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The New York Kangaroo Court Case Against Trump

😂 So you spent the better part of your day putting that together! Much like Trump, you’re unhinged.

No, since unlike you, I know the law and can recite most of that from memory. It took me about 15 minutes. The only think I had to look up was California Evidence Code section 1101 to quote it verbatim.

See, the thing about lawyers is that unlike you, we know the law and good lawyers know it to the point they can cite the governing statute from memory.

Again, a long paper trail and a partner in crime (his personal lawyer of 12 year no less) testifying against Trump made a not guilty verdict, short of an incredibly naive or biased jury, impossible.

You astound even the informed and experienced with the depth of your stupidity. Michael Cohen admitted he paid Clifford of his own accord, that he obtained the NDA on his own, that doing so was legal, and the entire prosecution was based on Cohen's claim that he spoke to Trump in a phone call in October of 2016 and told him he paid Clifford, obtained the NDA, that she would remain silent, and thus when Trump paid Cohen $180,000 in January of 2017 (vastly more than the amount paid Clifford) he knew the payment was to "silence" Clifford and that turned the bookkeeping claim into an FEC violation.

As I explained in some detail in my initial post (which, no surprise, you failed to read), the problems with Cohen's claim about the phone call in October of 2016 are:
  • Cohen is a convicted perjurer.
  • Cohen admitted multiple times that he would "do anything" to get back at Trump.
  • The phone call is documented as lasting 1:36, one minute 36 seconds, where Cohen called Trump's bodyguard.
  • A contemporaneous text message from the bodyguard about that phone call documents that Cohen called to complain that a 14-year old boy was harassing him with phone calls and wanted to have the Secret Service intervene and, I guess, threaten a high school freshman. Yes, that is the actual evidence at trial.
  • Cohen then admitted to stealing about $70,000 from Trump with fake charges and billing.
  • Cohen admitted that he was routinely paid more than $100,000 for legal fees and costs.
  • Cohen admitted that the $180,000 payment in January of 2017 was not an unusual billing by him to Trump.
Your inane, uninformed, doltish, lazy, stupid, ridiculous, absurd, farcical claim that a jury could not find reasonable doubt as to the only evidence in support of the purported "FEC violation" is something beyond parody. It really is.

And because I pay attention and have a very, very good memory, I completed the preceding in about 5 minutes or less.
this **** is gonna backfire big time. the dip **** that calls himself president is so ******* clueless. I saw where his team put out a message on how Trump set donation records and his base is basically exploding.

The smartest thing he could do is pardon Trump. It would probably boost his image and numbers, But the Dems are either to stubborn or to stupid to see whats right in front of their faces.
this **** is gonna backfire big time. the dip **** that calls himself president is so ******* clueless. I saw where his team put out a message on how Trump set donation records and his base is basically exploding.

The smartest thing he could do is pardon Trump. It would probably boost his image and numbers, But the Dems are either to stubborn or to stupid to see whats right in front of their faces.
My understanding is that he can not issue a pardon, since the case is a state case, not federal. Only the Governor of NY can pardon Trump.

But **** that, Trump should wear this conviction as a badge of honor and wear it proudly as he mows down every ************ who had a hand in this travesty. They were always worried that revenge is all he wanted, now revenge is all WE want.

Lock up all the Bidens, including "Dr" Jill.
Lock up Bragg.
Lock up Schiff.
Lock up Hillary.
Lock them all up!
My understanding is that he can not issue a pardon, since the case is a state case, not federal. Only the Governor of NY can pardon Trump.

But **** that, Trump should wear this conviction as a badge of honor and wear it proudly as he mows down every ************ who had a hand in this travesty. They were always worried that revenge is all he wanted, now revenge is all WE want.

Lock up all the Bidens, including "Dr" Jill.
Lock up Bragg.
Lock up Schiff.
Lock up Hillary.
Lock them all up!

