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The official President Donald J. Trump Thread

Dear left: Why don’t you shut up until you get past denial and anger?

The Democrats, flaming liberals, regular liberals and college snowflakes haven’t gotten past denial and anger combined.

The liberal media’s anti-Trump messaging is not working!

Recounts didn’t work.

Trying to intimidate the Electoral College didn’t work.

Demanding that Congress go against the will of the people didn’t work.

The pleas of Hollywood actors who pretend to be other people for a living didn’t work.

Entertainers who chose to not perform at Trump’s inauguration didn’t work.

Trying to intimidate a historically black college (Talladega College) to not march in the Trump inaugural parade didn’t work. They’re marching!

Actors and actresses who said they would leave the country didn’t work.

Blaming the Russians didn’t work!

The liberal media’s anti-Trump messaging is not working! What’s more, it’s to the point where it’s just sickening.

Maybe they have not checked their ratings lately, but the viewers are going elsewhere.


Dear left: Why don’t you shut up until you get past denial and anger?

Wow, talk about snowflakes with hurt feelings. He thinks the majority of the voting public is gonna roll over for the Donald? If you think this is bad, you haven't seen nothing yet. Those in opposition to Trump and his ill-fated policies will be standing loud & strong. This is a democracy - at least it seems to be for the foreseeable future - and everyone has a right to voice their opinions.

Dear right: why don't you shut up until you grow a set and start defending Trump on his words and actions?
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Streep's speech embodied everything in this country that got Trump elected. Sneering liberal elites looking down their noses at the so-called unwashed masses...celebrities acting like they are both heroes and persecuted martyrs...mocking peoples' past times and equating a desire for enforcement of immigration laws with hating foreigners. Everyday hardworking Americans are sick and tired of people in that liberal elitist bubble viewing them this way. Thanks Meryl, you probably just bumped up Trump's approval numbers by 10%.
Streep's speech embodied everything in this country that got Trump elected. Sneering liberal elites looking down their noses at the so-called unwashed masses...celebrities acting like they are both heroes and persecuted martyrs...mocking peoples' past times and equating a desire for enforcement of immigration laws with hating foreigners. Everyday hardworking Americans are sick and tired of people in that liberal elitist bubble viewing them this way. Thanks Meryl, you probably just bumped up Trump's approval numbers by 10%.
Sorry, but this made me chuckle.

Right wing: "I hate out of touch Hollywood elitists!"



"I am just like you!"


"The average joe! A regular American!"


"Like millions of American women, I'm just a regular stay-at-home mom."


"Just a regular guy chilling at home "

I doubt anyone here ever said he was just regular guy. He is most definitely not. the difference between him and those Hollywood snobs is two fold. One he seem to understand the "regular average american" better than them regardless of how rich he is. Two he is not just standing in front of an audience bitching he put up his time, money and reputation to actually run for office to try and make real changes. That takes a lot more balls than what the liberal elites do.
I have certainly never claimed Trump was a regular guy but he clearly understands how to connect with regular people in a way that Hillary and Meryl Streep do not. I for one don't think it's particularly genuine but it doesn't matter...as long as liberal morons like Streep keep putting their obvious disdain for large swaths of the people in this country out there, Trump and Republicans will keep winning.

The way she said "you won't have anything to watch except football and mixed martial arts" as if she were saying "except dog **** and vomit" cracked me up. So incredibly tone deaf. I like football. And I like art. They are not mutually exclusive. You don't have to be some backward yokel to like football, do you Tibs?

Not to mention a lot of Meryl Streep's movies are not exactly what I'd call "art".

Exactly. Trump doesn't talk down to people. His son said that they didn't work in the office during and after college, they were pounding nails and pouring concrete so they'd know the business.
Getting back to more important issues at hand.

From a journalist friend of mine:

Trump and the GOP were busy last week:

1. Trump fires all Ambassadors and Special Envoys, ordering them out by inauguration day;
2. House brings back the Holman rule allowing them to reduce an individual civil service, SES positions, or political appointee's salary to $1, effectively firing them by amendment to any piece of legislation;
3. Senate schedules 6 simultaneous hearings on cabinet nominees and triple-books those hearings with Trump's first press conference in months and an ACA budget vote, effectively preventing any meaningful coverage;
4. House GOP expressly forbids the Congressional Budget Office from reporting or tracking ANY costs related to the repeal of the ACA;
5. Trump continues to malign the U.S. intelligence community;
6. Trump breaks a central campaign promise to make Mexico pay for the wall by asking Congress (a.k.a. the taxpayers) to pay for it;
7. Trump threatens Toyota over a new plant that was never coming to the US nor will take jobs out of the US; and,
8. House passes the REINS act, giving them veto power over any rules enacted by any federal agency or department - for example, FDA or EPA bans a drug or pesticide, Congress can overrule based on lobbyists not science.

