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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Trump Winning"

Thanks for your measured, civil response, Sarge. I'll defer to you on military issues, and appreciate your feedback.
I for one believe that without the purported Russian bounties, Taliban snipers would never target US military personnel.


They would instead probably exchange banana bread recipes with them because that is what the Taliban has always done with US military personnel. Pinatas, banana bread recipes, bubble gum, and cookies.
From the excerpt you posted and from what I have read in my own research of this issue, it is nothing but pure speculation. We know the Russians have been giving money to the Taliban for over a decade. Just like we gave money to the mujahideen during Russia's war in Afghanistan. Basically the NYTimes reporting is based on second and third hand information from supposed interrogations. I can't count that as reliable, but it certainly whips people into a frenzy.

The Rooskies may not always be real bright but they're not totally stupid either. I don't see the point of paying the Taliban for something they would happily do for free.
The Rooskies may not always be real bright but they're not totally stupid either. I don't see the point of paying the Taliban for something they are doing happily for free.

fixed it
It's just one link in a long chain of events connected to Russia since the 2016 elections. You would think by now the US President would stand strong and push back against Putin's shenanigans. But it seems Trump has other interests in mind.

Another measured response....to a troll. Drink up Tibs...I'm sure you'll have some eloquent spin, some response that makes this all seem like blather. I bet it will be "who cares what happened then, we are here now."

Joe Biden, the failed Russian reset and the Obama-era giveaways to Vladimir Putin
Adapted excerpt from Chapter 1 of "Fallout: Nuclear Bribes, Russian Spies and the Washington Lies that Enriched the Clinton and Biden Dynasties."

In February 2009, Vice President Joe Biden was the first to proclaim the administration's desire to "press the reset button" with Russia. Obama National Security Council (NSC) adviser Michael McFaul (who later served as Obama's Ambassador to Russia) was the architect of the policy, and Hillary Clinton, as the new Secretary of State, was named to quarterback the reset.

Clinton infamously pressed a literal red button in a March 2009 meeting with Putin's chief diplomat, Sergey Lavrov. The PR stunt made headlines when Lavrov informed Clinton that she "got it wrong" and used the incorrect Russian word on the "reset" label (McFaul was apparently to blame for the shoddy translation).

Over the next three years, Team Obama pursued policies designed to prop up the Russian economy. They facilitated the creation of a Silicon Valley-like city called the Skolkovo Innovation Center. They approved the sale of Uranium One to the Russians. And they replaced the Megatons to Megawatts program with billions of dollars of new guaranteed uranium sales to American utilities.

Then-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, it turns out, was only a political front man for Vladimir Putin and not the crusading reformer that the Obama administration had assumed. Under the reset, Medvedev was able to advance Putin's agenda — all under the guise of diplomacy. Among the concessions that the Obama administration made were the following:

  • Scrapping plans for missile defense in Europe;
  • Slashing U.S. strategic nuclear defense capabilities (under New START);
  • Surrendering substantial American uranium assets (by approving the Uranium One takeover);
  • Signing off on billions in new nuclear utility contracts; and
  • Transferring Silicon Valley technology to the Kremlin (via Skolkovo).

As it turns out, all of these items were high priorities on Putin's wish list.

Thus, the reset weakened the United States while advancing Putin's plan for domination of global uranium markets and strengthening Russia's economy with new business and technology.

By the time that Rosatom’s corrupt activities were exposed by an undercover FBI operative named William Douglas Campbell — a crucial behind-the-scenes player — it was already too late. Putin had already usurped all that he wanted and returned to military aggression, this time invading the Crimean region of Ukraine in 2014.

Before the reset was exposed as a failure, though, the crafty Putin had managed to compromise numerous Americans. For example, one of the main U.S. trucking companies entrusted with transporting uranium to nuclear energy facilities was implicated in a Russian bribery scheme. Along the way, several U.S. nuclear utilities (and their unwitting customers) became dependent on Russia’s cheap fuel supply (not to mention the American lobbyists and consultants who raked in millions from Kremlin interests).

Bill Clinton took a $500,000 speech fee in Moscow, and his Clinton Foundation accepted in excess of $150 million in cash and in-kind contributions (or commitments) from people and entities directly tied to Russia or the Uranium One transaction. And Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign chairman John Podesta wound up on the board of a "clean energy company" that got a billion-ruble ($35 million) Russian investment.

The cloud of foreign deals, missing emails, and peddled influence had already left a suspicious odor around the Clinton Foundation as Hillary Clinton launched her 2016 presidential campaign. The odor became a stench when Putin's pay-to-play politics was laid bare in 2015 by Peter Schweizer's book "Clinton Cash," along with a front-page story in the New York Times.

The Clintons tried to counter the narrative, claiming that Schweizer's revelations had been debunked. But the facts unearthed by "Clinton Cash" remained unassailable, and soon Trump made the Uranium One episode a centerpiece of his "Crooked Hillary" attacks on the campaign trail.

