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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Trump Winning"

The problem here clearly, was that the other kids and teachers weren't packing. It was their fault for not being armed to the teeth while attending classes. What on earth were they thinking?

When the details come out, my money is on ****** up kid or ****** up parents. Or probably both. But yeah let's blame the gun. That gun woke up that morning and decided to take itself to school and shoot a bunch of people. You are truly ignorant. Don't hear you ***** about the 1000's slaughtered on inner city streets , but it doesn't fit your agenda.
The problem here clearly, was that the other kids and teachers weren't packing. It was their fault for not being armed to the teeth while attending classes. What on earth were they thinking?

It'll come out that this kid is a liberal, raised by Liberals, to believe in the sick, twisted, evil mindset that is taking over the Democratic party. Maybe we should force all Democrats to give up their guns since it seems they're the ones behind all of these mass shootings. The problem isn't guns at all, it's the looney left sporting them.
The problem here clearly, was that the other kids and teachers weren't packing. It was their fault for not being armed to the teeth while attending classes. What on earth were they thinking?

Never heard a comment on the scumbag who used a several thousand pound vehicle to mow people over celebrating a Christmas parade. Only get certain news in Kazakhstan?
******* ******* should be rotting in a jail cell.

Read slowly:

Trump, Meadows says in the book, returned a negative result from a different test shortly after the positive.

“I didn’t want to take any unnecessary risks,” Meadows writes, “but I also didn’t want to alarm the public if there was nothing to worry about – which according to the new, much more accurate test, there was not.”

See a psychiatrist. Actually, see a team.
Read slowly:

Trump, Meadows says in the book, returned a negative result from a different test shortly after the positive.

“I didn’t want to take any unnecessary risks,” Meadows writes, “but I also didn’t want to alarm the public if there was nothing to worry about – which according to the new, much more accurate test, there was not.”

See a psychiatrist. Actually, see a team.
Wait, Tibs believes false information and wants people rotting in Jail Cells? Tibs wants free thinking people to be rounded up and put into concentration camps? Tibs calls us crazy and unhinged.

Oh...the ******* irony. What a sad sack of **** he is.
Tibs wants free thinking people to be rounded up and put into concentration camps? Tibs calls us crazy and unhinged.

What a sad sack of **** he is.

Tibs is like a gnat. Serves no real purpose other than to just try & annoy and become lunch for larger, more evolved species. Swat it away and go on about your day.

Wait a minute. Tiborgnat.


******* ******* should be rotting in a jail cell.

ANd he had a negative test. Jesus ever hear of a false positive? I thought holy ****, until I read he then had negative tests following that. ******* nonstory Tibs. TDS is still going strong and nary a peep about Brandon. Move on man, move on!
I thought the same thing, "holy ****" - on the surface. Then critical thinking came into play and I decided to read exactly why this is some sort of scandal all of a sudden out of the blue. Dollars to donuts Tiborgnat didn't even read the article, he just saw the title and about blew his load.

Steve Bannon Genius Strategy has Democrats freaking out…​

Posted by Kane on December 2, 2021 1:52 pm


Blowing Up The System​


Steve Bannon, who became the first person in nearly 40 years to be indicted on a charge of criminal contempt of Congress, now appears to be using his criminal case to go after the committee that went after him.

Bannon is attempting to force investigators to expose who they’ve talked to and what they’ve said, peek into secret communications on the committee, and create a playbook for other resistant witnesses, according to several legal experts.

“There’s no cost to opposing Congress if you can give Congress a black eye for even daring to ask you questions,” said Kel McClanahan, an attorney who specializes in national security matters.

As Bannon faces criminal charges, he’s entitled to the evidence against him.

And in a typical galaxy-brain, Bannon countergambit, Trump’s former senior adviser is trying to make some of that evidence public.

According to a Sunday night court filing by federal prosecutors, that includes secret witness interviews by law enforcement and internal communications between House committee staff members. The Justice Department claims that, if this material were exposed to the public, it would cause “specific harms” like “witness tampering,” with the added effect of making it difficult to find impartial jurors at a future trial.

In a court filing on Tuesday, Bannon’s lawyers said the government’s argument was “festooned with hyperbole… perhaps designed to score points with the media.” That same day, a “press coalition” of 15 news organizations—including Buzzfeed, CNN, and The Washington Post—sided with Bannon and asked the judge overseeing the case to make documents available and reject what it called “this broad gag order.”

Bannon is severely raising the cost of coming after him—making good on his promise to turn this into the “misdemeanor from hell for Merrick Garland, Nancy Pelosi, and Joe Biden.”

Bannon’s attorneys on this case did not respond to repeated inquiries. However, in court documents, they strongly pushed back against the idea that Bannon’s strategy is to improperly use the evidence.

“This is a misdemeanor case,” they wrote in Tuesday’s filing. “It is not a case where witnesses have been intimidated. In the absence of any specific, particularized showing of actual harm, the Government conjures up a bogeyman.” Instead, Bannon’s lawyers said, “being able to use discovery materials to identify and question witnesses is not an improper purpose.”

Bannon is being represented by two attorneys in his criminal contempt case. One is M. Evan Corcoran, a former federal prosecutor who almost took a high-ranking job at the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Washington during Trump’s final year in office, according to The National Law Journal. The other is David I. Schoen, one of the lawyers who represented Trump during his second impeachment trial in the U.S. Senate.

