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. The forecast calls for Stormy weather all week....Bwahahahahaha!

Boy this Michael Cohen situation has picked up steam again, I thought this too was all fake news casually tossed aside by Trump fanatics. So last night he released the first of some 12 conversations he secretly recorded w Spanky. This single tape already proves what we’ve known all along that Trump & Guiliani have been lying through their teeth about payments to McDougal the playmate Trump was committing adultry with.The secret payments to silence her, which he denied even knowing about is a clear violationof election laws. He needs to resign now. Of course, he can also wait for the other 11 tapes to be released and/or for a Mueller to release his findings. This is a sinking ship if there ever was one, curious to see when the GOP starts jumping off to save their own pathetic skins.

Cohen should be disbarred for violating client-attorney privilege.

I do love how you lefties forget that Trump was ******* McDougal while he was a Democrat, and well before he even ran for presidency. I also love it when you want to bring up the past, but refuse to acknowledge the sexual predator who was in office in the 90s.
They are like rats gnawing at a box trying to find a way in. As soon as one way doesn't work they look for another, and another, and another.........

In their minds they truly believe if they can gnaw enough holes, somehow they will get their political power back and take over the White House illegitimately.
They are like rats gnawing at a box trying to find a way in. As soon as one way doesn't work they look for another, and another, and another.........In their minds they truly believe if they can gnaw enough holes, somehow they will get their political power back and take over the White House illegitimately.
Your analysis is severely flawed. The simple fact is there are multiple, parallel fronts currently open which pose significant threats to the President, all of which are his own doing. He could take immediate steps to clarify these open issues by stepping up and telling the American people the truth. He refuses to do so and in fact does just the opposite, continuing to lie, deceive and dig in deeper. That is his choice to make. Nobody should feel sorry for him besides of course his fanatical base who believe and propagate his lies, ad nauseum.
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Your analysis is severely flawed. The simple fact is there are multiple, paralell fronts currently open which pose significant threats to the President, all of which are his own doing. He could take immediate steps to clarify these open issues by stepping up and telling the American people the truth. He refuses to do so and in fact does just the opposite, continuing to lie and decieve and dig in deeper. That is his choice to make. Nobody should feel sorry for him besides of course his fanatical base who believe and propogate his lies, ad nauseum.

Tibs learned today that politicians lie.
that, people is being woke.
Tibs learned today that politicians lie.
that, people is being woke.
Supe learned today that there is no mountain too high to climb to defend this lying, deceitful, treasonous President. That, people is being so committed to a single cause, a single man, that all sense of reason and common sense is swept aside.
Supe learned today that there is no mountain too high to climb to defend this lying, deceitful, treasonous President. That, people is being so committed to a single cause, a single man, that all sense of reason and common sense is swept aside.

No one gives a **** who he screwed before he was President.

Every new outrage just makes him more popular.

And the fact the left hasn’t figured that out proves how stupid they are

Thanks again. 4 more years here we go.

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Cohen should be disbarred for violating client-attorney privilege.

I do love how you lefties forget that Trump was ******* McDougal while he was a Democrat, and well before he even ran for presidency.

I’m sure America will sleep better once Cohen is disbarred.

You think Trump found Jesus between the time he was a Democrat and running for President?
Supe learned today that there is no mountain too high to climb to defend this lying, deceitful, treasonous President. That, people is being so committed to a single cause, a single man, that all sense of reason and common sense is swept aside.

Meh, i was a kid for Regan... so i have little recollection of the atmosphere there, but i know for a fact that the party out of power has whined about every flaw from Bush senior through Clinton to bush jr to Obama... clinton was hands down the most impeachable... Trump follws a lot of clintonesque philosophies...

Its hilfuckinglarious to watch people flip flop on a lot of these matters... and yes trump gets defended in cases he shouldn’t... but realistically he isn’t the most impeacable president in my lifetime... his accusations are pretty tame to the bushes, obama, and particularly Clinton....

Its boring and most of the public doesn’t give a damn anymore.... move the **** on already
Supe learned today that there is no mountain too high to climb to defend this lying, deceitful, treasonous President. That, people is being so committed to a single cause, a single man, that all sense of reason and common sense is swept aside.

This is where you are mind numbingly wrong. If it was about one man, it would have fallen apart already. It is part of a movement that began with the Tea Party stuff and has continued through Trump. People are just sick and tired of politicians talking and doing nothing. If it would have been another guy talking like Trump, if Trump was never in the picture, it would have been that guy.

