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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Trump Winning"

Having two sons in college, what I hear is they blame him for the continued ruining of their lives, in summary. They know lockdowns and masks are bullshit, yet they were forced out of class for a year, parties prohibited, countless games and events cancelled/missed, forced to mask, forced to be tested, forced to get the vax...they pay for gas to get to/from school and around school (they can't afford it now), and they all live on budgets if they have any money at all - and Biden's world costs twice as much and rising. He's made them even more broke.

That is just a summary.

College kids have a laundry list of reasons to hate the man.
Hopefully they can flush out the swamp... We didn't do a very good job. It wasn't that high on the radar at the time and this is where we're at.
The loudest of the weekend. Mad Props to the University of Kentucky.


Floggy's favorite nation, Australia, a model for handling the virus.

Seriously, five years ago...if I had told you Australia would look like this, would you have believed me?

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More Australia

Yeah...our rallies are now populated by the geek squads.


HELLO... FBI undercover at a MAGA rally - where did they go astray?
1. Cuffed shorts
2. Anchor pattern shirt
3. High and tight haircuts
4. Suede sneakers
5. Chinos
6. Matching $300 sunglasses
7. Zero flags nor Trump regalia

''You blend''


Great news

Do you really think that matters given how the dems run elections?

Seriously, in CA for the recall they literally printed the envelopes so you could SEE who voted to remove that ******* douchebag without opening the envelope. I ******* guarantee there is a landfill just brimming with millions of unopened ballot envelopes.
Do you really think that matters given how the dems run elections?

Seriously, in CA for the recall they literally printed the envelopes so you could SEE who voted to remove that ******* douchebag without opening the envelope. I ******* guarantee there is a landfill just brimming with millions of unopened ballot envelopes.
Do you really think that matters given how the dems run elections?

Seriously, in CA for the recall they literally printed the envelopes so you could SEE who voted to remove that ******* douchebag without opening the envelope. I ******* guarantee there is a landfill just brimming with millions of unopened ballot envelopes.
Floggy's favorite nation, Australia, a model for handling the virus.

Seriously, five years ago...if I had told you Australia would look like this, would you have believed me?

Glad to see they still have a backbone. A majority of those blokes aren't going to put up with the totalitarian state.

It's going to come down to this really soon here. Once that rock starts to roll....watch out.
A millionaire, celebrity that doesn't like Trump. Must have scoured the net for hours trying to find one of those.