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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Trump Winning"

Wow, and I recall your alarms when women were fainting for Obama, etc. Oh, no, I don't, because you didn't. So just ******* stop.

Finally, nobody - and I mean N-O-B-O-D-Y - worships Trump. It is the usual projection from (D)ims about their buttlicking of Obama.

But, but, but ... Mayor Pete and his husband!! Crazy Bernie and AOC!! Liz "Injun" Warren and her pregnancy termination! Joe "Bleeding Eye, err, Heart" Biden and his vaunted sidekick, Cokehunter and Gasman Hunter "Hoes Make Good Mothers" Biden!!


It'll be funny if the Dem's nominee ends up being someone who wasn't among the two dozen candidates in the two dozen debates because none of those window lickers can win. Hildebeast got plastic surgery so she could be gearing up, remember she had that wide *** lipo'd back in 2016. I'm thinking her or Bloomberg and **** all of you and your silly debates.
Fact is, Trump is a piece of **** and you all know it. For whatever reason, you ignore it, or simply don't care anymore, or maybe never cared. Hence why it's safe to proclaim the Trump base sold its soul a long time ago. Christians, my ***. What a joke. To each his own.

<section class="post-headline-wrapper">Trump implies beloved late Michigan congressman is in hell during a rally held while the House voted in favor of impeachment


I like it. I hope Dingleberry is rotting in hell too. Trump shoulda asked Dingleberry to give Elijah Cummings his regards.
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Back to the man of the hour....as of today, Trump will forever have an asterisk next to his name. Now that's winning, congrats Donny!

Not so fast you buffoon...Trump has not been impeached.

Politics & Policy

Trump Isn’t Impeached Until the House Tells the Senate

According to the Constitution, impeachment is a process, not a vote.


Noah Feldman

‎December‎ ‎19‎, ‎2019‎ ‎4‎:‎35‎ ‎PM

The Constitution doesn’t say how fast the articles must go to the Senate. Some modest delay is not inconsistent with the Constitution, or how both chambers usually work.

But an indefinite delay would pose a serious problem. Impeachment as contemplated by the Constitution does not consist merely of the vote by the House, but of the process of sending the articles to the Senate for trial. Both parts are necessary to make an impeachment under the Constitution: The House must actually send the articles and send managers to the Senate to prosecute the impeachment. And the Senate must actually hold a trial.

If the House does not communicate its impeachment to the Senate, it hasn’t actually impeached the president. If the articles are not transmitted, Trump could legitimately say that he wasn’t truly impeached at all.

That’s because “impeachment” under the Constitution means the House sending its approved articles of to the Senate, with House managers standing up in the Senate and saying the president is impeached.

As for the headlines we saw after the House vote saying, “TRUMP IMPEACHED,” those are a media shorthand, not a technically correct legal statement. So far, the House has voted to impeach (future tense) Trump. He isn’t impeached (past tense) until the articles go to the Senate and the House members deliver the message.
Read the rest if you like

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Just checking in.... is Trump still the President of this wonderful, United States of ******* America?

Yes. Trump is still your President.
Just checking in.... is Trump still the President of this wonderful, United States of ******* America?

Still here!

Merry Christmas!

How could any honest, self-respecting Christian ever support Trump? He's proven many times over if he's anything, he is the anti-Christ. How could you support a man who violates the seven deadly sins on a daily basis? It doesn't make sense.

1. Lust
2. Gluttony
3. Greed
4. Sloth
5. Wrath
6. Envy
7. Pride

Probably because they despise Democrat politicians and the media. I can relate.
meanwhile, the left is still in love with their boy Hunter

“Hey, judge — do you know who I am??”

In a story straight out of Maury Povich, Hunter Biden was dating his brother's widow when he fathered a child with a stripper behind her back.

Hunter denied the baby was his, but a DNA test confirmed Hunter is indeed the father. The baby-mama stripper is now seeking child support from Hunter Biden to help raise their child, and she is accusing Hunter Biden of refusing to turn over financial records for the past five years.

From April 2014 to April 2019, Hunter was reportedly getting paid more than $50,000 a month by the Ukrainian energy company Burisma.

In court documents Hunter's legal team attempted to use Joe Biden's political career as a reason to keep a scheduled deposition in the child support case under seal.

Hunter's lawyers argued that information obtained in the deposition could "unreasonably annoy, embarrass, or oppress" Hunter and his family.

'The defendant has provided no support for this child for over a year.

'The Court should not let the defendant continue to avoid his natural and legal duty to support his child by failing to provide basic information about his income, finances and lifestyle.

'This Court should compel the defendant to answer the interrogatories and requests for production documents in time for the January 7, 2020 hearing in this case.'

How could any honest, self-respecting Christian ever support Trump?

I’m not really a Christian. I mean I believe in Jesus Christ and the lord our God, but I do not actively practice. That said, people (that I know) mostly support Trump because he isn’t a Democrat. It really is that simple. Democrats today are some of the most morally bankrupt people on the planet, regardless of what comes from their forked tongues. I don’t much care for Donald Trump the person, but I would take him over any democrat in office or with any political aspirations, and it isn’t a hard choice. Democrats have shown what they are. And considering the system is rigged to ensure a third party candidate has no chance, it makes it easy. It’s sad, but it’s where we are.
How could any honest, self-respecting Christian ever support Trump? He's proven many times over if he's anything, he is the anti-Christ. How could you support a man who violates the seven deadly sins on a daily basis? It doesn't make sense.

You don't understand because you're too shallow minded.

