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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Trump Winning"

Nice day to you, too. Have a good one, Supe! (y)
awesome. so i'll remove your misinformed political cartoon unless you can show your work.
He can't help it , he has TDS. He talks more about Trump than any 10 posters on here. Did he travel to Hungary and break it off in your *** or what ?
awesome. so i'll remove your misinformed political cartoon unless you can show your work.

Of course you will, Karen. That's how the hyper-sensitive right rolls nowadays. Can dish it out all day, but wince & cry at the slightest bit of pushback or criticism. Just like the mushroom-dicked fraud you all worship as a Demigod. LOL.
Of course you will, Karen. That's how the hyper-sensitive right rolls nowadays. Can dish it out all day, but wince & cry at the slightest bit of pushback or criticism. Just like the mushroom-dicked fraud you all worship as a Demigod. LOL.
i do not believe i ever supported bomma
and what you're saying, Tibs, is that you're only posting the political cartoon to stir ****. not that you believe it.
100% understood.
Of course you will, Karen. That's how the hyper-sensitive right rolls nowadays. Can dish it out all day, but wince & cry at the slightest bit of pushback or criticism.

Wait a minute. Aren't you the cuck boy who actually defriended Supe on a social media platform simply because the political candidate you were against and he was for won the Presidency in the United States, a place you haven't even lived in or paid taxes to in decades?
Wait a minute. Aren't you the cuck boy who actually defriended Supe on a social media platform simply because the political candidate you were against and he was for won the Presidency in the United States, a place you haven't even lived in or paid taxes to in decades?
Wait a minute. Aren't you the cuck boy who actually defriended Supe on a social media platform simply because the political candidate you were against and he was for won the Presidency in the United States, a place you haven't even lived in or paid taxes to in decades?

I *defriended* Supe on social media when it became clear he's no different than the rest of you dark-souled, wretched, xenophobic ********. He and I were cool for years, even with our political differences. But then, things turned bitter and dark on the MAGA side. It became clear that as a mod, Supe was not interested in being fair or even-handed, but instead piled-on in the *mob rule* personal attacks & insults that have permeated the board ever since. Who needs friends like that? Good riddance. The end. :jagoff:
I *defriended* Supe on social media when it became clear he's no different than the rest of you dark-souled, wretched, xenophobic ********. He and I were cool for years, even with our political differences. But then, things turned bitter and dark on the MAGA side. It became clear that as a mod, Supe was not interested in being fair or even-handed, but instead piled-on in the *mob rule* personal attacks & insults that have permeated the board ever since. Who needs friends like that? Good riddance. The end. :jagoff:

I'm not going to speak for him, but Supe has always been fair-minded with everyone I've ever seen on here, even with lunatics like yourself. He even continued to hear your bitchy complaints when somebody hurt your feewings after you pulled that dick move on him.

And what became so bitter and dark on here? Your mind?
I *defriended* Supe on social media when it became clear he's no different than the rest of you dark-souled, wretched, xenophobic ********. He and I were cool for years, even with our political differences. But then, things turned bitter and dark on the MAGA side. It became clear that as a mod, Supe was not interested in being fair or even-handed, but instead piled-on in the *mob rule* personal attacks & insults that have permeated the board ever since. Who needs friends like that? Good riddance. The end. :jagoff:
oh, you lying ******* cuck. you didnt even have the goddamn balls to tell me that you defriended me. I just took a guess since you were so bent out of shape leading up to the best election night in history that all your whining and crying posts were suddenly missing that you were either logged out of Facebook permanently, caught a ban or something else. So I typed your name into the search field and ... "Add Friend" came up. Yeah, **** that. When I messaged you about it, you even said that you were not defriending ME but didnt want people I'm friends with on SN to see you on there. Then you went completely ******* HiLzLossTeTeD and started on the bullshit. Which you get back in droves.

I will agree on one thing... Good ******* riddance.
I *defriended* Supe on social media when it became clear he's no different than the rest of you dark-souled, wretched, xenophobic ********. He and I were cool for years, even with our political differences. But then, things turned bitter and dark on the MAGA side. It became clear that as a mod, Supe was not interested in being fair or even-handed, but instead piled-on in the *mob rule* personal attacks & insults that have permeated the board ever since. Who needs friends like that? Good riddance. The end. :jagoff:

Fibs, Tiborat, Tibilo =

1) Whiny, bitchy, hypocritical cuck boy. Has said some downright nasty **** about posters on here multiple times that were blatantly homophobic etc. (like we give a ****)

2) Disingenuous, freeloading, trolling foreigner. Has recently said he simply posts *round them up* to trigger the MAGAs (whatever the **** that means - we just want safety, peace, prosperity and to be left alone) - but using a term that's associated with Nazi Germany and the Holocaust is somehow funny and a "gotcha"! Disgusting pile of vomit

