Instant justice. Robber gets shot in the face.
Instant justice. Robber gets shot in the face.
Jim Clyburn is exactly right. Problem is, the MAGA base can do no such thing. You *thrive* on being subjugated members of the Trump cult.
Jim Clyburn: Republican Party must "step away from cult worship"
"It's time for the right-thinking people in this country to step away from cult worship," Clyburn
Jim Clyburn is exactly right. Problem is, the MAGA base can do no such thing. You *thrive* on being subjugated members of the Trump cult.
Jim Clyburn: Republican Party must "step away from cult worship"
"It's time for the right-thinking people in this country to step away from cult worship," Clyburn
you are truly an idiot!!!
Jim Clyburn is exactly right. Problem is, the MAGA base can do no such thing. You *thrive* on being subjugated members of the Trump cult.
Jim Clyburn: Republican Party must "step away from cult worship"
"It's time for the right-thinking people in this country to step away from cult worship," Clyburn
Not sure where to post this but this is epic funny. She deserves an award.
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And his party is pissed at him because he's representing his constituents and not the Party. Tells you all you need to know.
You can also add cheap college to the list. Just how is it that a 4 year degree costs more than your average mortgage today?You idiot, Republicans and (D)imbos were both behind the cancellation of Glass-Steagall in 1999, with 155 (D)imbos voting for repeal, 207 Republicans. It was then signed into law by a (D)imbo President, Clinton, after the repeal was trumpeted by HIS Treasury Secretary, Larry Summers.
Only stupid, uninformed, lazy dumbasses think the repeal of Glass-Steagall was a "Republican" move. Oh, I get why you think that ...
Republicans have since attempted to institute greater regulation on banks, including re-imposition of Glass-Steagall, and guess who was one of the biggest opponents? The corporate shill, the Delaware *****, Joseph Robinette "Brandon" Biden.
As to the "oh you're so racist" garbage, I just ignore the bleating stupidity of those aligned with the party that started and counted on the KKK.