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The official President Donald J. Trump Thread

McCain is an idiot

Unverified allegations, from an unverified report from an unnamed source.

“The dossier, which is a collection of memos written over a period of months, includes specific, unverified, and potentially unverifiable allegations of contact between Trump aides and Russian operatives, and graphic claims of sexual acts documented by the Russians.”

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Trump transition team right now <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/goldenshowers?src=hash">#goldenshowers</a> <a href="https://t.co/fT5qJSINVb">pic.twitter.com/fT5qJSINVb</a></p>— JC (@PAcat15) <a href="https://twitter.com/PAcat15/status/818992230736232448">January 11, 2017</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Inauguration rehearsal is going well. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/GoldenShowers?src=hash">#GoldenShowers</a> <a href="https://t.co/2svydJSF5O">pic.twitter.com/2svydJSF5O</a></p>— Scott Fairbanks (@Sxottlan) <a href="https://twitter.com/Sxottlan/status/818992220359499780">January 11, 2017</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

where's the pics?

garbage - yeah, exactly

nobody cares

Hahahahaha! Holy ******* ****! The big anti Trump story may have originated at 4Chan as a hoax.

Cernovich Reporting the Trump Intel Story was a 4CHAN Catfish that Rick Wilson Fell For

Cernovich reporting that this was the big October Surprise that Rick Wilson got catfished on and it has now turned into an Intel crisis. If Cernovich is right, they need to dismantle most if not all of the Intelligence apparatus as currently configured. Stay tuned.


I like soldiers who didn't get caught. McCain is overrated and senile.

Hahahahaha! Holy ******* ****! The big anti Trump story may have originated at 4Chan as a hoax.

Cernovich Reporting the Trump Intel Story was a 4CHAN Catfish that Rick Wilson Fell For

Cernovich reporting that this was the big October Surprise that Rick Wilson got catfished on and it has now turned into an Intel crisis. If Cernovich is right, they need to dismantle most if not all of the Intelligence apparatus as currently configured. Stay tuned.

More from Town Hall:
Remember, fake news is only fake news if it doesnt fit your agenda... otherwise its just not yet verified truth... lol
From that liberal, lefty, commie, scumbag fake-news site, National Review /sic

I agree with their take, a thorough investigation should be forthcoming to study the facts in the matter, including whether CNN, buzzfeed et al broke any laws releasing this info. And yes, light needs to be shined on Trump's ties to Putin and Russia. We deserve to have the truth in this regard, his statements and behaviour have been more than troubling.

This is all disturbing. From the leaks, to the Buzzfeed document dump, to the substance of the allegations themselves. Are there “officials” who hate Trump so much that they’re willing to leak information that they know will lead to widespread public fear that the president-elect is compromised by a hostile foreign power? If so, that’s extraordinary. Or, just as extraordinary, are there officials who are so concerned by Trump’s potential ties to Russia that they’re willing to risk a public firestorm to jump-start an investigation? And yes, there are members of the media who hate Trump so much that they’re willing to print the wildest possible rumors, repeat them across the web, and then mock him relentlessly based on claims that can likely never be properly investigated, much less proven.

This takes place against the backdrop of conduct and rhetoric that was already deeply problematic. Russia’s disruption efforts were intolerable. Trump’s oddly consistent defenses of Putin and Russia were troubling. His remarks about NATO have been alarming. The list could go on. In other words, the situation was already volatile — because of Russia’s actions and Trump’s words. I have the same question as Jonah: “Why is admiration for Putin and his government the only issue Trump has never wavered, equivocated, or flip-flopped on? The situation is crying out for an investigation — into the substance of the claims and the leaks to the press. The American people need to know what Russia is doing, what our president-elect or his team have done (if anything), and whether members of our own government are breaking the law to try to delegitimize Trump.

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/443752/trump-kompromat-story-its-all-disturbing

And if you have any doubt Russia has dirt on Trump, just read their denial of it. Yeah, right.