The "Russian reset" was now a major political liability in the 2016 election, and Clinton's team needed to neutralize the issue. It was this desire, according to one Clinton insider, that led Democrats to launch a massive, multi-pronged opposition research project in late 2015 aimed at tying Republicans to Russia.
******* dems...acuse your enemy of doing what you are in reality actually doing. And why the hell do they get away with this ****. Because of Justice department corruption. Is there no end to the graft and deceit these criminals get away with? Damn I'm sure sick of it. The gaul if them trying to impeach Trump over collusion with Russia is almost unbearable. What needs to happen given the stranglehold the party of treason has on DC????
Hey fellas, I'm wondering what your take is on Mary Trump's new book? Sold nearly a million copies yesterday, the day of release. I'm sure most of you went out and grabbed it, hot off the press. So much intrigue and detail about your hero, the Renaissance man, the savant. Really a fun read, takes you inside the Trump family, helps explain what makes this awesome President tick.

And the stuff that's come out since Mary Trump began giving interviews, whew! Trump's use of the n-word, his anti-semitic rants, who would have ever thought?

Thank God there's at least one Trump on the planet with a conscience and an IQ-level higher than that of a 4th grader. Bless you, Mary Trump, you deserve all our respect and gratitude for being brave enough to step forward.

I think it would make for a good comedy read Tibs. Remind me why I would care about the allegations of a bitter, disgruntled family member looking for some self promotion?
I think it would make for a good comedy read Tibs. Remind me why I would care about the allegations of a bitter, disgruntled family member looking for some self promotion?

At least Billy Carter was funny.
I think it would make for a good comedy read Tibs. Remind me why I would care about the allegations of a bitter, disgruntled family member looking for some self promotion?

To be unequivocally credible as an author of a tell-all book, one must be of strong, moral character. Must posses unquestionable honor and integrity. Must be righteous and truthful.
But how can we know if an author posses these qualities? Well, it's simple... Say bad things about Trump. Once an author starts to smear Trump, we no longer have to doubt her qualifications. She has been properly vetted.
To be unequivocally credible as an author of a tell-all book, one must be of strong, moral character. Must posses unquestionable honor and integrity. Must be righteous and truthful.
But how can we know if an author posses these qualities? Well, it's simple... Say bad things about Trump. Once an author starts to smear Trump, we no longer have to doubt her qualifications. She has been properly vetted.

With such high character, she might become the next Michael Avennati!
The whole Russian paying bounties could be so gray an issue.

Russia gives money/arms to Taliban.

Russia provides SOME very overt special forces and/or KGB operatives in the region.

ONE of those deployed in the theater offers cash payments to his "troops" (and their are just guerrilla fighters) for Afghan forces kills and a bonus for UN/US forces.

Is that a big issue, really? I mean, for this to be state-sponsored (Russia), across the whole Taliban "army" in a systematic way sounds implausible. For it to happen in one "unit" or by one rogue Russian operative? Sounds very plausible.

But even that isn't worth a whole diplomatic battle over it. I bet there are rules in the Taliban army that if you retreat, you get shot. Is that any different a motivation that paying for scalps? Our own Army paid for Native American scalps at one point. It is not unheard of or uncommon in primitive military operations to use these tactics. For Russian operatives to use any motivation possible to increase the effectiveness of their "troops", i would expect them to consider it. They are dealing with an untrained, practically illiterate "army" of teenagers and forced recruits and radicals.

I just don't see the big deal in it unless there was some directive from the Kremlin or high-up military ranks in Russia to say "this is policy" to all their contacts in the Afghanistan theater and I think THAT is what has not been even close to being proven/shown by the intelligence to date. That's why most of the military personnel that have read the reports and not over-reacting like Democrats are.
Read somewhere that her grandmother did not want her to attend her funeral, so I would say bitter pretty much covers it.

And just why should she be believed? I know, rhetorical question.
Hey fellas, I'm wondering what your take is on Mary Trump's new book? Sold nearly a million copies yesterday, the day of release. I'm sure most of you went out and grabbed it, hot off the press. So much intrigue and detail about your hero, the Renaissance man, the savant. Really a fun read, takes you inside the Trump family, helps explain what makes this awesome President tick.

And the stuff that's come out since Mary Trump began giving interviews, whew! Trump's use of the n-word, his anti-semitic rants, who would have ever thought?

Thank God there's at least one Trump on the planet with a conscience and an IQ-level higher than that of a 4th grader. Bless you, Mary Trump, you deserve all our respect and gratitude for being brave enough to step forward.


Just watch this with the sound off once and one can see the lies through just this woman's mannerisms e.g. puckering her lips, frequent blinking of her eyes, fidgeting, and most importantly, looking off to the side several times. And she's never even met Trump. And wasn't even invited to her grandfather's funeral? No, she doesn't have an ax to grind and has tons of credibility! This doesn't sound like a bitter money grab at all!

