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The New York Kangaroo Court Case Against Trump

Trog is obviously a dedicated, well trained, and totally engrained liberal...
Never conceded.....always double -down!

You have to admire his consistency.

Not really. His beloved party is going to get into some **** they can't talk their way out of.

I'm kinda hoping they do some sort of real insurrection when Trump wins.
another fine, prime example of you flipping, flopping and pivoting in the circle jerk.
WTF are you talking about? Stewey claimed obstruction, he brought it up, not me. I asked for an example and gave a couple of my own.

Circle jerk? Think you’ve mixed and matched your forums again.
What was the bi-partisan bill that the democrats blocked during Trumps presidency like the bi-partisan immigration bill the republicans blocked?
I come at you with a cannon, and you return fire with spitballs,

Why did the Republicans block the bi partisan immigration bill? You being a smart guy should be able to figure it out.
Most likely because we are nearing an election, and near the top of the list of things Americans most care about is the border crisis....

And just like that demonrats suddenly care about the border.. Biden allowed millions to pour across the border and let the immigration policy Trump had in place expire.
Dirty politics is met with dirty politics. Republicans aren't gonna help Biden. Good for them.

List: 41 moves Democrats and courts tried to kill Trump’s immigration reforms

Immigration reform was just the tip of the iceberg of obstruction.

How about the delays in confirming Trumps appointees?

Since January 2017, for the first time in memory, a minority has exploited procedure to systematically obstruct a president from staffing up his administration. This new, across-the-board obstruction is unfair to the president and, more importantly, to the American people. Left unchecked, it is guaranteed to create an unsustainable precedent that would see every future presidency of either party obstructed in the same mindless way.

The Senate needs to restore normalcy. And this week, we will vote to do just that.

Every presidential election since John Adams beat Thomas Jefferson in 1796 has undoubtedly left some senators disappointed. But never before has the unhappy side then built a systematic effort to keep the new president's administration unstaffed.

We aren’t talking about limited opposition to a few high-profile nominees or unusual circumstances. It’s mindless, undiscriminating obstruction for the sake of obstruction. Even uncontroversial lower-level nominees whom literally no senators oppose are not spared.

Blocking a right to contraception bill? WTF, your turning into radicals.
This bill never existed, how the hell does rejecting it become a radical move?
It's closer to being radical on your part.

Republicans argued the bill was unnecessary, because they don’t oppose contraception and there are no efforts to ban it.

“Senate Democrats are using their power in the majority to push an alarmist and false narrative that there was a problem accessing contraception,” Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.) said on the Senate floor. “This is not an issue unless their candidate for president is running behind in the polls.”

Florida? I thought inflation was a huge problem? Or is that just “thriving”?

From USA today. A source that should meet your approval:
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is proving Republican policies work.
WEBMay 15, 2024 · Florida shines under DeSantis' leadership. His liberal critics should learn from him. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is proving that conservative policies can boost an …

Political at the state level maybe, the Feds passed. Have you ever conceded that the Raffensperger call is smoking gun evidence of Trump trying to overturn an election?

Maybe? LOL..you are ooozing with denial.
That and answering a question with a question does nothing but incriminate you.

Sure I believe Trump pressured Raffensperger in order to "overturn" the election. But you must understand that the word "overturn" takes on two perspectives.
Overturning judgements/results/convictions that were found to be wrong is not uncommon.

Attempting to overturn with malice is a different story....as if Trump attempted to bribe Raffeensburger into doing some cheating in order to overturn the election.

But Trump didn't do that. He believed he won Georgia. In his hour long conversation he tried to pressure Raffensburger into looking into the illegal votes that allegedly were cast by out of state voters, dead people that cast votes, missing drop boxes, drop box stuffing, all that stuff.

Trump didn't threaten Raffensberger if he refused to cheat, He warned him of a criminal investigation if he didn't see to it that all the votes cast in Georgia were fair and legal.

He was convinced he won. And he isn't the only one.

And please stop watching The View for your news and information. You're never gonna learn anything there.
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this was a State jury.

its been awhile since I was in a Civics class, but can a Federal judge issue a restraining order as such in a State case?

Federal courts have final authority over state courts under the supremacy doctrine, Article VI. If a state court decision violates Constitutional protections, it can be challenged in Federal court. The most common method is via a writ of habeus corpus, where a criminal defendant shows that the state's proceedings violated a fundamental Constitutional right and the Federal court issues an order to the state court to correct the violation.

The most likely challenges for Trump are under the 5th and 14th amendments, mandating notice and an opportunity to be heard. The indictment failed to identify the alleged underlying crime behind the entire criminal proceeding farce, and the toss-in at the end of "tax evasion" certainly raises the question of a violation of Trump's 5th amendment right to be afforded "due process of law."

That protection applies to state action via the 14th amendment, which states in part, "No state shall ... deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." The entire clown show prosecution violated Trump's right to be informed of the charges against him, i.e., due process, and the tortured process to find a crime arguably violated him equal protection.

As to TSF's question about going directly to the Supreme Court ... that's a tough path. The Supreme Court will usually deny a hearing (called "granting certiorari") until all state avenues have been exhausted, and then only after the Federal Court of Appeals, here the 2nd Circuit, has heard and ruled on the issue. It's a longshot but as Wayne Gretzky noted, you never make the shots you don't take.
He was found guilty before the trial. They handpicked a jury of TDSers to make sure.
Anyone who thought he'd have a fair trial is living in a fantasy world. They are the living/breathing population who were part of the 81 million counted in Nov 2020... Anyone who thinks he had a fair trial is from the above group and totally full of shinola.