“Of course not. The Kremlin does not collect compromising information. The Kremlin [and] the Russian president are engaged in building relationships with our foreign partners, firstly – in the interests of the Russian Federation, in the interests of the Russian people, secondly – in the interests of global peace, stability and security." - Vladimir Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov

David Frum, former speechwriter from the administration of President George W. Bush.

OUR CIA is attempting to blackmail Trump with a hoax report?

4Chan Claims To Have Fabricated Anti-Trump Report As A Hoax

In a story that is getting more surreal by the minute, a post on 4Chan now claims that the infamous “golden showers” scene in the unverified 35-page dossier, allegedly compiled by a British intelligence officer, was a hoax and fabricated by a member of the chatboard as “fanfiction”, then sent to Rick Wilson, who proceeded to send it to the CIA, which then put it in their official classified intelligence report on the election.


This is pathetic. We might as well have a bunch of elementary school kids run our intelligence apparatus. They can’t be half as dumb and naive as the adult clowns running the show now.


That has already been debunked.


Trump attorney Michael Cohen: ‘I have no Russian Kremlin connections’

Yahoo News Hunter Walker Yahoo NewsJanuary 11, 2017

In a conversation with Yahoo News on Tuesday night, Donald Trump’s longtime lawyer Michael Cohen vehemently denied allegations he was a key link between the president-elect and the Kremlin during last year’s campaign season.

Cohen, an executive vice president and attorney at Trump’s real estate company, claimed his passport proves there’s no way he met with Russian officials in the Czech Republic while the campaign was underway.

“I’ve never been to Prague or Czechoslovakia — the Czech Republic. The allegations are baseless. It’s merely fake news being put out by the liberal media to malign Mr. Trump and to distract from tomorrow’s press event,” Cohen said, referring to Trump’s first post-election news conference, which is scheduled for Wednesday.

“And I’ve never been to Russia either,” Cohen added.

The claims about Cohen’s dealings with the Kremlin surfaced on Tuesday evening after CNN reported intelligence officials have presented Trump with accusations that there was an ongoing exchange of information between the Russian government and his campaign. The officials reportedly detailed the claims last Friday when they gave Trump a briefing on Russian involvement in the election. In that briefing, the officials also delivered a report that concluded the Russians launched cyberattacks on Democrats and Trump’s rival, Hillary Clinton, for the purpose of boosting his chances.

According to CNN, the information about the Trump campaign’s relationship with Russia was largely based on “memos compiled by a former British intelligence operative” who did opposition research on Trump for Democrats and Republicans during the presidential race. CNN reported officials have found the operative to be “credible” in the past but did not include the allegations in their official report on the cyber attacks. Shortly after CNN’s story was released, Buzzfeed published what they described as the full document compiled by the operative.

Buzzfeed admitted the document was “unconfirmed” and “includes some clear errors.” It detailed a claim that Russia “has been cultivating, supporting, and assisting” Trump “for at least five years.” According to the unnamed author of the report, there were ongoing communications between intermediaries for the Russian government and representatives of the Trump campaign, including Cohen, during the election. The memo said the two sides exchanged information and Moscow sought to boost Trump by releasing information about his rival, Hillary Clinton, with Russian President Vladimir Putin keeping tabs on the effort. It also said the Russians had obtained compromising information about Trump that could be used to blackmail him.

Trump’s transition team did not respond to a request for comment on this story. However, shortly after the stories were published by Buzzfeed and CNN, Trump wrote a tweet that said simply, “FAKE NEWS – A TOTAL POLITICAL WITCH HUNT!”
Cohen described the document published by Buzzfeed as “salacious,” “disgraceful,” and “disgusting.”

“None of it is true. I don’t know who created the document or what it was supposed to be used for, but there’s absolutely no accuracy to anything in that document,” Cohen said.

The memo claimed a “Kremlin insider” stressed Cohen’s “importance” in the “covert relationship with Russia.” It also said Cohen’s “wife is of Russian descent and her father [is] a leading property developer in Moscow.”

