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The " F " the media thread


Amazingly, the account matches the numerous video sources.

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The kid in question - this is his letter posted word for word. Tibsung47 would be wise to read it all then watch the various videos. Interesting how the kids words are 100% corroborated by the videos. Point: He's telling the truth and the video "don't lie."

And Tibsung, if you're out there, you said "From what I understand this was a planned trip to the National Monument to pay respects to his Native American heritage. He goes every year, just like he visits Arlington to lay a wreath for Native American veterans."

Yeah, except the logistics don't work. See, I live in DC, have been down on the Mall countless times. You refer to the National Monument (whatever the hell that means. Shows you have no clue. You've probably never been to DC). The nearest Veteran memorials, if he were doing this, are the WWII Memorial, the Korean War Memorial and the National Desert Storm Memorial. They aren't close enough that he'd need to brush shoulders with these kids. The Desert Storm Memorial is a 6 minute walk away. The WWII Memorial is a 10 minute walk away. The Korean Memorial is a 3 minute walk. Look at the map. The man can get from one Veteran Memorial to the others without having to go through or onto the grounds of the Lincoln Memorial.


It makes a simple point. The Indian sought out these kids to confront them. Had he been there simply to honor veterans, he likely wouldn't have been near the Lincoln Memorial - unless he was catching a bus there. The Lincoln is half surrounded by water, there's no parking there. And bus pickups are nowhere near the steps.

This was a provocation by him and his entourage that was FILMING as they approached the kids for a reason.

I am providing this factual account of what happened on Friday afternoon at the Lincoln Memorial to correct misinformation and outright lies being spread about my family and me.

I am the student in the video who was confronted by the Native American protestor. I arrived at the Lincoln Memorial at 4:30 p.m. I was told to be there by 5:30 p.m., when our busses were due to leave Washington for the trip back to Kentucky. We had been attending the March for Life rally, and then had split up into small groups to do sightseeing.

When we arrived, we noticed four African American protestors who were also on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. I am not sure what they were protesting, and I did not interact with them. I did hear them direct derogatory insults at our school group.

The protestors said hateful things. They called us “racists,” “bigots,” “white crackers,” “*******,” and “incest kids.” They also taunted an African American student from my school by telling him that we would “harvest his organs.” I have no idea what that insult means, but it was startling to hear.

Because we were being loudly attacked and taunted in public, a student in our group asked one of our teacher chaperones for permission to begin our school spirit chants to counter the hateful things that were being shouted at our group. The chants are commonly used at sporting events. They are all positive in nature and sound like what you would hear at any high school. Our chaperone gave us permission to use our school chants. We would not have done that without obtaining permission from the adults in charge of our group.

At no time did I hear any student chant anything other than the school spirit chants. I did not witness or hear any students chant “build that wall” or anything hateful or racist at any time. Assertions to the contrary are simply false. Our chants were loud because we wanted to drown out the hateful comments that were being shouted at us by the protestors.

After a few minutes of chanting, the Native American protestors, who I hadn’t previously noticed, approached our group. The Native American protestors had drums and were accompanied by at least one person with a camera.

The protestor everyone has seen in the video began playing his drum as he waded into the crowd, which parted for him. I did not see anyone try to block his path. He locked eyes with me and approached me, coming within inches of my face. He played his drum the entire time he was in my face.

I never interacted with this protestor. I did not speak to him. I did not make any hand gestures or other aggressive moves. To be honest, I was startled and confused as to why he had approached me. We had already been yelled at by another group of protestors, and when the second group approached I was worried that a situation was getting out of control where adults were attempting to provoke teenagers.

I believed that by remaining motionless and calm, I was helping to diffuse the situation. I realized everyone had cameras and that perhaps a group of adults was trying to provoke a group of teenagers into a larger conflict. I said a silent prayer that the situation would not get out of hand.

During the period of the drumming, a member of the protestor’s entourage began yelling at a fellow student that we “stole our land” and that we should “go back to Europe.” I heard one of my fellow students begin to respond. I motioned to my classmate and tried to get him to stop engaging with the protestor, as I was still in the mindset that we needed to calm down tensions.

I never felt like I was blocking the Native American protestor. He did not make any attempt to go around me. It was clear to me that he had singled me out for a confrontation, although I am not sure why.

