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. The forecast calls for Stormy weather all week....Bwahahahahaha!

I Cohen is also up to his neck in the Mueller probe as he evidently met with Russian agents in Prague before the election, which he thus far denies. .

Where do you get your information? He is up to his neck in the Mueller probe, so far, to the point that that Mueller handed it off to someone else. LOL. Also, examination of Cohen's passport shows that he was no where near Prague when they claim. You may need to find better sources.

If nothing of SERIOUS importance is found in the Cohen case, we will see a constitutional crisis. Because the Mueller Investigation has trampled on the Constitution.

I didn't say that, others have. As far as the Mueller investigation, he's a 'subject' not a 'suspect'. He's clearly also a 'subject' in this investigation, as the NY ... blah, blah, blah, blah. ...

West Hollywood gave her the key to the city. This is what the left has come to. Siding with MS-13, Iran and North Korea while giving the key to the city to a porn star. Talk about going off the ******* rails.
West Hollywood gave her the key to the city. This is what the left has come to. Siding with MS-13, Iran and North Korea while giving the key to the city to a porn star. Talk about going off the ******* rails.

Yes, what kind of bizarro world are we living in? This woman slept with someone she had just met and then took $130,000 to keep quiet about it, a promise she reneged on. Why is she being treated like some kind of victim/hero? I'm baffled.
Yes, what kind of bizarro world are we living in? This woman slept with someone she had just met and then took $130,000 to keep quiet about it, a promise she reneged on. Why is she being treated like some kind of victim/hero? I'm baffled.

Because it makes Trump look bad in the eyes of liberals. My take? It happened how many years ago? Who cares?

CNN cares, even though their ratings are now below Nickelodeon. I mean, your news broadcast is losing to SpongeBob. I can't believe any of those clowns still have jobs. CNN managed to make MSNBC look like a reasonable news source. Even MSNBC couldn't make MSNBC look like a reasonable news source.
Yes, what kind of bizarro world are we living in? This woman slept with someone she had just met and then took $130,000 to keep quiet about it, a promise she reneged on. Why is she being treated like some kind of victim/hero? I'm baffled.

This is the same town who refused to condemn Roman Polanski.....so is it really that baffling???
This is the same town who refused to condemn Roman Polanski.....so is it really that baffling???

Funny how Hollywood suddenly got all righteous about sexual assault.
A cum dumpster has lied about screwing a married man- a famous, rich married man years ago. Gets a key to the city. Sounds very logical to me. 'Merica!
For the record, I don't think she lied. You don't usually have NDA's and $130K payouts to keep quiet about nothing. Doesn't matter. It is still inconsequential. Holding her up as some kind of hero is the part that baffles me.
So he banged some legally paid professional ho years ago.. wow oh my. Now if he would have done it in the oval office on the clock with a young intern. Then it's all good. - leftist nitwits
Ya know. drugging and having anal sex with a 13 year old isn't "rape-rape". According to Whoopi.

Somewhere Bill Cosby is saying, "What about me?"
Ya know. drugging and having anal sex with a 13 year old isn't "rape-rape". According to Whoopi.

I had forgotten about that gem of a comment. "Rape-rape."
West Hollywood... where you can wear a ***** hat and share your culture appropriation on Instagram while drinking coffee made by underpaid homeless people
I suppose a key to a city is a step up from a key to Trump Tower...
Hollywood... where you can wear a ***** hat and share your culture appropriation on Instagram while drinking coffee made by underpaid homeless people


Women accuse Morgan Freeman of inappropriate behavior, harassment

(CNN)A young production assistant thought she had landed the job of her dreams when, in the summer of 2015, she started work on "Going In Style," a bank heist comedy starring Morgan Freeman, Michael Caine and Alan Arkin.

But the job quickly devolved into several months of harassment, she told CNN. She alleges that Freeman subjected her to unwanted touching and comments about her figure and clothing on a near-daily basis. Freeman would rest his hand on her lower back or rub her lower back, she said.

In one incident, she said, Freeman "kept trying to lift up my skirt and asking if I was wearing underwear." He never successfully lifted her skirt, she said -- he would touch it and try to lift it, she would move away, and then he'd try again. Eventually, she said, "Alan [Arkin] made a comment telling him to stop. Morgan got freaked out and didn't know what to say."

Freeman's alleged inappropriate behavior was not limited to that one movie set, according to other sources who spoke to CNN. A woman who was a senior member of the production staff of the movie "Now You See Me" in 2012 told CNN that Freeman sexually harassed her and her female assistant on numerous occasions by making comments about their bodies.



That dress looks beautiful on you.


That dress looks beautiful on you.



Freeman "kept trying to lift up my skirt and asking if I was wearing underwear"

who doesn't, who doesn't

I'm sure it was all done in the name of science, looking for that elusive wormhole

Freeman "kept trying to lift up my skirt and asking if I was wearing underwear"

who doesn't, who doesn't

I'm sure it was all done in the name of science, looking for that elusive wormhole

Reminds me of a story.....

I was at the pub the other night and overheard three very hefty women talking at the bar.

whales too.jpg

Their accent appeared to be Gaelic, so I approached and asked,

"Hello, are you three lassies from Ireland?"

One of them angrily screeched, "It's Wales, Wales you bloody idiot!"

So I apologized and replied, "I am so sorry. Are you three whales from Ireland?"


And that's the last thing I remember!
I can't fathom Morgan Freeman doing that....but then again, what the hell do I know?
Morgan always had a way with the ladies...

Boy this Michael Cohen situation has picked up steam again, I thought this too was all fake news casually tossed aside by Trump fanatics. So last night he released the first of some 12 conversations he secretly recorded w Spanky. This single tape already proves what we’ve known all along that Trump & Guiliani have been lying through their teeth about payments to McDougal the playmate Trump was committing adultry with.The secret payments to silence her, which he denied even knowing about is a clear violationof election laws. He needs to resign now. Of course, he can also wait for the other 11 tapes to be released and/or for a Mueller to release his findings. This is a sinking ship if there ever was one, curious to see when the GOP starts jumping off to save their own pathetic skins.