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The New York Kangaroo Court Case Against Trump

So what really happened? Cohen knew Trump had an innocent encounter with Daniels years ago and convinced her to make up a story to bring him down?
I'm not sure, but I think Trump still has 47 less deaths attached to him than Slick Willie and his boss Hitlery
I'm starting to fall in line with Sarge. they are gonna throw Trump in prison on the 11th of June. The problem is Trump will have ZERO platform if he is in prison and that is exactly what they are hoping for. the only hope is that the supreme court takes this case on the fast track.

The other thing I can see happening is they put him on house arrest with restrictions on any social media platform. The issue with prison is that you are basically locking up his secret service detail.
So what really happened? Cohen knew Trump had an innocent encounter with Daniels years ago and convinced her to make up a story to bring him down?

You know none of that was illegal, right? And in fact Cohen agreed that the entire series of events - him approaching Clifford, him paying her out of his own pocket, him executing a non-disclosure agreement - was 100% of his doing and his volition. You know he testified to that, right? RIGHT?

Oh, you actually believe Trump was charged with paying Clifford since that is illegal - that is your understanding. Not surprising. The intellectual level of the average leftist rivals that of a caterpillar.
My wife was saying there were two lawyers on the jury. How does that happen? I think the last person you would want on a jury against you...a lawyer.
That’s just it. The jury isn’t supposed to be “against” you.

You would have thought a couple lawyers would have been able to see through the bullshit that was this farce of a trial.
You know none of that was illegal, right? And in fact Cohen agreed that the entire series of events - him approaching Clifford, him paying her out of his own pocket, him executing a non-disclosure agreement - was 100% of his doing and his volition. You know he testified to that, right? RIGHT?

Oh, you actually believe Trump was charged with paying Clifford since that is illegal - that is your understanding. Not surprising. The intellectual level of the average leftist rivals that of a caterpillar.
Stormy Daniels wrote a letter some years back saying the encounter never happened. But that wasn’t allowed to be admitted among other things.

I’m no fan of Trump, but if you are cheering this or think this was all on the level you are a shitbird plain and simple. The law was raped today. There’s no justice in that, no matter how much a person might hate the guy.
I'm starting to fall in line with Sarge. they are gonna throw Trump in prison on the 11th of June. The problem is Trump will have ZERO platform if he is in prison and that is exactly what they are hoping for. the only hope is that the supreme court takes this case on the fast track.

The other thing I can see happening is they put him on house arrest with restrictions on any social media platform. The issue with prison is that you are basically locking up his secret service detail.
Look, I’ve been saying since this crap started that he was going to be convicted and he’ll likely be put in jail. Lots of people in denial. No way he was getting a fair trial in NY, he won’t get one in DC or Atlanta. He’s ******. If conservatives pulled this **** with Obama, half the nation would have burned. Conservatives are their own worst enemy.
You know none of that was illegal, right? And in fact Cohen agreed that the entire series of events - him approaching Clifford, him paying her out of his own pocket, him executing a non-disclosure agreement - was 100% of his doing and his volition. You know he testified to that, right? RIGHT?
Wait. Trump denies the encounter even happened. Is he lying about that?

What possessed Cohen to pay Daniels?
Oh, you actually believe Trump was charged with paying Clifford since that is illegal - that is your understanding. Not surprising. The intellectual level of the average leftist rivals that of a caterpillar.
No, he paid Cohen a “retainer fee” that Cohen testified was actually reimbursement for paying Daniels. Just a coincidence?

Trump consistently complained of the injustice going on inside the courtroom, but when given the opportunity to take the stand, he passed. Why? It should have been as simple as telling the truth. Right?
I'm starting to fall in line with Sarge. they are gonna throw Trump in prison on the 11th of June. The problem is Trump will have ZERO platform if he is in prison and that is exactly what they are hoping for. the only hope is that the supreme court takes this case on the fast track.

The other thing I can see happening is they put him on house arrest with restrictions on any social media platform. The issue with prison is that you are basically locking up his secret service detail.
No, it’s unlikely Trump serves time. 80 year old with no prior criminal convictions, Class E felony.
Wait. Trump denies the encounter even happened. Is he lying about that?

What possessed Cohen to pay Daniels?

No, he paid Cohen a “retainer fee” that Cohen testified was actually reimbursement for paying Daniels. Just a coincidence?

Again, you blithering imbecile, NONE. OF. THAT. IS. A. CRIME.

Trump consistently complained of the injustice going on inside the courtroom, but when given the opportunity to take the stand, he passed. Why? It should have been as simple as telling the truth. Right?

