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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Biden Destroying Us"

Guess who's bucket I won't be putting coins in this season?

View attachment 7030

I'm going to hold off judgement until there's more to this. Briefly looking at the article, there are a bunch of unattributed quotes in it, which makes me question its legitimacy.
If true, **** them, but if someone is trying to poison the Salvation Army, **** them. Again, only basing this on this one article, I've done zero research.

Edit: There's a boatload on this. Just how stupid can they be?
One of my favorite Christmas memories was about 10 years ago. The Saovation Army guy at the entrance to the grocery store was ringing his bell and he looked exactly like officer Powell from Die Hard. I was fishing for a couple bucks to throw in his pail and an old man was walking up to shop. A sedan with two old women pulled up the curb, rolled down the window and yelled at him “So you steal a parking spot from ladies at Christmas!” He looks at them and says very loudly, “Awwwww cram it up your ***!!!” Powell and I laughed and laughed. It was awesome.
He ain't alone on that theory....

Get Ready for President Hillary Clinton​

I wonder how many salvation army buckets are going to be filled with short written notes that say, "I am sorry I am white. And I respectfully honor the fact that you don't want any of my white money."
Remember Loudon County? Remember Garland lying to all of us saying they weren't arresting parents?

Yeah, about that.


The Round Rock Independent School District (RRISD) in Texas is using its own armed agents to arrest parents who speak out against the school board’s policies, according to Christopher Rufo in the City Journal.

Rufo, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, said:

The battle lines are clear: on one side, the Biden administration, public school bureaucrats, and their armed agents; on the other, parents and families who oppose school closures, mask mandates, critical race theory and corruption. Public school officials have demonstrated a willingness to use police power to silence and intimidate their opponents.
Two fathers, Jeremy Story and Dustin Clark, had spoken out against the school board’s “alleged corruption and school officials’ hostility toward parents.” In August, while “produc[ing] evidence that the board had covered up an alleged assault by the superintendent, Hafedh Azaiez, against a mistress,” Story, a minister, was cut off midsentence as Azaiez ordered armed officers to remove him from the premises, according to Chronicles Magazine.

At issue in the next meeting was the district’s mask mandate. For this, Clark, a retired Army captain, and other parents sought to speak, but instead, the school board “locked the majority of parents out of the room, preventing them from speaking.” According to Rufo, while the parents were asking the school board to open the room for public comment on a major policy item, “school board president Amy Weir directed officers to remove Clark from school property.”

“As he was dragged out by two officers, Clark shouted to the audience: ‘It’s an open meeting! Shame on you. Communist! Communist! Let the public in!'” Rufo explained.

RRISD has it’s own police force, Rufo said, explaining: “with a three-layer chain of command, patrol units, school resource officers, a detective, and a K-9 unit.” And only a few days after Clark’s removal from school board premises, the school district “sent police officers to the homes of both men [Story and Clark], arrested them, and put them in jail on charges of ‘disorderly conduct with intent to disrupt a meeting.'” They were released the next morning.

According to Rufo, many parents believe the school board is trying to send a message: “if you speak out against us, we will turn you into criminals.”

But these tactics are not unique to RRISD, explained Rufo:

In Loudoun County, Virginia, for example, where parents have protested against critical race theory and a sexual assault cover-up, the superintendent asked the county sheriff to deploy a SWAT team, riot control unit, and undercover agents to monitor parents at school board meetings.
The Loudoun sheriff did not comply with the superintendent’s request, saying the board had not given “any justification for such a manpower-intensive request.”

The issue of police power intimidation has become federal as well, as Breitbart News reported Attorney General Merrick Garland directed the FBI to look into concerned parents. Breitbart News also reported on a whistleblower revelation that the FBI went as far as to use “counterterrorism tools” to go after parents.

Story and Clark believe what they have gone through has implications beyond RRISD, with Story saying, “This isn’t just about Dustin [Clark] and me. It is about everyone. If they can come for us and get away with it, school boards nationwide will be emboldened to come for you.”
Everyone needs to either start or find a grassroots legislative campaign in their state that legislates that property and school levy taxes can not be levied against any parent who home-schools or private schools their children.

IE, the education system can in no way financially benefit from students NOT in the public education system. Get THAT bill signed into law in every state and schools will be compelled to provide an education that the PARENTS deem necessary for their children, not the education that ******* tools like Kamala Harris deem necessary for children.
Not sure where to drop this, but why are so many Liberals flat out liars? Rachel Dolezal Deux.


A Canadian medical researcher who rose to become the nation’s top voice on indigenous health has been fired from her government job and her university professorship — after suspicious colleagues investigated her increasingly fanciful claims of Native American heritage and learned she was a fraud.

Carrie Bourassa, a public health expert who served as scientific director of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research’s Institute of Indigenous Peoples’ Health, was suspended five days after the state-owned Canadian Broadcasting Corporation published a lengthy expose on her background.

