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The New York Kangaroo Court Case Against Trump

Name the president that left office PRIOR to the incoming president’s Inauguration Day, that wasn’t due to a death or resignation?

If the January 6 protesters had simply bothered to tear down a couple statues while in the Capital, all would have been good.
God bless your optimism, and I mean that, Blitz. However, the lying, thieving left stole the 2020 election in front of our eyes.


Wisconsin voting drop boxes unconstitutional but media ignore that evidence

Maricopa County signature verification grossly inaccurate, nobody concerned, not corrected

Study shows Maricopa County had about 200,000 ballots with questionable signatures processed and counted

Pennsylvania legislature ignores state Constitution, passes illegal absentee ballot law and nobody cares

The only ones arrested were Trump and the citizens who protested the theft.
I get it. and I agree with you. I am hoping that most happened due to the "Pandemic" I think the "Pandemic" was weaponized to get trump out of office. Hopefully it cannot happen a second time.
That's how I look at it, but I still have a sliver of hope.

I know what needs to happen.
Me too.

However, we are NOT EVEN CLOSE to the amount of suffering that needs to happen to bring about that action. And to make matters worse is, I believe any kind of rebellion at this stage wouldn't be big or organized enough to do any good and would just result in the government coming down so hard on the American people with more laws and restrictions, that they would regret they even tried to restore this Republic. Just ask the imprisoned J6ers if they wish they just stayed home that day.
And I believe as wig, that the government WANTS us to start some ****. I believe they already have the whole plan ready to go to transform America into 1984 police state. They just need us to act to justify the big change over.
After Gen X is gone, it’s over. I mean, it’s probably already over, but I keep hoping Gen X will grow a sack soon.
There’s some sliver of hope in the millennials but I’d say the majority of them are going far left.

Gen Zers are a different breed though
Me too.

However, we are NOT EVEN CLOSE to the amount of suffering that needs to happen to bring about that action. And to make matters worse is, I believe any kind of rebellion at this stage wouldn't be big or organized enough to do any good and would just result in the government coming down so hard on the American people with more laws and restrictions, that they would regret they even tried to restore this Republic. Just ask the imprisoned J6ers if they wish they just stayed home that day.
And I believe as wig, that the government WANTS us to start some ****. I believe they already have the whole plan ready to go to transform America into 1984 police state. They just need us to act to justify the big change over.

I wish I could disagree with any of that. The treatment of Jan 6 protesters is so absurdly punitive as to support your hypothesis.
There’s some sliver of hope in the millennials but I’d say the majority of them are going far left.


Gen Zers are a different breed though

Just like Boomers, Gen Z'ers don't like the nanny state or government spying or overreach. In about 10 years, after the remaining Boomers are in their 70's, Gen Z'ers are going to be by themselves. Just the way it is.
I wish I could disagree with any of that. The treatment of Jan 6 protesters is so absurdly punitive as to support your hypothesis.
Yes, you can see it happening and it happened in the past. Any group that tries to get this ship steered in the right direction and sailing on the right path would be painted as domestic terrorists and Nationalists, whyte supremist lunatics hell bent on destroying our "Democracy".
The State media has us so divided, we the people can't ever organize to fight a common enemy. And it doesn't help that most young people and a lot of older people love what's happening, wish it would happen faster. They want more and more coddling from the government. More laws, more regulations and more and more free ****. No morals, no punishments, no repercussions. And death to anyone that disagrees or doesn't follow the "anything goes" doctrine.
If our Forefathers showed up tomorrow in a frosted-up DeLorean, a leftist mob would rip them limb from limb and have gay sex with their corpses.
And it doesn't help that most young people and a lot of older people love what's happening, wish it would happen faster. They want more and more coddling from the government. More laws, more regulations and more and more free ****. No morals, no punishments, no repercussions. And death to anyone that disagrees or doesn't follow the "anything goes" doctrine.
If our Forefathers showed up tomorrow in a frosted-up DeLorean, a leftist mob would rip them limb from limb and have gay sex with their corpses.

