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The New American S.A. Now Wears Blue Shirts Instead of Brown


May 17, 2014
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Typical Reich Wing idiot....... this mayor doesn't understand a person's rights under the constitution? Then the jackboot licker escorts him out also not knowing(or caring) that he is violating his rights? What is the point of calling these people 'LAW ENFORCEMENT' when they don't even understand the fundamentals of the law? Unfucking believable.

This is why I call the right wing fascists, the idiot even brings up the troops fighting for freedom YEAH FREEDOM FROM IDIOTS TRYING TO FORCE THEIR RELIGOUS BULLSHIT ON YOU UNDER THREAT! Just like you Mr. Idiot Mayor.

On the bright side I'm sure the guy has a nice pay day coming.

Asking someone to stand or leave the room while they pray is a crime? Bullshit he was given the opportunity to leave while they prayed. I am sick of this liberal ******* Nancy boy bullshit that is ruining this country. They did not tell him to pray they did not tell him to recite the pledge just asked him to stand or leave while they did. They did not threaten to cut off his hands or tar and feather, him just to respect their views.
Asking someone to stand or leave the room while they pray is a crime? Bullshit he was given the opportunity to leave while they prayed. I am sick of this liberal ******* Nancy boy bullshit that is ruining this country. They did not tell him to pray they did not tell him to recite the pledge just asked him to stand or leave while they did. They did not threaten to cut off his hands or tar and feather, him just to respect their views.

The mayor at the beginning told him he had to stand for a prayer, in other words to participate in a christian ritual. What if he was Jewish, or Muslim? The ritual should not have taken place at all it being a government function on government property.

They also can't ask someone to leave. The supreme court has ruled that during the pledge in schools anyone who does not want to participate can sit there quietly. The mayor acted just like an extremist Muslim; in other words, 'My way or the Highway'

That's what one facet of fascism is friend; denying a person participation in his/her government because of his/her views.

"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross."--Sinclair Lewis(debatable if this is his quote)

**** that. He can leave while they do that then come back in. Anything else is just being a disrespectful prick. You throw up terms like fascism without looking in the mirror. Liberals are the most fascist jack boot wearing sons of ******* I have ever known. They will not tolerate any view they don't agree with and actively try to portray that view as being racist intolerant or ignorant. I am not a right wing fanatic
I am not intolerant of other peoples opinions as long as they are trying to force them down my throat and will respect certain courtesies like standing while someone prays or recites the pledge as long as I am not forced to do more than stand. That is just common ******* courtesy which is sorely lacking among most liberals. I hate political correctness but abhor not being polite, and there is a big difference.

I also realize I have not been particularly polite tonight and will apologize for my transgressions and pissy attitude but not for the content of my posts. .I shall endeavor to be more polite as
I espouse my views on ******* liberals weenies.
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Ahhh, yes, those tolerant Left Wing loons should always set the example of tolerance of other people's beliefs. An "Open Forum" on the Common Core Indoctrination program. Parent arrested for asking a question in said "open forum." Rights? Rights? LOL

I bet if this had been a white security officer and a black parent, well...we'd have rioting and looting to boot afterwards.

God I love abusing you PoloCommie.

Ahhh, yes, those tolerant Left Wing loons should always set the example of tolerance of other people's beliefs. An "Open Forum" on the Common Core Indoctrination program. Parent arrested for asking a question in said "open forum." Rights? Rights? LOL

I bet if this had been a white security officer and a black parent, well...we'd have rioting and looting to boot afterwards.

God I love abusing you PoloCommie.

Abuse me? You can't even make an argument if you don't know the difference between apples and oranges; which most 3 year old humans and most other ape primates do...lol

This man clearly broke the rules of the meeting by not submitting his questions like everyone else and instead proceeded to stand up and go on some stupid rant(obviously mentally ill). He was disrupting the meeting, not letting anyone else speak, making a jackass of himself and had to be removed, and you're almost right about one part involving race;if he had been black and the cop white, he'd probably be dead now.

The guy in my video was DOING NOTHING to disrupt the meeting just exercising his right to attend a city council meeting and not participate in a religious ritual THAT IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE PART OF SAID MEETING. The mayor then wanted to FORCE HIM to engage in the ritual or be ejected.

