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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Trump Winning"

You can also add cheap college to the list. Just how is it that a 4 year degree costs more than your average mortgage today?

Could it be that when Congress (read Dims) passed legislation to guarantee student loans, it gave a green light to colleges to charge what ever they wanted?

Back in the dark ages (mid 70's) I paid $450 a semester, I had interns that had to shell out 100K a year just a short time ago.
now, a book for one semester can cost as much as $450. And it's unlikely the book is used often.
I completed my degree in Dec 2019. I had to purchase the Project Management Book of Knowledge for that semester, 7th edition. Because the prior version had changed a couple paragraphs and where they were located in the book. The book is available on Amazon for less than $40 now, but was $150-200 two years ago.
now, a book for one semester can cost as much as $450. And it's unlikely the book is used often.
I completed my degree in Dec 2019. I had to purchase the Project Management Book of Knowledge for that semester, 7th edition. Because the prior version had changed a couple paragraphs and where they were located in the book. The book is available on Amazon for less than $40 now, but was $150-200 two years ago.
We're from the government and here to help you.
i'd love to see how Pearson got all the book rights for college material. Not only do they supply most of the printed material, but also the digital as well. To include online testing, too.
i'd love to see how Pearson got all the book rights for college material. Not only do they supply most of the printed material, but also the digital as well. To include online testing, too.
The last semester I taught in college, come think was almost ten years ago at Eastern Gateway Community College in Ohio, I taught a "hybrid course" which was two short days in class and the balance was online learning. The program was from Pearson VUE and it was barely functioning garbage. The stuff didn't work, either online or in the classroom. Luckily I quit a month into the semester for medical reasons, this was when I got a staph infection in my shoulder after rotator cuff surgery and they had to get someone else, but I have first-hand experience from a teaching perspective that Pearson's stuff was total ****. I asked the dean if we could switch books and just teach it like a normal class and I was told no. My suspicion is that they got some money from the state to teach "hybrid" classes so gawdammit we're going to teach hybrid classes.
This board, in a nutshell. 😐

This board, in a nutshell. 😐

View attachment 7440

Well yeah because then we'd all be ********.

I admire you people's originality btw.

This board, in a nutshell. 😐

View attachment 7440

Again for 100th time, then why the **** are you here?

Get a life already, troll. There have to be some Marxist boards on the web where you can share your latest iterations of the Communist Manifesto, goulash recipes and your shared love of palinka and czardas.
Again for 100th time, then why the **** are you here?

Get a life already, troll. There have to be some Marxist boards on the web where you can share your latest iterations of the Communist Manifesto, goulash recipes and your shared love of palinka and czardas.
You know Donkey, if everyone just put the expatriate on ignore, he'd be talking to himself, which he likely does anyway.
I haven't read a single comment from the Hungarian resident in a long time because it's always the same tripe.
Biden Investigated For Threatening The President By Saying 'Let's Go Brandon’
December 27th, 2021 - BabylonBee.com

WASHINGTON, D.C.—The FBI is investigating a credible threat to the president by the president after President Biden was caught on camera during a live Christmas event repeating the phrase "Let's Go Brandon."
According to witnesses, the Bidens were speaking with a caller who uttered the notorious chant "Let's Go Brandon!" before hanging up.
"Let's Go Brandon! Yeah, I agree!" said Biden to the horror of witnesses and viewers across America.
"It was a truly dark moment for our democracy," said respected left-wing intellectual Joy Reid. "That dangerous right-wing white supremacist insurrectionist slur uttered by Joe Biden is a legitimate threat on the president's life and must be investigated immediately."
Experts are still trying to determine exactly how President Biden was seduced by the insidious toxicity of racist Republican slogans against himself, but some are suggesting it may be due to Biden spending unsupervised time on Facebook.
The January 6 committee has also issued a subpoena, demanding the president appear before the House to answer for his threats against the president.
"I vow to use every resource at my disposal to catch the perpetrator," said Biden in a statement. "We'll round up every person responsible and throw him in a paddy-wagon to be hauled off to the clink! Let's Go Brandon!"
Biden Investigated For Threatening The President By Saying 'Let's Go Brandon’
December 27th, 2021 - BabylonBee.com

