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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Trump Winning"

No one is dropping to their knees for any politician...

You must have Spike, SteelChip, Stewey and many others on ignore. The Trump adulation is at a point on this board where it's like staring into the sun, with all the hyped images, the projection of 'Trump being presidential' every time the ****** gets on or off Air Force One, etc. It's beyond teenie fan girl level, all that's missing is the hairspray and pink nail polish.
You must have Spike, SteelChip, Stewey and many others on ignore. The Trump adulation is at a point on this board where it's like staring into the sun, with all the hyped images, the projection of 'Trump being presidential' every time the ****** gets on or off Air Force One, etc. It's beyond teenie fan girl level, all that's missing is the hairspray and pink nail polish.

I remember you mocking those idiots who fainted at Obama rallies and worshiped his bowel movements.

Can't seem to find those posts for some reason. Still looking.

Maybe you could help me out??
Sights and sounds from the massive crowd at the Trump rally in Wisconsin




more to come...

maybe hundreds
You must have Spike, SteelChip, Stewey and many others on ignore. The Trump adulation is at a point on this board where it's like staring into the sun, with all the hyped images, the projection of 'Trump being presidential' every time the ****** gets on or off Air Force One, etc. It's beyond teenie fan girl level, all that's missing is the hairspray and pink nail polish.

Ahh poor tibsy, doesn't like it when Spike, SteelChip and Stewey troll him. When he does the exact same **** every day. I guess what they say about Dims is true, they project on to others what that they themselves are doing.
Breaking News!

Bernie Sanders' feud with Elizabeth Warren erupts into open warfare with claims he told her in 2018 that a woman COULDN'T win

The Dem wars are proceeding nicely, just as I have foreseen

Go Bernie bots!
You must have Spike, SteelChip, Stewey and many others on ignore. The Trump adulation is at a point on this board where it's like staring into the sun, with all the hyped images, the projection of 'Trump being presidential' every time the ****** gets on or off Air Force One, etc. .

No they don't have me on ignore. The real issue here is that you are a liar.

Make yourself busy and go find a post in which I expressed adulation for Trump.
And just so you are aware there is a difference between adulation and defending him.

Look to Obama as the recipient of excessive admiration, even to the point of receiving the Nobel Prize for doing absolutely nothing.
At least Trump earned adulation. Unseen in our lifetimes a president so passionate about making America great and keeping his campaign promises.

It's beyond teenie fan girl level, all that's missing is the hairspray and pink nail polish.

The projection here by you is glaring, Case in point:

You all seem to think Trump is perfectly normal, in every which way. Nothing at all wrong with him, with his manner of speech, with the way he carries himself.

You seem to be the only one missing the hairspray and nail polish. You're the *****.
We didn't vote for an eloquent speaker or for the way he carries himself. We didn't vote for a pastor, or one with high moral standards, or one that acts presidential.

We voted for a man who we thought could get the job done, and by golly the ****** is doin it, And for that reason he will continue to be defended against people like you.
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You must have Spike, SteelChip, Stewey and many others on ignore. The Trump adulation is at a point on this board where it's like staring into the sun, with all the hyped images, the projection of 'Trump being presidential' every time the ****** gets on or off Air Force One, etc. It's beyond teenie fan girl level, all that's missing is the hairspray and pink nail polish.
By adulation, do you mean the way that you applauded Avenatti, defended him against criticism from the mean conservatives here and then launched him up on your hero pedestal?

One wonders what that man is up to lately....

Sent from my SM-N950W using Steeler Nation mobile app
We didn't vote for an eloquent speaker or for the way he carries himself. We didn't vote for a pastor, or one with high moral standards, or one that acts presidential.
We nominated one of those in 2012 and lost what should have been an easy win.

We voted for a man who we thought could get the job done, and by golly the ****** is doin it, And for that reason he will continue to be defended against people like you.
If you say so. You all seem to think Trump is perfectly normal, in every which way. Nothing at all wrong with him, with his manner of speech, with the way he carries himself. I'll just have to accept being the outlier on this. I must be seeing and hearing things that aren't there. I must be completely wrong about Trump, as I am about everything else, all of the time. I'll admit defeat and slink off behind a mossy rock somewhere.

Piss off Tibs. You show me the post where I say Trump is normal. I think it is pretty well documented that I am not a fan of Trump.

Let's take a look here. So, when the left goes nuts because somebody on the right doesn't agree with them, that isn't demanding obedience? Cancel culture isn't demanding obedience? Firing people and destroying their lives for saying something that the left deems "immoral" isn't demanding obedience? Labeling people as racist because they want immigration law enforced or pandering to certain demographics or offering freebies on the backs of working Americans isn't appealing to desires and prejudices of ordinary people rather than by using rational argument?

I think that covers just about every politician in America.
I don’t understand the “hit” designation for the chick in the blue hat that looks like a 10 year old boy. Troubling.

Oh come on, its that snow bunny look where you want to sit together in a log cabin by the fire...I better stop there.......

That woman is BEAUTIFUL. Hit, HIT, hit, quadruple hit.

Sad, Tibs wouldn't go near that. She's brown and from Iran, probably doesn't have her green card. That racist nationalist POS would pass her up due to his inherent racist views of people.

(see how easy that is to do)

By adulation, do you mean the way that you applauded Avenatti, defended him against criticism from the mean conservatives here and then launched him up on your hero pedestal?

One wonders what that man is up to lately....

Sent from my SM-N950W using Steeler Nation mobile app

Getting arrested, again...