How does one even compare both situations?
Abuse me? You can't even make an argument if you don't know the difference between apples and oranges; which most 3 year old humans and most other ape primates do...lol

This man clearly broke the rules of the meeting by not submitting his questions like everyone else and instead proceeded to stand up and go on some stupid rant(obviously mentally ill). He was disrupting the meeting, not letting anyone else speak, making a jackass of himself and had to be removed, and you're almost right about one part involving race;if he had been black and the cop white, he'd probably be dead now.

The guy in my video was DOING NOTHING to disrupt the meeting just exercising his right to attend a city council meeting and not participate in a religious ritual THAT IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE PART OF SAID MEETING. The mayor then wanted to FORCE HIM to engage in the ritual or be ejected.

How does one even compare both situations?

That's quite entertaining. I guessed you'd come back with some petty argument stating that they were different. And you attempted to do so.

You may want to check your facts Comrade. While the forum was intended to have parents submit questions in advance, one of the reasons that this parent (and subsequent parents objected) stood up was that the school district intentionally did NOT field questions, and/or changed the questions altogether.


School Superintendents receive an F grade for Common Core meeting

Dr. Dallas Dance, Superintendent of Baltimore County Public Schools, and Lillian Lowery, Maryland Superintendent, had the opportunity Thursday night to make minor amends at an MSDE-sponsored informational meeting after a three-plus year information blackout on Common Core, the new federal standards for Maryland schools.

Instead, Dr. Dance added insult to injury by screening, omitting, and editing parents’ questions.

Questions from the audience of about 160 people, which consisted of parents, PTA members, teachers, and school administrators, were submitted on cards prior to and during the 1-1/2 hour meeting for the Q&A period which lasted about 40 minutes.

Dr. Dance chose which questions to read or omit, opting for teacher and school administrator or softball questions. But he also altered the wording of the questions themselves.

My submitted question:
“What is the process for parents to review what data has been or will be collected on our kids, where it is stored, how it will be used, and with whom it has or will be shared? What are parents options for opting out of data collection on our kids?”

What Dr. Dance read:
“As a parent, I’ve heard a lot of information around the state Longitudinal Data system. What is the process to review what data is being collected on students, where is it stored, how will it be used, with whom will it be shared?”

After the question was answered, I called out, “Can parents opt out?”, but was ignored.

My submitted question:
“Although Common Core was adopted by MSDE three years ago, in exchange for a quarter Billion dollar federal incentive grant through Race To The Top which is conditioned upon adherence to Common Core, parents weren’t informed until after its implementation. The MSDE has not valued nor requested parental input. Instead, there was no transparency or even the courtesy of notifying parents much less consulting them. No wonder parents are up in arms. You’ve awakened the Mama Bear. Why haven’t parents across the state heard of Common Core until the month of its implementation?”

What Dr. Dance read:
“As a parent, I was a little disappointed that I’m just starting to hear so much information around the Common Core state standard. I want to be informed as most parents across our state. As a parent, how can I learn more information around Common Core?”.

So the "Goverment" school board was practicing propaganda and killing the citizens' rights to free speech. Rules? OK. Sure, rules. Rules aimed at silencing the masses. But let's go on.

As the pom-pom and rah-rah session neared an end about 20 minutes before the meeting close, parental frustration was mounting as our questions were still going unanswered. One parent, Robert Small, decided to interject to try to force some answers (see video at top of article).

He said: “I want to know how many parents here are aware that the goal of the Common Core standards isn’t to prepare kids for full-fledged universities, it’s to prepare them for community college.....Parents, take control. We’re sick of this. This is not a CNN political debate. This is a public town hall... Listen, don’t stand for this. You’re sitting here like cattle. You have questions. Confront them. They don’t want to do it in public.... Parents, you need to question these people....Do the research, it’s online.”

Mr. Small was arrested after being removed from the auditorium and charged with second degree assault of a police officer and a second charge of disrupting a school function.

The video clearly shows that, if anyone was aggressive, it was the security guard, not Mr. Small. What may have happened out in the hall however, is unknown.

In the second video clip (click here), you can hear multiple parents call out how their question was not read and they were ignored.