Your ignorance is so profound you should bottle it and use it to hoist other fat people off the couch. Facts:
  • He has no obligation to testify. The judge reads an instruction that ORDERS the jury not to speculate as to what the defendant may or may not have said or why he declined to testify. His doing so is evidence of ... NOTHING.
  • When the prosecution is conducting a witch-hunt, a political scam, and is supported by a doltish left-wing judge, there is zero chance the testimony goes as it should. Zero.
  • The prosecution introduced a ton of clearly irrelevant evidence, including Clifford's testimony. None of that mattered and it was introduced for one and only one reason - character assassination. Yet the idiot judge let it into evidence.
  • What moron would think it a good idea to testify in THAT court and before THAT judge. Oh, right ... Floggy the Fatass Wannabe Lawyer. Gotcha.
Leftists want the fight. Chances are the right is just too damn sick and tired of fighting with you mentally-deficient corrupt child-mutilating nutjobs and won't do much. You want to destroy the nation, that is as plain as the strain on your belt buckle, and as far as I am concerned, the liberal states can import a billion illegals and ban gas-powered cars and mutilate children all they want. Just leave the sane states alone.

But your disgusting, corrupt ilk cannot do that, can you?
That’s just it. The jury isn’t supposed to be “against” you.

You would have thought a couple lawyers would have been able to see through the bullshit that was this farce of a trial.
They choose getting paid over justice
"voir dire", Latin for speak the truth.

One of the seated jurors stated that they despised Trump before being seated. Just imagine what the one's recused must have said.
That’s just it. The jury isn’t supposed to be “against” you.

You would have thought a couple lawyers would have been able to see through the bullshit that was this farce of a trial.

Yes, I would hope so. But remember that the jury pool is in one of the most left-wing in the nation if not the world. Lawyers in that area are Hillary donors and think Joe Biden got 81 million votes.
I know what Floggy is doing. He is stunned to learn that Cohen paying Clifford and getting an NDA is legal, that his entire belief that Trump committed a crime because Cohen paid a whoore to remain silent is wrong, and he is busily researching left-wing sites to try and find some justification for the verdict.

Oh, we can hardly wait, Floggy, for you to demonstrate your legal acumen yet again, copied-and-pasted from some left-wing Antifa site and written by a college drop-out who majored in lesbian dance theory with a minor in Racism and Capitalism before being booted after a series of F's in those laughably inane classes.
And this is from a guy who spent the beginning of the primaries getting flogslapped by Trump until he turtled like Kenny Pickett.

Ron DeSantis

Today’s verdict represents the culmination of a legal process that has been bent to the political will of the actors involved: a leftist prosecutor, a partisan judge and a jury reflective of one of the most liberal enclaves in America—all in an effort to “get” Donald Trump. That this case—involving alleged misdemeanor business records violations from nearly a decade ago—was even brought is a testament to the political debasement of the justice system in places like New York City. This is especially true considering this same district attorney routinely excuses criminal conduct in a way that has endangered law-abiding citizens in his jurisdiction. It is often said that no one is above the law, but it is also true that no one is below the law. If the defendant were not Donald Trump, this case would never have been brought, the judge would have never issued similar rulings, and the jury would have never returned a guilty verdict. In America, the rule of law should be applied in a dispassionate, even-handed manner, not become captive to the political agenda of some kangaroo court.

5:11 PM · May 30, 2024
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If paying off women you ****** to win an election is a crime Bill Clinton needs to be in prison many times over.

Not a huge Trump fan as many of you know (after all if he never ****** a porn star while married with a new baby we wouldn’t be having this discussion), the abuse of the legal system targeted to take him down has solidified my vote in November.
That’s just it. The jury isn’t supposed to be “against” you.

You would have thought a couple lawyers would have been able to see through the bullshit that was this farce of a trial.
Liberal Manhattan lawyers. It’s not that they couldn’t see through it, they didn’t want to. And probably steamrolled the other jurors.
Liberal Manhattan lawyers. It’s not that they couldn’t see through it, they didn’t want to. And probably steamrolled the other jurors.
Yeah, wait til some of the jurors begin to talk. That will be interesting.
If paying off women you ****** to win an election is a crime Bill Clinton needs to be in prison many times over.

Not a huge Trump fan as many of you know (after all if he never ****** a porn star while married with a new baby we wouldn’t be having this discussion), the abuse of the legal system targeted to take him down has solidified my vote in November.
Who wants to see if Alvin Bragg will open a case against Bill now!
Roaming the news channels and the most perplexing thing to me is why Stormy Daniels is being treated like some kind of hero. She by all accounts willingly had sex with Trump. Then accepted money to keep quiet about it. Isn’t she just as guilty of illegally influencing an election? If she’s such a heroic strong woman why did she take the money to keep quiet? Guess the 130,000 meant more to her than subverting a national election? Why isn’t she on trial?
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That’s just it. The jury isn’t supposed to be “against” you.

You would have thought a couple lawyers would have been able to see through the bullshit that was this farce of a trial.
Good point. Really good point which makes this much worse.