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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Trump Winning"


Virginia’s new Attorney General just fired the entire state Civil Rights office​

On his first day, Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares has eliminated the Office of Civil Rights. Miyares also announced he will prosecute criminal cases in jurisdictions where Soros DAs decline to prosecute, and he has already opened investigations into Loudon County Public Schools.

What happened at the school?
What happened at the school?

I posted an expose several months ago about what went down in Loudon County. Read this post and the next 2 or 3:

It is long. But PLEASE read all of it. Loudon County was exposed through investigative reporting for covering up a rape of a student in a school bathroom, not involving the police and transferring the rapist (a 'transgender' male) to other schools where he raped again.

The father of the first girl was Scott Smith, the guy that was ridiculed nationwide for being tackled by police at a school board meeting. What people don't know is that the reason he lost his mind is a radical, LGBTQ mom was standing next to him calling him and his daughter a liar. Not only does the report expose this, but I personally know a woman who was standing right behind the LGBTQ woman at the same school board meeting (her kids go to school there).

Smith has since been vindicated, though he lost nearly everything.

The article explains the top to bottom corruption of Loudon County, the public schools and the local Government.

It will make your blood boil.
I posted an expose several months ago about what went down in Loudon County. Read this post and the next 2 or 3:

It is long. But PLEASE read all of it. Loudon County was exposed through investigative reporting for covering up a rape of a student in a school bathroom, not involving the police and transferring the rapist (a 'transgender' male) to other schools where he raped again.

The father of the first girl was Scott Smith, the guy that was ridiculed nationwide for being tackled by police at a school board meeting. What people don't know is that the reason he lost his mind is a radical, LGBTQ mom was standing next to him calling him and his daughter a liar. Not only does the report expose this, but I personally know a woman who was standing right behind the LGBTQ woman at the same school board meeting (her kids go to school there).

Smith has since been vindicated, though he lost nearly everything.

The article explains the top to bottom corruption of Loudon County, the public schools and the local Government.

It will make your blood boil.


LOLOLOL, Tibtard the clown caught posting fake news again, just like his unhinged radical left heroes in the Democrat Party.
I have to remember to add the bullshit "Trump called Republicans dumb" hoax to the incredibly lengthy list of hoaxes Tibilo has swallowed.

Jesus, Tibsy, at this point I think you've swallowed more than Cumala.
New, Deadlier AR-16 Introduced Which Is An AR-15 Wearing A MAGA Hat
January 21st, 2020 - BabylonBee.com

U.S.—Horror has spread throughout the nation as the unthinkable has happened: A new, even deadlier successor to the AR-15 -- the AR-16 -- is now for sale. The gun is a lot like the destructive AR-15 but is even scarier, as it is wearing a red “Make America Great Again” hat.
The AR-15 was the deadliest gun ever made, able to fire over 100 rounds a day. The “AR” in it stands for “AR-15 Rifle” and the 15 stands for “50% more than 10.” The new AR-16 is obviously even more destructive, though. “Guns are scary enough,” said being-scared-by-guns expert Noah Carlson, “but knowing a gun is a supporter of Donald Trump makes it even more terrifying. What’s it planning to do? Obviously nothing good.”
Carlson warned that the gun was probably racist and sexist and that he wouldn’t be surprised if it was also rude to women. There is now a campaign to have the gun banned, signed onto by all the major Democratic presidential candidates. Many gun rights supporters have called this hypocrisy, though, as recently the LGBTQ-15 also went on sale -- an AR-15 with a rainbow scarf -- and the left praised that gun and called it “appropriate for children.”
New, Deadlier AR-16 Introduced Which Is An AR-15 Wearing A MAGA Hat
January 21st, 2020 - BabylonBee.com

