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The Kurt Schlichter Update


They killed Kenny!
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
The nearest Steelers bar.
Good afternoon, citizens, and welcome to a feature I dub the Kurt Schlichter Update. Mr. Schlichter is an army vet, Colonel, author, and best of all an attorney. His columns and tweets provide amazing and hilarious comments and observations that deserve highlighting. So let's begin with some observations by Mr. Schlichter in today's column from Townhall, where he publishes a weekly article. For those new to Mr. Schlichter, if you have any sense of history and awareness of modern society, you will undoubtedly find his comments are both hilarious and accurate. Unfortunately, if you serve coffee for a living, you are probably too stupid to get it.

Crazy talk? Yeah, but the crazy talk came from the lying piehole of our dust puppet alleged chief executive. He shamelessly told us – like he shamelessly told us he fired that Ukrainian prosecutor as part of the Delaware Corleone crime club’s corruptorama – that he absolutely would not let Trump take office again. Sure, he qualified it by claiming, in his own grammatically challenged way, that he would only employ “legitimate efforts of the Constitution,” but we have seen that, among other things, his idea of the “legitimate efforts of the Constitution” includes using his DOJ to frame the ex-president/his chief political rival. And keep in mind that Grandpa Badfinger – who has been giving speeches screeching about how you are a Nazi for not wanting to submit – frequently and turgidly fantasizes about the idea of unleashing the US military upon dissident Americans like you.

Of course, we’re a republic, but you get the point. Biden and those who support his stumbling efforts to turn America into Venezuela, except with more Venezuelans thanks to his erasure of our border, see us as morally incapable and morally unworthy of participating in our own governance.
We are illegitimate, and therefore so are the electoral results of our participation in civic life. They want us to be obedient serfs, doing society’s hard and dirty work – you can’t expect Kaden or Ashleigh from Santa Monica to waste their gender studies degrees from the University of College doing a job that causes perspiration! They want us toiling to pay taxes to fund deadbeat Democrat constituents’ personal welfare and the elite’s corporate and NGO welfare. They want us as their muscle, acting as their enforcers – again, there’s no way Kaden or Ashleigh would be cops and protect their gated communities. And they want us fighting their endless, idiotic wars – including those against the real enemy, people like you here at home.

Yes, there was some cheating. We found cheating the first night I was in Las Vegas with the legal team. The extent is unproven and fraud is really only a factor in a close race where a few hundred or thousand votes separate the candidates. A more serious issue is the plethora of quasi-legal and outright unlawful rule changes imposed at the last minute which our glorious RNC failed to anticipate and litigate beforehand. Ronna McDaniel, Trump’s handpicked RNC chair – save the denials, because I watched his people with my own eyes lobby for her at last winter’s RNC election – promises that she’s being proactive this time, but last time her negligence led to disaster. Luckily, some red states like Florida, Georgia, and Texas have reformed their laws to prevent the worst abuses, and everyone in the GOP but the loons and knuckleheads are up to ballot harvesting where ballots can be harvested. But the states with blue governors are going to do everything they can to make sure that their elections are as insecure as a Bulwark staff writer walking into a gym. And then there were the institutional thumbs on the scale in favor of Biden – we will see that again too. Out in front will be the regime media cheerleading the Democrat party line that Trump is Hitler x Franco to the max.

And what happens when this all fails? Will Biden leave the White House? We know that Joe Biden is a black swan souffle of stupidity, senility, and corruption. What if he just says…"No?” Then we will have a standoff, a constitutional crisis. He’s been ignoring the law for four years to impose things he cannot get passed via the Constitution, so why would he not ignore it to keep his sinecure? And there’s no referee that can compel him not to. SCOTUS orders do not enforce themselves. Is the DOJ going to suddenly arrest Democrats for sedition? Do you expect our garbage military leadership to have the troops sashay up Pennsylvania Avenue to depose the despot? No, they will back Biden’s play in large part because the generals and admirals know their sorry brasses are getting fired before the sun goes down on Inauguration Day. Hopefully, a crisis created by a Democrat attempt to deny the presidency to Donald Trump in January 2025 could be resolved peacefully, but we watched them cheer the murder of a peaceful protester on January 6. Do not think they would not happily shed your blood if they thought it would help them retain power.

So, here’s what we do collectively and individually. We vote for who we want regardless of express and implied Democrat threats. To hell with them. We fortify our elections where we have power and prepare for lawfare all the way up to the Supreme Court where we don’t. We make the case for whoever the candidate we nominate and seek to win the vote well beyond the margin of fraud – if we demonstrate overwhelming support for change, that makes a Hail Satan play like the one described above less likely. And we buy guns and ammunition, because the best deterrent to tyrannical aspirations is an armed citizenry capable of resisting dictatorship.

Kurt Schlichter's Most Recent Townhall Column

Funny, insightful, accurate and I agree 100%. Except for the guns and ammunition thing because you know how guns scare me.
You joke, but the current administration is definitely trying to raise a generation that is terrified of guns.