The engagement ended when one of our teachers told me the busses had arrived and it was time to go. I obeyed my teacher and simply walked to the busses. At that moment, I thought I had diffused the situation by remaining calm, and I was thankful nothing physical had occurred.

I never understood why either of the two groups of protestors were engaging with us, or exactly what they were protesting at the Lincoln Memorial. We were simply there to meet a bus, not become central players in a media spectacle. This is the first time in my life I’ve ever encountered any sort of public protest, let alone this kind of confrontation or demonstration.

I was not intentionally making faces at the protestor. I did smile at one point because I wanted him to know that I was not going to become angry, intimidated or be provoked into a larger confrontation. I am a faithful Christian and practicing Catholic, and I always try to live up to the ideals my faith teaches me – to remain respectful of others, and to take no action that would lead to conflict or violence.

I harbor no ill will for this person. I respect this person’s right to protest and engage in free speech activities, and I support his chanting on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial any day of the week. I believe he should re-think his tactics of invading the personal space of others, but that is his choice to make.

I am being called every name in the book, including a racist, and I will not stand for this mob-like character assassination of my family’s name. My parents were not on the trip, and I strive to represent my family in a respectful way in all public settings.

I have received physical and death threats via social media, as well as hateful insults. One person threatened to harm me at school, and one person claims to live in my neighborhood. My parents are receiving death and professional threats because of the social media mob that has formed over this issue.

I love my school, my teachers and my classmates. I work hard to achieve good grades and to participate in several extracurricular activities. I am mortified that so many people have come to believe something that did not happen – that students from my school were chanting or acting in a racist fashion toward African Americans or Native Americans. I did not do that, do not have hateful feelings in my heart, and did not witness any of my classmates doing that.

I cannot speak for everyone, only for myself. But I can tell you my experience with Covington Catholic is that students are respectful of all races and cultures. We also support everyone’s right to free speech.

I am not going to comment on the words or account of Mr. Phillips, as I don’t know him and would not presume to know what is in his heart or mind. Nor am I going to comment further on the other protestors, as I don’t know their hearts or minds, either.

I have read that Mr. Phillips is a veteran of the United States Marines. I thank him for his service and am grateful to anyone who puts on the uniform to defend our nation. If anyone has earned the right to speak freely, it is a U.S. Marine veteran.

I can only speak for myself and what I observed and felt at the time. But I would caution everyone passing judgement based on a few seconds of video to watch the longer video clips that are on the internet, as they show a much different story than is being portrayed by people with agendas.

I provided this account of events to the Diocese of Covington so they may know exactly what happened, and I stand ready and willing to cooperate with any investigation they are conducting.
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I am being called every name in the book, including a racist, and I will not stand for this mob-like character assassination of my family’s name. My parents were not on the trip, and I strive to represent my family in a respectful way in all public settings.

I have received physical and death threats via social media, as well as hateful insults. One person threatened to harm me at school, and one person claims to live in my neighborhood. My parents are receiving death and professional threats because of the social media mob that has formed over this issue.

I love my school, my teachers and my classmates. I work hard to achieve good grades and to participate in several extracurricular activities. I am mortified that so many people have come to believe something that did not happen – that students from my school were chanting or acting in a racist fashion toward African Americans or Native Americans. I did not do that, do not have hateful feelings in my heart, and did not witness any of my classmates doing that.

so, tell me again, what is being accomplished by harassing this kid's family before HIS side comes out? No one bothered to ask him before the lynch mob has come for him.
I am being called every name in the book, including a racist, and I will not stand for this mob-like character assassination of my family’s name. My parents were not on the trip, and I strive to represent my family in a respectful way in all public settings.

I have received physical and death threats via social media, as well as hateful insults. One person threatened to harm me at school, and one person claims to live in my neighborhood. My parents are receiving death and professional threats because of the social media mob that has formed over this issue.

I love my school, my teachers and my classmates. I work hard to achieve good grades and to participate in several extracurricular activities. I am mortified that so many people have come to believe something that did not happen – that students from my school were chanting or acting in a racist fashion toward African Americans or Native Americans. I did not do that, do not have hateful feelings in my heart, and did not witness any of my classmates doing that.

so, tell me again, what is being accomplished by harassing this kid's family before HIS side comes out? No one bothered to ask him before the lynch mob has come for him.

he's white and was wearing a MAGA hat. therefore, he's wrong.
To further debunk Tibsung's theory that the poor old Indian just bumped into these teens...that they mobbed him when he meandered nearby, I present the following further to my prior post.

