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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Trump Winning"

Keep delivering on those promises, and keep building that wall!

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">BREAKING: Trump Taking Major Step To Complete Border Wall Construction <a href="https://t.co/LwzeDtzfUX">https://t.co/LwzeDtzfUX</a></p>— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) <a href="https://twitter.com/RealSaavedra/status/1216908749291446273?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 14, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>


The Trump administration is reportedly preparing to divert more than $7 billion in funds from the Pentagon to build an additional nearly 900 miles of border wall along the southern border.

Internal planning figures obtained by The Washington Post allegedly showed that the administration is planning to divert $7.2 billion to construction of the border wall.

“The Pentagon funds would be extracted, for the second year in a row, from military construction projects and counternarcotics funding,” The Post reported. “According to the plans, the funding would give the government enough money to complete approximately 885 miles of new fencing by spring 2022, far more than the 509 miles the administration has slated for the U.S. border with Mexico.”

This should get lots of likes from the left, less military spending!
This board increasingly gives off a Soviet-era 'Dear Leader' vibe, best suited for places like North Korea. It's gotten progressively worse. Sad to see grown men salivating like this, over an elected official.

Nah, this isn't a cult of personality...it's perfectly normal. Sigh.


Hmmmm. Remind me again which political party aligns with socialism?
...knowing the majority of Americans love this President

Wow, you're more delusional and further down the rabbit hole than I thought - and that's really saying something - given your track record around here. It looks like three years of Trump's constant lying has permanently affected the deepest crevasses of your brain. You have my empathy and my concern.

<iframe scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets/widget_iframe.4f8aea4342a4ada72cba2bdffcff6b4d.html?origin=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.steelernationforums.com" title="Twitter settings iframe" style="display: none;" frameborder="0"></iframe><iframe id="rufous-sandbox" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; display: none; width: 0px; height: 0px; padding: 0px; border: medium none;" title="Twitter analytics iframe" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Wow, you're more delusional and further down the rabbit hole than I thought - and that's really saying something - given your track record around here. It looks like three years of Trump's constant lying has permanently affected the deepest crevasses of your brain. You have my empathy and my concern.

The retort here is easy - you are delusional if you don't think he has the majority support of this nation.
Tibs, Trump supporters include a LOT of voters who voted for Obama:

Overall, if we estimate the raw totals using these percentages while working off of Trump’s nearly 63 million votes and Clinton’s almost 66 million votes, the ANES data suggest that about 8.4 million 2012 Obama voters backed Trump in 2016 and 2.5 million Romney voters supported Clinton.


So are those 8.4 million included in your "swooning clique" description?

Further, the American voter is sick of Washington and its blatant, disgusting, self-serving corruption as exemplified by Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, and hundreds of others who have become multi-millionaires off the taxpayer dime. That is why a lot of (D)ims now back Bernie. The guy is a lying scumbag, but is the far-left's version of Trump.

The fact that you cannot understand Trump's victory or appreciate why he is popular is not a poor reflection on Trump voters (8.4 million of whom voted for Obama); it is a poor reflection on you.
Hmmmm. Remind me again which political party aligns with socialism?

Which makes it all the more ironic, doesn't it, to see former conservatives drop to their knees and bow down in front of an autocratic demagogue like Trump. You can say the whole world has been flipped upside down, since 2016. Wonder how much money it cost Putin to buy the entire GOP? It certainly was worth it, great investment by him, with huge yields & returns. Never seen anything like it, greatest political move in modern history.
You can say the whole world has been flipped upside down, since 2016. Wonder how much money it cost Putin to buy the entire GOP? It certainly was worth it, great investment by him, with huge yields & returns. Never seen anything like it, greatest political move in modern history.


Eh, I don't call that pile of vomit Tibs left on the floor drama. It's just wrong. It's blathering idiocy. Tin foil hat ****. Typical.
Eh, I don't call that pile of vomit Tibs left on the floor drama. It's just wrong. It's blathering idiocy. Tin foil hat ****. Typical.

Fill in the blank:

1. Trump asks Russia to investigate 2016 rival.
2. Russian spies attack the 2016 election.
3. Trump asks Ukraine (and others) to investigate a 2020 rival.

Drumroll please....here we go again.

