Which makes it all the more ironic, doesn't it, to see former conservatives drop to their knees and bow down in front of an autocratic demagogue like Trump.
au·to·crat·ic | \ ˌȯ-tə-ˈkra-tik
1 : of, relating to, or being an autocracy : absolute an autocratic government
dem·a·gogue | \ ˈde-mə-ˌgäg
1 : a leader who makes use of popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power
Trump is certainly not autocratic, as he does NOT seek to expand the power of the Federal government. Quite the opposite is true. Autocratic would definitely apply to Bernie and Fauxcahontas, though, wouldn't it with the explosive growth of the Fed via control of health care, student debt, travel, homes, businesses and foo - in other words, every facet of life.
Popular prejudices and false claims. Like, "Illegals are costing the nation hundreds of billions of dollars per year and driving down wages"? No, that claim is true. Like, "The endless wars are bankrupting the Fed and making a select few in Washington millionaires"? No, true again. Like, "The current trade deals are a rip-off for America and need to be ******* re-done right-the-****-now"? Nope, true again.
How about these: "You can get medical care for free." Or, "We can provide free medical care to illegals and it won't drive up the number of illegals or cost us billions." Or, "We can pay for your college education and we can afford it." Or, "We can institute free medical care and free college just by taxing the top 1%, even thought taxing the top 1% at 100% will yield about $2.2 trillion dollars per year while the combined cost of 'free' medical care and 'free' college would be about $4.2 trillion per year - $3.8 trillion for the medical care and $400 billion for college."
Oh, short $2 ******* trillion - that's TRILLION - per year, even taxing the top 1% at ONE HUNDRED ******* PERCENT AND EXPECTING THEM TO SIMPLY TURN OVER EVERY DIME THEY EARN?!?!?
Okay, so now that the top 1% are destitute and have sold their homes and moved to Ireland because they cannot live in the United States any more, what now? You have a $4.2 trillion - once again, that's TRILLION - obligation every year that, as is true with every ******* government program ever ******* implemented in the history of forever, will balloon far faster than anticipated, so what now??
In short, I definitely see two candidates who are autocratic demagogues, using lies and prejudices to increase their already considerable power: Fauxcahontas and Commie-Man.