ban them. Yet no one opposed the ***** hats given out and worn on national TV for days during the Women's March.

Odd, is that not?

Why was that girl videoing the boys in the first place? Something tells me she was their to counter protest

That is exactly what happened. Peaceful protestors were there all day being taunted by the Left hoping to create a provocation. They got their wish.

I'm just surprised Tibs fell for it so hook, line and sinker.

I'm not, not in the least.

Something tells me Tibs hasn't been to a march or rally in the U.S. in some time.

It was clear from Tibs' posting of fake stories with regards to the Indian yesterday he's never been to DC, or if he has been, he's failed geography.

Tibs is just slow coming to the party and realizing the media in this country right now is really, really corrupt and agenda-driven.

Oh he knows it. He likes it. But it's like the adult that secretly uses pain killers at night. Publicly he'll lambast their use but with guilt at night will consume them himself. He knows the media is off balance. He just doesn't care because they are in his corner and he can't admit it publicly.

We warned him for 8 years under Obama that turn about is fair play and when Republicans get office again, you're not gonna like it because ya'll set a new standard of lows that Republicans will repeat. He hasn't liked Republicans repeating those lows that Obama made the norm. We knew he wouldn't like it, he just went further off the rails than even I predicted. Imagine if the media swung right and were this blatantly imbalanced to the Right and tried to overthrow a Democratic President, calling for violence against Democratic politicians, etc...how he'd behave.

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They are not Indigenous! That is such a fallacy, they were also immigrants to this continent and hemisphere. First people is more accurate if not a a little self aggrandizing.

They are not NATIVE or INDIGENOUS people really need to learn their history better.

They weren't the first either. Look up the Clovis people. They are on Clovis land!!
Wow, school shooting now? The fact that people not only THINK it, but to SHARE it on social media is freakin' scary.