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The " F " the media thread

This doesn't fit the narrative, I know. Boo hoo. You guys can defend these neo nazi punks all you want, be my guest.


which is worse?


It's been a bad week for Tibs, to put it lightly, if you will. Obviously.

**** Tibs, he isn't interested in the truth any more than he has any morals.
He's a piece of trash that has been dumped oversees to protect him from having to answer for his covert subversion of the truth.

I think it's time for that other piece of **** country singer to pay for his ignorance too. " I'll send you an autographed album" ...yeah I'd like to send him some stuff as well...in person.

Not much, he's simply emboldened and empowered white supremacists, that's all.

That's a bullshit CNN-esque narrative. You can do better than that I hope. Yeah Trump has emboldened racists.....even though you nor any other Liberal has been able to show anything racist he has done. All you can do is speculate on what you THINK he meant as racist. It takes some spin that's for sure.
That's a bullshit CNN-esque narrative. You can do better than that I hope. Yeah Trump has emboldened racists.....even though you nor any other Liberal has been able to show anything racist he has done. All you can do is speculate on what you THINK he meant as racist. It takes some spin that's for sure.

And is there a dramatic rise in white-supremacist hate crimes because they've been "emboldened" and "empowered"? Tibs, where are the statistics for this? Link? Anything?
After seeing the initial outrage on Twitter, it looked like the students were acting like a bunch of punks, but that is what a still image and a short 10 second video will do. You watch the multiple videos from different sources put together in a timeline and it matches up with one of the student's description of what happened. As far as them wearing MAGA hats, it's a novelty item and its something that will get them noticed. Certainly not unusual for a teen to do something like that. Don't even pretend that most kids that age realize the implications, they are far too worried about themselves. It is what it is. Now digging up the old picture of a hyped student section to further the agenda is a complete joke. I was a staunch Democrat years ago when I felt that party's values represented me, but the more this type of agenda pushing that goes on, the further and further it gets away from what drew me to the party in the first place.
And is there a dramatic rise in white-supremacist hate crimes because they've been "emboldened" and "empowered"? Tibs, where are the statistics for this? Link? Anything?

The White Nationalists Are Winning

Fox News anchors and high-profile politicians are now openly pushing the racism of the alt-right. The fringe movement’s messages have permeated the mainstream Republican Party.

How Has White Nationalism Changed in the Year Since Charlottesville?

In the months since the first Unite the Right rally, white supremacist and anti-Semitic incidents have only grown.

Column: One year after Charlottesville, Trump has normalized racism in America

More than a year-and-a half into the Trump presidency, many have accepted the reality that Trump is unlike any U.S. president previously seen, that he wallows in divisive rhetoric and tolerates odious behavior because he so often indulges in it.

Timothy McGettigan on the Rise of White Supremacy

With Donald Trump in the White House, white supremacists have become alarmingly emboldened.

Trump’s White-Nationalist Pipeline

The most enduring scandal in and around the White House might not be corruption, but rather the administration’s constant embrace of bigotry from white-supremacist and far-right groups.

U.S. Law Enforcement Failed to See the Threat of White Nationalism. Now They Don’t Know How to Stop It.

In this atmosphere of apparent indifference on the part of government officials and law enforcement, a virulent, and violent, far-right movement has grown and metastasized.

In the months following Donald Trump’s inauguration, security analysts noted with increasing alarm what seemed to be a systematic erosion of the Department of Homeland Security’s analytic and operational capabilities with regard to countering violent extremism. It began with the appointment of a new national-security team.

America's dark underbelly: I watched the rise of white nationalism

Journalist Vegas Tenold spent six years among some of America’s most extreme white supremacists, and discovered a people who believe the white race is under threat and the enemy is everywhere
The White Nationalists Are Winning

How Has White Nationalism Changed in the Year Since Charlottesville?

Column: One year after Charlottesville, Trump has normalized racism in America

Timothy McGettigan on the Rise of White Supremacy

Trump’s White-Nationalist Pipeline

U.S. Law Enforcement Failed to See the Threat of White Nationalism. Now They Don’t Know How to Stop It.

America's dark underbelly: I watched the rise of white nationalism

And Tibs posts more Leftist Gaslighting by the MSM.
The kids are probably privileged punks who have silver spoons in their mouths. But that doesn't make them racist. Nor does wearing a MAGA hat.

This was a clear case of a "grey" incident being exploited by our left-wing media to further an aggenda. Tibs, if you can't see that, you are a fool. I'm not appoligiing for teenagers acting stupidly. But is this some greater sign of bigotry in our streets? Not even close. Not when you know why the kids were there, what they were doing, who ELSE was there and what they were doing (and their goal and why so many cell phone cameras were running).