In the green square below you will find the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, where the kids were assembled. Please notice the walkways and the paths. There really is only one way to get to the steps and that is to leave the semicircle walkway that extends from about 2PM to 5PM to the right of the Lincoln Memorial in the image below.


Now you might say he stumbled towards the steps. Or found himself slightly veering off course. Except, well it's 177 feet off the main path.


That may not seem like a lot to you, but it's almost as far as the height of Leaning Tower of Pisa at 185 feet. 177 feet is 17 feet taller than the Arc de Triomphe. A 747 jumbo jet's wingspan is 225 feet long.

You know, just to put things into perspective: If this man was off laying wreaths at Veterans Memorials, he'd have no reason to head to the steps of the Lincoln. Even if he was catching a bus, they park out on the semi-circles to pick up their tour members (from 5PM to 2PM going clock wise) - at LEAST 177 feet or more away from the steps.

Nah, the Indian and his entourage CHOSE to target these kids. They went way out of their way to approach the kids.

And the Indian didn't just invade this kid's personal space.


He's inside his physical space so much his drum is making contact with the teen.

Nothing more can be said than this teen showed tremendous poise I would not have had if that guy got into my face banging that drum. His goal was to cause a confrontation. It's evident. Kudos to this kid and his self control
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To further debunk Tibsung's theory that the poor old Indian just bumped into these teens...that they mobbed him when he meandered nearby, I present the following further to my prior post.

In the green square below you will find the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, where the kids were assembled. Please notice the walkways and the paths. There really is only one way to get to the steps and that is to leave the semicircle walkway that extends from about 2PM to 5PM to the right of the Lincoln Memorial in the image below.


Now you might say he stumbled towards the steps. Or found himself slightly veering off course. Except, well it's 177 feet off the main path.


That may not seem like a lot to you, but it's almost as far as the height of Leaning Tower of Pisa at 185 feet. 177 feet is 17 feet taller than the Arc de Triomphe. A 747 jumbo jet's wingspan is 225 feet long.

You know, just to put things into perspective. If this man was off laying wreaths at Veterans Memorials, he'd have no reason to head to the steps of the Lincoln. Even if he was catching a bus, they park out on the semi-circles to pick up their tour members (from 5PM to 2PM going clock wise).

Nah, the Indian and his entourage CHOSE to target these kids. They went way out of their way to approach the kids.

And the Indian didn't just invade this kid's personal space.


He's inside his physical space so much his drum is making contact with the teen.

Nothing more can be said than this teen should tremendous poise I would not have had if that guy got into my face banging that drum. His goal was to cause a confrontation. It's evident. Kudos to this kid and his self control

he's white and wearing a MAGA hat. how much more wrong can a person be?
right, Tibsung?
there is a new video that pretty much backs up the students version
there is a new video that pretty much backs up the students version

That new video is 24 hours old it's been out since yesterday if not late Saturday. The videos are posted by Supe a couple pages ago.

Tibs won't watch them though.
That new video is 24 hours old it's been out since yesterday if not late Saturday. The videos are posted by Supe a couple pages ago.

Tibs won't watch them though.

Or any rational person who likes to see all the evidence they can possibly obtain to try to reach a reasoned, thought-out opinion on a matter.
This doesn't fit the narrative, I know. Boo hoo. You guys can defend these neo nazi punks all you want, be my guest.

Here's a 2015 photo of a Covington Catholic basketball game where students are clad in blackface and one of them is harassing a black player. Covington's student body is 100% white, their entire faculty is 100% white, but they feel entitled to dress in blackface, call themselves 'The Crazies' and intimidate black youth. If that sounds more like the KKK to you than any high school basketball team, that's because you're right. The Covington bullies and their families are the face of Trump's American Nazi movement--$10,000 tuition, parents all work in white collar jobs. Don't believe a word of their PR spin, these kids are monsters.


wide angle of same game:


Dressing up in blackface and taunting a black player from on opposing basketball team is absolutely wrong (and pretty despicable), I'm sure any rational person here would agree with that.

