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The official President Donald J. Trump Thread

Dan Rather and Brian Williams should get ready for some company.

Peoples careers are swirling in the toilet.......

Yank the press credentials of any news outlet that was stupid enough to cover this FAKE NEWS, immediately!

Fire everyone in the CIA! The whole incompetent intel community is in for house cleaning after Trump’s inauguration. The were just punked by a 2 bit hoaxer!

Trump's press conference is at 11a.m. eastern. I hope he destroys CNN.

You got played like the fool that you are.

Cory Booker is a BLM terrorist bigot

Cory Booker ‘honored to partner’ with Sessions just last year

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Lying sack of worthless **** McCain now tries to COVER HIS ***

Jan 11 2017

Washington, D.C. *– U.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) released the following statement on recent news reports:

“Late last year, I received sensitive information that has since been made public. Upon examination of the contents, and unable to make a judgment about their accuracy, I delivered the information to the Director of the FBI. That has been the extent of my contact with the FBI or any other government agency regarding this issue.”



McLame is trying to get out in front of the story because he knows the questions are coming.

Impeach his ***! He is a disgrace to the Senate.
Tillerson is going to be a great SoS.

Fox News‏ @FoxNews
Rex Tillerson: "My love of country and my patriotism is going to dictate that I serve no one's interests but that of the American people."
CNN is getting ripped in the Trump Press Conference........That organization is toast.
Trump just called CNN "FAKE NEWS", lmao!!!!!!!!! Take it, *******!
HAHA........Trump just refused CNN a question and told the CNN reporter who kept interrupting he was "Fake News"

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Trump's making America AND the world great again.
**** YES!!!


U2 Won’t Release New Album Because Of Donald Trump

Wow, the election of Donald Trump keeps getting better and better. Not only do we get to keep our guns and the money we earn, but preachy liberal soft-rock band U2 is shelving their new album. Citing Trump as the reason, the group is holding off on releasing their new material. This is so much bigger a gift than when the gave away (forced) their last album to everyone for free.

Rolling Stone interviewed U2’s guitarist Edge and he broke the happy news.

“When we came off the last tour, the Innocence and Experience indoor tour, we headed straight into finishing the second album of that set, Songs of Experience, which we were pretty much complete with after a couple of weeks of the final touches leading up to the end of the year. And then the election [happened] and suddenly the world changed. We just went, ‘Hold on a second – we’ve got to give ourselves a moment to think about this record and about how it relates to what’s going on in the world.’ That’s because it was written mostly, I mean, 80 percent of it was started before 2016, but most of it was written in the early part of 2016, and now, as I think you’d agree, the world is a different place,” said a grown man who calls himself The Edge.

In case you aren’t sure what he’s talking about, this should clear things up:

“The Trump election. It’s like a pendulum has suddenly just taken a huge swing in the other direction. So, anyway, we then were looking at the anniversary of The Joshua Tree, and another thing started to dawn on us, which is that weirdly enough, things have kind of come full circle, if you want. That record was written in the mid-Eighties, during the Reagan-Thatcher era of British and U.S. politics. It was a period when there was a lot of unrest. Thatcher was in the throes of trying to put down the miners’ strike; there was all kinds of shenanigans going on in Central America. It feels like we’re right back there in a way. I don’t think any of our work has ever come full circle to that extent. It just felt like, ‘Wow, these songs have a new meaning and a new resonance today that they didn’t have three years ago, four years ago.’ And so it was kind of serendipitous, really, just the realization that we needed to put the album on ice for a minute just to really think about it one more time before putting it out, just to make sure that it really was what we wanted to say,” said Edge.

What I’m getting from this is, like everyone on the left, U2 was taken by surprise that America was sick and tired of liberalism and voted Donald Trump into office. Because their fragile bubble burst, the band is going to go back and write some anti-Trump songs to express their grief and anger over being ideologically rejected.