"DiD SuMeBuDdY sAy GaY SeX WiTh CoRpSeS?"
- Dr. F., anonymous contributor and well-known freeloader
Yes, you can see it happening and it happened in the past. Any group that tries to get this ship steered in the right direction and sailing on the right path would be painted as domestic terrorists and Nationalists, whyte supremist lunatics hell bent on destroying our "Democracy".
The State media has us so divided, we the people can't ever organize to fight a common enemy. And it doesn't help that most young people and a lot of older people love what's happening, wish it would happen faster. They want more and more coddling from the government. More laws, more regulations and more and more free ****. No morals, no punishments, no repercussions. And death to anyone that disagrees or doesn't follow the "anything goes" doctrine.
If our Forefathers showed up tomorrow in a frosted-up DeLorean, a leftist mob would rip them limb from limb and have gay sex with their corpses.

I blame Obama for giving rise to what we are seeing today.

Obama, who is supposed to be a Constutitonal scholar :ROFLMAO:, once said that the Constitution says a lot about what the government can't do to you, but not enough about what the government should provide for you. That says a lot right there.

During his DNC speech his vow to "fundamentally change America" drew great applause from the upper middle- class white Americans, who after the convention drove their white upper middle-class cars to their favorite white upper middle-class restaurants, back to their white upper middle-class homes...many not having a clue about what Obama truly had in mind with that comment or was misunderstood about it.

I did some research a while ago, this flyer had not been edited.

Last edited:
Why is this not on the regular news? I mean fox or newsmax. ?
I read where newsmax is going public. Imagine that???.... Well ****...

Just like Boomers, Gen Z'ers don't like the nanny state or government spying or overreach. In about 10 years, after the remaining Boomers are in their 70's, Gen Z'ers are going to be by themselves. Just the way it is.
Eh. Gen Zers would probably side with the left if it came down to it.

Any sane American disagrees with a nanny state government
Eh. Gen Zers would probably side with the left if it came down to it.

I am not sure of that at all, MTC. Gen Zers want to be left alone. The endless ideological hegemony and authoritarianism of the left and their insistence on forcing others to do and say as they demand is definitely not popular among those in their 40's and 50's.

Any sane American disagrees with a nanny state government

100% accurate. And yet a very large segment of the population wants a nanny state the controls every aspect of their lives, including speech. Your observation explains why - a very large segment of the American population is insane.
I am not sure of that at all, MTC. Gen Zers want to be left alone. The endless ideological hegemony and authoritarianism of the left and their insistence on forcing others to do and say as they demand is definitely not popular among those in their 40's and 50's.

100% accurate. And yet a very large segment of the population wants a nanny state the controls every aspect of their lives, including speech. Your observation explains why - a very large segment of the American population is insane.
Sure Gen Zers want to be left alone. Any normal person does.

The thing with Gen Z is they’re more tolerant and exposed than generations prior. They see anybody older as just out of touch boomers. Who knows, maybe they have their **** together. They’re the generation to take charge as the older demographics wean out
They’re the generation to take charge as the older demographics wean out
They said that about Gen X too.....but those fuucking Boomers never die.
Look at the political leaders now for proof.
They said that about Gen X too.....but those fuucking Boomers never die.
Look at the political leaders now for proof.

Good point, Confluence, but unlike the "elite," the vast majority of us Boomers don't sacrifice babies and drink their blood.
Hey, hey, hey, I'm a good 10 years younger than most of them!
We can make you an honorary Gen X!

Unfortunately, too many Gen Xers have become rat weasel lawyers that have been bag men for the bad Boomers in power, enabling them to hang around far past the expiry date.

If I could give a triple "like" I would.

Any dimwit could see that this trial was aimed at influencing an election.
Shut the **** up Trump haters, stop hiding behind your "no one is above the law" rhetoric.
There are those above the law. Trump ain't one of them.
100% poltical persecution over absolute nonsense. It's never ending with these people. They've been doing it since he started running against Hildabeast.

No part of this should be ok with anyone. It's criminal,treasonous and the kind of **** totalitarian governments do to their political opposition. The democracy crap(we're a republic,but i'm sure they'd welcome mob rule as long as they control the mob)they spew is a ******* joke.

It makes me want to vomit when they speak of it. It's a bold faced lie. Everything they do is counter to any type of legitimate democratic process.

They're not serving the republic or it's people in any way,shape or form.

They've certainly created some serious hatred toward them,not only within our country,but around the world. Our installed president is barely functional and certainly not even close to fit for the job, he never was.

I'd like nothing more, than to see that party completely torn apart and scattered into the wind. They don't jive with our constitution at all and the very thing we're supposed to be protected from.