But calling them the face of Trump's Nazi movement is pretty ******* stupid if this happened in 2015, before the guy was even President. And what has Trump done to African-Americans? And the label Nazi or Nazi movement (if you're associating it with Trump) is disingenuous and just plain wrong.
I don't see the connection of a story from 4 years ago, before this kid was there, has anything to do with what occurred in the video. Furthermore, watching the video, he still did nothing wrong (with his black classmate) to warrant you to go do research on the kid's school to justify your hate now toward them and the school. You are continuing a witch hunt over a false narrative because obviously, you don't have enough to complain about on here.
Dressing up in blackface and taunting a black player from on opposing basketball team is absolutely wrong (and pretty despicable), I'm sure any rational person here would agree with that.

But calling them the face of Trump's Nazi movement is pretty ******* stupid if this happened in 2015, before the guy was even President. And what has Trump done to African-Americans? And the label Nazi or Nazi movement (if you're associating it with Trump) is disingenuous and just plain wrong.

Tibs is just trying to get away from his *** whoppin'. Instead of saying he didn't know what the **** he was talking about he does his typical pivot to change the subject. I don't care if they are full bore Nazis. That had nothing to do with the Indian (who we now know does this all the time) getting in their faces and LYING about being only there to honor his ancestors. It's bullshit and Tibs knows it but won't say a ******* word about it OR he'll say X is worse. It's typical liberal double speak.
But calling them the face of Trump's Nazi movement is pretty ******* stupid if this happened in 2015, before the guy was even President. And what has Trump done to African-Americans?
Not much, he's simply emboldened and empowered white supremacists, that's all. Think of the 'fine people on both sides' comment in Charlottesville. He's insulted and harrassed African-American athletes who dared take a knee in silent, peaceful protest. He made demonstratively racist comments about immigrants, Muslims and Mexican. He's called African nations shithole countries. So really, not much. I'm sure he's a Desmond Tutu, Mahatma Gandhi-type, a peaceful, loving, all-embracing kind of guy, I just have a wrong read on him.
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Tibs is just trying to get away from his *** whoppin'. Instead of saying he didn't know what the **** he was talking about he does his typical pivot to change the subject. I don't care if they are full bore Nazis. That had nothing to do with the Indian (who we now know does this all the time) getting in their faces and LYING about being only there to honor his ancestors. It's bullshit and Tibs knows it but won't say a ******* word about it OR he'll say X is worse. It's typical liberal double speak.

It's been a bad week for Tibs, to put it lightly, if you will. Obviously.
It's been a bad week for Tibs, to put it lightly, if you will. Obviously.
Hi Steelworth! LOL no, actually this has been a great week for me, thanks! :waving:
Not much, he's simply emboldened and empowered white supremacists, that's all. Think of the 'fine people on both sides' comment in Charlottesville. He's insulted and harrassed African-American athletes who dared take a knee in silent, peaceful protest. He made demonstratively racist comments about immigrants, Muslims and Mexican. He's called African nations shithole countries. So really, not much. I'm sure he's a Desmond Tutu, Mahatma Gandhi-type, a peaceful, loving, all-embracing kind of guy, I just have a wrong read on him.

Dear God. Telling the truth about third world shitholes is not racism. Calling out ******** who are insulting the ENTIRE COUNTRY based on a false narrative is not racism. Pointing out that not every person at the Charlottesville debacle was not a Nazi or Communist was not racism. You simply are still angry that the Electoral College worked as intended and the few most heavily populated DNC vote plantations were not able to run roughshod over the rest of the USA and he was elected over your preferred Neo-Socialist fellow traveler.
Not much, he's simply emboldened and empowered white supremacists, that's all. Think of the 'fine people on both sides' comment in Charlottesville. He's insulted and harrassed African-American athletes who dared take a knee in silent, peaceful protest. He made demonstratively racist comments about immigrants, Muslims and Mexican citizens. He's called African nations shithole countries. So really, not much. I'm sure he's a Desmond Tutu, Mahatma Gandhi-type, a peaceful, loving, all-embracing kind of guy, I just have a wrong read on him.