Whatever the reason, it’s great news that new music from U2 won’t be assaulting our earns any time in the near future. Even better, Edge says they probably won’t force the new album onto everyone’s phones and iPods, though he did suggest that he and Bono might sneak into everyone’s house and leave a CD. With Trump in the White House and our gun rights secured, that could create an even better surprise.
Trump Opens Presser by Slamming Media Outlets For Russia Stories: 'A Tremendous Blot on Their Record

In his first press conference, President-elect Donald Trump used his opening remarks to criticize the two news organizations — CNN and BuzzFeed

While Trump slammed these media outlets, in a noteworthy turn of events he actually thanked others who refrained from running the unverified story.

“They looked at that nonsense that was released by maybe the intelligence agencies — who knows? but maybe the intelligence agencies — which would be a tremendous blot on their record if that in fact did that. A tremendous blot on their record, because a thing like that should never have been written.”



Turn in your resignations


HAHA........Trump just refused CNN a question and told the CNN reporter who kept interrupting he was "Fake News"


ha ha


after the presser - CNN reporter was begging him to take a question from CNN and Trump just says “CNN is fake news”

hahahah, ******* awesome!

there won't be a CNN in 4 years!

“They’re dishonest, right here in the front row”


right to their ******* faces!
ha ha


after the presser - CNN reporter was begging him to take a question from CNN and Trump just says “CNN is fake news”

hahahah, ******* awesome!

there won't be a CNN in 4 years!

“They’re dishonest, right here in the front row”


right to their ******* faces!

I gotta start a new thread - everyone should see this


Hmm, fake news? An awful lot of attention is being paid to this so-called fake news.

Alarmed Senators Call for Investigation into Trump-Russia Ties

The publication Tuesday night of a bombshell CNN report alleging that Donald Trump had been briefed on claims that Russia has collected compromising personal and financial information about him is already amplifying calls on Capitol Hill to investigate the president-elect and members of his team for ties to the Kremlin.

While Trump dismissed the news—including a subsequent, unverified report from BuzzFeed, which decided to publish the full, 35-page version of the two-page synopsis presented to the president-elect—as “FAKE NEWS—A TOTAL POLITICAL WITCH HUNT”, lawmakers responded by renewing their push for a probe into some of the allegations. During a hearing on Tuesday, Democratic senator Ron Wyden requested that F.B.I. director James Comey release an unclassified report on whether the agency was investigating the possible ties between the Trump campaign and Russia, Politico reports. “If it doesn't happen before January 20, I'm not sure it's going to happen,” said Wyden, obliquely referring to reports that Trump’s team plans to restructure U.S. intelligence agencies, allegedly for being too politicized.

Asked whether the bureau had already investigated the claims, and what their findings might have been, Comey responded that he could not confirm, deny, or otherwise comment on the possibility of an ongoing investigation—a bit of irony that did not elude Senator Angus King. (“The irony of your making that statement here, I cannot avoid, but I’ll move on,” he said.)

Republican senatorLindsey Graham, a staunch anti-Russia hawk, also doubled down on his calls for an investigation into every allegation of espionage and collusion. “I want to know about all things Russia, whatever they are,” he told Politico. Democratic senator Mark Warner echoed the call for an investigation during the hearing, saying Congress should focus on three unanswered questions: “The Russian hacking and release of stolen information; Russia's use of state-owned media and other means to amplify real and fake news to further their goal; and contact between the Russian government and its agents, and associates of any campaign and candidate.”
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Go back under your rock with your FAKE NEWS, piss boy

BREAKING: MSNBC report demolishes the Trump/Russia story

NBC: Intel Officials Used Trump-Russia Memo as Example of ‘Unvetted Disinformation’

It’s really starting to look like the Trump/Russia blackmail story will go down in history as a high point in the annals of fake news.

Every hour, we learn something new that derails the narrative the media so desperately wanted to believe.

Buzzfeed, which President Elect Trump called a “failing pile of garbage” during today’s press conference is now the “fake news” poster child.