Avenatti arrested by IRS agents during California Bar Association hearing


LOS ANGELES – Attorney Michael Avenatti was arrested by Internal Revenue Service (IRS) agents Tuesday evening during a break in a disciplinary hearing in Los Angeles over allegations that the high-profile lawyer scammed a client out of $840,000.

The arrest occurred around 6 p.m. outside the State Bar Court, where the State Bar of California has initiated proceedings against him.

“I can confirm that he was arrested by federal agents," Avenatti's lawyer Dean Steward said. "I anticipate a bail hearing at 2 p.m. tomorrow in Magistrate's Court in Santa Ana. I haven't seen the details of the warrant, but should have it later this evening.“

We voted for a man who we thought could get the job done, and by golly the ****** is doin it, And for that reason he will continue to be defended against people like you.

Real comforting to know this man is in possession of the nuclear codes.

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">"You don't get any water!" -- POTUS transitions from complaining about dishwashers to complaining about sinks, toilets, and showers. He then starts bragging about his hair. <a href="https://t.co/o4nHUBkGSc">pic.twitter.com/o4nHUBkGSc</a></p>— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) <a href="https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1217266687831171072?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 15, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>

Btw, is this really that big of a problem stateside? You guys don't have enough water to take showers, run the dishwasher or flush the toilet? It's that big of a deal, that the President has to handle it himself? Must be the case. Thank God Trump is in office to deal with these hot button issues.
<iframe scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets/widget_iframe.4f8aea4342a4ada72cba2bdffcff6b4d.html?origin=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.steelernationforums.com" title="Twitter settings iframe" style="display: none;" frameborder="0"></iframe><iframe id="rufous-sandbox" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; display: none; width: 0px; height: 0px; padding: 0px; border: medium none;" title="Twitter analytics iframe" frameborder="0"></iframe>
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He is complaining about the flow restrictions on showers, dishwashers, etc.

If you are ignorant of what he is referencing, then clearly you have not had any new construction done in the United States over the past 15 years or so. Oh, right, you wouldn't have.

And this issue merits being mentioned because ... some lefty web site brought it up. Oh, look, I found it:


Vox and Aaron Rhubarb. Wow, two credible sources. Fair and balanced, I tell ya'. Tibs, stop being a lazy ***** and actually research something for once. Citing bullshit lefty web sites, relying on idiots like this Aaron Rhubarb (whose only life activity is cyberstalking Trump) is not credible.
Ok Steeltime, I'll ignore what I just saw with my own eyes and heard with my own ears. Let's shoot the messenger, as you always do, as it hurts your feelings that people (lefties!!!) point out Trump's utter dumbassery. Got it. Rinse and repeat.
Ok Steeltime, I'll ignore what I just saw with my own eyes and heard with my own ears. Let's shoot the messenger, as you always do, as it hurts your feelings that people (lefties!!!) point out Trump's utter dumbassery. Got it. Rinse and repeat.

No, liar, you parroted what you read on some lefty web site.

Or are you actually claiming that YOU WATCHED THE TRUMP RALLY? Funny, since it was NOT BROADCAST ON ANY CHANNEL LAST NIGHT. Fox had its regular line-up (Tucker), CNN had the debate, MSNBC had idiots licking Karl Marx's rotten, crusty butthole, the other networks had their regular programming.

So, Tibs, where exactly did you watch the rally???
I had the misfortune of watching it live when it streamed on zillions of sites on FB and twitter. Btw, what's your ******* problem? Why so strung out? Oh, that's right, the impeachment proceedings are about to begin. My bad, almost forgot about that.

And it's right ******* here, if you want to re-watch it in all its glory. Take a prozac or something, calm your *** down.

It's gonna be Chicago ‘68 all over again if Bernie gets cheated out of the nomination this time!!!!!!

Go Bernie bots!

Bernie Sanders Campaign Aide Threatens Gulags and Violence

“******* cities burn” if President Trump is re-elected"

Kyle Jurek, on camera touting Sanders’ “free education” policies because it would “teach you how to not be a ******* nazi.”

"If Bernie doesn't get the nomination or it goes to a second round at the DNC convention, ******* Milwaukee will burn," Jurek warned.

"There was a reason why Josef Stalin had gulags. Right? Actually gulags were a lot better than like what the CIA has told us that they were. People were like paid a living wage in the gulags. They had conjugal visits in gulags. Gulags where actually meant for re-education"

Those people who don’t accept the revolution should be shot, Jurek warned. “You want to fight against the revolution, you’re going to die for it, ************,” he proclaimed.

"In Nazi Germany after the fall of the Nazi party there was a **** ton of the populace that was ******* Nazi-fied. Germany had to spend billions of dollars to reeducate their people to not be Nazis. We're probably going to have to do the same ******* thing here."




I had the misfortune of watching it live when it streamed on zillions of sites on FB and twitter.

Liar. You would not watch a Trump rally. I caught you lying, so now you are lying about your lies.

That is almost good enough to qualify you to run for office in your home district of ... well, somewhere not in the United States.

How about you leave U.S. policies to those who actually live in the country, Tibsy?

Btw, what's your ******* problem?

Lying liars telling lies about their lies.
Liar. You would not watch a Trump rally. I caught you lying, so now you are lying about your lies.

Stop being such a dipshit. I've watched at least a dozen Trump rallies over the past few years. I'll never get that time back, but I wanted to hear the madness from the horse's mouth. Shoot me.