Off to a nefarious start. All signs point to the worse possible outcome here, that Trump indeed is building a government based on nepotism, individual business interests and secrecy. I hope everyone slowly but surely sees through the 'drain the swamp' bullshit and begins to comprehend what this type of 'government by the few, for the few' will mean for the country at large.
8 Ways Trump’s Already Made America Great Again

After President-elect Donald Trump’s historic election victory, he’s bypassed popping champagne bottles to celebrate and gone straight to work. Although he doesn’t officially become President until he’s sworn in on his Jan. 20 Inauguration Day, here’s eight ways Trump has already made America greater.

Jobs: Last June President Barack Obama told a Carrier employee at a town hall meeting that there was nothing that could be done about the trend of jobs leaving America. He then mocked Trump for stating on the campaign trail that if he were elected and Carrier moved jobs to Mexico, he’d impose taxes on all the products that were sold in the U.S. “He just says, ‘Well, I’m going to negotiate a better deal.’ Well, how – what – how exactly are you going to negotiate that? What magic wand do you have? And usually, the answer is he doesn’t have an answer,” Obama said. Well, apparently Trump does have an answer and a magic wand called a phone. Less than a month after Trump’s election win, Carrier tweeted that they reached a deal with the President-elect to keep close to 1,000 jobs in Indiana. Trump also motivated Ford to scrap their plans for a $1.6 billion plant planned for Mexico and instead will invest $700 million in a Michigan assembly plant creating 700 new jobs. “This is a vote of confidence for President-elect Trump and some of the policies he may be pursuing,” Ford CEO Mark Fields said. After a private meeting with Trump on Dec. 6, SoftBank CEO Masayoshi Son, who controls OneWeb and Sprint Corp., said he will invest $50 billion in the U.S. and create 50,000 new jobs. Trump has repeatedly touted: “My administration will follow two simple rules: buy American and hire American!” He doesn’t have the keys to the White House yet but he’s already putting his money where his mouth is.

Economy: Trump’s win has brought the stock market up to new records and increased consumer confidence. In December, consumer confidence climbed to the highest level since August 2001, according to Bloomberg. Additionally, holiday spending was over a trillion dollars in 2016, an 8% increase from 2015.

Ethics: On the campaign trail Trump promised he’d “drain the swamp”. He’s already halting government corruption and waste simply by tweeting. On Dec. 6, Trump tweeted that Boeing’s $4 billion price tag for the new fleet of Air Force One planes were “out of control”. However, after the company’s CEO Dennis Muilenburg met with Trump on Dec. 21, he told the press that Boeing would build a new Air Force One fleet for less than $4 billion. “We’re going to get it done for less than that, and we’re committed to working together to make sure that happens,” Muilenburg said. Last week House Republicans voted to eliminate an independent ethics body. However, after Trump fired off critical tweets about the move and their priorities, the Republicans pulled the plan.

Crime: Crime has skyrocketed so high in Chicago that the murder rate has gone up 58% since 2015, the highest it’s been since 1997. More people have been murdered in the Windy City than the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, and there were more homicides in Chicago in 2016 than LA and NYC combined. As Obama, Mayor Rahm Emanuel and other Chicago politicians continue to ignore the problem, Trump has addressed the problem on multiple occasions, and he’s already suggested that Chicago needs assistance from the federal government if the problem can’t be resolved at the local level. On Jan. 2 he tweeted: “Chicago murder rate is record setting – 4,331 shooting victims with 762 murders in 2016. If Mayor can’t do it he must ask for Federal help.”

PC culture: Christmas felt a little more special this year thanks to Trump. Trump campaigned that “we will say Merry Christmas” again. Sure enough, during his Thank You Tour he spoke from a podium with a sign that read “Merry Christmas” attached to it and surrounded by Christmas trees. I can’t tell you how many people said to me this holiday season “we can finally say Merry Christmas again!” Trump is already throwing political correctness in the garbage where it belongs and the country is following his lead.

Women: Despite what the left wants you to believe, Trump has continued to elevate women to high-level positions in his administration just as he did at his Trump Organization. He’s filling White House positions with power women who were pivotal to his campaign such as Hope Hicks, Katrina Pierson and Omarosa Manigault. Most notably, Trump put KellyAnne Conway in charge of his campaign, and she became the first woman to run a victorious presidential campaign. Now she’ll serve Trump in the White House as counselor to the president.