“She’s not Russian. My wife is Ukrainian. It’s a different country,” Cohen said.

Cohen claimed his wife has not been in Ukraine since 1972, when it was part of the USSR along with Russia. He said he had been to Ukraine “twice” in “either 2003 or 2004” because his “brother’s father-in-law lives in Kiev.”

“I went to Kiev, that’s the extent of it. I’ve never been to Russia. I have no Russian Kremlin connections. My father-in-law is not a real estate developer friend of Putin’s in Russia. I don’t even think my father-in-law ever has been to Russia,” said Cohen.

The document published by Buzzfeed included a claim Cohen met with “Kremlin representatives” in Prague last August. Cohen told Yahoo News he was in New York and California throughout that month. He used FaceTime video chat to show off his passport. It appeared to show stamps dated from 2009 until late 2016 from visits to Paris, Hong Kong, Macau, Scotland, Anguilla, St. Maarten, St. Bart’s, Georgia, Kazakhstan, and Turkey. The trips to Georgia and Kazakhstan all seemed to be dated from 2010 to 2012. Cohen promised to allow Yahoo News to examine the document at Trump’s press conference on Wednesday.

While Cohen’s passport didn’t seem to contain stamps from the Czech Republic, he wouldn’t necessarily need to have one if he visited the country. The Czech Republic is part of the Schengen Area, a group of 26 European countries that have a borders agreement. Visitors must present a passport when they first enter the area, but they do not necessarily need to show the document when they travel between countries within the zone. Based on the passport pages he showed to Yahoo News, Cohen made multiple visits to Schengen countries where he could have traveled on to the Czech Republic, including trips to London and Paris last year.

According to Buzzfeed and CNN, the allegations detailed in the document have been circulating in Washington for some time. Cohen said he first heard about the claims concerning him about two weeks ago and that he hasn’t discussed the accusations with Trump. However, Cohen said he let all of the top members of the president-elect’s team review his passport on Tuesday night and Trump was in the room at Trump Tower at the time. Cohen said the president-elect’s senior counselor, Steve Bannon was the first to look at the document. Trump questioned Bannon about what he saw in the passport.

“So is Michael telling the truth? Has he ever been to Prague?” Trump asked, according to Cohen.

Bannon informed Trump that the passport didn’t show travel to the Czech Republic, Cohen said. After Bannon looked at the document, Cohen said Trump’s chief of staff, Reince Priebus, press secretary Sean Spicer, and special counselor Kellyanne Conway all checked out the passport. He also showed it to vice president-elect Mike Pence.

“He didn’t spend two seconds looking at it. He was like, I believe you, Mike,” Cohen said of Pence.
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Yank the press credentials of any news outlet that was stupid enough to cover this FAKE NEWS, immediately!

Fire everyone in the CIA!

Send McCain to Gitmo!

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Now watch these ******* CNN ******* run for cover from the fake news they were just selling

Buzzfeed’s Trump report takes ‘fake news’ to a new level

So the website BuzzFeed decided to publish a series of memos that have been floating around for months alleging all kinds of terrible things about Donald Trump.

Some of those terrible allegations have to do with efforts to influence the American elections and Trump. Some of them have to do with Trump’s personal sexual conduct.

Readers of this newspaper know well not to include me among Trump’s supporters. But the scurrilousness of what BuzzFeed has done here is so beyond the bounds of what is even remotely acceptable it should compel even those most outraged by Trump’s political excesses to come to his defense and to the defense of a few other people mentioned in these papers whose names are also dragged through the mud.

There is literally no evidence on offer in these memos or from BuzzFeed that any single sentence in these documents is factual or true. What’s more, we know most major news organizations in America had seen them and despite their well-known institutional antipathy toward Trump, had chosen not to publish them or even make reference to them after efforts to substantiate their charges had failed.