Far from being a member of the Métis nation, as she had long claimed, a laborious trace of Bourassa’s family tree revealed that her supposedly indigenous ancestors were in fact immigrant farmers who hailed from Russia, Poland, and Czechoslovakia.

“It makes you feel a bit sick,” said Janet Smylie, a Métis professor at the University of Toronto who worked with Bourassa on a book about indigenous parenting.

“To have an impostor who is speaking on behalf of Métis and indigenous people to the country about literally what it means to be Métis … that’s very disturbing and upsetting and harmful.”

Colleagues began to doubt Bourassa’s story as she began to add claims of Anishinaabe and Tlingit heritage to her tale — and took to dressing in stereotypically indigenous fashion. It started to unravel in 2019, when she appeared in full tribal regalia — draped in an electric blue shawl, with a feather in her partially braided hair — to give a TEDx Talk at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon.

“My name is Morning Star Bear,” she said tearfully as the crowd cheered.

“I’m Bear Clan. I’m Anishinaabe Métis from Treaty Four Territory,” she proclaimed as she described an impoverished childhood. But colleagues at the university, where Bourassa held a professorship, smelled a rat.

“When I saw that TEDx, to be quite honest, I was repulsed by how hard she was working to pass herself off as indigenous,” said Winona Wheeler, an associate professor of Indigenous studies at the college.

Wheeler, a documented member of Manitoba’s Fisher River Cree Nation, started digging into Bourassa’s genealogical records — and took her findings to the media.

But when pressed to provide evidence of Native American heritage, Bourassa suddenly changed her story — saying that she had been adopted into the Métis community by an unnamed Métis friend of her deceased grandfather, Clifford Laroque.

“Even though Clifford passed, those bonds are even deeper than death because the family has taken me as if I was their blood family. In turn, I serve the Métis community to the best of my ability.”
Not sure where to drop this, but why are so many Liberals flat out liars? Rachel Dolezal Deux.


A Canadian medical researcher who rose to become the nation’s top voice on indigenous health has been fired from her government job and her university professorship — after suspicious colleagues investigated her increasingly fanciful claims of Native American heritage and learned she was a fraud.

Carrie Bourassa, a public health expert who served as scientific director of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research’s Institute of Indigenous Peoples’ Health, was suspended five days after the state-owned Canadian Broadcasting Corporation published a lengthy expose on her background.

Far from being a member of the Métis nation, as she had long claimed, a laborious trace of Bourassa’s family tree revealed that her supposedly indigenous ancestors were in fact immigrant farmers who hailed from Russia, Poland, and Czechoslovakia.

“It makes you feel a bit sick,” said Janet Smylie, a Métis professor at the University of Toronto who worked with Bourassa on a book about indigenous parenting.

“To have an impostor who is speaking on behalf of Métis and indigenous people to the country about literally what it means to be Métis … that’s very disturbing and upsetting and harmful.”

Colleagues began to doubt Bourassa’s story as she began to add claims of Anishinaabe and Tlingit heritage to her tale — and took to dressing in stereotypically indigenous fashion. It started to unravel in 2019, when she appeared in full tribal regalia — draped in an electric blue shawl, with a feather in her partially braided hair — to give a TEDx Talk at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon.

“My name is Morning Star Bear,” she said tearfully as the crowd cheered.

“I’m Bear Clan. I’m Anishinaabe Métis from Treaty Four Territory,” she proclaimed as she described an impoverished childhood. But colleagues at the university, where Bourassa held a professorship, smelled a rat.

“When I saw that TEDx, to be quite honest, I was repulsed by how hard she was working to pass herself off as indigenous,” said Winona Wheeler, an associate professor of Indigenous studies at the college.

Wheeler, a documented member of Manitoba’s Fisher River Cree Nation, started digging into Bourassa’s genealogical records — and took her findings to the media.

But when pressed to provide evidence of Native American heritage, Bourassa suddenly changed her story — saying that she had been adopted into the Métis community by an unnamed Métis friend of her deceased grandfather, Clifford Laroque.

“Even though Clifford passed, those bonds are even deeper than death because the family has taken me as if I was their blood family. In turn, I serve the Métis community to the best of my ability.”
I wonder if she is related to Elizabeth Warren?
Y’all still riding with BlDEN?
Naaaah y’all walking,
ain’t got no gas money
In fairness... if she IDENTIFIES as an indigenous poople, who are the liberals to say she isn't? I mean, you CAN'T question biology. If she identifies as an Indian, she MUST be an Indian.

Hell, I identify as a 67 year old man. I would very much like to start drawing on my well-earned retirement. Who the **** are YOU to say I'm not 67. Respect MY TRUTH ************!
Tell me public schools aren't indoctrination engines. Stalking kids, tracking them when not in school, and attempting to push them into these clubs.