“Normally this doesn’t come up. His whole thing is about blowing up the whole system. He’s almost an anarchist,” said Jennifer Rodgers, a former Manhattan federal prosecutor who now teaches at Columbia University.

“It might not really be about the contents of any particular document. It might be about the process,” she said.

There’s a general sentiment by lawyers monitoring the case that exposing the committee’s work while its investigation is still underway could open it up to public criticism and potentially hamper its work. But the real damage might simply come from throwing a wrench in any future prosecutions of others who are refusing to answer the committee’s questions, like former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, who has been threatened with contempt charges by the committee for not cooperating. The same goes for Jeffrey Clark, the former Justice Department official who allegedly tried to have the DOJ help Trump overturn the 2020 election, who refused to answer questions and was voted “in contempt” by the committee on Wednesday evening.

Given that most congressional contempt cases would be nearly identical, exposing witnesses in Bannon’s case would give other resisters a long heads-up about what’s coming.

“That’s one of his goals: to try to make it more difficult for the committee to enforce its subpoenas in the future,” said Jonathan Shaub, a University of Kentucky law professor who previously worked at the Justice Department.

“It’s a chilling effect,” Shaub added. “If you know you’re going to have to disclose a ton of information, you probably won’t bring that first prosecution until you have the other ones.”

U.S. District Judge Carl J. Nichols, who was appointed to the bench by Trump in 2019, has yet to rule on whether the documents in question will be made public.
The problem here clearly, was that the other kids and teachers weren't packing. It was their fault for not being armed to the teeth while attending classes. What on earth were they thinking?

This is almost as heartbreaking as the Timothy Simpkins shootings.
I can't love this enough.


Last month, Democratic pollster Brian Stryker conducted focus groups to determine how Republican Glenn Youngkin defeated Democrat Terry McAuliffe in Virginia, which President Biden won by 10 points. He wasn’t involved in the governor’s race, but was consulted to help Democrats understand why they lost.

Stryker picked up on some important points in that memo, which according to The New York Times, has circulated widely among Democrats.

From having a weak national brand, to focusing too much on social issues rather than the economy, which they believe is in bad shape, to feeling Democrats are out of touch in addressing serious issues, the memo clearly was a wake-up call. When looking specifically at the governor’s race, Stryker found that the strategy of trying to tie Youngkin to Trump was a mistake—and he doesn’t sugarcoat it.

f we are running 2022 on ‘Republican candidate = Trump,’ we’re getting killed,” he wrote.

Education was also a top concern for voters, but more on the fact that Democrats shut down schools and on the parental rights front than critical race theory. McAuliffe also wasn’t an impressive candidate and Stryker said not a single person “could remember anything he did as Governor.”

In an interview with The New York Times, Stryker expanded on what he learned from the focus groups.

When asked how he’d advise a Democrat client running in 2022, Stryker was blunt.

“I would tell them that we have a problem,” he said. “We’ve got a national branding problem that is probably deeper than a lot of people suspect. Our party thinks maybe some things we’re saying aren’t cutting through, but I think it’s much deeper than that.”

Stryker also found that women, black voters, and Hispanic voters all want Democrats to address economic issues.

“I’m not advocating for us ignoring social issues, but when we think broadly about voters, they actually all want us talking about the economy and doing things to help them out economically,” he said.


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but when we think broadly about voters, they actually all want us talking about the economy and doing things to help them out economically,” he said.
How much did they pay that guy? Seriously. Welcome to Rocket Science 101.
This is the best news headline ever!


Watch Live — Raggedy *** Ginger Shitclown holds WH presser…​

Posted by Kane on December 3, 2021 2:05 pm
“I would tell them that we have a problem,” he said. “We’ve got a national branding problem that is probably deeper than a lot of people suspect. Our party thinks maybe some things we’re saying aren’t cutting through, but I think it’s much deeper than that.”
Basically what the Dim Party wants is not what the American people want, and vice versa.
I don't see a recent Climate Change Horseshit thread, so throwing this here.



Dr. Happer: "The rationale for the crusade against co2, it's almost a religious thing people believe in." .. What are the facts? Is climate change a problem? The answer is NO, it's not a problem at all and co2 is not a problem at all."

Via CLINTEL: William Happer, one of the most well-known climate optimists/realists in the world, visited The Netherlands on November 15 and 16, on the invitation of CLINTEL. Happer is a physicist, professor emeritus at Princeton University, former (climate) advisor in the Trump Administration and founder of the US thinktank the CO2 Coalition.

Happer gave a CLINTEL Lecture (full talk with Dutch subtitles) in Amsterdam in which he restated that extra CO2 is no problem for the climate and for humanity. He even thinks that it is beneficial because of the positive effects on plant growth and agriculture.

He also spoke about this theme in two interviews he gave during his visit. The first one, done by public broadcaster Ongehoord Nederland, can be found here. The second one, by De Groene Rekenkamer, can be found here

Two more videos in the link
care to show the class where any MAGA group has blown up a school, murdered villages, raped and sodomized women, tortured and killed men, enslaved villagers, etc?

**** you and this really ****** and in poor taste political cartoon.