U.S.—Horror has spread throughout the nation as the unthinkable has happened: A new, even deadlier successor to the AR-15 -- the AR-16 -- is now for sale. The gun is a lot like the destructive AR-15 but is even scarier, as it is wearing a red “Make America Great Again” hat.
The AR-15 was the deadliest gun ever made, able to fire over 100 rounds a day. The “AR” in it stands for “AR-15 Rifle” and the 15 stands for “50% more than 10.” The new AR-16 is obviously even more destructive, though. “Guns are scary enough,” said being-scared-by-guns expert Noah Carlson, “but knowing a gun is a supporter of Donald Trump makes it even more terrifying. What’s it planning to do? Obviously nothing good.”
Carlson warned that the gun was probably racist and sexist and that he wouldn’t be surprised if it was also rude to women. There is now a campaign to have the gun banned, signed onto by all the major Democratic presidential candidates. Many gun rights supporters have called this hypocrisy, though, as recently the LGBTQ-15 also went on sale -- an AR-15 with a rainbow scarf -- and the left praised that gun and called it “appropriate for children.”

Comedy gold. Epic. Thank you for that.
Ron DeSantis Dyes Hair, Gets Spray Tan In Preparation For 2024 Presidential Run
April 8th, 2021 - BabylonBee.com

TALLAHASSEE, FL—Florida Governor Ron DeSantis unveiled his brand-new presidential bleached hair and spray tan this week, officially kicking off his campaign to run for president in 2024.
"What are you talking about? This is how I've always looked!" said DeSantis to questioning reporters. "And I don't appreciate it, OK? You are fake news. And frankly, it's disgraceful. Some people might even say you're losers, too. Many people are saying that, anyway. Enemies of the people. Sad."
DeSantis then turned in early to practice his grand accordion hand gestures and say "you are fake news" over and over again to the mirror.
Fans of the governor are saying that he's never looked more presidential than he does now, suggesting he could be a "shoe-in" to win in 2024.
"He's just the candidate we're looking for," said Fudd McGillicutty, Florida man. "For some reason that I can't place my finger on, he makes me feel excitement I haven't felt since 2016!"
DeSantis is currently on the hunt for a mild-mannered Christian governor from the Midwest to serve as his running mate.
I'll start taking that seriously when they start investigating Nancy Pelosi's amazing success with stock investment.
Well, in truth it doesn't too much matter whether you or I take it seriously. That said, they seem intent on bringing him down by hook or by crook.

I don't know if the guy over valued assets to gain favorable loan rates and tax breaks or not. There's a small part of me that really doesn't care. That said, if he broke the law he needs to pay the fiddler.

Pelosi and her ilk should be standing right next to him. I mean, there's lucky and then there's Nancy Pelosi lucky, to have such a fortunate run in the market to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. Nah, no impropriety there.

It's old. All of it. I am tired of politicians skating on this **** and fleecing the American public American public in the process. And we excuse it based on the letter after their name.
Jesus, Tibsy, at this point I think you've swallowed more than Cumala.

I'm sure it's had to have it's stomach pumped multiple times.
I personally think all politicians are enormous ****-bags.

I think like Zona said, once you've drank that kool-aid and can do anything without repercussion on and on and on, it's like there's just no going back.

That's why term limits are one of the most crucial things for these ****-bags. The Commander-in-Chief has a ******* term limit. Make it happen already.
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I think like Zona said, once you've drank that kool-aid and can do anything without repercussion on and on and on, it's like there's just no going back.

That's why term limits are one of the most crucial things for these ****-bags. The Commander-in-Chief has a ******* term limit. Make it happen already.
Back in the olden days, being a senator or representative was a side job. Too bad the founding fathers didn't build in term limits at the time. They probably figured the citizens would take care of business if things got out of hand...
This is huge. Well done Gov. Younkin.

Glenn Youngkin just gutted Virginia’s state CRT office​

Glenn Youngkin has asked all of the state’s DEI employees to resign and tapped anti-critical race theory leader Angela Sailor to lead the department. In her first move, Sailor eliminated the word “equity” and replaced it with “opportunity.” Angela Sailor, a former policy expert at The Heritage Foundation was formally named the state’s new DEI director of diversity, equity and inclusion.