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">RUSSIA HACKED BURISMA: In an apparent effort to collect damaging information about the BIDENS, Russian military hackers used phishing emails to access a server at the gas company that paid HUNTER BIDEN, scoop <a href="https://twitter.com/nicoleperlroth?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@nicoleperlroth</a> & <a href="https://twitter.com/AllMattNYT?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@AllMattNYT</a>. <a href="https://t.co/O4y5O5Z7QX">https://t.co/O4y5O5Z7QX</a></p>— Kenneth P. Vogel (@kenvogel) <a href="https://twitter.com/kenvogel/status/1216871480082026498?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 13, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>

#winning #maga #theendsjustifythemeans
Which makes it all the more ironic, doesn't it, to see former conservatives drop to their knees and bow down in front of an autocratic demagogue like Trump.


au·​to·​crat·​ic | \ ˌȯ-tə-ˈkra-tik

1 : of, relating to, or being an autocracy : absolute an autocratic government


dem·​a·​gogue | \ ˈde-mə-ˌgäg

1 : a leader who makes use of popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power

(1) Trump is certainly not autocratic, as he does NOT seek to expand the power of the Federal government. Quite the opposite is true. Autocratic would definitely apply to Bernie and Fauxcahontas, though, wouldn't it with the explosive growth of the Fed via control of health care, student debt, travel, homes, businesses and foo - in other words, every facet of life.

(2) Popular prejudices and false claims. Like, "Illegals are costing the nation hundreds of billions of dollars per year and driving down wages"? No, that claim is true. Like, "The endless wars are bankrupting the Fed and making a select few in Washington millionaires"? No, true again. Like, "The current trade deals are a rip-off for America and need to be ******* re-done right-the-****-now"? Nope, true again.

How about these: "You can get medical care for free." Or, "We can provide free medical care to illegals and it won't drive up the number of illegals or cost us billions." Or, "We can pay for your college education and we can afford it." Or, "We can institute free medical care and free college just by taxing the top 1%, even thought taxing the top 1% at 100% will yield about $2.2 trillion dollars per year while the combined cost of 'free' medical care and 'free' college would be about $4.2 trillion per year - $3.8 trillion for the medical care and $400 billion for college."



Oh, short $2 ******* trillion - that's TRILLION - per year, even taxing the top 1% at ONE HUNDRED ******* PERCENT AND EXPECTING THEM TO SIMPLY TURN OVER EVERY DIME THEY EARN?!?!?

Okay, so now that the top 1% are destitute and have sold their homes and moved to Ireland because they cannot live in the United States any more, what now? You have a $4.2 trillion - once again, that's TRILLION - obligation every year that, as is true with every ******* government program ever ******* implemented in the history of forever, will balloon far faster than anticipated, so what now??

In short, I definitely see two candidates who are autocratic demagogues, using lies and prejudices to increase their already considerable power: Fauxcahontas and Commie-Man.
Fill in the blank:

1. Trump asks Russia to investigate 2016 rival.
2. Russian spies attack the 2016 election.

Fiction. You are just making **** up.

Here, you want an actual lie told by a candidate who used the lie to gain all of her current power?

"I'm an Indian."

Do you care? No. Does it matter that your candidates are proven liars whose economic idiocy would be laughable if not so dangerous? No. Do you even have a ******* say in what is going on in the United States today? No, you don't, actually.

Seriously, Tibs, at this point your rants are no different than me going on and on and on and on and on and on and on about political and economic affairs in Hungary, DEMANDING change, DEMANDING billions be spent for something I want done.

Wouldn't you respond, "You don't live here, you don't vote here, you don't pay taxes here, so shut the **** up"?
Fill in the blank:

1. Trump asks Russia to investigate 2016 rival.
2. Russian spies attack the 2016 election.
3. Trump asks Ukraine (and others) to investigate a 2020 rival.

Drumroll please....here we go again.

4. Hillary lines her personal pockets while sending the majority of our uranium to Russia
5. Obama, knowing of Russian spying and influence on the 2016 election, tells government officials to ignore it.
6. The DNC paid Russian assets for the fake Steele dossier
7. Bill Clinton earns $500,000 on a Hillary Clinton-approved trip to Russia and meets with Vekselberg, the head of Skolkovo, and Arkady Dvorkovich, a senior official of Rosatom, the nuclear giant that would buy Uranium One.
8. Democrats (Clinton, the DNC) got information from the Russians and consorted with them during the political opposition project during the election cycle.
9. The obvious collusion that existed with them working with Glenn Simpson and Fusion GPS to influence an American Election
4. Hillary lines her personal pockets while sending the majority of our uranium to Russia
5. Obama, knowing of Russian spying and influence on the 2016 election, tells government officials to ignore it.
6. The DNC paid Russian assets for the fake Steele dossier
7. Bill Clinton earns $500,000 on a Hillary Clinton-approved trip to Russia and meets with Vekselberg, the head of Skolkovo, and Arkady Dvorkovich, a senior official of Rosatom, the nuclear giant that would buy Uranium One.
8. Democrats (Clinton, the DNC) got information from the Russians and consorted with them during the political opposition project during the election cycle.
9. The obvious collusion that existed with them working with Glenn Simpson and Fusion GPS to influence an American Election

