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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Trump Winning"

Not sure where to post this so I'll drop it here.

Everyone remember what a **** storm Trump got because David Duke endorsed him? He didn't "ask" for the endorsement, but he sure as hell paid for it through the media and among Liberals.

Well here we have Fauxcahauntas BRAGGING about her endorsement from Ed Buck, the vermin that's gotten away with murder as a notorious sexual predator. This will NOT be made out to be an issue however because (D).

Elizabeth Warren boasts of endorsement from 'dangerous sexual predator' Ed Buck

Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts trumpeted the support of an alleged serial predator in a list of 200 Obama alumni who have backed her presidential campaign.

On the list is "Edward B.P. Buck." Ed Buck, 65, whose full name is Edward Bernard Peter Buck, was arrested in September on charges of three counts of battery causing serious injury, administering methamphetamine, and maintaining a drug house in Los Angeles, California. Federal authorities also charged Buck with one count of distribution of methamphetamine resulting in death.

"This was a mistake considering Ed Buck was not staff or an alum. This was put together via Google Docs by some Obama alums, and they caught some nonstaff that populated the list, but obviously, they missed one. They are removing it," Warren spokesman Chris Hayden told the Washington Examiner.

Alleged victims of Buck told investigators that he would prey on black men with the promise of free drugs to lure them back to his home in Los Angeles. There, Buck would drug the victims against their wishes and sexually assault them. Buck, a major Democratic Party megadonor, has supported a number of past candidates, including President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and California Reps. Ted Lieu and Adam Schiff.

Linking via Twitter to an article about the endorsements, Warren said, "I'm grateful to have the support of these Obama campaign alumni and my fellow Obama administration alumni. Their work changed what we know is possible in our politics. Together, we can win in 2020 and build a government that works for everyone."

In July 2017, Gemmel Moore, 26, who was homeless and working as a prostitute, fatally overdosed. Moore wrote in his journal that he blamed Buck for his out-of-control drug habit. “I’ve become addicted to drugs and the worst one at that,” Moore wrote. “Ed Buck is the one to thank, he gave me my first injection of crystal meth.”

In January this year, Timothy Dean, 55, was found dead in Buck’s home. Buck’s attorney, Seymour Amster, said at the time that the man ingested drugs before coming to the megadonor’s residence.

Buck delayed for 15 minutes before calling paramedics after Dean died, according to an autopsy report. That was disputed by Buck, who said he was in another room taking a shower when Dean fell unconscious.

“From what I know, it was an old friend who died of an accidental overdose, and unfortunately, we believe that the substance was ingested at some place other than the apartment,” his lawyer said. Dean's sister, Joyce Jackson, described Buck as a predator. "I really believe he preyed on people. I think he’s sick. He really needs to get some help," she said.

Prosecutors touched on the two deaths in court documents, writing, “Not deterred by the senseless deaths of Moore and Dean, [Buck] nearly killed a third victim last week.”

In the motion requesting bail be set at $4 million, prosecutors called Buck “a violent, dangerous sexual predator” who “mainly preys on men made vulnerable by addiction and homelessness.”

One individual told investigators in horrifying detail about the alleged terror Buck would inflict on his victims.

"Buck then became frustrated and obtained a power saw from a closet, turned it on, and approached Victim 7 with it," a criminal filing states.

If convicted of the charges, Buck could face more than five years in state prison.

Buck made his millions in the 1980s while living in Arizona after buying an information services company out of bankruptcy. He then began bankrolling a number of political initiatives, starting with leading the impeachment charge against former Arizona Gov. Evan Mecham. In 1989, he was crowned the grand marshal of the International Gay Rodeo.

Buck moved to a gay neighborhood of West Hollywood, Los Angeles, two years later and started funding the campaigns of various Democrats at the local, state, and national levels. Since the 1990s, Buck has donated over half a million dollars to Democratic candidates.

But as he was cutting checks to prominent Democratic politicians, Buck was allegedly engaged in a twisted game of manipulating some of the city's most vulnerable


Remember folks, Democrat criminals, even murderers, can still be heroes to those on the Left.
Oh boy, not the evangelicals...this can't be happening.