So to your question, how does one compare the situations? It's rather obvious Comrade, when you see the full story. In both instances, a group of people attempted to use their authority to silence dissenting voice and/or rights. In the latter, the Board of Education attempted to silence an entire community.
That's quite entertaining. I guessed you'd come back with some petty argument stating that they were different. And you attempted to do so.

You may want to check your facts Comrade. While the forum was intended to have parents submit questions in advance, one of the reasons that this parent (and subsequent parents objected) stood up was that the school district intentionally did NOT field questions, and/or changed the questions altogether.


School Superintendents receive an F grade for Common Core meeting

So the "Goverment" school board was practicing propaganda and killing the citizens' rights to free speech. Rules? OK. Sure, rules. Rules aimed at silencing the masses. But let's go on.

So to your question, how does one compare the situations? It's rather obvious Comrade, when you see the full story. In both instances, a group of people attempted to use their authority to silence dissenting voice and/or rights. In the latter, the Board of Education attempted to silence an entire community.

I wasn't there and haven't seen a legit report or the minutes (if they were taken) all I see is you posting something from this person...and you want to be taken seriously?

Baltimore County Republican Examiner Ann Miller
Ann is the Founding President of The People’s Veto Inc, a petition rights organization (www.baltocopetitions.com), a former elected member of the Baltimore County Republican Central Committee, and a committed grassroots activist. Her work has been cited by Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Glenn Beck, Michelle Malkin, Fox News, used in the Common Core documentary Building The Machine (2014) and published in an educational journal in the UK.

Even from what she wrote I don't see the problem, the condensed questions contained the same context as the original for the most part. The she adds she 'interjected' vocally just like the other jackass when they knew the protocol.

When you find something not written by Dr. Goebels then you might have something.
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I wasn't there and haven't seen a legit report or the minutes (if they were taken) all I see is you posting something from this person...and you want to be taken seriously?

Baltimore County Republican Examiner Ann Miller
Ann is the Founding President of The People’s Veto Inc, a petition rights organization (www.baltocopetitions.com), a former elected member of the Baltimore County Republican Central Committee, and a committed grassroots activist. Her work has been cited by Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Glenn Beck, Michelle Malkin, Fox News, used in the Common Core documentary Building The Machine (2014) and published in an educational journal in the UK.

Even from what she wrote I don't see the problem, the condensed questions contained the same context as the original for the most part. The she adds she 'interjected' vocally just like the other jackass when they knew the protocol.

When you find something not written by Dr. Goebels then you might have something.

So very idiot-left-wing of you in your response. Thank you for living up to the stereotype. Attack the source, not the content, eh Comrade? Refute the content. Prove that what Miller wrote (oooh, no truth could possibly come from her because she's a Conservative) didn't occur.

You don't see a problem with parents and citizens in the community being denied a voice in a public hearing over a controversial topic. Of course you don't. Unless it was a global warming hearing denouncing it as a hoax. If members were allowed to only submit their questions on index cards, and the context and meaning of those messages was greatly changed, you'd cry on and on about the Reich Wing suppressing science.

When the Board refuses to entertain submitted questions, by their own rules, well then there aren't really rules are there? It's more a form of oppression on a controversial subject. Not surprising that the Common Core Cretins wanted it all very controlled - submitted questions - no parent/crowd interaction. None shall have a voice. He wasn't the only one, and there were other videos showing the general level of displeasure..."You didn't read my question..or mine...or mine..." See below:

Then there's the submission from other parents who attended. I can't wait for the Michelle Malkin attack. Halt your anger and read the parental submission Comrade:


I know you are vehemently against the Common Core standards that are being thrust upon our children…Last night I attended a “forum” held by our school system. In a nutshell, it was an hour and a half long and the first hour was listening to Dallas Dance (county superintendent), Lillian Lowery (state superintendent),a PTA leader, and a teacher from Catonsville High School basically tell us how great this was going to be.

Then we [watched] a video starting with Martin O’Malley saying how great it was, and then other “educators” saying how great it was. Finally, Dallas Dance read some written questions submitted by parents for the other 3 in the forum to answer. They were mostly softball questions of course and you could feel everyone’s frustration that no hard- hitting questions were being asked.