Heard a leading Evangelical pastor on the radio yesterday by the name of John Piper. Once a fierce outspoken critic of Trump, he has since done a 180 and now is a staunch supporter of him. He admitted he was wrong.

Piper had likened Trump to Constantine The Great, a pagan, having many wives and was ruthless. This piqued my interest, so I decided to look up Constantine:

Constantine would go on to not only save the Roman Empire, but also liberate Christianity. He signed the Edict of Milan in 313, giving Christians the right to practice their faith and speak freely. This was enough to allow Christians to engage in the public sphere with freedom, thereby enabling them to spread the Christian message to the ends of the empire and Christianise a pagan culture.

Constantine himself was no pillar of virtue, but he created the environment which gave Christians the freedom to influence society. The early Christians were perfectly capable of influencing society themselves; all they needed from the emperor was the freedom to do so.

Fast forward to 2016, and we can see many obvious similarities.

America doesn't need a holy man for president.

American doesn’t need a president to make arguments for us. America just needs a president to give us the freedom to make our arguments without fear of being shouted down by the politically correct brigade.

Does that help clear things up Tibs?

Read the article in it's entirety.

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America doesn't need a holy man for president.

We have a "holy man" running The Vatican right now who's a Communist. How's that working out?
Quote Originally Posted by Tibs View Post
How could any honest, self-respecting Christian ever support Trump? He's proven many times over if he's anything, he is the anti-Christ. How could you support a man who violates the seven deadly sins on a daily basis? It doesn't make sense.

1. Lust
2. Gluttony
3. Greed
4. Sloth
5. Wrath
6. Envy
7. Pride




Tibsy....I see Unka George is still out there pushing your communist propaganda. Isn't anti-religion part of that agenda ?

Soros Group Has Given $1.5 Million To Organization Closely Linked To Fusion GPS

WASHINGTON–After denying it for years, leading “progressive Evangelical Christian” Jim Wallis of the group Sojourners admitted that he is being funded by atheist billionaire and self-proclaimed “god” George Soros’ Open Society Institu

Soros, who was convicted of insider trading, has a long history of showering his ill-gotten wealth on Christian groups, usually to subvert them or promote anti-Christian attacks against the church and biblical truth.

Tibsy, I don't think you can espouse anything to do with religion and be deemed credible.....jus sayin.

yeah, that's another reason you are on ignore.....bullshit statements like that.
Tibs was once a rational debater, but the more he was shown that his arguments were wrong, the higher his resistance became to accepting the truth.

As the resistance to accepting truth increases so do displays of hatred, conjecture, generalizations, baseless accusations, demonization.... people like AG Barr for example who he has recently demonized.
This is typical libtardism. He has demonstrated he is one of them.

The only difference between him and your average run of the mill libtard is that Tibs articulates stupidity much better.
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Tibs was once a rational debater, but the more he was shown that his arguments were wrong, the higher his resistance became to accepting the truth. As the resistance to accepting truth increases so do displays of hatred, conjecture, generalizations, baseless accusations, demonization.... people like AG Barr for example who he has recently demonized. This is typical libtardism. He now has demonstrated he is one of them. The only difference between him and your average run of the mill libtard is that Tibs articulates stupidity much better.

That nearly made me weep. So heartfelt and touching.

Tibs was once a rational debater, but the more he was shown that his arguments were wrong, the higher his resistance became to accepting the truth.

As the resistance to accepting truth increases so do displays of hatred, conjecture, generalizations, baseless accusations, demonization.... people like AG Barr for example who he has recently demonized.
This is typical libtardism. He has demonstrated he is one of them.

The only difference between him and your average run of the mill libtard is that Tibs articulates stupidity much better.

Stupid is as stupid does. Run Forest!
LOL we've truly come full circle. Mr. Impeachment is now literally tweeting out Putin in his defense. There are so many red flags with Trump & Russia the WH is flooded in a sea of red. But the GOP don't care...they've sold the country down the river.

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">We've now arrived at the point where Trump's impeachment defense is…Vladimir Putin. <a href="https://t.co/s9X1TfUjvd">pic.twitter.com/s9X1TfUjvd</a></p>— Citizens for Ethics (@CREWcrew) <a href="https://twitter.com/CREWcrew/status/1208449584781053952?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 21, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>
Didn't Tim give Tibs his own thread?
Looking at you, National Review. Finally, true conservatives begin to stand up to Trump. Need much more of this. The entire article is well worth reading.

Four Tests for Impeachment

If you have read this far, you know my answer to these questions. The Constitution provides for impeachment and removal to protect us from officials, including presidents, who are unable or unwilling to distinguish between the common good that government is supposed to serve and their own narrow interests. Though he has done some good things in office, Trump is just such a president. Congress should act accordingly.
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I’m not really a Christian. I mean I believe in Jesus Christ and the lord our God, but I do not actively practice. That said, people (that I know) mostly support Trump because he isn’t a Democrat. It really is that simple. Democrats today are some of the most morally bankrupt people on the planet, regardless of what comes from their forked tongues. I don’t much care for Donald Trump the person, but I would take him over any democrat in office or with any political aspirations, and it isn’t a hard choice. Democrats have shown what they are. And considering the system is rigged to ensure a third party candidate has no chance, it makes it easy. It’s sad, but it’s where we are.

This is exactly why the guy won in 16 and most likely will win in 20. These dumbass Democrat's need to stop blaming us for voting for him and look in the mirror and see why we would never vote for them.

Like I have said 1000 times before you stand a crooked Republican beside a crooked Democrat and I will vote for the crooked Republican every time.