Trump Should Be Removed from Office

It’s time to say what we said 20 years ago when a president’s character was revealed for what it was.

In our founding documents, Billy Graham explains that Christianity Today will help evangelical Christians interpret the news in a manner that reflects their faith. The impeachment of Donald Trump is a significant event in the story of our republic. It requires comment.

The typical CT approach is to stay above the fray and allow Christians with different political convictions to make their arguments in the public square, to encourage all to pursue justice according to their convictions and treat their political opposition as charitably as possible. We want CT to be a place that welcomes Christians from across the political spectrum, and reminds everyone that politics is not the end and purpose of our being. We take pride in the fact, for instance, that politics does not dominate our homepage.

That said, we do feel it necessary from time to time to make our own opinions on political matters clear—always, as Graham encouraged us, doing so with both conviction and love. We love and pray for our president, as we love and pray for leaders (as well as ordinary citizens) on both sides of the political aisle.

Let’s grant this to the president: The Democrats have had it out for him from day one, and therefore nearly everything they do is under a cloud of partisan suspicion. This has led many to suspect not only motives but facts in these recent impeachment hearings. And, no, Mr. Trump did not have a serious opportunity to offer his side of the story in the House hearings on impeachment.

But the facts in this instance are unambiguous: The president of the United States attempted to use his political power to coerce a foreign leader to harass and discredit one of the president’s political opponents. That is not only a violation of the Constitution; more importantly, it is profoundly immoral.

The reason many are not shocked about this is that this president has dumbed down the idea of morality in his administration. He has hired and fired a number of people who are now convicted criminals. He himself has admitted to immoral actions in business and his relationship with women, about which he remains proud. His Twitter feed alone—with its habitual string of mischaracterizations, lies, and slanders—is a near perfect example of a human being who is morally lost and confused.

Trump’s evangelical supporters have pointed to his Supreme Court nominees, his defense of religious liberty, and his stewardship of the economy, among other things, as achievements that justify their support of the president. We believe the impeachment hearings have made it absolutely clear, in a way the Mueller investigation did not, that President Trump has abused his authority for personal gain and betrayed his constitutional oath. The impeachment hearings have illuminated the president’s moral deficiencies for all to see. This damages the institution of the presidency, damages the reputation of our country, and damages both the spirit and the future of our people. None of the president’s positives can balance the moral and political danger we face under a leader of such grossly immoral character.

This concern for the character of our national leader is not new in CT. In 1998, we wrote this:

The President's failure to tell the truth—even when cornered—rips at the fabric of the nation. This is not a private affair. For above all, social intercourse is built on a presumption of trust: trust that the milk your grocer sells you is wholesome and pure; trust that the money you put in your bank can be taken out of the bank; trust that your babysitter, firefighters, clergy, and ambulance drivers will all do their best. And while politicians are notorious for breaking campaign promises, while in office they have a fundamental obligation to uphold our trust in them and to live by the law.

And this:

Unsavory dealings and immoral acts by the President and those close to him have rendered this administration morally unable to lead.

Unfortunately, the words that we applied to Mr. Clinton 20 years ago apply almost perfectly to our current president. Whether Mr. Trump should be removed from office by the Senate or by popular vote next election—that is a matter of prudential judgment. That he should be removed, we believe, is not a matter of partisan loyalties but loyalty to the Creator of the Ten Commandments.

To the many evangelicals who continue to support Mr. Trump in spite of his blackened moral record, we might say this: Remember who you are and whom you serve. Consider how your justification of Mr. Trump influences your witness to your Lord and Savior. Consider what an unbelieving world will say if you continue to brush off Mr. Trump’s immoral words and behavior in the cause of political expediency. If we don’t reverse course now, will anyone take anything we say about justice and righteousness with any seriousness for decades to come? Can we say with a straight face that abortion is a great evil that cannot be tolerated and, with the same straight face, say that the bent and broken character of our nation’s leader doesn’t really matter in the end?

