1. Cohen is being investigated by the NY district attorney, not Mueller. The warrant to search his office, home etc was signed off by a Republican appointed district judge. .
The warrant on Cohen came from the Special Prosecutor. Yes, right, it came from the FBI, which received the referral from Mueller. Therefore, the search was directly related to Mueller. Know why it did not come from Mueller? Because nothing involved Russia, or collusion.
"The warrant was signed off by a Republican appointed judge." Jesus, what does that matter? Please stop reading stuff on a lefty web site and repeating it here. The "judge appointed by Republican" appears more frequently than the battered mole on Whack-A-Mole. Wonder why, wonder why ... oh, right, it's a new "talking point."
And as is true with almost all talking points, it is just that - air. Irrelevant. Specifically, judges who issue warrants believe that the references in the supporting affadavits are true. The judge does not then "investigate" the allegations, like Matlock. He or she simply reads the affadavits, and decides if the allegations are enough to support a warrant.
That's it. And the standard for such a warrant is "probable cause," which includes "probable cause" that evidence might - MIGHT - be found. The standard is pretty low, to facilitate investigation.
2. You have nothing - zero - to stand on in claiming anything about the Mueller investigation as far as Russian collusion, what they've found or not found, since it's a pending federal investigation.
We have discussed this point previously. Mueller's team has leaked like a sieve. Now is it possible he found and corrected those leaks? Sure, I guess. Is it more likely instead that his team has found exactly bupkus so far on the claimed "collusion"? Yes.
Oh, and p.s. - those links you keep citing - "Mueller to question financial head of Trump team," "Mueller to subpoena so-and-so's records" - where do you think that information comes from? Do you seriously believe Trump is leaking information known only to Mueller's team?
3. You have no way of knowing what connection Cohen has, or doesn't have, to Mueller's Russian investigation. He was his 'fixer' and right hand man, intricately involved with everything Trump was doing. The fact the payments to the various mistresses have been caught up in this is happenstance. It's Mueller's sworn duty to report a crime if he sees a crime. These are not seperate cases, but all bits and pieces in the overall investigation. You can't really expect the FBI to ignore criminal behavior of any kind as they pursue their original mandate, or do you?
Sure. Of course. Mueller and his former mates at the FBI would never let a criminal just skate. For example, by not subpoenaing records, by not putting the target of the investigation under oath, by giving blanket immunity to staff BEFORE questioning them, by not demanding the server for first-hand investigation. Yeah, that would never happen.
Except it already has.
4. Everything we've seen thus far points very much to criminal wrongdoing on part of Trump and his campaign and Russia. The fact you choose to ignore this just points to how deep you are in the clutches of the Trump cult. You may be an attorney Steeltime, but you're a politically compromised attorney who's seeing things through narrow, skewered lenses.
Or alternatively, I don't obsess over Donald Trump like some ... you. Politically compromised?? It matters not a whit to me who is President, except in terms of tax rates. I personally have nothing invested in Trump. I don't own his hat, I have not attended one of his rallies, I did not even vote for the guy last November.
Compare me to the weeping, wailing, shrieking, whining left. They live-and-die with every new Trump story. "Oh, we got him now!!" Or not. Tibs, man, I am telling you this as an internet "friend" - find some balance. Donald Trump is not Hitler, he's not Satan, he will serve his term and the country will move on.
As to your claim, "Everything points to criminal wrongdoing" - I presume that you are able to articulate what evidence shows what criminal wrongdoing.
So what crime has he committed? And please don't say, "Paying porn stars to keep quiet," Tibs, since that is not illegal.
Thanks for the advice buddy. I'll decide for myself who I trust and believe. Out of these two, I certainly 'align myself' with Avenatti. He's been nothing but perfectly clear and straight-forward from the beginning. I think Cohen is a scoundrel trying to save his skin. He is neck deep in Trump's shenanigans, and is now trying to stay out of jail, or at least limit the damage. Regardless, I do think what he's doing now - as late in the game as it is - is the right choice, as opposed to continuing to side with a false prophet, a lying, deceitful con man.
Avenatti is a loathesome cretin and a lying fraud.
His law firm - HIS law firm - took out withholding from employees and did not pay it to the government. His law firm - HIS - stole more than $4 million from a lawyer who brought in millions of dollars worth of business. His law firm - HIS - filed for bankruptcy due to its dishonest practices and financial shenanigans.
Yeah, a guy who oversaw the theft of tax withholding and stiffed another lawyer out of millions of dollars and whose law firm is bankrupt??? Great source. Great.
Cohen? You acknowledge he is very low on the honesty tree. Those two are an embarrassment to the legal profession. Both are in hot water for lying. Both have been proven as liars.
And you think they are reliable sources. Okaaaay.
You keep saying to wait for the Mueller thing. Fine. Okay. Maybe you should do the same. If Mueller produces credible evidence of criminal wrongdoing, then I am with you - Trump should be held accountable.
But if not - get a life, Tibs. Get a life.