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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Trump Winning"

He made a lot of bad appointments and hires - ex. Christopher Wray (which he still won't say was a mistake to put him in that position from an interview not long ago). Many others as well, and if you need a list I can get it, but it's pretty easy to find.

He isn't "owed" anything. If he wanted a second term he should have embraced the rules set in place from COVID, and started pushing ballot harvesting and early voting with his base. Nope, just vote on election day only was pushed by him. The writing was on the wall for a while about that and Republicans whiffed as usual. Also - on the owed thing - no politician is owed ****, they owe us .....period.

He was proud of the "shots he was calling". He talked many times about how shutting down has never been done ever and "I" did it to save lives. He said things like that many times, and if he disagreed with Fauci and company about opening up he could have stated so and directed states to open, just as he directed them to close..........and yes he did direct them to close, and has said it himself many times.

What the left wants me to believe???? LOL!!! I actually pay attention and educate myself on what's going on, and don't get swayed by a bunch of propagandist bullshit. I'm hardly swayed by the left in any manner, but I'm also not enamored by the right either. I especially don't put politicians of any sort on a pedastal and make excuses, because I don't worship politicians as saviors of the republic. No one person is going to save this country and people need to stop hero worshipping presidents as such.

Exactly, it's what the left wants you to believe.
If by now you are not convinced of the lefts 7 mission to take down Trump, then you can't be helped.

"Never let a crisis go to waste" as spoken by a Chicago lefty Rohm E. , and COVID provided them a golden opportunity.

I'll just leave you with this:.

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Owed a second term? Guess we’ll see if the electorate agrees. I’m thinking probably not, but this is 2023 America. At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if we elected a transgender cat as president.
Wouldn't that be a step or two up from the current president?
I'll just leave you with this:.

Owed a second term? Guess we’ll see if the electorate agrees. I’m thinking probably not, but this is 2023 America. At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if we elected a transgender cat as president.
"Owned" sounds like strong word there, but from the perspective of many of Trump supporters, (and especially Trump), is that based on his many accomplishments, he earned a second term....then to have the election stolen from him makes a strong case for the term "owed".

Disclaimer: I strongly believe Trump earned a second term, however amid the glaring corruption and voter fraud, I will always be on the fence on whether there was enough fraud committed to sway the election.
"Owned" sounds like strong word there, but from the perspective of many of Trump supporters, (and especially Trump), is that based on his many accomplishments, he earned a second term....then to have the election stolen from him makes a strong case for the term "owed".

Disclaimer: I strongly believe Trump earned a second term, however amid the glaring corruption and voter fraud, I will always be on the fence on whether there was enough fraud committed to sway the election.

I'm not on the fence, but there's nothing anyone can do about it.

The real true 100% fact is that without covid no election laws get changed and Trump wins easily. This country was crushing it and he was smacking China on the pee pee.

I blame the virus and ******* China. Then the ******** who took advantage in certain states to circumvent election laws without the state legislature.

Good grief the guy got 81 million votes and he never left his basement. And he's a complete brain dead corrupted to the core piece of dogshit.
His handlers reelection plan is to put out video, because turnout was so poor at his rallies it was embarrassing. Can't have that. Is Nancy Pelosis propaganda filmmaker daughter hired to put out the videos?
How is Trump’s rape trial going, did that start this week? Still reeling from 34 felony counts in Manhattan. The Georgia election fraud case should be heating up soon, same w Jack Smith special counsel investigation(s). When the leader of your party is a criminal facing charges from all quarters, tough to run for the highest office and claim you are qualified for the job. ‘Tis the bed you made… 🤷‍♂️
How is Trump’s rape trial going, did that start this week? Still reeling from 34 felony counts in Manhattan. The Georgia election fraud case should be heating up soon, same w Jack Smith special counsel investigation(s). When the leader of your party is a criminal facing charges from all quarters, tough to run for the highest office and claim you are qualified for the job. ‘Tis the bed you made… 🤷‍♂️

Trollin, trollin, trollin, Rawhide!!

Statement from President Donald J. Trump on Joe Biden’s Announcement​

April 24, 2023
You could take the five worst presidents in American history, and put them together, and they would not have done the damage Joe Biden has done to our Nation in just a few short years. Not even close.

Thanks to Joe Biden’s socialist spending calamity, American families are being decimated by the worst inflation in half a century. Banks are failing. Our currency is crashing and the dollar will soon no longer be the world standard, which will be our greatest defeat in over 200 years. Real wages have been falling 24 months in a row—in other words, under Biden, workers have gotten a PAY CUT each and every month for two straight years. We have surrendered our energy independence, just like we surrendered in Afghanistan, which we had just a short time ago—and the price of gasoline just hit a 5-month high, and it’s going much higher than that.

Under my leadership, we had the most secure border in U.S. history, by far. Never had a border like this. Under Biden, the Southern Border has been abolished—and millions of illegal aliens have been released into our communities. What’s happening now is beyond belief. They’re coming in from mental institutions and prisons. They are all being emptied. They are being dumped into the United States of America. Many of these people are very dangerous, they are being dumped. We are like a dumping ground. Our cities have been overrun with homelessness, drug addicts, and violent criminals, who are being released from jail in mass with no retribution whatsoever, while law enforcement is weaponized against law-abiding conservatives or Republicans, or people they just don’t like. Our children are being indoctrinated and mutilated by left-wing freaks and zealots. The senior ranks of our military have gone completely woke, and our military is suffering greatly.

Biden has totally humiliated our Nation on the world stage—starting with the Afghanistan disaster, perhaps the most embarrassing event in the history of our country. It meant so much to our enemies when they watched that horrible retreat. Russia is teaming up with China. Iran is days away from a nuclear bomb—not even thinkable. Ukraine has been devastated by an invasion that would never, ever have happened if I was president—and Joe Biden has led us to the very brink of World War III. They say Trump was right about everything. Well, I’m not predicting World War III, but I will say this: we’re very close and they’re only talking about nuclear weapons.