WASHINGTON, D.C.—The FBI is investigating a credible threat to the president by the president after President Biden was caught on camera during a live Christmas event repeating the phrase "Let's Go Brandon."
According to witnesses, the Bidens were speaking with a caller who uttered the notorious chant "Let's Go Brandon!" before hanging up.
"Let's Go Brandon! Yeah, I agree!" said Biden to the horror of witnesses and viewers across America.
"It was a truly dark moment for our democracy," said respected left-wing intellectual Joy Reid. "That dangerous right-wing white supremacist insurrectionist slur uttered by Joe Biden is a legitimate threat on the president's life and must be investigated immediately."
Experts are still trying to determine exactly how President Biden was seduced by the insidious toxicity of racist Republican slogans against himself, but some are suggesting it may be due to Biden spending unsupervised time on Facebook.
The January 6 committee has also issued a subpoena, demanding the president appear before the House to answer for his threats against the president.
"I vow to use every resource at my disposal to catch the perpetrator," said Biden in a statement. "We'll round up every person responsible and throw him in a paddy-wagon to be hauled off to the clink! Let's Go Brandon!"
This would be funny if it weren't so sad.
When i was in college i was a science major and was shelling out big bucks for books. Most txt books were a couple hundred then you had to buy lab books which were another hundred or so. It was such a waste.
Kaepernick Sad That No Slave Owner Will Enslave Him No Matter How Many Times He Tries Out To Be A Slave
November 1st, 2021 - BabylonBee.com

NEW YORK, NY—In his new six-episode limited series on Netflix, Colin Kaepernick proudly proclaimed that no NFL slave owner will ever enslave him no matter how many times he tries out to be a slave. After being emancipated from his former owner the San Francisco 49ers in 2016, Kaepernick has worked tirelessly to become a slave again.
"I try out for NFL slavery every year, and they keep rejecting me. The NFL is oppressive, and it's also oppressive that they refuse to oppress me," he said.
In May 2017, he visited the brutal Seattle Seahawks Plantation hoping to become a slave there but unfortunately left training camp with his liberty and independence still intact. Kaepernick then visited the infamous Baltimore Ravens, some of the cruelest slave-drivers in the country, but they too declined to take away his rights and place him in bondage. Finally, in a last-ditch effort, Kaepernick arranged his own private slave auction of himself in Atlanta where he demonstrated his proficiency as a slave for 32 potential owners. Ultimately, he remained unable to find a buyer for himself.
“I’m tired of these rich White men oppressing me by opting not to oppress me,” a heartbroken Kaepernick declared. Sadly, to this day, Colin Kaepernick, a quarterback some refer to as “The MOAT” (Mediocre-est of All-Time), still remains free and liberated.
Damn, MTG! I love it!

Marjorie Taylor Greene calls for National Divorce… Now trending #1…​

Posted by Kane on December 30, 2021 2:29 pm


1. You know what is necessary about threatening a divorce?
It’s a wake up call to the one offending the other that they’ve had enough.
And if the other party cares at all, they look at what they are doing wrong and care to fix it.
National Divorce is not civil war.
— Marjorie Taylor Greene
(@mtgreenee) December 30, 2021

Quite a Leftist meltdown over these statements from MTG.

3. But the state of our union is currently far from happy, and I really don’t care how many Democrats I offend by calling it out.
For your information, you like our red states BECAUSE of our politics and it’s OUR Republican politics that create the very environments you like.
— Marjorie Taylor Greene

5. For your information, we Republicans don’t want your blue votes ruining our red home states!
We don’t want high taxes, high crime, high amounts of perverse school curriculums, loss of freedoms, & AUTHORITARIAN big government in our red states!
That’s what you Dems vote for!
— Marjorie Taylor Greene

7. I don’t want a National Divorce, but I not will tolerate is Democratic Communism.
Leave your blue votes in your blue states.
If you move to a red state, learn from your blue state experience that your Democrat ways failed.
Then we welcome you.https://t.co/VyT2W6gtSf
— Marjorie Taylor Greene