We have reserved judgment on Mr. Trump for years now. Some have criticized us for our reserve. But when it comes to condemning the behavior of another, patient charity must come first. So we have done our best to give evangelical Trump supporters their due, to try to understand their point of view, to see the prudential nature of so many political decisions they have made regarding Mr. Trump. To use an old cliché, it’s time to call a spade a spade, to say that no matter how many hands we win in this political poker game, we are playing with a stacked deck of gross immorality and ethical incompetence. And just when we think it’s time to push all our chips to the center of the table, that’s when the whole game will come crashing down. It will crash down on the reputation of evangelical religion and on the world’s understanding of the gospel. And it will come crashing down on a nation of men and women whose welfare is also our concern.

Mark Galli is editor in chief of Christianity Today.

Let's assume for a minute that there was quid pro quo with Ukraine.

1. It isn't illegal.
2. It isn't even what they started the impeachment about.
3. Said quid pro quo with foreign aid money is how we've been running foreign policy since the end of WWII, giving or withholding money to get other countries to do or not do what we want them to do or not do.
Let's assume for a minute that there was quid pro quo with Ukraine.

1. It isn't illegal.
2. It isn't even what they started the impeachment about.
3. Said quid pro quo with foreign aid money is how we've been running foreign policy since the end of WWII, giving or withholding money to get other countries to do or not do what we want them to do or not do.

This was quid pro quo for personal gain. That is the difference. That is how Trump abused the power of his office. Nothing he did was in the national interest or for the benefit of the country. He then obstructed Congress every step of the way. Consequently, he got his ***** *** impeached. Quite simple, really is.
It was exactly for our countries best interest. Joe is guilty of exactly what you are accusing Trump of. Pay for play, Ukraine gives junior nice cushy job that he has zero experience in for access to the VP. And trust me no one is worried about Biden beating Trump absolutely no one. This was just Trump throwing shade at Obama.
And trust me no one is worried about Biden beating Trump absolutely no one. This was just Trump throwing shade at Obama.

Great, and he just got his *** impeached for doing so. Slow clap.

Democrats are the #1 enemy of the American People!

Shout it from the rooftops!

Ivanka Trump says impeachment has 'energized' her father -- and his 63 Million supporters

White House senior adviser Ivanka Trump says this week's "purely partisan" impeachment of her father by the House of Representatives has "energized" him and "his 63 million-plus voters."

"In fact, the only thing bipartisan was the vote against proceeding forward"

Not a single Republican backed the impeachment of the president on either of two charges -- abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, but a few Democrats sided with the GOP against the action.

"It is pretty unprecedented that support for impeachment has decreased over time as more information was presented to the American people. It's decreased, not increased," she said.

"So with all of this time spent, with all of these witnesses who didn't have firsthand knowledge, with all of these people that have been paraded in front of the American people, support for this action has decreased. So, you know, I think he sees it for what it is, which is really just raw partisan politics."



Ivanka, your first American woman president, 2024, lol
Last edited:
House passes USMCA deal, giving Trump big win on trade

The House on Thursday backed a new trade agreement with Mexico and Canada in a 385-41 vote, giving President Trump a big bipartisan victory and sending the NAFTA replacement to the Senate for consideration early in 2020.

Democrats, who control the House, approved the United States-Mexico- Canada Agreement, or USMCA, more than a year after President Trump secured the deal with our neighbors to the south and north.

Voting against the measure were 38 Democrats, two Republicans and one independent.



The entire “Squad” voted against it, nuff said

Van Drew pledges 'undying support' for Trump as he switches parties

Rep. Jeff Van Drew on Thursday formally became a Republican, pledging his "undying support" for Donald Trump as the ex-Democrat sat next to the president in the White House.

“I believe that this is just a better fit for me,” the New Jersey lawmaker said, following a meeting with Trump Thursday afternoon. “This is who I am.”


