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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Trump Winning"

Delaying by Bragg just keeps it in the news cycle for another 30 days. Bragg was instructed to do this to keep negativity on Trump. They know this fizzles .
Why would you want to put her through that fresh hell?
Why would you want to put her through that fresh hell?
I bet she'd be up for the task. She doesn't take crap off of anyone and tells it like it is. She's not afraid of stepping on toes or hurting feelings even in her own party/office.

I'd vote for her over Youngkin. He has been a great governor but I think he does have a bit more political leanings than she would.
The current liberal fascist party is moving ever more aggressively to utterly destroy any real threat to their burgeoning banana republic.

It's like throwing a puppy into a wood-chipper because it's a doberman puppy.
The current liberal fascist party is moving ever more aggressively to utterly destroy any real threat to their burgeoning banana republic.

It's like throwing a puppy into a wood-chipper because it's a doberman puppy.
Boy, this thread is still going? Holy Moses. Hats off to you guys. Now that's perseverance...and resiliency. Trump has at least that going for him, his hardcore MAGA base will forever stand with him, until the end of time. Beyond impressive.

Hope everyone's doing well, it's been a while.
Boy, this thread is still going? Holy Moses. Hats off to you guys. Now that's perseverance...and resiliency. Trump has at least that going for him, his hardcore MAGA base will forever stand with him, until the end of time. Beyond impressive.

Hope everyone's doing well, it's been a while.

Glad you are alive, I started worrying because you waited an extra day,

FYI, **** is getting worse over here.
Thank you Dems....I mean up yours Dems.

USA will fall. Get that champagne ready.
Boy, this thread is still going? Holy Moses. Hats off to you guys. Now that's perseverance...and resiliency. Trump has at least that going for him, his hardcore MAGA base will forever stand with him, until the end of time. Beyond impressive.

Hope everyone's doing well, it's been a while.
Go away commie.
Boy, this thread is still going? Holy Moses. Hats off to you guys. Now that's perseverance...and resiliency. Trump has at least that going for him, his hardcore MAGA base will forever stand with him, until the end of time. Beyond impressive.

Hope everyone's doing well, it's been a while.
Hi Tibs What are your pronouns these days? Have you transitioned into a man yet?
Boy, this thread is still going? Holy Moses. Hats off to you guys. Now that's perseverance...and resiliency. Trump has at least that going for him, his hardcore MAGA base will forever stand with him, until the end of time. Beyond impressive.

Hope everyone's doing well, it's been a while.
Missed you Tib's, poor old Trog has taken beating after beating without you. Tried to send you a message to check on you but it wouldn't send.
Wi fi around here is free. My sister tells me you have to pay for it in the burgh. That sounds wacky to me.
Wi fi around here is free. My sister tells me you have to pay for it in the burgh. That sounds wacky to me.
Some places have it for free. Some bars and restaurants, Walmart, McDonald's. If you have Comcast XFinity at home you can log in to it anywhere it is. I had it at the office of my old company and they didn't catch up to me and cancel my login for about a year after I sold it.