He was found guilty before the trial. They handpicked a jury of TDSers to make sure.


Anyone who thought he'd have a fair trial is living in a fantasy world. They are the living/breathing population who were part of the 81 million counted in Nov 2020... Anyone who thinks he had a fair trial is from the above group and totally full of shinola.


I was tempted to laugh out loud at the prospect of Trump getting a fair trial in that forum, with those jurors. The question of the improper juror conduct means nothing to lefties or Merchan. Anybody who thinks Merchan is going to set aside the verdict for any reason is living in a fantasy world as well.

This is the same judge who allowed a letter into evidence that accused Trump of violating election laws, then denied Trump the chance to have the former HEAD OF THE FEC testify that the claim in the letter was 100% wrong; who instructed the jury that they did not need to find Trump committed the ill-defined and nebulous "underlying crime" by way of a unanimous verdict; and who allowed the prosecution to argue that the repayment of $180,000 to Cohen was a potential "tax fraud" when that allegation was never made in the indictment, never revealed in pre-trial proceedings, and had no evidentiary support - literally none.

The proceeding was a farce and it is becoming more and more clear that the prosecutor screwed with the judicial appointment calendar to get Merchan as the trial judge.


I was tempted to laugh out loud at the prospect of Trump getting a fair trial in that forum, with those jurors. The question of the improper juror conduct means nothing to lefties or Merchan. Anybody who thinks Merchan is going to set aside the verdict for any reason is living in a fantasy world as well.

This is the same judge who allowed a letter into evidence that accused Trump of violating election laws, then denied Trump the chance to have the former HEAD OF THE FEC testify that the claim in the letter was 100% wrong; who instructed the jury that they did not need to find Trump committed the ill-defined and nebulous "underlying crime" by way of a unanimous verdict; and who allowed the prosecution to argue that the repayment of $180,000 to Cohen was a potential "tax fraud" when that allegation was never made in the indictment, never revealed in pre-trial proceedings, and had no evidentiary support - literally none.

The proceeding was a farce and it is becoming more and more clear that the prosecutor screwed with the judicial appointment calendar to get Merchan as the trial judge.
Good thing they're protecting Democrats...I mean Democracy.
Seriously if true it is a mistrial. This would be big news

The decision to declare a judgment notwithstanding the verdict (no mistrial since it has gone to verdict) is with the judge who practically took over the prosecution's closing argument. Not going to happen even if the comment from the juror and the report from the "cousin" are true.
The decision to declare a judgment notwithstanding the verdict (no mistrial since it has gone to verdict) is with the judge who practically took over the prosecution's closing argument. Not going to happen even if the comment from the juror and the report from the "cousin" are true.
So it is not news? That is crazy
Seriously if true it is a mistrial. This would be big news
This country has shifted not just politically but culturally to the core.

They’re canceling us out.
As the baby boomers and Gen X get older you start seeing more leftist ideologies and practices take effect with the younger demographics.
This country has shifted not just politically but culturally to the core.

They’re canceling us out.
As the baby boomers and Gen X get older you start seeing more leftist ideologies and practices take effect with the younger demographics.
After Gen X is gone, it’s over. I mean, it’s probably already over, but I keep hoping Gen X will grow a sack soon.
After Gen X is gone, it’s over. I mean, it’s probably already over, but I keep hoping Gen X will grow a sack soon.
No, it's over. All the lifeboats are gone. No help on the way.

After Gen X is gone, it’s over. I mean, it’s probably already over, but I keep hoping Gen X will grow a sack soon.
No, it's over. All the lifeboats are gone. No help on the way.

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Thats what the said in the 60s with the hippies. America was and can be the absolute best country in the world again. We just need to lock down, remember our morals and what made us great. It was not giving billions to corrupt countries.
Thats what the said in the 60s with the hippies. America was and can be the absolute best country in the world again. We just need to lock down, remember our morals and what made us great. It was not giving billions to corrupt countries.

Yeah, but in the 1960's, would the nation EVER allow 10 million illegals to walk into the country? Or elect socialists? Or get giddy over an unqualified 2nd tier politician like Barry O?

No, no and no.
Yeah, but in the 1960's, would the nation EVER allow 10 million illegals to walk into the country? Or elect socialists? Or get giddy over an unqualified 2nd tier politician like Barry O?

No, no and no.
I think if the USA could survive the counterculture movement, Vietnam hate, Johnson/Nixon/Ford/Carter. it can survive anything going on now. All it needs is a Reagan like leader to come along.

Is Trump Reagan like? far from it. But he is the closest thing out there right now. 4 more years of him and hopefully 8 years of his VP, things will look different.
Of course not, it came AFTER January 6th.
Name the president that left office PRIOR to the incoming president’s Inauguration Day, that wasn’t due to a death or resignation?
I think if the USA could survive the counterculture movement, Vietnam hate, Johnson/Nixon/Ford/Carter. it can survive anything going on now. All it needs is a Reagan like leader to come along.

Is Trump Reagan like? far from it. But he is the closest thing out there right now. 4 more years of him and hopefully 8 years of his VP, things will look different.

God bless your optimism, and I mean that, Blitz. However, the lying, thieving left stole the 2020 election in front of our eyes.


Wisconsin voting drop boxes unconstitutional but media ignore that evidence

Maricopa County signature verification grossly inaccurate, nobody concerned, not corrected

Study shows Maricopa County had about 200,000 ballots with questionable signatures processed and counted

Pennsylvania legislature ignores state Constitution, passes illegal absentee ballot law and nobody cares

The only ones arrested were Trump and the citizens who protested the theft.