3) Talks about Orange Man (who hasn't been in office for a year) more than 10 other posters here put together. Needs a straitjacket and a rubber room
Things became dark around here when it became apparent, to anyone with two brain cells, that we were witnessing a soft coup against a duly elected president.
I *defriended* Supe on social media when it became clear he's no different than the rest of you dark-souled, wretched, xenophobic ********. He and I were cool for years, even with our political differences. But then, things turned bitter and dark on the MAGA side. It became clear that as a mod, Supe was not interested in being fair or even-handed, but instead piled-on in the *mob rule* personal attacks & insults that have permeated the board ever since. Who needs friends like that? Good riddance. The end. :jagoff:
******* Sand In Vagina Syndrom (SIVS) - grow the **** up and be a real man. I'm so tired of you pansy ***** and your feelings getting hurt all of the time. I hope life takes a giant dump in your cheerios so that you finally understand that simple, stupid bullshit like political leanings aren't the end of the world. Supe is a damn good dude and I don't care that he's is a flaming **** that watches clown porn, that's no reason to shut him out.

Like the great poet Randy Newman once penned - You have a friend in me, Supe.
I don't care that he's is a flaming **** that watches clown porn, that's no reason to shut him out.

Don't forget trans-midget and ogre porn. I may have triggered him with the ogre stuff, that's crossing into dangerous territory. Don't defriend me Supe! :ROFLMAO:

Supe is as good a guy as they come.
******* Sand In Vagina Syndrom (SIVS) - grow the **** up and be a real man. I'm so tired of you pansy ***** and your feelings getting hurt all of the time. I hope life takes a giant dump in your cheerios so that you finally understand that simple, stupid bullshit like political leanings aren't the end of the world. Supe is a damn good dude and I don't care that he's is a flaming **** that watches clown porn, that's no reason to shut him out.

Like the great poet Randy Newman once penned - You have a friend in me, Supe.
thanks for the new links. those came in quite handy.

two puns in one sentence!
oh, you lying ******* cuck. you didnt even have the goddamn balls to tell me that you defriended me. I just took a guess since you were so bent out of shape leading up to the best election night in history that all your whining and crying posts were suddenly missing that you were either logged out of Facebook permanently, caught a ban or something else. So I typed your name into the search field and ... "Add Friend" came up. Yeah, **** that. When I messaged you about it, you even said that you were not defriending ME but didnt want people I'm friends with on SN to see you on there. Then you went completely ******* HiLzLossTeTeD and started on the bullshit. Which you get back in droves. I will agree on one thing... Good ******* riddance.

Yeah, that happened eventually, over time. I unfriended you after I realized you were no different than the others here. Cut from the same cloth. Who needs this much negativity in their life? Not me. Hope you can move past it, I'm sure your crew keeps things lively for you on FB.

No hard feelings, eh? Just didn't make sense to be friends off site with you hurling personal insults and joining in on the mudslinging. It's all good. I get it. You took the easy route, can't say I blame you. It's always fun to pile on. I'm public enemy #1, somebody's gotta be the boogie man.

I take back what I said about you not being a good mod. You're a good mod, you care about this site. It is what it is. Take it easy.
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I unfriended you after I realized you were no different than the others here. Cut from the same cloth. Who needs this much negativity in their life?

Says the lunatic dipshit who continually shows up to that site to troll it - but but but, they don't want the negativity in their life! You're a pathetic ******* clown.
It must really suck when you come to the realization that the person you hate most in the world has taken over and reshaped your entire life.

A person you've never met and never will meet, and has done absolutely nothing of consequence to you personally (unless Orange Man bombed Hungtardistan and blew up all of Tiborat's favorite liquor stores and none of us were ever told).
oh, you lying ******* cuck. you didnt even have the goddamn balls to tell me that you defriended me. I just took a guess since you were so bent out of shape leading up to the best election night in history that all your whining and crying posts were suddenly missing that you were either logged out of Facebook permanently, caught a ban or something else. So I typed your name into the search field and ... "Add Friend" came up. Yeah, **** that. When I messaged you about it, you even said that you were not defriending ME but didnt want people I'm friends with on SN to see you on there. Then you went completely ******* HiLzLossTeTeD and started on the bullshit. Which you get back in droves.

I will agree on one thing... Good ******* riddance.
He'll be back.

you even said that you were not defriending ME but didnt want people I'm friends with on SN to see you on there.

Who needs this much negativity in their life? Not me.



If ever a single sentence or post of yours defines you, this is it. Quite literally nothing you write do you mean.