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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Trump Winning"

Looks like he's getting quite the reception, welcomed with open arms, in that 17 degrees cold.

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Donald Trump fled impeachment to do one of his hate rallies in Battle Creek Michigan.<br><br>But he can’t run. He’s being greeted by this massive march chanting:<br><br>“Hey hey, ho ho, Donald Trump has got to go!”<br><br> <a href="https://t.co/dIClPKuEqR">pic.twitter.com/dIClPKuEqR</a></p>— Joshua Potash (@JoshuaPotash) <a href="https://twitter.com/JoshuaPotash/status/1207465058835587072?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 19, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>
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Groundhog Day Tibsy!

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You guys are sad and frankly pathetic. My guess is it's mostly low self-esteem and a great fear of the future and very little trust or hope in America. That's what allows you to be so damn petty, when faced with the slightest criticism of your beloved saviour. I just hope you've figured out what life will look like when Trump won't be around to lead you around by the nose. Be strong, have faith in yourself, in the country and your fellow Americans. Don't be afraid. Life will go on.
GroundHog Day Tibsy gets the mirror out.

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Pelosi actually has to give that 'scold' look to teenagers cheering and taking selfies:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Nancy Pelosi forced to silence impeachment cheers from self-proclaimed “solemn” and “prayerful” Democrats <a href="https://t.co/8khCTikx6C">pic.twitter.com/8khCTikx6C</a></p>— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) <a href="https://twitter.com/SteveGuest/status/1207477364722196486?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 19, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

This is a serious and solemn measure taken, my ***. And talk about drunk, Pelosi already sounds like she's 3 sheets to the wind.
Back to the man of the hour....as of today, Trump will forever have an asterisk next to his name. Now that's winning, congrats Donny!


* stands for 2 term POTUS.
Watching deranged, beet-red, coked-up Trump rambling on tonight like a madman, in front of an adoring, cheering audience, really gives you the sense this country is ready to go right over the edge.

Good luck gents, godspeed to you all, hitching your cart to this horse. Wow, when I think I've seen it all with nutso Donny, it seems the bottom is much deeper than anyone's imagined. Stay strong.

As far as short term goals, if I was you, just hope he doesn't have an aneurysm or cardiac arrest.

No Tibs, it's you that's going over the edge.

So what has Trump done to hurt the country thus far ? Another one you wont answer,
and when you wake up tomorrow


Yeah... this was a really really really really bad move for the Democratic Party... the single greatest thing Bill Clinton did was fight a political impeachment when the republicans couldn’t hold his feet to the fire over real things without exposing themselves to the same issues... they impeached him on a minor count and paid dearly for it... I’m guessing that this leads to the Democratic loss of the House at least... the moderate s aren’t pleased with them right now....
I see no positives for the Democratic Party out of all of this.

Trump isn't getting removed. They look like whiny *******. Every poll is rejecting this nonsense.

Trump's approval rating in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin and Florida are all up. Middle America is absolutely sick to their stomach at what this has become and they are not blaming Trump.

He's going to win bigger than he did in 2020. And while I'm not going so far as to say the House switches back (demographically, that will always be tied to the popular vote and dominated by California), I think signs, tee minus 320 days away, is very good for Trump to win a 2nd term.

The only thing I can see that would derail everything is if we have a generational stock market collapse. Like it drops from 29,000 to 20,000 in a week or something completely crazy.

I mean, my God, I just checked the stock market value to confirm that last sentence and it's up to 28,200. On election day 2016, it was 18,600. What the **** is Tibs smoking? That is literally a 50% increase since Trump was elected. 50%!!!!
Wow, he's still going, rambling on like a 15-year old speed freak waiting for a cheeseburger at the 24-hour McD.

It would not shock me if one of these days, Trump cuts a line, rolls up a twenty dollar bill and does a rail right off the podium. Any grown man or woman who says, 'hey, this is my guy,' is simply kidding themselves at this point. He's a ******* trainwreck, sorry.

didnt you just post the mental gymnastics of a 15 year old just prior to this post?
and when you wake up tomorrow



A lot of people are going to wake up today thinking Trump's gone. Silly, silly people.
I see no positives for the Democratic Party out of all of this.

Trump isn't getting removed. They look like whiny *******. Every poll is rejecting this nonsense.

Trump's approval rating in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin and Florida are all up. Middle America is absolutely sick to their stomach at what this has become and they are not blaming Trump.

He's going to win bigger than he did in 2020. And while I'm not going so far as to say the House switches back (demographically, that will always be tied to the popular vote and dominated by California), I think signs, tee minus 320 days away, is very good for Trump to win a 2nd term.

