At my government job, I have a worthless coworker whose job I have to do. I don't get one dime more for it, and he gets paid more than I do. He claims health issues, and lives on FMLA excuses. He is seriously absent about 40% of the time, and probably more. As a result, I have to do more of the few responsibilities he has, as his absenteeism impacts my results. He has had many responsibilities taken from him, and they all fall on me, but he is not there to perform the ones he has, so I have to do those often, too.
Mrs. Fan left employment there recently, because she had an absolutely insane boss, who was about as qualified as a drunk Kamala Harris. She "got injured" at work, and had workers' comp require them to get her an equally or better paid job, so she is a department head now. She is completely destroying that department, and people are leaving like crazy. I promise that if this town had more professional level jobs, more of us would be gone.
I have more stories, but you get it. Lots of great people there, but just enough of the nonsense to screw it all up. This is a common government employment problem as far as I can tell, and the US taxpayer is tired of it. Simple.