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The New York Kangaroo Court Case Against Trump

They're 2 peas in a pod, except for perhaps the fecal incontinence. ;)
one has a colostomy bag, the other has a diaper
YES - Revisionist history. see the four posts above?
ffuck you and your revisionist history, cuckboy
😂 Saying “we don’t know exactly what happened” after 37 indictments and 8 guilty pleas is far different than declaring an election was stolen without any evidence. And then there’s this:

But I’m sure you believe Putin is influenced by Trump and has our best interests at heart. ******* clueless.
😂 Saying “we don’t know exactly what happened” after 37 indictments and 8 guilty pleas is far different than declaring an election was stolen without any evidence. And then there’s this:

But I’m sure you believe Putin is influenced by Trump and has our best interests at heart. ******* clueless.
TF? I specifically said Hillary Clinton didnt accept the 2016 results. So you bring up Putin? TF is wrong with you? No, I don't want the entire rainbow tabbed list.

2016 - Hillary says and continues to say the election was not legit. Flog agrees, citing bullshit "conviction" in a liberal city, in a liberal courtroom, in front of a liberal judge, by a liberal prosecutor

2020 - Trump agrees the election was jacked up, citing a litany of evidence overlooked by liberal judges throughout the country failing to do the math and see the big picture. Flog calls him a treason inciting huwyte terrorist, failing to understand even a microcosm of what ze/zi/zer/zey is saying.

Flog, more dense than the turd lining Biden's depends.
TF? I specifically said Hillary Clinton didnt accept the 2016 results. So you bring up Putin? TF is wrong with you? No, I don't want the entire rainbow tabbed list.

2016 - Hillary says and continues to say the election was not legit. Flog agrees, citing bullshit "conviction" in a liberal city, in a liberal courtroom, in front of a liberal judge, by a liberal prosecutor

2020 - Trump agrees the election was jacked up, citing a litany of evidence overlooked by liberal judges throughout the country failing to do the math and see the big picture. Flog calls him a treason inciting huwyte terrorist, failing to understand even a microcosm of what ze/zi/zer/zey is saying.

Flog, more dense than the turd lining Biden's depends.
“Trump agrees”? With himself?

Litany of evidence? You misspelled “nonsense”.

White terrorists? Nah, just a bunch of naive rednecks pissed off about their plot in life thinking that Trump actually cares about them.
something else to consider...

the average %bump of voters isnt relatively large until 2020.

1976 - Jimmy Carter 40,825,839 votes; Gerald Ford 39,147,770 votes
218.04 million

1980 - Reagan 43,901,812; Carter 35,483,820; Anderson 5,719,850; Clark 921,128
227.23 million

1984 - Reagan 54,455,075; Mondale 37,577,185
235.83 million

1988 - Bush 48,886,597; Dukakis 41,809,074
244.50 million

1992 - Clinton, BILL 44,909,889; Bush 39,104,545; Perot 19,742,267
256.51 million

1996 - Clinton, BILL 47,402,357; Dole 39,198,755; Perot 8,085,402
269.39 million

2000 - Bush 50,456,062; Gore 50,999,897; Nader 2,882,955
282.16 million

2004 - Bush 62,040,610; Kerry 59,028,444
292.81 million

2008 - Big Mike's lil snack 69,498,516; McCain 59,948,323
304.09 million

2012 - Big Mike's lil snack 65,915,795; Romney 60,933,504; Johnson 1,275,971
313.88 million

2016 - OrangeManBad 62,984,828; Hillary 65,853,514; Johnson 4,489,341; Stein 1,457,218; McMullin 731,991
323.07 million

2020 - Pedo Pete 81,268,867; OrangeManBad 74,216,747; Jorgensen 1,865,720
331.51 million

“Trump agrees”? With himself?

Litany of evidence? You misspelled “nonsense”.

White terrorists? Nah, just a bunch of naive rednecks pissed off about their plot in life thinking that Trump actually cares about them.
says the douchebag who wears a skirt with his dong hanging out, dragging a dead dog to the next drag queen reading exhibit to 2nd graders, whose A1C rivals that of a new truck's horsepower. you're a ******* joke.
says the douchebag who wears a skirt with his dong hanging out, dragging a dead dog to the next drag queen reading exhibit to 2nd graders, whose A1C rivals that of a new truck's horsepower. you're a ******* joke.
😂 you’re unhinged!
White terrorists? Nah, just a bunch of naive rednecks pissed off about their plot in life thinking that Trump actually cares about them.

No, a redneck like every Trump supporter believes that Trump cares about this country.

Just watched a touching Memorial Day speech by Sam Elliot talking about a first person account the day our troops stormed Omaha Beach.
Those men would more closely identify with a redneck rather than an America hating pajama boy f a g g o t liberal...which didn't even exist back then.
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No, a redneck like every Trump supporter believes that Trump cares about this country.

Rednecks would more likely put their lives on the line for this country. Just watched a touching Memorial Day speech by Sam Elliot talking about a first person account the day our troops stormed Omaha Beach.
Those men would more closely identify with a redneck rather than an America hating pajama boy f a g g o t liberal...which didn't even exist back then.
Sam Elliot wasn't in WW2. FFS! OMG!
Sam Elliot wasn't in WW2. FFS! OMG!

From a quote by Ann Coulter...
"If you can somehow force a liberal into a point-counterpoint argument, his retorts will bear no relation to what you’ve said . In the famous liberal two-step, they leap from one idiotic point to the next, so you can never nail them. It’s like arguing with someone with attention deficit disorder."
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No, a redneck like every Trump supporter believes that Trump cares about this country.

Just watched a touching Memorial Day speech by Sam Elliot talking about a first person account the day our troops stormed Omaha Beach.
Those men would more closely identify with a redneck rather than an America hating pajama boy f a g g o t liberal...which didn't even exist back then.
The Same Sam Elliot that endorsed Biden? I’m sure he does respect vets like, oh, John McCain.

As for Trump, could you STFU any harder?

you're such a complete ignoramus.
you said Hillary never disputed the 2016 election. That she calmly bowed out and wished POTUS Trump well.
You were shown that you were incorrect.
you lost your ****.

the third and fourth points are on repeat, no matter the thread.
No retard. As well documented, she did concede the 2016 election. She later warned Biden about Trump and the 2020 election. In hindsight, for very good reason.
From a quote by Ann Coulter...
"If you can somehow force a liberal into a point-counterpoint argument, his retorts will bear no relation to what you’ve said . In the famous liberal two-step, they leap from one idiotic point to the next, so you can never nail them. It’s like arguing with someone with attention deficit disorder."
Let’s have a point-counterpoint about how Trump has utter disdain for the Americans that have sacrificed the most for the country, but he really cares about you. GO!

Trotting out the "he said soldiers who died in combat were fools" bullshit. What a shock.

Proven to be a lie, dillweed.

Oh, and your guy showered with his daughter and murdered 10 Afghani civilians. But I guess that pales in comparison to the bullshit tale about "said soldiers who died were fools" idiocy.