Finally, a frustrated parent got up and interrupted Lillian Lowery and was challenging one of her pre-planned answers. He was not rude but they had security come in to take him out. Luckily a parent was videotaping the event and sent it to our local media.

I have attached a link to the Baltimore Sun website that has an article and the video of the father being dragged out. He was arrested and held until 3:00 a.m. He was just a dad trying to get some information about his children’s education and ended up in jail for not sitting down and shutting up. I was there and it was absolutely chilling to watch this man silenced.

You can read the rest of the well-written article, but your closed mind won't allow it.

Fact remains, you began this thread throwing a stone from a glass house when a man's rights were "trampled on" - and it goes both ways. Freedoms are good for the left when they support the Left. But it's fine to dismiss them when they threaten the Party.
I think I've actually found the real PoloElfie folks. Her name is Victoria Duran, and she lives in Columbus, OH.

Or this is just another example of a Liberal trampling on someone's rights, i.e., their right to Free Speech.


The better video is inside the news article, though you just can't help but enjoy the actual interview with Victoria at the end of this news report:

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Ahh, that tolerant left. This time, a professor at UC Santa Barbara attacks a peaceful pro-life demonstration on campus. The professor, Mireille Miller-Young, steals the display signs from the demonstrators, Despite repeatedly being asked to return them, she refuses, eventually assaulting one of the demonstrators. "Professor" Young teaches black cultural studies, pornography and sex work (I kid you not) at UCSB. As a part of her defense, she claimed that she was 3 months pregnant at the time and fell on (wait for it) the effects of slavery as excuses for her behavior.


But not only was the professor in the wrong, that tolerant Left University rallied to her defense, and attempted to further indoctrinate its students:

When the university finally opened up after several weeks of silence on the matter, the administration did not condemn the unnecessary and spiteful attack by a member of its faculty. Instead, it attacked the “anti-abortion crusaders” and “evangelical types” who came to campus “to provoke us, to taunt us and attempt to turn us against one another.”

Michael D. Young, vice chancellor for student affairs, on Wednesday sent a campus-wide e-mail regarding “Student Free Speech at UCSB.” Young decried those “who peddle hate and intolerance with less-than-noble aims” while failing to mention the professor who attacked a peaceful demonstrator.

In the e-mail, obtained by National Review Online, Young informed students that Miller-Young’s underage victim is simply a member of “the most recent generation of true believers, self-proclaimed prophets, and provocateurs.” Young wrote that students came to him saying they felt “outrage, pain, embarrassment, fear, hurt, and feelings of harassment” because of the demonstrators.

However, the vice chancellor ultimately provided a backhanded defense of the demonstrators’ right to be on campus (within a designated free-speech zone). He wrote that “our Founding Fathers — all white men of privilege, some even slave owners — got it right when designing the First Amendment of the Constitution.”

But the Liberal university's actions didn't stop there. Young's defense attorney solicited letters from her peers and supporters, trying to get her the lightest sentence possible.


Support letters submitted by defense attorney Catherine Swysen and obtained by the News-Press laud the respect and admiration Ms. Miller-Young has among her peers as well as her generosity when it comes to students.

Some of the letters were written on UCSB letterhead, presumably on university equipment and university time. Among them is one from history professor Paul Spikard, who states that his colleague is the object of “an energetic smear campaign that seems to have little to do with her person or her actions, and a great deal to do with fomenting racial hatred and rallying right-wing political sentiment.”

“It would be tragic if Dr. Miller-Young were sentenced to jail time or mandatory anger management classes based on the press’ portrayal of her as an Angry Black Woman.”

He cites no reports or stories to back up the claim.

Another letter of support, also on UCSB letterhead, comes from Eileen Boris, a professor in the Department of Feminist Studies.

Prof. Boris seeks clemency for her colleague, stating, “she was at the stage of a pregnancy when one is not fully one’s self fully, so the image of a severed fetus appeared threatening.”

“If she appears smiling on camera,” Prof. Boris continues, “she is ‘wearing the mask,’ that is, she is hiding her actual state through a strategy of self-presentation that is a cultural legacy of slavery.”