You must have forgotten the recognition he's gotten for his contributions to the African-American community in the past from the likes of Jesse Jackson & Al Sharpton. Here's proof from Jesse Jackson:

And actions speak louder than words. During Obama:

From 2009 to 2015, the incomes of black Americans fell by more than $900 per family adjusted for inflation.

During Trump:

Median family incomes have risen by more than $1,000, according‎ to Sentier Research and based on Census Bureau numbers.

And African-American unemployment are at record lows while wages are up.
Hi Steelworth! LOL no, actually this has been a great week for me, thanks! :waving:

Hi Tibs. I'm sure it started off a great week when God and Savior BuzzFeedNews gave hope of a Trump impeachment. The absolute glee displayed by the Left, Hollywood elite and the MSM was palpable.

Good, honest & accurate journalism be damned.
You simply are still angry that the Electoral College worked as intended and the few most heavily populated DNC vote plantations were not able to run roughshod over the rest of the USA and he was elected over your preferred Neo-Socialist fellow traveler.

Bingo. Every single liberal's pesky problem & ultimate MO.
Tibs is just trying to get away from his *** whoppin'. Instead of saying he didn't know what the **** he was talking about he does his typical pivot to change the subject.

You sir are correct. This is how Tibs rolls. Never admit defeat, even when soundly destroyed with facts.

Speaking of kids at basketball games...let me start by saying any kids wearing black face taunting someone of color is wrong and completely and utterly out of line. Shame on those kids (who aren't the kids in question) but more importantly, shame on the school for allowing them to even enter the gym.

As many of you know, my youngest son is a pretty damned good basketball player. He's a sophomore on varsity on one of the most competitive teams here in Maryland, the state that sends more D1 players to college than any in the union. In order to play in this area, your kid has to play year round, play AAU, travel, etc. My older son, now in college, played as well. I film every game of theirs and have since they were tots. I can verify that I've been to over 1,500 basketball games of theirs. There were weekends where literally we would have 10 basketball games between the two.

I've seen it all. I've seen a black coach and a black ref get into a fight on the court (yes I have video of it). I've seen parents storm the court to go after refs. I've seen more fights than I'm proud to admit. The one constant is the general bad behavior. It's at nearly every game, every tournament. From parents to coaches to players to fans.

In Montgomery County MD, before every high school game, they play a pre-recorded message that echos the creed "let the players play, let the coaches coach, let the referees officiate" and remind everyone to uphold sportsmanship and that these aren't professional athletes.

At an away game last week, the opposing student section was brutal. Absolutely brutal. Every single player from our team that stepped onto the court was was attacked personally with insults. My son is still growing and the smallest on the team at a little over 5'8" and 133lbs. He can shoot the lights out and handle the ball though. When he stepped onto the court, their most obnoxious fan could be heard screaming "OMG Coach get him off the court, isn't that kid in middle school???" Throughout the game the insults flew. He can't even bench press the bar!! Hey tiny eat a cheesburger!!! OMG he's just a tiny, tiny little boy! They treated my son the nicest to be honest. The insults that flew towards his teammates were the worst. Our parents kept repeating, wow their kids are over the line, etc.

At halftime one of their coaches approached their student section and admonished them. Half their student section left and they barely said a word in the 2nd half. And it was particularly rewarding when my son drained a 3 from four feet behind the arc shutting them up further.

After the game, he was laughing about it. He said Dad I thought it was funny and was doing everything I could not to laugh during the game.

Anyway, the point is, students will be students and young people are the most brutal on the planet. We see it every day where a college or pro athlete is admonished for tweets etc they made when they were 14. It's unfortunate, they grow and they learn. And in this situation it was handled appropriately. The coach saw to it that those fans were scolded and told their behavior was inappropriate.

Likewise, this school should have prevented those kids from coming to the game painted that way. Shame on them.
Not much, he's simply emboldened and empowered white supremacists, that's all. Think of the 'fine people on both sides' comment in Charlottesville. He's insulted and harrassed African-American athletes who dared take a knee in silent, peaceful protest. He made demonstratively racist comments about immigrants, Muslims and Mexican. He's called African nations shithole countries. So really, not much. I'm sure he's a Desmond Tutu, Mahatma Gandhi-type, a peaceful, loving, all-embracing kind of guy, I just have a wrong read on him.
Are all your heroes socialists?
This doesn't fit the narrative, I know. Boo hoo. You guys can defend these neo nazi punks all you want, be my guest.


