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The real difference between the liberal mind and the conservative mind


You may worship me
Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score
Trampa, FL
copied from elsewhere...

Ever wonder why we are so divided? How a single issue can be seen from two completely different viewpoints? The answer lies in how our brains process risk.

Liberals consistently use a part of the insula to process risk, this a region of the brain associated with perception of one’s own feelings. Liberal brains experience risk as a problem to be solved.

Conservatives consistently use the amygdala to process risk. This region is associated with gut feelings and fight or flight responses. Risk is assessed as a threat with a potential reward.

In today’s world, liberals have convinced the masses that every problem can be solved with reasoning. For example, liberals see terrorism as something we can solve with reason and inclusion, conservatives see terrorism as something we should reject and resist.

Both views have value in solving problems, however when our ancestors were faced with a problem such as, “should we run from that tiger,” the fight or flight response would win over the urge to “negotiate with it.” Natural selection would have kept the liberal brain from procreation.

So, when you argue with liberals, realize they can't control their faulty judgment, they are hard-wired to have their particular "opinion."
Maybe we need a few more tigers running around here
True, liberals think all problems can be solved by reasoning. These liberals today would have offered Hitler a box of candy and roses.

Reason with terrorists, but not the KKK or the Skinheads? Whatever the portion of the brain that keeps hypocrisy and double standards in check, they are missing it.
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These liberals today would have offered Hitler a box of candy and roses.
An interesting comparison Stewey, but let's remember historically that the conservatives of the time offered Hitler gasoline, tanks, and other weaponry while withholding those assets from our own allies and forces. meanwhile the Democratic liberals were forced to foist a false-flag operation on our own country in order to justify a war in order to combat Hitler, and get into WWII before Stalin simply won the war outright and dominated the entire Asian and Western world with the exclusion of an isolated America.

So, while I don't disagree with the difference in liberal vs conservative thinking, I suspect that your example here is tremendously faulty.
An interesting comparison Stewey, but let's remember historically that the conservatives of the time offered Hitler gasoline, tanks, and other weaponry while withholding those assets from our own allies and forces. meanwhile the Democratic liberals were forced to foist a false-flag operation on our own country in order to justify a war in order to combat Hitler, and get into WWII before Stalin simply won the war outright and dominated the entire Asian and Western world with the exclusion of an isolated America.

So, while I don't disagree with the difference in liberal vs conservative thinking, I suspect that your example here is tremendously faulty.

I'll take your word for it that what you are saying is all true, but its really not relevant to my point... my aim was only to convey the emotions and attitude of TODAYS liberal.

Today's liberal isn't the liberal of the 1940's. Hell even JFK who claimed to be liberal spoke like a conservative.
But the contradiction is that liberals are completely unreasonable and intolerant when things don't go their way.

Oh hell yeah, goes without saying.

Trump being elected is by far the most clear cut evidence of liberal intolerance and being unreasonable ever on display. From the liberal media all the way down to the protesting snowflakes at your local college.
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True, liberals think all problems can be solved by reasoning. These liberals today would have offered Hitler a box of candy and roses.

Reason with terrorists, but not the KKK or the Skinheads? Whatever the portion of the brain that keeps hypocrisy and double standards in check, they are missing it.
That is the most interesting quote of the week considering that Trump uses Hitler speech patterns and lives on othering people (classic Hitler technique) and is engaged in at bare minimum placating Putin. That is some roll on the ground, laugh my *** off Bullshit right there. Delusional.
But the contradiction is that liberals are completely unreasonable and intolerant when things don't go their way.


The key difference is honestly common sense. Liberals will be quick to reason with foreign enemies all in the name of global unity. But will not hesitate to throw their own country under the bus and call them every vulgar/threat known to man. I'm one all for equality, unity etc. Sometimes ya gotta realize not everyone shares those beliefs, and that's fine. I'll gladly move on and go about my day with as little drama as I can. Liberals will whine, pout, riot, loot and act in frustration every which way possible.

Well if you can't see that, I cannot say you are not intelligent. Just unknowledgeable. Yeah, pretty clearly he borrowed some pretty clear ideas from. Adolph. Appeal to nationalism, other a few specific groups on a society to blame them for complex difficulties, appeal to emotion and gut logic, blame the beurocracy for inefficiencies that are inherent in democracies, most importantly claim that he alone has the answers and can fix these huge problems. Oh and appeal to fear and overemphasized the problems as deeper than they are. And let's throw in repetition of simple but powerful slogans. So yeah really it is.
But the contradiction is that liberals are completely unreasonable and intolerant when things don't go their way.

Because they are so sure that they are correct and morally superior that when reality conflicts with their world view then it is reality that has to change.
That is the most interesting quote of the week considering that Trump uses Hitler speech patterns and lives on othering people (classic Hitler technique) and is engaged in at bare minimum placating Putin. That is some roll on the ground, laugh my *** off Bullshit right there. Delusional.

Typical leftist innuendo. That was beyond lame.
Now we're down to criticizing his speech patterns. So what if he shares the same "speech patterns" . Hitler the nationalist talked about making "Germany Great Again" by eliminating Jews, breeding a superior race of Germans and eugenics , and conquering Europe.

Yeah, and Trump the nationalist speaks of making America Great Again exactly the same way. Speech patterns my ***. Get the **** out of here.

And who are those that talk about conquering Europe these days? That's right Islamists. Those that you liberals are so quick to be apologists for.