10. The FBI and NSA spy on Trump, believing Hillary is guaranteed to win and hoping to gain favor in the process.
11. The FBI lies repeatedly about Papadopolous to continue the surveillance.
12. The DOJ and FBI use the lies to promote further spying on Trump, for years, at a cost of tens of millions of dollars.
13. The investigation proves Trump had no relationship, at all, in any fashion, ever, in any way, with Russia's 2016 efforts, consisting of some Facebook ads.
14. Tibs nonetheless still believes in the phony, disproved "Russia collusion" lie.
15. (D)ims continue to pursue the lie, because ...
16. (D)ims are stupid and have no policies, except "free!!" and "tax the 1%!!!"
There you guys go with your "whataboutism" again. Only Orange Man Bad.
Steeltime, swing and miss.

Try again, see if you see even a slight connection to your beloved leader:

autocrat - an imperious person who insists on complete obedience from others.
demagogue - a political leader who seeks support by appealing to the desires and prejudices of ordinary people rather than by using rational argument.
Steeltime, swing and miss.

Try again, see if you see even a slight connection to your beloved leader:

autocrat - an imperious person who insists on complete obedience from others.
demagogue - a political leader who seeks support by appealing to the desires and prejudices of ordinary people rather than by using rational argument.

And those don't apply to Bernie, and Kamala, and Beto, and Biden, and Lizzie-the-Indian??? Riiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Oh, by the by, I guess Trump is not your leader since you are not in the United States. Right? Otherwise, he'd be your leader.

Until 2025, it seems.
You just described every politician in America.

If you say so. You all seem to think Trump is perfectly normal, in every which way. Nothing at all wrong with him, with his manner of speech, with the way he carries himself. I'll just have to accept being the outlier on this. I must be seeing and hearing things that aren't there. I must be completely wrong about Trump, as I am about everything else, all of the time. I'll admit defeat and slink off behind a mossy rock somewhere.
If you say so. You all seem to think Trump is perfectly normal, in every which way. Nothing at all wrong with him, with his manner of speech, with the way he carries himself. I'll just have to accept being the outlier on this. I must be seeing and hearing things that aren't there. I must be completely wrong about Trump, as I am about everything else, all of the time. I'll admit defeat and slink off behind a mossy rock somewhere.

Admitting the the problem is the first step glad to see you taking it.

We never said, any of us, there is nothing wrong with Trump. He is an obnoxious *******, what we have said and said repeatedly is the policies and the results are good even if the person is flawed. Would you rather have a well mannered gentleman who is inept or a ill mannered *** who gets the job done? Jimmy was a well mannered gentleman who was a complete joke, Obama was similar, good leaders are not always good people or refined. Kennedy, Teddy and many others would have been crucified for manners or drugs or many other things in today's social media society.
If you say so. You all seem to think Trump is perfectly normal, in every which way. Nothing at all wrong with him, with his manner of speech, with the way he carries himself.

That is not at all what Sarge said, or what I said. Have you seen Warren speak? What a ******* phony. Every word out of her lying mouth is a falsehood designed to get her elected. Every. Word.

Sanders? He is actually more genuine than Biden, Warren, et al., but once again, he flat-out lies, repeatedly, to gain power.

You go berserk when Trump lies about some barely-relevant ****, and cannot understand why we don't much care. We don't much care because politicians lie about the big stuff - about wars, and spending, and taxes, and medical insurance, and car insurance, and education - every day of their lives, to get and to retain power.

So when Trump tells some stupid bon mot about the wall, forgive me if I don't fall into a faint and cry, "Why, I declare!!"
Which makes it all the more ironic, doesn't it, to see former conservatives drop to their knees and bow down in front of an autocratic demagogue like Trump. You can say the whole world has been flipped upside down, since 2016. Wonder how much money it cost Putin to buy the entire GOP? It certainly was worth it, great investment by him, with huge yields & returns. Never seen anything like it, greatest political move in modern history.

Wow, it appears next November isn't going to bode well for you. No one is dropping to their knees for any politician, except for perhaps some in the media. I think you underestimate the effect the economy has on the voting public, and that is what wins elections, not fear of the boogieman Putin.
If you say so. You all seem to think Trump is perfectly normal, in every which way.


Why do you insist on making such inflammatory, incorrect statements?

And why do you not read and further, comprehend what people write here? You've been told by the lot of us, time and again - we don't approve of many facets of the man. I certainly don't.

But he was sent to Washington to get a job done and he is getting the JOB done.

It's all that matters. I don't need some meaningless leader like Obama, preening in front of cameras like Prince Harry, ineffective and inept.
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