Youngkin also issued an executive order to refocus the DEI office, tasking Sailor and her staff to work on economic opportunity, cooperation among religious groups, promoting “free speech and civil discourse” at colleges and universities, and ensuring that Virginia’s history curriculum is “honest, objective, and complete.”

This is huge. Well done Gov. Younkin.

Glenn Youngkin just gutted Virginia’s state CRT office​

Glenn Youngkin has asked all of the state’s DEI employees to resign and tapped anti-critical race theory leader Angela Sailor to lead the department. In her first move, Sailor eliminated the word “equity” and replaced it with “opportunity.” Angela Sailor, a former policy expert at The Heritage Foundation was formally named the state’s new DEI director of diversity, equity and inclusion.

Youngkin also issued an executive order to refocus the DEI office, tasking Sailor and her staff to work on economic opportunity, cooperation among religious groups, promoting “free speech and civil discourse” at colleges and universities, and ensuring that Virginia’s history curriculum is “honest, objective, and complete.”

Awww ****! Now how are they supposed to teach kids to be racists in our schools?
Love you Kid Rock! :). Listen to the lyrics.

"Black Lives Matter....no **** mother ******!"

This is huge. Well done Gov. Younkin.

Glenn Youngkin just gutted Virginia’s state CRT office​

Liberals: "Virginia does not teach critical race theory in public schools!"

Also liberals: "Removing critical race theory from public schools is racist!"
It's just crazy enough to be true.

I had a revelation a day or two ago talking about vegetable with a co-worker.

I suggested, (in jest, mind you) that maybe some Trump loyalists had worked their way into vegetable's inner circle and they were advising him on his policies.

"Hey Joe. You should TOTALLY reverse all the border stuff. Just throw it all out and let them come to the border in unimaginable hordes!"

"Hey, Joe. We think you should ABSOLUTELY dump trillions of unbacked currency into the economy. Cause inflation isn't even a real thing."

"Joe, we talked about it, and YES! You should DEFINITELY pull the troops out of Afghanistan before you get the civilians out. Be FIRM, Joe!"

"Joe, in our considered opinion, the BEST thing to do is confuse China and Russia with muddy, unclear foreign policy stands. But if push comes to shove, capitulate. That's what Americans want!"

"Joe, our research shows that Americans LOVE Grandpas. So, what you should do is go into every speaking engagement as unprepared as possible so you can more convincingly come across as a lovable, confused and slightly incoherent gentle old grampy."

There are so many more examples...
Goddammit, Wig, you willingly ignore the dozens numerous one posts in the "Biden Saving Us" thread, outlining the brilliant brilliance of the Plagiarist-in-Chief and his dumb sidekick and the amazing amazingness of their policies!!

I mean, just look at Cov ... the bord ... inflatio ... Gross Domestic Prod ... the stock mark ... Afghanist ... Fentanyl deat ... supply ch ... crim ... zero bai ... defund the poli ... foreign poli ... Ira ... gas pri ... food pri ... store shel ...

Damn, too many successes to list!!!
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It's just crazy enough to be true.

I had a revelation a day or two ago talking about vegetable with a co-worker.

I suggested, (in jest, mind you) that maybe some Trump loyalists had worked their way into vegetable's inner circle and they were advising him on his policies.

"Hey Joe. You should TOTALLY reverse all the border stuff. Just throw it all out and let them come to the border in unimaginable hordes!"

"Hey, Joe. We think you should ABSOLUTELY dump trillions of unbacked currency into the economy. Cause inflation isn't even a real thing."

"Joe, we talked about it, and YES! You should DEFINITELY pull the troops out of Afghanistan before you get the civilians out. Be FIRM, Joe!"

"Joe, in our considered opinion, the BEST thing to do is confuse China and Russia with muddy, unclear foreign policy stands. But if push comes to shove, capitulate. That's what Americans want!"

"Joe, our research shows that Americans LOVE Grandpas. So, what you should do is go into every speaking engagement as unprepared as possible so you can more convincingly come across as a lovable, confused and slightly incoherent gentle old grampy."

There are so many more examples...

I don't think so .. Pretty sure their team thought up all that **** up on their own..