Oh for sure. **** all of those people. Hammer down.
I think the revenge angle, should Trump win in November, would be a bad course of action, no matter how pleasurable it would be to watch.

I'm no lawyer like Flog, but I would attempt to get legislation passed that would prevent or make it much more difficult to allow these sophomoric procedures in the first place.
My understanding is that he can not issue a pardon, since the case is a state case, not federal. Only the Governor of NY can pardon Trump.

But **** that, Trump should wear this conviction as a badge of honor and wear it proudly as he mows down every ************ who had a hand in this travesty. They were always worried that revenge is all he wanted, now revenge is all WE want.

Lock up all the Bidens, including "Dr" Jill.
Lock up Bragg.
Lock up Schiff.
Lock up Hillary.
Lock them all up!
I'd still vote for a political prisoner who wants to clean up the Swamp over a bunch of career politicians hellbent on making sure he doesn't.
“That’s NOT on the jury”.

As for the charges, it’s like when they charged Al Capone with tax evasion… a century ago. Cry me a river.

No, it would be like if Capone was charged with a misdemeanor bookkeeping error that they raised to a felony by linking it to him kidnapping the Lindburg baby. Then when Capone wanted to call a witness to say that he had nothing to do with any kidnapping, the judge didn't allow it. Then the judge tells the jury that they don't even have to all agree that Capone had anything to do with any kidnapping to find him guilty.
No, it would be like if Capone was charged with a misdemeanor bookkeeping error that they raised to a felony by linking it to him kidnapping the Lindburg baby. Then when Capone wanted to call a witness to say that he had nothing to do with any kidnapping, the judge didn't allow it. Then the judge tells the jury that they don't even have to all agree that Capone had anything to do with any kidnapping to find him guilty.
Error implies that it was unintentional. If you believe that, I got a bridge to sell you.
What made the guilty verdict possible is a judge who disallowed the most logical defense, who would not allow the jury to hear about the complexities of campaign finance law, who allowed the jury to not be unanimous in determining any underlying crime that boosted these charges to a felony, who rejected a change of venue despite a jury pool that voted and regularly polls almost 100% against a well known public figure…I could go on but there are so many unfair things about this trial and I’m guessing sentencing will be one more while violent criminals roam the streets of NYC at will.
Majorities of Republicans and Independents understand this is politically motivated. Only Dims think it’s fair.
I think most normal people feel this way. I think this "trial" will motivate people to vote Trump.
I prefer to think of it as karma.

Obviously. You do not know and do not care about the propriety of the lawfare waged against Trump or the January 6 defendants and never have. "Karma" because Trump ... did not start any wars. And directed energy production that saved Americans billions of dollars at the pump and billions more heating and cooling their homes.

Meanwhile, you vote for a guy who showered with his daughter and sold out America to foreign enemies. I am certainly rooting for karma, damn right I am.
The least of his crimes, much like Trump.
So now Trump is the modern day Al Capone. All liberals agree.

Will you ever admit to the fact that bringing a case against Trump was not about "justice" but rather a mission to do away with him?

Your acknowledgement of selective prosecution should be established before you have the right to debate issues pertaining to the case or Trumps "crimes", otherwise take a hike.
Go ahead and tell us of Trump's "crimes," counselor. Go ahead.

Oh, with sources.
He can't, because the rulings have no precedent, until now of course.

Your profession has been hijacked Jimmy, the question now being will anyone save it?
He can't, because the rulings have no precedent, until now of course.

Your profession has been hijacked Jimmy, the question now being will anyone save it?

Kurt Schlichter and I are doing our best. I fear it is a losing battle. When I was in law school, discussions in Constitutional law showed that 2/3 of the class were liberal and 1/3 conservative. The 1/3 routinely won the debates since we had a vastly greater knowledge of world and US history and economics.

I suspect the ratio is now 4/5 liberal and 1/5 conservative unwilling to engage in the debate for fear of being reported for violating a safe space.