Liberal Tolerance is grand, ain't it?
Ahh, that tolerant left. This time, a professor at UC Santa Barbara attacks a peaceful pro-life demonstration on campus. The professor, Mireille Miller-Young, steals the display signs from the demonstrators, Despite repeatedly being asked to return them, she refuses, eventually assaulting one of the demonstrators. "Professor" Young teaches black cultural studies, pornography and sex work (I kid you not) at UCSB. As a part of her defense, she claimed that she was 3 months pregnant at the time and fell on (wait for it) the effects of slavery as excuses for her behavior.


But not only was the professor in the wrong, that tolerant Left University rallied to her defense, and attempted to further indoctrinate its students:

But the Liberal university's actions didn't stop there. Young's defense attorney solicited letters from her peers and supporters, trying to get her the lightest sentence possible.


Liberal Tolerance is grand, ain't it?

Maybe we should set up a Slave World Resort where people are treated like actual slaves were back in the 1800s and people who claim to be treated like slaves or use the effects of slavery as a defense of their crimes should get to have at least a one week mandatory stay there... Just because your great great great great grandfather was beat by a slave owner 150 years ago doesn't give you an excuse for being an idiot today.
Tolerance. No rights infringed upon here, though this woman clearly doesn't understand the laws. Just an angry Liberal that feels assault is justified.

Speaking of the new S.A. in America, what about those Tolerant Lefties in the AGW Hoax Crowd?


The Liberal Gulag

The word “liberal” has taken a beating over the last few days: A Mozilla executive was hounded out of his position at the firm he co-founded by left-wing campaigners resolved to punish him for having made a donation to a successful California ballot initiative that defined marriage in traditional terms; Adam Weinstein, whose downwardly mobile credibility has taken him from ABC to Gawker, called for literally imprisoning people with the wrong views about global warming, writing, “Those malcontents must be punished and stopped”; Mr. Weinstein himself was simply forwarding a dumbed-down-enough-for-Gawker version of the arguments of philosophy professor Lawrence Torcello; Katherine Timpf, a reporter for Campus Reform, faced a human barricade to keep her from asking questions of those attending a feminist leadership conference, whose organizers informed her that the group was “inclusive” and therefore she was “not welcome here”; Charles Murray, one of the most important social scientists of his generation, was denounced as a “known white supremacist” by Texas Democrats for holding heterodox views about education policy; national Democrats spent the week arguing for the anti-free-speech side of a landmark First Amendment case and the anti-religious-freedom side of a case involving the Religious Freedom Restoration Act; Lois Lerner, the Left’s best friend at the IRS, faces contempt charges related to her role in the Democrats’ coopting the IRS as a weapon against their political enemies; Harry Reid, a liberal champion of campaign-finance reform, was caught channeling tens of thousands of dollars to his granddaughter while conspicuously omitting her surname, which is also his surname, from official documents, cloaking the transaction, while one of his California colleagues, a liberal champion of gun control, was indicted on charges of running guns to an organized-crime syndicate.

The convocation of clowns on the left screeched with one semi-literate and inchoate voice when my colleague Jonah Goldberg, borrowing the precise words of one of their own, titled a book Liberal Fascism. Most of them didn’t read it, but the ones who did apparently took what was intended as criticism and read it as a blueprint for political action.

Welcome to the Liberal Gulag.

That term may be perverse, but it is not an exaggeration. Mr. Weinstein specifically called for political activists, ranging from commentators to think-tank researchers, to be locked in cages as punishment for their political beliefs. “Those denialists should face jail,” he wrote. “You still can’t” — banality alert! — “yell ‘fire’ in a crowded theater. You shouldn’t be able to yell ‘balderdash’ at 10,883 scientific journal articles a year.” “Balderdash” — a felony. At the risk of being repetitious, let’s dwell on that for a minute: The Left is calling on people to be prosecuted for speaking their minds regarding their beliefs on an important public-policy question that is, as a political matter, the subject of hot dispute. That is the stuff of Soviet repression.

Should we go on Comrade?

You began throwing stones from a glass house.
Maybe we should set up a Slave World Resort where people are treated like actual slaves were back in the 1800s and people who claim to be treated like slaves or use the effects of slavery as a defense of their crimes should get to have at least a one week mandatory stay there... Just because your great great great great grandfather was beat by a slave owner 150 years ago doesn't give you an excuse for being an idiot today.