But hey, keep thinking that. I hope all of the left keeps thinking that. To defeat it you have to define it properly. And you are not.
This is where you are mind numbingly wrong. If it was about one man, it would have fallen apart already. It is part of a movement that began with the Tea Party stuff and has continued through Trump. People are just sick and tired of politicians talking and doing nothing. If it would have been another guy talking like Trump, if Trump was never in the picture, it would have been that guy.

But hey, keep thinking that. I hope all of the left keeps thinking that. To defeat it you have to define it properly. And you are not.

This i agree with
Trump the man is an egotistical flawed train wreck of a celebrity... but people aren’t voting for the man... its the message...

Its why he is teflon... and Dems do not get it .... again beat him by offering solutions to the issues that matter to the majority of people in the whole country... not by offering agendas that play to the people in a dozen major population centers but fall flat everywhere else
I have, for the most part, tuned out of both sides of the argument regarding Trump himself. The arguments are always the same. It is boring at this point. Wake me when the chaos starts, because no matter how this turns out, whichever side is upset is going to cause a major disturbance in this country. Good times, good times.
This i agree with
Trump the man is an egotistical flawed train wreck of a celebrity... but people aren’t voting for the man... its the message...

Its why he is teflon... and Dems do not get it .... again beat him by offering solutions to the issues that matter to the majority of people in the whole country... not by offering agendas that play to the people in a dozen major population centers but fall flat everywhere else

But open borders, no law enforcement and 50% tax rates are such good, sound ideas! I'm sure they'll be very successful with that message in 2020.
Something else. Democrats are all upset about Trump being President, nothing new. If they are honest, they bear at least SOME responsibility for his Presidency. Look at the facts. At the time it was made law, the ACA was opposed by over 80% of Americans. They did it anyway. The majority of Americans, to include recent immigrants, are opposed to illegal immigration. They created sanctuary cities. They arrange protests involving said illegal immigrants, where these illegal immigrants carry signs and yell slogans demanding things on the taxpayer's dime.

They were flat out caught red handed stacking the deck against Bernie Sanders, feeding Hillary Clinton debate questions ahead of time, and when called on it, it was a collective 'meh.' The constant identity politics, constantly calling anyone who disagrees with their identity politics racist, homophobic, xenophobic, islamophobic, blah, blah, blah.

I could go on and on. People are tired of that stuff. And yet the left is doubling down with abolishing ICE, raising taxes and tighter gun control, not to mention still crying every -ism or phobia they can think of. Top it off with the in mouthpieces in the MSM screaming foul repeatedly when the President blinks too many times and it is ridiculous. You think people want more of THAT?
Yes, that's exactly right. That's Mueller's job. Trump should respect & cooperate with the investigation and let it come to its merciful end, whenever that may be, however long it may take.
Mueller is going to forever regret taking on this assignment. When it ends, half the country will despise him, as they do now. The other half will consider him a failure for not delivering the goods.

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Mueller is going to forever regret taking on this assignment. When it ends, half the country will despise him, as they do now. The other half will consider him a failure for not delivering the goods.
I'll consider him a decorated military veteran and an American patriot regardless what the outcome is. I wish Trump and his base felt the same.
I'll consider him a decorated military veteran and an American patriot regardless what the outcome is. I wish Trump and his base felt the same.

The thing is, corrupt Mueller is conducting a politically motivated witch hunt, started by Oterrorist and based on lies that were funded by Clinton, against the true patriot who is doing everything he can in America’s best interest. For free and against the fake news media.
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The thing is, corrupt Mueller is conducting a politically motivated witch hunt, started by Oterrorist and based on lies that were funded by Clinton, against the true patriot who is doing everything he can in America’s best interest. For free and against the fake news media.

I'll consider him a decorated military veteran and an American patriot regardless what the outcome is. I wish Trump and his base felt the same.

Why don't you ask Louie Greco, Henry Tameleo, Peter Limone and Joe Salvati how they feel about him? After you google them (because I know you have no idea who they are) get back to me.
Why don't you ask Louie Greco, Henry Tameleo, Peter Limone and Joe Salvati how they feel about him? After you google them (because I know you have no idea who they are) get back to me.

Worst part is Mueller and company KNEW they were innocent. They framed 4 innocent men to protect the informant that actually did the
Killing . Nothing short of shameful.