On top of it all, Biden is the most corrupt president in American history—and that’s not even close. Nobody can believe what’s going on, with again no retribution whatsoever.

With such a calamitous and failed presidency, it is almost inconceivable that Biden would even think of running for reelection. You know what happened in the last election: they cheated, and they rigged the election. But I promise you this: when I stand on that debate stage and compare our records, it will be Radical Democrats’ worst nightmare because there’s never been a record as bad as they have, and our country has never been through so much. There has never been a greater contrast between two successive administrations in all of American history. Ours being greatness, and theirs being failure.

With your support in the election, we will defeat Joe Biden in 2024. We will rescue our economy. We will crush inflation. We will stop the invasion on our southern border. We will restore our Nation’s dignity. And we will prevent World War III from happening. Together, we will all Make America Great Again! Thank you.
How is Trump’s rape trial going, did that start this week? Still reeling from 34 felony counts in Manhattan. The Georgia election fraud case should be heating up soon, same w Jack Smith special counsel investigation(s). When the leader of your party is a criminal facing charges from all quarters, tough to run for the highest office and claim you are qualified for the job. ‘Tis the bed you made… 🤷‍♂️
Don't you have communist things to do?
Don't you have communist things to do?

I know it irks you MAGAs that patriotic Americans of all walks of life aren't willing to lay down and allow far-right Christofascists to destroy America. Chaps your hide, does it? Think back to the seventies and eighties, when Republicans were more in line with what most Americans envisioned for this nation. Be more like that. It would be a good place to start.
Trollin, trollin, trollin, Rawhide!!

MAGAs, individually and collectively…all together now:

“He didn’t do it, but if he did do it, it isn’t a crime, and if it is a crime, it isn’t that bad, and if it is that bad, everyone does it, and if everyone doesn’t do it, what about Hunter’s laptop?”

What a way to go through life. 🤷‍♂️
I know it irks you MAGAs that patriotic Americans of all walks of life aren't willing to lay down and allow far-right Christofascists to destroy America. Chaps your hide, does it? Think back to the seventies and eighties, when Republicans were more in line with what most Americans envisioned for this nation. Be more like that. It would be a good place to start.
You are not a "patriotic American". You are a communist POS.
Christofascists? Did you learn that word from the view? Back in the 70s that word described Democrats.
MAGAs, individually and collectively…all together now:

“He didn’t do it, but if he did do it, it isn’t a crime, and if it is a crime, it isn’t that bad, and if it is that bad, everyone does it, and if everyone doesn’t do it, what about Hunter’s laptop?”

What a way to go through life. 🤷‍♂️
I love how the left has completely rebranded "Fascist" when the economic philosophy of fascism is almost EXACTLY aligned to liberal economic principal.
I love how the left has completely rebranded "Fascist" when the economic philosophy of fascism is almost EXACTLY aligned to liberal economic principal.

They're the very definition of fascist with splashes of communism.

It gives me a chuckle when the little turds start spewing off the fascist lingo.
You are not a "patriotic American". You are a communist POS.
Christofascists? Did you learn that word from the view? Back in the 70s that word described Democrats.
He's a Transamerican. That's when you're a citizen of another country but identify/pretend that you're actually American. It's best just to let him/her have that little fantasy, before he gets too angry and goes into a school and shoots it up just like his/her other tranny buddies.
How is Trump’s rape trial going, ....?
Is mind-rape a thing? If so, you may also have a case against Trump.
How is Trump’s rape trial going, did that start this week? Still reeling from 34 felony counts in Manhattan. The Georgia election fraud case should be heating up soon, same w Jack Smith special counsel investigation(s). When the leader of your party is a criminal facing charges from all quarters, tough to run for the highest office and claim you are qualified for the job. ‘Tis the bed you made… 🤷‍♂️
Don lemon is that really you?
He's a Transamerican. That's when you're a citizen of another country but identify/pretend that you're actually American. It's best just to let him/her have that little fantasy, before he gets too angry and goes into a school and shoots it up just like his/her other tranny buddies.
Why you trying to gender identify it. Shame shame.
Think back to the seventies and eighties, when Republicans were more in line with what most Americans envisioned for this nation.
So were the Democrats back then.
I know it irks you MAGAs that patriotic Americans of all walks of life aren't willing to lay down and allow far-right Christofascists to destroy America. Chaps your hide, does it? Think back to the seventies and eighties, when Republicans were more in line with what most Americans envisioned for this nation. Be more like that. It would be a good place to start.
To be fair Tibs...
It would also be a much better country if the Democrat's agenda went back to the 70's and 80's...hell even back to the days of Chilly Billy!..

It wasn't perfect... but at least it wasn't promoting and driving horrendous policies and a culture that cannot sustain peace and prosperity, not only this country but around the world..
I know it irks you MAGAs that patriotic Americans of all walks of life aren't willing to lay down and allow far-right Christofascists to destroy America. Chaps your hide, does it? Think back to the seventies and eighties, when Republicans were more in line with what most Americans envisioned for this nation. Be more like that. It would be a good place to start.
would you rather Muslims destroy the country?
seems your beloved Democratic Party is rapidly embracing the Muslim religion. Except for when it comes to their own individual beliefs. Then they revert/default to Christianity.

I guess I can see how advanced the Muslim countries are as far as tech and engineering are, as well as leading the way in individual freedoms. The LGBTQOGRE community would certainly thrive in such an environment, would it not?

you come back and again go into abrasive comments. get too big for your rock? maybe there's another you can slither beneath.