The only thing I can see that would derail everything is if we have a generational stock market collapse. Like it drops from 29,000 to 20,000 in a week or something completely crazy.

I mean, my God, I just checked the stock market value to confirm that last sentence and it's up to 28,200. On election day 2016, it was 18,600. What the **** is Tibs smoking? That is literally a 50% increase since Trump was elected. 50%!!!!

52% actually...
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Interestingly, Tibs had a little rant about a page or two back where he put up 3 or 4 pretty hate-laden posts.

I honestly think he really DID watch the Michigan rally and he was horrified at how many people showed up in the cold to support Trump. I think he is beginning to truly process the fact that Trump, for all his twitter failings, truly is the choice of the people. And I imagine that is as hard a blow to the psyche as a person can bear when he is so violently opposed to a conservative administration.

On the fun side...

It occurred to me that Hungary was an Eastern Bloc country. They WERE Russkies. THERE'S your Russian involvement. Who knew the Russkies really ARE trying to sway the election. They're just trying to sway it democrat!
So, actual nuts & bolts question here...

Pelosi is delaying sending her articles to the Senate floor until they apparently give her the trial protocol info. (Seems she gets to assign some "managers"? and wants to know how many so she can choose them.) Anyway, as Pelosi delays, the trial ultimately is delayed.

How long did it take the House to go through all their stuff? A couple months at least, ya? So I suppose we could assume the Senate has the ability to drag a trial out for 2 to 3 months as they like.

(Honest, I'm getting to my point...)

As I understand it, the Senate members are required to be present for the trial proceedings. All of them. This means that a long, protracted trial would hold both Sanders & Warren in DC and prevent them from campaigning. Depending on when the trial occurs and how long it goes, this could utterly hamstring both of their candidacies. How are they going to keep up with a surging Buttigieg, or New-to-the-game Bloomberg or, dare I say darling-in-the-wings Hillary if they can't get out of DC to campaign?

I'm wondering if the democrats are planning a "May Surprise" and roll out beloved Hitlery at a point when A) Sanders and Warren can't campaign and B) knowing that Warren and Sanders are splitting each other's votes.

Anway, conspiracy Wig is always working... always working.
But, but, but ... I see about 100 protesters at a Trump rally with 7,000+ pro-Trumpers present.

That can't be good for Trump!! I mean, 100 imbeciles > 7,000+, right?
* Impeachment of 45

* Idiots who voted for it afraid to send it for trial; deemed the "non-impeachment impeachment." Akin to having brother-in-law and cousin on a "grand jury" convened in drinking session at 2:30 a.m. in living room to issue indictment for being mean at Christmas, only to refuse to send to mom for review because she would *****-stomp the nitwits who wasted time by adopting such a moronic measure. Supported today solely by four batshit crazy ******* whose combined cosmetic surgery and body mass make it difficult to determine if still human.
Fun things the Senate can do now

Hold Pelosi in Contempt of Congress for withholding articles from Senate

Pelosi could be charged with Obstruction of Congress

By attempting to extort the GOP SENATE, they could file extortion and abuse of power charges to get her removed from her position in the House

Lock her up! lol
Back to the man of the hour....as of today, Trump will forever have an asterisk next to his name. Now that's winning, congrats Donny!


What did you have in mind Tibs?

* Kept his campaign promises
* First non politician ever elected president.
* Donated his presidents salary to charity

Asploding heads alert!...and if you needed more proof how delusional libs are

Neil Gorsuch Said ‘Merry Christmas’ on Television and People are Going Crazy

Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch set off a minor social media frenzy Tuesday after appearing on “Fox and Friends” and wishing host Ainsley Earhardt “Merry Christmas” during an interview promoting his book.

Leftwing critics suggested the justice was signaling his sympathies with people disturbed at the secularization of American public life by saying “Merry Christmas”



Oh, you want more

Actor Pierce Brosnan PRAISES Trump, And Liberals Lose Their Minds


Brosnan once suggested he might leave the United States because of President Trump, but he now acknowledges there’s been a big bright spot during his presidency: the economy.

“I think what he’s done for the economy is very good,” Brosnan told ITK in a recent interview when asked where he stood as far as potentially fleeing the country.

“People are working, and that’s a step in the right direction,” the star said.

“This country is part of my life,” said the Irish-born performer, who played James Bond in four of the franchise’s films. “I’m an American citizen. I love America and America’s been very good to me. And I want to see happiness come back into our society.”

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Fun things the Senate can do now

Hold Pelosi in Contempt of Congress for withholding articles from Senate

Pelosi could be charged with Obstruction of Congress

By attempting to extort the GOP SENATE, they could file extortion and abuse of power charges to get her removed from her position in the House

Lock her up! lol

I'd think there's a quid pro quo in there somewhere.