That "professional" Native American boycotter, those blacks deciding to counter protest were just there to instigate and HOPE to catch something like this on camera.

All are at fault to some degree (although, there is nothing inherantly wrong with yelling and screaming your positions at a rally).

Who is most at fault? The media, for duping people like Tibs (and many others) that this was a one-sided story about racism prevelent in white youth (what a great tag line to rile up the masses and get clicks!). And that so many other news outlets ran with the story in that narrative the minute the first one did. Very few (if any) said, let's get some more info before we plaster a 17 year old's picture all over America and label him a racist. Tibs obviously doesn't think that would be a prudent move by the way HE was so complicet in posting those same limited information articles and pictures. And so quick to judge.

Just another, in a long line of examples, how our media is not there to educate or present information, but rather inflame stereotypes, inflame bigotry (which Tibs and America clearly have for white, privileged youths), and separate us just for the SOLE PURPOSE of ratings.
The White Nationalists Are Winning

How Has White Nationalism Changed in the Year Since Charlottesville?

Column: One year after Charlottesville, Trump has normalized racism in America

Timothy McGettigan on the Rise of White Supremacy

Trump’s White-Nationalist Pipeline

U.S. Law Enforcement Failed to See the Threat of White Nationalism. Now They Don’t Know How to Stop It.

America's dark underbelly: I watched the rise of white nationalism

Wow Tibs, that's a lot of links for the short amount of time between our posts, you have a TDS folder on the computer already saved for all this stuff? And you're going to need to give me a day or so to retort, I really don't feel like reading The Atlantic, The NY Times & The Guardian right now.

Quick question that just popped into my head though: Just being an observer of human behavior and trying to use a little reason, wouldn't white supremacist hate crimes be more prolific under a black President, because we'll, they're really pissed off? Why, if they love Trump and see he's trying (and succeeding) on his campaign promises, would they be so upset as to cause an uptick in violent crimes?
After seeing the initial outrage on Twitter, it looked like the students were acting like a bunch of punks, but that is what a still image and a short 10 second video will do. You watch the multiple videos from different sources put together in a timeline and it matches up with one of the student's description of what happened. As far as them wearing MAGA hats, it's a novelty item and its something that will get them noticed. Certainly not unusual for a teen to do something like that. Don't even pretend that most kids that age realize the implications, they are far too worried about themselves. It is what it is. Now digging up the old picture of a hyped student section to further the agenda is a complete joke. I was a staunch Democrat years ago when I felt that party's values represented me, but the more this type of agenda pushing that goes on, the further and further it gets away from what drew me to the party in the first place.

Well reasoned and level-headed thoughts, something I wish I saw more from Democrats lately. Not that the other side doesn't have their warts, but this ****'s out of control.
The White Nationalists Are Winning

How Has White Nationalism Changed in the Year Since Charlottesville?

Column: One year after Charlottesville, Trump has normalized racism in America

Timothy McGettigan on the Rise of White Supremacy

Trump’s White-Nationalist Pipeline

U.S. Law Enforcement Failed to See the Threat of White Nationalism. Now They Don’t Know How to Stop It.

America's dark underbelly: I watched the rise of white nationalism

Wait, I just read those little snippets you quoted and not a single thing about a rise in white supremacist hate crimes. Just rhetoric from some liberal rags and and uptick in anti-Semitism. I'm sure the guy who moved the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, is a great friend to Israel according to their PM and who's family are devout Jews is not the cause of anti-Semitism, right?
The kids are probably privileged punks who have silver spoons in their mouths. But that doesn't make them racist. Nor does wearing a MAGA hat.


I guess not everyone heard.

These kids did nothing wrong and are to be commended.

Earlier in the video these kids were harassed by a bunch of blacks. Blacks who were spewing anti gay hate and calling for bloodshed.
That is where the media outrage should have been centered
These kids stayed calm and behaved like adults.

After witnessing these kids being harrassed, the drum playing Indian approached him, not the other way around.

After learning the truth, the media then resorted to damage control by claiming "well the kid was still racist because of his smirk"

Tibs, you bettter be feeling like an utter ******* after this one.
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Tibs, you bettter be feeling like an utter ******* after this one.

Take it easy on Tibs. He has had an unusually busy week of embarrassing, misplaced virtue signalling.
A montage of 'If True".

"Journalists" commit malpractice as they report on something that is not known to be true....repeating "if true" as they report the latest bombshell against Trump.

This is appalling. This once again shows how the media is so deeply invested in taking Trump down, and acting as though we the people are lock step with them in their anti Trump rhetoric.

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Take it easy on Tibs. He has had an unusually busy week of embarrassing, misplaced virtue signalling.

And getting his *** handed to him on a platter a dozen or more times.