Leaked materials from the California Teacher’s Association Conference (CTA) in Palm Springs have shown how teachers are attempting to subvert parents on their children’s inclusion in LGBTQ+ clubs, and tactics for tracking their internet use.

The documentation and audio files from California’s largest teacher’s union meeting at CTA were sent to Abigail Shrier, who confirmed their authenticity with three participants from the conference.

The event was held from October 29th – 31st, 2021, and entitled “2021 LGBTQ+ Issues Conference, Beyond the Binary: Identity and Imagining Possibilities.

Topics ranged from advising teachers on best practices for subverting parents, handling conservative communities, and discussions of school principals of gender identity and sexual orientation.

The workshops provided at the conference encouraged teachers to “create a safe environment that fosters bravery to explore sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression,” while others taught teachers on how to form Gay-Straight Alliance clubs and other forms of LGBTQ+ clubs for middle schoolers.

Such clubs were promoted as answering questions on how to deal with “meddlesome parents” who might not want their child participating in such a club. One speaker noted that the clubs are “not official” so do not hold a roster of members or keep any records.

In the audio files, a Buena Vista Middle School teacher and LGBTQ+ club leader, Lori Caldeira, described how the lack of record-keeping allows for a legal loophole so she can lie to parents about their children’s whereabouts and attendance of such clubs.

Another middle school teacher named Kelly Baraki noted that she refers to her club “The Equity Club” or “You Be You” rather than GSA in order to further prevent parents from knowing what their children are attending.

Bakari spoke of mitigating any decline in LGBTQ+ club membership:

“…we started to try and identify kids. When they were doing virtual learning – we totally stalked what they were doing on Google, when they weren’t doing school work.”

Shrier further revealed that speakers at the conference were proud to share their tactics for tracking their student’s Google searches and other internet activity. Bakari described how she and fellow teachers, “make note of those kids and the things that they bring up with each other in chats or email or whatever.”

Others described eavesdropping on hallway conversations to target sixth grades, who were then sent personal invites to LGBTQ gatherings and clubs. This information was then withheld from the participants parents.

Bakari said, “we use our observations of kids in the classroom, conversations that we hear, to personally invite students, because that’s really the way we kinda get the bodies in the door, right?”

In order to create trust with her students, Caldeira said that she volunteered to read the morning announcements. She notes that this allows her to “control the information that goes home… this year, students have been allowed to put openly LGBT content in our morning announcement slides.”

Caldeira went on to describe how the principal of her school “flinches” because of the three-member team the teacher has assembled in her middle school: two “non-binary” and one “fluid” student.

When it comes to handling parental push-back, Caldeira and Bakari described doing a “mind-trick on our sixth graders,” wherein the anti-bullying presentations they provide will detail the gender stuff first. They hope that this will ensure their students go home and discuss the latter aspects of the presentation with their parents.

Both teachers went so far as to mock a parent who pushed back on this type of information being provided to their child. When another parent pushed back, Caldeira’s principal told the parent to send their child to a private school, which she described as a “win.”

Caldeira noted that she and her colleagues have “acted with great integrity in the past several years that we have run [their LGBTQ+ clubs]. We never crossed a line. We’ve wanted to, but we never have.”
Supreme Court To Carefully Consider Pros, Cons Of Baby Murder
November 30th, 2021 - BabylonBee.com

WASHINGTON, D.C.—The Supreme Court is hearing arguments on abortion law this week, where they will carefully weigh the pros and cons of murdering babies with metal tearing instruments and high-powered vacuums.
"Man, this is a tough one! Maybe we should make a list of pros and cons," said Chief Justice Roberts, according to sources. "Can we end baby murder while staying true to our lofty and convoluted jurisprudence? However we decide this case, we must remember what's truly important: our political reputations."
"Um," said Kavanaugh, "I guess 'babies not being murdered' would go in the 'pro' column."
"Yeah, but then CNN might say something bad about us," said Roberts. "That's definitely a 'con'."
Justices Kagan and Sotomayor disagreed, insisting that 'babies not being murdered' should be in the "con" column instead.
The justices went back and forth on the deep complexities of tearing preborn human beings limb from limb, crushing their skulls, and sucking their remains out with a suction device. As they debated, the collected spiritual forces of darkness, such as snarling demons and CNN news crews, descended on the Supreme Court building to voice their opinion that the blood sacrifice of the unborn before the altar of American narcissistic consumerism must be allowed to continue.
The justices are expected to debate this very complex and difficult moral issue until they decide whether they want to guarantee Constitutional protections to all human beings or not.
Not sure where to drop this, but why are so many Liberals flat out liars? Rachel Dolezal Deux.


A Canadian medical researcher who rose to become the nation’s top voice on indigenous health has been fired from her government job and her university professorship — after suspicious colleagues investigated her increasingly fanciful claims of Native American heritage and learned she was a fraud.

So is that job now open? I've been told I have high cheekbones.