Now let's explore this. Once again Tibs is spreading what he deems to be facts because he simply "read" it. If it's on the internet, it must be true!

This article determines the truth or fiction of this photo to be undetermined. Brings up some interesting points.


A photograph shows Covington Catholic students in blackface at a 2015 (or 2013) school event.

During an uproar following a viral video of Covington Catholic students surrounding a Native American man at the National Mall on January 19 2019, allegations surfaced that students from that institution had been photographed in blackface.

On January 21 2019, the Facebook page "The Other 98%" shared a status update and image purportedly demonstrating sanctioned blackface at a 2015 Covington Catholic event:

The Other 98% is what Tibs sourced.


The photograph also appeared elsewhere on social media, prompting intense interest in its origin. A source provided for the images was a December 2015 forum post on BluegrassPreps.com about Covington Catholic, "Should The Colonel Crazies' Treatment Of Inbounders Have To Change?"

On page four of the discussion, someone embedded the above-displayed photograph with the following comment claiming the image was possibly from 2013:

The kids used to stay in the stands pretty much (circa 2013), seems like they have migrated on to the floor.
Underneath, a subsequent commenter replied: "Blackface?" Another responded:

Must have been a black out. It's not just their faces; looks like they are completely black. I got no problem with this.

On Twitter, a user offered additional speculative information about the image, suggesting it was actually from 2011:

This photo is not from 2015. It is probably from the November 29, 2011 game at Covington. The black GRC (Clark County) player is Charlie Rogers & he was a senior at the time. GRC beat Covington in a tournament the year before by 27 then setup a H/A series.

We also located video shared by the Covington Catholic High School YouTube page in January 2018. In the compilation clip, students can be seen wearing black paint on their faces. (We were unable to archive the footage in the event the page is deleted.)

That particular Covington Catholic photograph going around social media remains of indeterminate origin, but video shows that spectators do use black paint on their faces at Covington Catholic events.

The image was shared in December 2015 in its current format, and it was not doctored after the January 2019 controversy involving a student and Nathan Phillips. However, because we were unable to track down this exact image, we rate this story Unknown.

So we know that the photo is from 2011. Tibs passed along the FAKE NEWS that it is from 2015. It is not. The player on the court is documented and his playing time and stats can be verified.

The more important point to bring up is that what you see isn't always what you think you see. It is very plausible that the poster was correct, this event was deemed a "black out" and the fans were dressed in black and had their faces painted black. In addition, they point to a 2018 video (7 years later) showing their fans "blacked out."

My kid's high school colors are black, red and white. Whether it is football or basketball, the student body will call for big games a "Red out" a "White out" or a "Black out."

And students and fans alike show up wearing all red, all white, or all black with many of the students wearing face paint.

This practice is customary at most high schools. Here is one photo of our students coloring themselves red before a game. I'm sure Indians everywhere are offended:


Point: It is plausible that these kids were merely showing school pride in a customary "black out."

Like the Indian incident, what was seen that was innocent was turned into something nefarious.

As too this may have been.
Again, further to my prior post, I ask you to compare the "black face" photo Tibs posted that is so EGREGIOUS to this photo.

This is my son two weeks ago draining a 3 pointer at a home game. The opponents primary color is black. Notice their student section behind my son shooting the ball is primarily all wearing black. Their fans are quite literally a foot away from him on the sideline screaming in his ear trying to distract him. Compare these photos to the kids screaming in the purported Covington picture Tibs posted.

I guess these fans are all Neo-Nazis as well.


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Again, further to my prior post, I ask you to compare the "black face" photo Tibs posted that is so EGREGIOUS to this photo.

This is my son two weeks ago draining a 3 pointer at a home game. The opponents primary color is black. Notice their student section behind my son shooting the ball is primarily all wearing black. Their fans are quite literally a foot away from him on the sideline screaming in his ear trying to distract him. Compare these photos to the kids screaming in the purported Covington picture Tibs posted.

I guess these fans are all Neo-Nazis as well.



Shoulders square , nice follow through. Good looking shot there.