This was quid pro quo for personal gain. That is the difference. That is how Trump abused the power of his office. Nothing he did was in the national interest or for the benefit of the country. He then obstructed Congress every step of the way. Consequently, he got his ***** *** impeached. Quite simple, really is.

no, you do not know that. you were told this was for personal gain.
how would the investigation of Ukraine into corruption in their country lead to personal gain for Trump?
no, you do not know that. you were told this was for personal gain.
how would the investigation of Ukraine into corruption in their country lead to personal gain for Trump?

Because Biden is Trump's "political rival." Whatever the **** that means.
Don't worry about evangelicals based on that rag Christianity Today -

"It’s obvious that Christianity Today has moved to the left and is representing the elitist liberal wing of evangelicalism," wrote Franklin Graham, CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan's Purse, an evangelical relief organization. Graham accused the magazine of being "used by the left for their political agenda."

"Yes, my father Billy Graham founded Christianity Today; but no, he would not agree with their opinion piece," Franklin Graham wrote, before revealing that his father was a Trump supporter before his death in 2018. "My father knew Donald Trump, he believed in Donald Trump, and he voted for Donald Trump. He believed that Donald J. Trump was the man for this hour in history for our nation."

Trump also criticized the magazine on Friday, tweeting that it is "far left" and "has been doing poorly."

"No President has done more for the Evangelical community, and it’s not even close," he added.

Consequently, he got his ***** *** impeached. Quite simple, really is.

I must have missed 60 minutes because I thought it had to pass the Senate for impeachment to be official.

If Trump got his "***** ***" impeached why is he still the president today?
I must have missed 60 minutes because I thought it had to pass the Senate for impeachment to be official.

If Trump got his "***** ***" impeached why is he still the president today?

I believe that once the House votes to bring impeachment charges, that is when the president is considered to be impeached, so Trump has been impeached. I think. Not clear to me if the articles of impeachment have to be sent to the Senate to make it an official impeachment or if that happens once the House votes to impeach regardless.
I must have missed 60 minutes because I thought it had to pass the Senate for impeachment to be official.

If Trump got his "***** ***" impeached why is he still the president today?

It's just a feel good time for lefties. This second failed coup attempt should be their undoing. Idoits just ****** themselves.

I'm more concerned with what is going on in Virginia. About 90% of the counties have declared themselves 2nd Ammendment sanctuarys and will not comply with the unconstitutional confiscation the soon to be sworn in govenor has promised to enforce by national gaurd if needed.

A bunch of other states are starting to follow suit.

If bloodshed breaks out all of that is on the Democrats.
It's just a feel good time for lefties. This second failed coup attempt should be their undoing. Idoits just ****** themselves.

I'm more concerned with what is going on in Virginia. About 90% of the counties have declared themselves 2nd Ammendment sanctuarys and will not comply with the unconstitutional confiscation the soon to be sworn in govenor has promised to enforce by national gaurd if needed.

A bunch of other states are starting to follow suit.

If bloodshed breaks out all of that is on the Democrats.

This will be a good illustration of how private gun ownership can thwart government overreach. When offered the true reason for the Second Amendment, which is to allow armed resistance to a tyrannical government, libs like to laugh and say you can't pretend to resist the power of the US military - they have tanks and planes and nukes! IMO the National Guard would not be successful against a large citizen militia. Forget about if they have situations in multiple states. This is even assuming that a lot of them wouldn't stand down, as I imagine most in the National Guard are Second Amendment supporters.
I do find it humorous that Pelosi is afraid to send the articles to the Senate, because she doesn't know how the proceedings will be handled.

I thought she was all about passing things so we can find out what's in them.

It's none of her ******* business how it will be handled.
VA getting a taste of Democrat rule. I predict record Republican turnout in 2020 and Trump takes VA this time.
The real fun will come if Trump's impeachment does stand up in the Senate (which I don't believe it will), and he is removed from office…

The "real fun" will be when he refuses to leave! LOL
Now that will be real entertainment that even Spike could appreciate!

Hell--I have a hard time believing he would leave the White House after losing an election, to be honest with you.