This gets to the heart of the matter.

[h=1]KING: Anything is possible with Donald Trump[/h]

Buzzfeed released an outrageous report Tuesday on Donald Trump that basically alleges he is being blackmailed and controlled by the Russian government. Without going into details, the report states that Russian has accumulated a collection of damaging personal and financial details about Trump, and is using them against him — basically making him Putin's puppet.

After the report — which was unverified, even by Buzzfeed — was released, I followed the coverage and commentary, both online and off, very closely. In between all of the jokes and memes and digs and questions, I noticed one troubling trend. Not once did I see or hear a single person who doubted the claims from the Buzzfeed report based on their view of Trump's character. As salacious and wild as the claims were, not once did I see or hear someone say "Oh, hell no. Trump would never do that."

And that's sad.

People questioned the authenticity of the documents. People questioned the authorship of the documents. People questioned the motives behind their release, but not whether or not he would stoop to such lows described in the documents.

Donald Trump has such a history of poor morality, low character, and unethical dealings that when we hear or read something as wild as the latest allegations, we don't automatically assume they are impossible. Anything is possible with Donald Trump.

We are talking about a man who openly bragged about forcefully kissing complete strangers when he is attracted to them and grabbing women by the genitals when he feels like it.

We are talking about a man whose first wife, in a sworn deposition, said that he raped and assaulted her. Ivana Trump later said she didn’t want the allegation to be considered in a literal or criminal sense.

We are talking about a man who has openly admitted cheating on his past wives and having sexual affairs with other married women.

We are talking about a man with allegations from over a dozen women claiming he sexually assaulted them.

In just nine days our nation will inaugurate a man of such low character that even the most perverted and scandalous allegations are well within the realm of possibility.

We are talking about a man who the Pulitzer Prize winning fact checking organization, Politifact, said tells lies the overwhelming majority of times he opens his mouth.

This is where we are right now. In just nine days our nation will inaugurate a man of such low character that even the most perverted and scandalous allegations are well within the realm of possibility. How will we ever trust that he is doing the right thing? How will we ever trust that he is making the principled decision?

As he now yells about "fake news," he must come to grips with the fact that he is somewhat the father of fake news. His very foray into politics came as he promoted the fake and racist assertion that President Obama was not actually an American citizen, but some type of complicated imposter, perhaps a plant from a terrorist organization, designed to destroy our country and subvert our democracy. For years Trump held on to this assertion, fake news at its worst, even claiming that he had dispatched private investigators into the matter.

It was all a ruse.

I don't trust Donald Trump. I never will. I'd be a damn fool to trust him now. He's 70 years old. His character is fully formed. We know who he is. What we don't know is where he will soon take this nation.
Cruz unloaded on democrats!

Ted is having a good couple days

Ted Cruz reintroduces bill designating Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization

On Tuesday, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, announced that he has reintroduced two bills, alongside Congressman Michael McCaul R-Texas, and Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart, R-Florida, to protect Americans from radical Islamic terrorism. One measure targets the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and the other takes aim at the Muslim Brotherhood.

“I am proud to reintroduce these bills that would codify needed reforms in America’s war against radical Islamic terrorism,” he said. “This potent threat to our civilization has intensified under the Obama administration due to the willful blindness of politically-correct policies that hamper our safety and security. A grand détente with the Muslim Brotherhood and a blind eye to the IRGC are not pathways to peace in this struggle; they guarantee the ultimate success of our enemy. It is time to call this enemy by its name and speak with clarity and moral authority.”

Oh Donald. #goldenshowers

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">"Hey Donald, what are your plans for your urine-augurat-"<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/goldenshowers?src=hash">#goldenshowers</a> <a href="https://t.co/y0ASi4mZcu">pic.twitter.com/y0ASi4mZcu</a></p>— Denizcan James (@MrFilmkritik) <a href="https://twitter.com/MrFilmkritik/status/818980879154475013">January 11, 2017</a></blockquote>
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