Dan Rather and Brian Williams should get ready for some company.

Peoples careers are swirling in the toilet...........

And the CIA??

This just confirms what Trump has been saying about them.

Imagine political appointees acting political.

Donald J Trump was elected by the will of the people. The golden showers coming from the butt hurt establishment political appointees and their cohorts in the media will lead to their banishment.

Oh BTW.......Breitbart has surpassed The Huffington Post, The NY Times, and the Washington Post in online traffic.

And what were they saying about Breitbart just a few months ago????

The Trump Train of Truth is coming......and will arrive at the station on time on January 20th.
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This just in


CNN will be taken off the air for 48 hours until the FCC can verify claims they are a legitimate news organization!
This just in


CNN will be taken off the air for 48 hours until the FCC can verify claims they are a legitimate news organization!

If only.......

hahahahahahaha, rip their ******* lungs out

Trump: Intel agencies should never have allowed this fake news to "leak" into the public

Russia just said the unverified report paid for by political opponents is "A COMPLETE AND TOTAL FABRICATION, UTTER NONSENSE." Very unfair! Russia has never tried to use leverage over me. I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA - NO DEALS, NO LOANS, NO NOTHING!

I win an election easily, a great "movement" is verified, and crooked opponents try to belittle our victory with FAKE NEWS. A sorry state!

Intelligence agencies should never have allowed this fake news to "leak" into the public. One last shot at me.Are we living in Nazi Germany?

Piece of **** FAKE NEWS spreaders! On the Today Show Priebus put Matt some nasty old ***** in their places about this. It was great.
Lying sack of worthless **** McCain now tries to COVER HIS ***!

Impeach him the **** out of the Senate!!!!!!!!!!!

Jan 11 2017

Washington, D.C. *– U.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) released the following statement on recent news reports:

“Late last year, I received sensitive information that has since been made public. Upon examination of the contents, and unable to make a judgment about their accuracy, I delivered the information to the Director of the FBI. That has been the extent of my contact with the FBI or any other government agency regarding this issue.”



Fire them all!!!!!!
Lying sack of worthless **** McCain now tries to COVER HIS ***!

Impeach him the **** out of the Senate!!!!!!!!!!!

Jan 11 2017

Washington, D.C. *– U.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) released the following statement on recent news reports:

“Late last year, I received sensitive information that has since been made public. Upon examination of the contents, and unable to make a judgment about their accuracy, I delivered the information to the Director of the FBI. That has been the extent of my contact with the FBI or any other government agency regarding this issue.”



Fire them all!!!!!!

McLame is trying to get out in front of the story because he knows the questions are coming and he has never met a camera he didn't like. Unfortunately for McLame there is already inconsistency in his statement.

The Daily News is reporting........

Leading Republican senator John McCain handed over an explosive dossier on Donald Trump's alleged links to Russia to the FBI in December.
The alarming report contains a string of lurid allegations which were supposedly made by Russian agents in a bid to control Trump.
Senator McCain, who was branded as 'not a war hero because he was captured' by Trump, sent an emissary to meet the former MI6 agent to collect a copy of the dossier.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...emissary-abroad-collect-it.html#ixzz4VSrrLpAO
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

McLame knows where to go to get the dirt............
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Piece of **** FAKE NEWS spreaders!

Priebus was on Morning Joe first - they ripped the **** out of the CIA too and especially CNN for running FAKE NEWS!

Mika: CNN/Buzzfeed “let their bias get in the way” in running Trump-Russia story

Of all the Morning Joe crew, you might be surprised to learn that it was liberal Dem Mika Brzezinski who this morning took the toughest shots at CNN and Buzzfeed for publishing unverified stories containing salacious allegations regarding Donald Trump’s business dealings with, and personal behavior in, Russia.

Brzezinski first wondered whether CNN and Buzzfeed went with the story “because they hate [Trump] so much, or is the intelligence community literally putting the screws to Donald Trump because he insulted them?”