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">BREAKING: President Trump's niece tells <a href="https://twitter.com/maddow?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@maddow</a> that she's heard Trump use anti-Semitic slurs and the N-word. <br><br>The latest for <a href="https://twitter.com/NBCNightlyNews?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@NBCNightlyNews</a>: <a href="https://t.co/55FERVVXgX">pic.twitter.com/55FERVVXgX</a></p>— Geoff Bennett (@GeoffRBennett) <a href="https://twitter.com/GeoffRBennett/status/1283895301582069762?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">July 16, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Bless you, Mary Trump, you deserve all our respect and gratitude for being brave enough to step forward.


I know it's already been said, but this sounds like the beginning similar to American Patriot Michael Avenatti.

I know it's already been said, but this sounds like the beginning similar to American Patriot Michael Avenatti.

She's going to pull the football away from Tibs just like Michael Avenatti did. Then he'll be left kicking at the air and ultimately landing on his head in confusion again. Hell maybe this lady and Avenatti will even end up as cell mates if Tibs judgement of character holds true. But maybe he won't try to kick the ball this one time....but I have my doubts. His TDS seems appears to be aggressively and progressively malignant in nature.
Last edited:
Just like the boys who stormed the beaches of Normandy, those brave boys of Antifa (with their masks) storm storefronts to loot, pillage and burn hard-working Americans' life savings and dreams.

And this woman, how brave is she? I mean to come out with a book that 95% of the MSM and majority of the powers that be are going to lap up like a hungry dog licking its bowl. And with what consequences? She's laughing all the way to the bank. I guess it's about time for her since she was not even in the family will and not even invited to her grandparent's funerals. Ouch.

The sheer bravery is something to behold.
Read somewhere that her grandmother did not want her to attend her funeral, so I would say bitter pretty much covers it.

And just why should she be believed? I know, rhetorical question.

Mary's father was the family drunk. Drank himself to death. Her own grandmama forbade her to attend her own funeral.

Mary Trump is Tibs' latest Michael Avenatti: A GREAT American Patriot.

Tibs' Heroes be like:
- Michael Avenatti
- LtCol Vindman
- Christine Blasey Ford
- James Comey (after he stopped hating James Comey)
- Mary Trump

A Who's Who of American Icons
Hey fellas, I'm wondering what your take is on Mary Trump's new book? Sold nearly a million copies yesterday, the day of release. I'm sure most of you went out and grabbed it, hot off the press. So much intrigue and detail about your hero, the Renaissance man, the savant. Really a fun read, takes you inside the Trump family, helps explain what makes this awesome President tick.

And the stuff that's come out since Mary Trump began giving interviews, whew! Trump's use of the n-word, his anti-semitic rants, who would have ever thought?

Thank God there's at least one Trump on the planet with a conscience and an IQ-level higher than that of a 4th grader. Bless you, Mary Trump, you deserve all our respect and gratitude for being brave enough to step forward.

And the accusations she levels are easy. Use of the n-word, racism, anti-semitism. Gee, Trump hasn't been accused of that over and over and over in the last three-plus years. There is nothing earth shattering in her book. All she has done in her book is confirm the left's biases, and they eat it up.

A great irony in this, is that Trump's son in law is a Jew, his daughter converted to Judaism, his grand children are Jewish and yet we are to believe Trump just hates Jews. But two of them (at least) work IN the White House. Amazing. From what I hear, he hates gays too, yet has appointed five gay ambassadors.

I am no huge fan of Trump, but this **** is ridiculous. In this day and age, if you get accused of using the n-word, your life is over. Done. And you may never have used that word a day in your life, but the accusation is enough. I sure hope no one accuses you of that.
Thanks for your measured, civil response, Sarge. I'll defer to you on military issues, and appreciate your feedback.

You say that like you expected something different. It's all good. The bounties are a good topic.
And the accusations she levels are easy. Use of the n-word, racism, anti-semitism. Gee, Trump hasn't been accused of that over and over and over in the last three-plus years. There is nothing earth shattering in her book. All she has done in her book is confirm the left's biases, and they eat it up.

A great irony in this, is that Trump's son in law is a Jew, his daughter converted to Judaism, his grand children are Jewish and yet we are to believe Trump just hates Jews. But two of them (at least) work IN the White House. Amazing. From what I hear, he hates gays too, yet has appointed five gay ambassadors.

I am no huge fan of Trump, but this **** is ridiculous. In this day and age, if you get accused of using the n-word, your life is over. Done. And you may never have used that word a day in your life, but the accusation is enough. I sure hope no one accuses you of that.

I know pictures don't tell the whole story, but I remember Trump taking quite a few of them with 'leaders' of the black community throughout the years. Seems like he turned racist once he announced he was running for President. Just like every white Republican candidate before him was a racist it seems. And I think he's gotten accomplished a few initiatives for black specific causes so far, but God forbid we ever dare talk about something like that.






And I don't know, with the fervor that so many have wanted to take down Donald Trump with so many different 'scandals', if there was video/audio out there of him using the n-word, it would have been leaked by now IMO. But let's just continue banging that drum.
In this day and age, if you get accused of using the n-word, your life is over. Done. And you may never have used that word a day in your life, but the accusation is enough. I sure hope no one accuses you of that.

I sure hope it didn't (or doesn't) ruin young Mason Rudolph's life. He didn't deserve that ****.