Nope. It does speak to an excuse-born, entitlement existence. They use these past transgressions as excuses for their actions today and for entitlements.

While the following isn't a direct comparison...

My Great Uncle died in the Pacific in WWII. His brother, my Grandfather, also a WWII veteran, committed suicide as a result of medical negligence after the war. These losses had massive effects on my family, emotionally, monetarily, and so forth. The repercussions were severe and took 2 generations to recover from. I've never once even thought to use either of those losses in any way - to make excuses for myself or to improve my lot in life. I merely regret never having been able to know either of them.

I just don't understand this mindset they have. It's lazy. Own it. Own your life. Improve it.
Nope. It does speak to an excuse-born, entitlement existence. They use these past transgressions as excuses for their actions today and for entitlements.

While the following isn't a direct comparison...

My Great Uncle died in the Pacific in WWII. His brother, my Grandfather, also a WWII veteran, committed suicide as a result of medical negligence after the war. These losses had massive effects on my family, emotionally, monetarily, and so forth. The repercussions were severe and took 2 generations to recover from. I've never once even thought to use either of those losses in any way - to make excuses for myself or to improve my lot in life. I merely regret never having been able to know either of them.

I just don't understand this mindset they have. It's lazy. Own it. Own your life. Improve it.

I do not understand the mindset either.

My ancestors were forced from their homelands, herded and systematically pushed across the United States and slaughtered if they did not conform due to manifest destiny. My ancestors were murdered and people were given money when they brought back their "redskins" (basically the bloody leftovers of someone that is scalped). At times, when the men would leave to go hunt and provide food for their families, the women, children and elderly men would be raided, murdered and raped... Sometimes, they would wait until prayer ceremonies to come and attack when my ancestors were not expecting it. My ancestors would give up all of their guns to the people invading their lands as a peace offering to only be attacked that night and massacred by the people they had surredered their guns to earlier that day.

I'm not asking for anything nor do I use it as an excuse to riot or attack someone... maybe I just do not have enough respect for my heritage...my bad.
I do not understand the mindset either.

My ancestors were forced from their homelands, herded and systematically pushed across the United States and slaughtered if they did not conform due to manifest destiny. My ancestors were murdered and people were given money when they brought back their "redskins" (basically the bloody leftovers of someone that is scalped). At times, when the men would leave to go hunt and provide food for their families, the women, children and elderly men would be raided, murdered and raped... Sometimes, they would wait until prayer ceremonies to come and attack when my ancestors were not expecting it. My ancestors would give up all of their guns to the people invading their lands as a peace offering to only be attacked that night and massacred by the people they had surredered their guns to earlier that day.

I'm not asking for anything nor do I use it as an excuse to riot or attack someone... maybe I just do not have enough respect for my heritage...my bad.

Interesting. PoloCommie claims to be of Indian descent, descended from a long line of "warriors" she claims.

What vastly different views you both seem to have being Indian descendents.

There is hope.
Interesting. PoloCommie claims to be of Indian descent, descended from a long line of "warriors" she claims.

What vastly different views you both seem to have being Indian descendents.

There is hope.

He's a rezzy Tom you guys can have him. Maybe you can send him a complimentary Sean Hannity or O'reilly book, or better yet speaking of Toms an autographed Ben Carson picture.

Back to the S.A., it appears that the internet; where fascists and religion go to die has claimed another victim/s YEAH BABY!



They'll still get their ***** sued to kingdom come, too late.

The Winter Garden City Commission, in Florida, voted Friday afternoon to change the ceremony by which they open their meetings. The resolution they adopted calls for a moment of silence (instead of) a prayer and makes it clear no one has to stand during the Pledge of Allegiance.

Oh, and speaking of Natives here is a brah telling it like it was and like it is. That's what a real warrior does he speaks the truth.

He's a rezzy Tom you guys can have him. Maybe you can send him a complimentary Sean Hannity or O'reilly book, or better yet speaking of Toms an autographed Ben Carson picture.

Back to the S.A., it appears that the internet; where fascists and religion go to die has claimed another victim/s YEAH BABY!



They'll still get their ***** sued to kingdom come, too late.