It's fun watching Tibs walk in lock step with the media and do exactly what they preach he should. He now suffers white guilt. Hates his whiteness.

Not at all shocking.
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He now suffers white guilt. Hates his whiteness.

It's not like he has a choice. If he didn't hate his own race, his friends and neighbors in his own political party would label him a racist. That is mandatory for Democrat party membership now. To be a White liberal you must hate the race you were born as and you must grovel and beg forgiveness for it. It ***** up your brain after awhile I would imagine.
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Yeah white guilt and ****, but we shouldn't lose sight of what this story is about.

This is less about a 'racist' incident and more about the fact that these "racists" were white Christian males wearing MAGA hats. These boys epitomize that orange haired racist in the White House is what the leftist media is trying to sell.

Which people like Tibs buy.
This past week probably made Tibs think that Pop’s beatdown by Steeltime was a Caribbean vacation.
Nah, I don't have an ounce of white guilt. Just don't like racists and bullies and don't think we should allow our teenagers to act that way.

You guys accuse me of swallowing what the media is telling me to think about this. I see just the opposite. The right wing media is telling you guys what to think, as is the collective mob rules on this board. Now I'm a piece of ****, cause I see it differently than you do. Whoop de doo. I disagree on this issue, who cares? Even after seeing multiple videos and reading multiple accounts of the story, I still say what they did was wrong and represents what I see as an unleashing of bigotry, bullying and racism brought on my Trump's presidency and the MAGA movement. This is a relative harmless example of it, thankfully nobody got hurt outside of some bruised egos.

Here are the same squeaky clean, Catholic kids making friends in DC that same day:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Before the Covington Catholic boys mocked a Native American veteran, they were harassing women. Shame on every media outlet, every Catholic priest and every person who defended these boys.<br><br>You are part of the problem. <a href="https://t.co/6K6j3DP7Cy">pic.twitter.com/6K6j3DP7Cy</a></p>— Ryan Knight &#55356;&#56826;&#55356;&#56824; (@ProudResister) <a href="https://twitter.com/ProudResister/status/1087523928916938752?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 22, 2019</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Here is another 'piece of ****' with his own opinion on that matter:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">My feelings about the <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/CovingtonBoys?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#CovingtonBoys</a> are unchanged since the first reporting and viewing many different videos. The boys acted inappropriately and chaperones should have intervened. And boys should not have been permitted to wear MAGA hats if they were representing the school.</p>— Father Edward Beck (@FrEdwardBeck) <a href="https://twitter.com/FrEdwardBeck/status/1087488092166975488?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 21, 2019</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

And here is where you all got the heart-breaking 'true story' from the side of the poor, innocent kids of Covington High. Funny how a right-leaning PR firm just happened to be standing by idly to come to their defense. So if I swallowed the 'MSM bullshit' they were selling then you guys swallowed the Alt Right bullshit Tucker Carlson and right-wing PR firms pushed down your throats. Happy now?

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Hiring a GOP-linked PR firm within hours of your son making the news.<br><br>They got their money’s worth. <br><br>The media ate up the PR spin like a box of thin mints.<a href="https://t.co/AGdutNZDxd">https://t.co/AGdutNZDxd</a></p>— The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) <a href="https://twitter.com/HoarseWisperer/status/1087528071878590464?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 22, 2019</a></blockquote>
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Keep defending the actions of these kids till you're blue in the face. No skin of my back.

Oh, and Happy Martin Luther King Jr. day from yesterday. I must have missed the threads celebrating his life and vision for a more tolerant - and less bigoted - America.
Again, mob rules, mob behavior. Nobody got hurt, no harm, no foul, no big deal. But say what you want these kids spent their day fighting abortion rights, mocking women, Native Americans, being loud, unruly and boisterous on a trip to the nation's capital. Not sure they're getting their money's worth with that Catholic education. I hope they - and their teachers and parents - all learn something from this, and realize their behavior crossed the line. If not, oh well, not the end of the world. Just adding a bunch of up and coming asshats to an otherwise growing pool of existing asshats on the right. More voters for Trump.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This video contradicts Nick Sandmann's statement, I am vaccinated against gaslighting. <a href="https://t.co/jMPfUHIWQA">pic.twitter.com/jMPfUHIWQA</a></p>— Christopher Bouzy (@cbouzy) <a href="https://twitter.com/cbouzy/status/1087403613754978305?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 21, 2019</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” <a href="https://t.co/oGeSvWLS7r">pic.twitter.com/oGeSvWLS7r</a></p>— Michael Tannenbaum (@iamTannenbaum) <a href="https://twitter.com/iamTannenbaum/status/1087542762327683073?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 22, 2019</a></blockquote>
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People are running from this event in droves. Fight on Fibs, fight on.