Military: Trump is already bringing back long overdue morale to the U.S. military. The soldiers went wild cheering Trump when he attended the Army-Navy game on Dec. 10. Contrast that footage with the photos of the rows of empty seats as the backdrop of Obama’s farewell speech to the military on Jan. 4.

Israel: While the Obama Administration has stabbed Israel in the back by allowing an anti-Israel resolution against settlements to pass, Trump has criticized the UN and vowed to stand up for Israel. Within 24 hours of Trump’s presidential win, he invited Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to meet with him in the U.S. at his earliest convenience. Netanyahu has called Trump a “true friend of Israel”.

Sorry, but this made me chuckle.

Right wing: "I hate out of touch Hollywood elitists!"



"I am just like you!"


"The average joe! A regular American!"


"Like millions of American women, I'm just a regular stay-at-home mom."


"Just a regular guy chilling at home "


Your wealth envy is comical to me.
I don't think I've ever heard a Trump supporter vocalize that Trump is a regular guy. The thing is, he treats regular guys like worthwhile contributors to society instead of "deplorables". How is that difficult to understand why these same people would feel grateful for that and be on board? There is a difference between being a part of the elite class and being an elitist. Just compare Trump and Hillary and you have your example.

I know, I know, they only voted for him because they are all racist, backwoods, idiots.
Meryl Streep was on point last night at the Golden Globes. What a passionate and powerful speech. We need many more brave souls like this, standing up and speaking up these next few days, weeks and months.


I had to look up what movies this women starred in and to my surprise, I have not seen any of them OK, not really, I don't go to the movies and don't have premium tv channels so she is a nonentity to me.

Oh yeh, and she always will be.


Clinton Failed Presidential Bid Cost $1.2 Billion

It’s a record. Hillary Clinton’s failed presidential run cost $1.2 billion. Trump supporters should have a field day with this final bill, given that Clinton slammed the president-elect for losing a billion dollars during his business career.

But it’s not all bad news for Clinton. She did make history by being the first woman nominated by a major party for president, though she was under FBI investigation at the time.

For Republicans, they can take immense satisfaction that Hillary will never be president.


Watch all the Jew haters come running

Kellyanne Conway ✔ @KellyannePolls
Best News of the Day. Trump Son-in-Law Jared Kushner to Be Named Senior White House Adviser

Jared Kushner to Serve as Trump Senior Adviser

President-elect Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner will be named senior adviser to the president, a senior transition official confirms to NBC News.

Kushner was an influential behind the scenes confidant to his father-in-law throughout the 2016 campaign.

"Mr. Kushner is committed to complying with federal ethics laws and we have been consulting with the Office of Government Ethics regarding the steps he would take," Kushner's lawyer said in a statement to NBC News.



Mexico says it will negotiate with Trump

Mexico’s new foreign relations secretary says the country isn’t only willing to negotiate changes to the North American Free Trade Agreement; it wants negotiations as soon as possible.

He said Mexico is willing to negotiate over Trump’s plan to build a border wall.


That's right! The Gringos are in charge now! Mexico is going to pay for the wall. Maybe not by handing over cash to the contractors, but they will pay for it...
This needs to be posted here in the 'official' thread as well.

[h=1]Report: Russia Has Trump Golden Showers Blackmail[/h]


Russian intelligence officers planned to blackmail Donald Trump with knowledge of his alleged "perverted sexual acts," a new report obtained by Buzzfeed alleges. The unverified report by a person claiming to be a former British intelligence official alleges that Russian officials intended to blackmail Trump with evidence of him allegedly hiring multiple sex workers to perform "golden showers" in front of him. The hotel where the acts allegedly occurred were said to be under Russian surveillance.

Read the full report here > https://www.buzzfeed.com/kenbensing...ties-to-russia?utm_term=.hipejG6jw#.jp3Avprvm

While the golden showers are grabbing all the headlines, most everything else in the report connecting Trump to Russia is akin to treason.

So it shall be President Pence, I assume?

For a good belly laugh, check out the top trending topic on twitter > https://twitter.com/hashtag/goldens...5862827008&f=tweets&vertical=default&src=tren

I'm afraid it's gonna break the internets...
"Document(s) behind the Trump/Russia thing been circulating for a while. Yet to find anyone to substantiate allegations”

"Unverified, and potentially unverifiable allegations"

"A summary of unsubstantiated reports"



An official in the US administration who spoke to the Guardian described the source who wrote the intelligence report as consistently reliable, meticulous and well-informed, with a reputation for having extensive Russian contacts. Some of the reports – which are dated from 20 June to 20 October last year – also proved to be prescient, predicting events that happened after they were sent.

[h=1]FBI chief given dossier by John McCain alleging secret Trump-Russia contacts[/h]

McCain, a true American hero. That has been established once and for all.