wig, Trump himself called for witnesses now that he'll get a 'fair trial' in the Senate. He himself barred anyone from providing testimony in the House, withheld subpoened documents, screamed bloody murder about how unfair it all was. Now, here is his big chance to get the fair trial he's been crying for. Bring on his closest advisors to testify, allow them to defend his actions and clear his name once and for all. Any President who's been accused of wrongdoing and impeached 'unfairly' - as he claims - would jump at the opportunity to prove his critics wrong and set the record straight. What gives?
and Michael Avenetti is in jail.
Michael Avenetti is in jail.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Van Jones:<br><br>“There was nothing I saw tonight that would be able to take Donald Trump out.”<a href="https://t.co/cj8e5JkYqW">pic.twitter.com/cj8e5JkYqW</a></p>— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) <a href="https://twitter.com/DailyCaller/status/1217306794525175812?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 15, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Low sodiumWe prefer to be called Saltine americans
GroundHog Day Tibsy!!Three years in, and you guys still don't get it. Trump's track record regarding Russia and Ukraine are part of the same pattern of unconstitutional behavior; abuse of power and obstruction of justice. It all ties in, the pre-election Russian hacking, wikileaks, the findings of the Mueller report, and more recently Trump's actions via Giuliani regarding Ukraine bribery and obstruction of Congress. It's one big, smelly shitcake. All of Trump's doing. As Pelosi has correctly identified on numerous occasions, when it comes to Donald J. Trump, all roads lead to Putin. Only his most devout fanboys can't see the forest from the trees. Oh well, maybe years from now you'll be able to look back and piece it all together.
No, Tibsy isn't from the Dems.Seriously, this is the best the Dems have? LOL!
Seriously, this is the best the Dems have? LOL!
It's the worst crop of morons I think I've ever seen. I never even thought it would be this bad, but it is (and why the left essentially is totally silent on this).
They seem to think that if they attack Trump 24/7 that it's going to benefit the left, but they need someone to inspire some confidence in Americans, and it's not even close to happening this time. Obama knew how to play the crowd. This crowd are a bunch of amateurs.
Seems clear to me Parnas needs to be subpoenaed immediately by the Senate to testify under oath. Along with - at the minimum - Giuliani, Mulvaney, Bolton & Pompeo. Sounds like Bill Barr will need to be added to that list, along with Pence and Nunes. Who would have guessed? Trump has turned the GOP into a mob operation par excellence.