Check out their speech patterns why don't you.
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You stated that liberals would never have stood up to Hitler. You elected a guy who speaks in many of the same ways. Fortunately, it's still a Republic as we will all see in about an hour.
Lol "speech patterns"...hey Sask, why don't you find out if Trump likes sauerkraut and wiener schnitzel....that'll prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Trump is Hitler.
Well if you can't see that, I cannot say you are not intelligent. Just unknowledgeable. Yeah, pretty clearly he borrowed some pretty clear ideas from. Adolph. Appeal to nationalism, other a few specific groups on a society to blame them for complex difficulties, appeal to emotion and gut logic, blame the beurocracy for inefficiencies that are inherent in democracies, most importantly claim that he alone has the answers and can fix these huge problems. Oh and appeal to fear and overemphasized the problems as deeper than they are. And let's throw in repetition of simple but powerful slogans. So yeah really it is.
yeah, because wanting your own country to prosper and its' citizens to do well is Hiteresque.

you ******* amaze me.
No you ****** amaze me cause that is what you get out of it. Enjoy Obama care. All the winning starts when?
The problem is then compounded by the fact liberals suck at reasoning.

Instead of reasoning with the tiger to stay on his side of the river, then killing any tiger that crosses it, the liberal asks the tiger not to cross that line then asks him if there is anything he can do to make his children less tasty to him and therefore not tempt the tiger to feed on them. He also insist on calling it Tegro and then later an Indian-Ameri-cat.
Well if you can't see that, I cannot say you are not intelligent. Just unknowledgeable. Yeah, pretty clearly he borrowed some pretty clear ideas from. Adolph. Appeal to nationalism, other a few specific groups on a society to blame them for complex difficulties, appeal to emotion and gut logic, blame the beurocracy for inefficiencies that are inherent in democracies, most importantly claim that he alone has the answers and can fix these huge problems. Oh and appeal to fear and overemphasized the problems as deeper than they are. And let's throw in repetition of simple but powerful slogans. So yeah really it is.

Were you asleep for the prior 8 years.

1. Let me give you a quote. See if you can guess who said it:

generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on Earth

2. Have you ever run for office? This is true and, bothered me when folks talked about The Big O's arrogance....You, pretty much, HAVE to believe you are the best person to fix/change things or why would you run for the office or try to convince people to vote for you? that doesn't make sense, to me, anyway.

Not for nothing, but can you, honestly, say that the massive bureaucracies that inundate the federal government are NOT a problem? if you think so, that is more than unknowledgeable.
While it is true that Trump, in his campaign, relied heavily upon American nationalism and you DO make some interesting points in your comparison of Trump to Hitler, you fail utterly to make the comparison historically of pre-WWII Germany and the American landscape today. Germany was decimated financially and in terms of morale after WWI. The people were downtrodden in the extreme. America on the other hand, is one of the most successful economic countries on the planet. Admittedly, WE don't necessarily see it that way, but in truth, Americans are far and away among the wealthiest and best cared for people in the world.

Hitler's rise to power was aided greatly by a German people in dire need of a leader who could give them back some self worth and dignity. Who could help them understand how they'd been so thoroughly trounced in WWI. You have to remember, not only did they lose, but they were widely regarded as the villains. This was a powerful blow on the collective psyche of the country and many of the people had a difficult time facing defeat. They wanted to believe that they'd been betrayed from within by the economic and manufacturing arms of the country who gave out before the fighting men and women. Thus when Hitler came along and turned Germany into the well-oiled manufacturing war machine that it became and further gave the people a likely scapegoat for their earlier failures, the jewish business class and bankers who had ultimately betrayed them in their earlier time of need and truly just before their greatest victory, well it was easy enough to turn ordinary people into head-turning ignorants who could look the other way at the very least.

Now Trump is in a different position. America is less financially down-trodden, less militarily beaten than it is corrupt, scandalized and bloated on it's own corporate scheming. Trump simply took advantage of the common man's growing disgust with how our political system has begun to fail us more and more. By pointing out the "swamp" as he so elegantly called it, he spoke to the masses who are tired of the glad-handing and me-first attitude of our senators and congress leaders. Can he accomplish anything? Perhaps, perhaps not. But the fact that a complete non-politician was elected to our highest office, unseating a career stooge with a gigantic lead in the polls speaks volumes.

True, confounded liberals everywhere are shocked, dismayed and up in arms about Trumps election. But a quiet and overwhelming group of voters is still completely sick of the charade of American politics. And the continuing theatrics performed nightly by our "news professionals" does nothing to help us develop a respect or appreciation for their reporting OR our leadership. There is very little hope at this time for American leadership going forward. I seriously doubt this country will ever find a leader that can begin to unite the people ever again. At this point the intolerance of the press and the public toward our public offices has reached a tipping point that likely can never be reversed. It would do little good to attempt to enforce laws about threatening the president or senators or congress ever again. How could we possibly expect our citizenry to respect our leadership when our own press open mocks them on public television?

The irony is. people particularly liberals, want to blame this on Trump. Truly it's the millennials and their complete lack of self control and respect that have brought about this predicament. They've destroyed their own country.
Othering is when instead of us and we, it becomes us and them. It isn't us. It's them. The others. We are great. They are the problem.
Wig I will read your post closely later. On the surface seems very well thought out. Just on the surface I might argue that while conditions in the US and Germany are vastly different you wouldn't know that from Trump. He basically makes it sound like the worst time in US history and the world even though like 50 million people died in WW2.