The Winter Garden City Commission, in Florida, voted Friday afternoon to change the ceremony by which they open their meetings. The resolution they adopted calls for a moment of silence (instead of) a prayer and makes it clear no one has to stand during the Pledge of Allegiance.

Oh, and speaking of Natives here is a brah telling it like it was and like it is. That's what a real warrior does he speaks the truth.

You have got to be one of the most worthless twats Ive ever come across... I almost have to believe that you are actually making most of your posts as satire since they are so over the top with all of the stereotypical liberal bs you spew. What in my list of transgressions that were cast upon Native Americans makes you conclude that I am a rezzy? I'm a proud first nationer that knows the history of our people and I used to help mentor and counsel native American youth on their addictions to drug and alcohol during my summers as well as aiding on a successful land claim in more recent years. I was referencing many tragedies that the native Americans suffered in the name of manifest destiny and you call me an infantile name... the sad thing about the Internet is twats like you can be brave behind a keyboard and think you are accomplishing something while others like me have to go out in the real world and actually make a difference. Good day ****...
Palo continues to post valueless liberal tripe, and insults like the narrow minded bigot that she is. Her self hatred is revealing itself more and more, and is a sad thing to watch. Her latest Lmob insult makes my case. A long vacation may help.
Palo continues to post valueless liberal tripe, and insults like the narrow minded bigot that she is. Her self hatred is revealing itself more and more, and is a sad thing to watch. Her latest Lmob insult makes my case. A long vacation may help.

View attachment 496...............View attachment 497

Picture this only in drag............

View attachment 498

In Internet slang, a troll is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory, , or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a forum, chat room, or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.
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Rezzy Tom? How very tolerant....nice to see your incivility and, for lack of any better term, hatred for anyone not directly in line with your doctrinal dogma extends to your "brah's." Oh, and lmao at "brah" btw.....you get funnier each day. Wanna revisit the Iroquois Constitution thing?
Palo continues to post valueless liberal tripe, and insults like the narrow minded bigot that she is. Her self hatred is revealing itself more and more, and is a sad thing to watch. Her latest Lmob insult makes my case. A long vacation may help.

She is getting more personal with each insult to new and inoffensive folks. It is one thing to be intolerant of others and their views, but it is astonishing to read the attacks against all who might have different views.

PoloElfie is such a small minded waste of time.
He's a rezzy Tom you guys can have him. Maybe you can send him a complimentary Sean Hannity or O'reilly book, or better yet speaking of Toms an autographed Ben Carson picture.

Back to the S.A., it appears that the internet; where fascists and religion go to die has claimed another victim/s YEAH BABY!



They'll still get their ***** sued to kingdom come, too late.

The Winter Garden City Commission, in Florida, voted Friday afternoon to change the ceremony by which they open their meetings. The resolution they adopted calls for a moment of silence (instead of) a prayer and makes it clear no one has to stand during the Pledge of Allegiance.

Oh, and speaking of Natives here is a brah telling it like it was and like it is. That's what a real warrior does he speaks the truth.

The depths to which you will sink amaze me, to be honest. You speak from your own propped-up moral high ground, believing yourself to be "ethical" and "compassionate" yet you persistently post insults, like your racist Rezzy Tom comment. You remind me of http://washingtonexaminer.com/article/2546611Michael Moore wishing death upon his opponents. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if you actually are Victoria Durant.

That said, nice evasion of the countless videos I posted showing, over and over again, it is typically the Dems who are stepping on the rights of others. Using violence to intimidate. It's the Dems and the White House that are stepping all over Free Speech and Freedom of the Press. It's the Dems that are screaming to change or abolish the 2nd Amendment. Yet you turn a blind eye.

Your intolerance knows no bounds. It's your type we fear in your party. People who truly believe they have the welfare of others in mind, speak "the truth" (in a Stalin-istic way), yet in reality are just oppressive, racist, intolerant, and dangerous.

You've again crossed the line. I think your lap dog days are numbered as well. From telling people to suck cocks, to insinuating people should sleep with their sisters or do, to now you (supposedly a Native American) calling another Native American a Rezzy Tom...you've stepped across the line too many times. That isn't fascist to silence a voice like that. There's plenty of places for angry, violent, and ill-advised people to congregate.
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